...for the children of the earth

Tuesday 2 January 2018

2nd January 2018 Full Moon in Cancer, 3rd January 2018 Uranus turns direct

Hi everyone!
Happy New Year!  Here’s the top of the mountain! 
Just breathe it in:  Fresh air!
Can you feel the fresh air rushing in as we set out on this new year of accessing our highest potential,  finding and climbing our own personal mountain? Maybe not just yet as we are emerging from a major recovery period, renewing, regenerating and letting go of a whole lot of energies from more than just the past month or year. 
Changes in the social and economic landscape ahead:
However, this year marks a distinct change in the wider landscape of our personal lives and of the collective experience of the nature of reality as the slower moving planets shift gears taking us into a whole new game plan. 
Shifting gears of the slow moving planets:  It’s a global shift!
We’ve already had Jupiter move into Scorpio and Saturn move into Capricorn. Now this year we have Chiron, the centaur and co-ruler of Virgo move into Aries after 6 years in Pisces.  This moves the healing focus from the watery energies of the collective unconscious into the fiery ‘I am’ energies of the masculine warrior leader, Aries. 
From fighting for our lives to being ignited by a love for the earth!
Then in May we get a big shift as Uranus, the lightning striker awakener moves from Aries into earthy Taurus.  We’ve had 7 years of Uranus agitating our fighting instincts and calling us to evolve our consciousness from the old war mongering energies into something that is a divine energy where we can be ourselves without excuses and without having to fight the world. 
Wake ups about the earth. our love for the earth and our place here!
In Taurus, Uranus is going to activate a deeper love for Mother Earth and could well produce some wake ups as to what is actually happening to our earth and our role in its evolution, growth and protection.  Many people are already moving house/home but more could do so in/after May looking for a piece of earth which they can call home, where they belong.
This New Year is off to a dynamic New Year’s Eve/Day which will be resting in the warmth and emotional security of the Full Moon in Cancer bathing us in its light from about 31st December.
Happy New Year 2018:  Let’s talk, let’s connect, let’s learn and understand!  
Cosmic messages and alignment with planetary direction!
The New Year opens with a Gemini moon with Mercury in Sagittarius its opposite sign.  These two signs have been significant last year and especially in December 2017.  We start the year talking. connecting and with the desire for a unification of the world energies.  This is a flavour that is carrying through for the coming year.  Communication with the divine mother across the planet.
30th December to 1st January:  
Mercury in a positive connection with the North Node of the Moon in Leo
Talk about divine alignment!  Yes!  Mercury’s coming in with divine messages from the cosmos and it’s taking us to our ‘path of heart’ which is the Leo message.  The Leo North Node of the moon is an active force in this coming year with two eclipses in the sign of Leo.  Let’s stay with this day, week, moment in time and feel the JOY of life flooding into our mental bodies clearing the mind of worry, fear, pain and heartache.  Let’s stay hopeful and trusting of ourselves, our place in the universe and our entitlement to a divine life! 
1st January:   Effective from 27th December to 5th January
Jupiter in square/challenge to the Moon’s North Node  
17 degrees Scorpio/15 degrees Leo  
Another nodal connection signalling our alignment with planetary evolution and through soul star chakra!
2nd January:  Full Moon in Cancer at 11 degrees 38 Cancer at 1.24 pm AEDT  Supermoon
It’s all emotion!  ‘We are coming home!’
What a way to start the new year with a Full Moon in Cancer, sign of the divine mother, home, family, ancestors and emotional security.
It’s a Supermoon with a big message for us all:  
The divine feminine is here!
The moon will appear larger than usual as it is in closer proximity to the earth.  That’s a big cosmic message to us all with the Full Moon being the most powerful time of the lunar month.  The fact that it is a Cancerian moon adds even more weight to its message as Cancer is ruled by the Moon and is the divine feminine, divine mother energy.
Memories galore but we can handle it:  Help is on hand!
Cancer and the Moon rule the past, ancestors and memories so the Cancer Full Moon can be bigger than Ben Hur emotionally!  But It’s ok! 
Physically and emotionally comforting:  Bake bread, rest!
The line up of planetary energy in Capricorn along with the Sun will help to ground those emotions into practical physical reality.  Balance emotional nourishing activities with physical activity.
The Grand Water Trine:  Full Moon, Neptune and Mars/Jupiter!
And....Neptune’s here tuning in with the moon along with Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio!  It’s called a Grand Water Trine!  That means ‘flow’ energy...easy, just float!
Neptune offers new perspectives on old emotions:  Accept the uplift!
This divine feminine energy is infusing us all with a love and emotional security which includes all being supported by the higher spiritual energies of Neptune which is sitting on 11 degrees Pisces.  This Neptune energy in a flowing positive connection to the Full Moon elevates the consciousness of the emotional, the subconscious, the psychic energies which arise at a Full Moon.

Time to rise above the emotional confusion, insecurity, doubt and fear of the past year:  
It’s over!  Relax and smile into 2018!

Emotions are bigger and more powerful during full moon times, their impact personally depending on our natal chart blueprint for this lifetime. And as we all know, it can be the emotions arising seemingly from out of nowhere which can take us into ‘overwhelm’, reactive rather than responsive behaviours.  However, this Full Moon offers us the chance to rise above feelings of doubt, fear and insecurity which are often the hallmark of the Cancerian energy.
Regenerative healing powers at work on our physical bodies and higher consciousness:  Floating and feeling your heart, hearing its voice!
Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio are right in there with this Grand Trine bringing welcome relief to the emotionally healing processes occurring in our physical bodies.  Higher consciousness is pouring into the cells of our physical being, into our life force and restoring energetic templates to support our movement forward this year. 
Accept the regeneration and resist Capricorn’s temptation to ‘make it happen’ and now! 
There’s nothing we need do but accept that it’s still time to rest, to play with ideas and possibilities, plans and projects without trying to pin it all down.  We’ll be starting to do that after the 11th January when Mercury moves out of shadow and into Capricorn.  Meanwhile keep the Capricorn energies happy with exploring plans, ideas and expansive thinking about creating physical and financial security in a whole new way.  Innovative pathways and unique solutions are the key!
A powerful presence of Capricorn energy:  
The Sun supported by Saturn, Lilith, Venus and Pluto!  Grounding the emotional energies!
The Capricorn Sun directly opposite the Full Moon is a grounding presence helping us to experience the earth in all her power and glory.  There’s a strong line up of planetary energies in Capricorn. a ‘stellium’ of planets which give added weight to the message of the Full Moon.
Cancer and Capricorn:  Establishing security within our beings and in our lives on earth!
What a blessed full moon coming in so close to new year and with so many amazing planetary events supporting our emergence from the entanglements and karmic burdens of the past. We’re preparing a whole new way of living our lives but we’re just beginning.
Cancer is concerned with establishing emotional security and everything
connected with that security including a place to call home, a feeling of being nurtured and loved with what we recognise as the unconditional love of  ‘mother’ love. We are human and we are learning to be our own best ‘mother’, to embrace the ‘mothering’ energy within us and love ourselves unconditionally so that we can feel the safety and sense of security at all times.  Home is where the heart is!
We’re coming home to our inner sanctuary!
Capricorn is focussed on establishing physical security which includes
accessing the financial security that offers us a place of physical comfort in our world.  However, metaphysically, Capricorn is the call to be the best we can be outside competitive urges set up by the benchmarks of our society. 
Capricorn energy is a powerful force for manifesting on the physical level of our lives.  As we work with this magical earth energy, we’re transforming the dominating forces of the patriarchal energies which lost their way from the protective father and became the dictatorial rule makers of our society.   We need mother/father energies working together in love and equity.  This Full Moon is a superb start in this direction. 
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, Lord of Karma, our magical wizard of authority and the great teacher of spiritual mastery.  He is a big player in the coming year or two and is right in there at this Full Moon sitting on the first degree of Capricorn following on from:
Lilith  6 degrees
Venus 9 degrees
The Sun at 11 degrees
Pluto at 18 degrees
Yes:  3 Supermoons in a row this month! The inner receptive feminine energy is powering up our intuition and inner consciousness!
One in December and now three in January gives a profound message of the moon power that is ushering in since the end of 2017.  The moon is the feminine energy and she is leading the way through this first month of the year telling all to listen to that intuitive inner knowing, that gut instinct, those dream messages that speak to us from the past, from the unconscious.
Contrary to the following article, the ‘Blue Moon’ listed for January is not correct for AEDT as the Full Moon at the end of this month actually occurs on 1st February early that morning.  See web link below for moon phases and times. 
You can put in your own location/time zone and get your own personal calendar for the year.  This website includes info on eclipses.
Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon in Cancer:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Full moon:  Cancer 12
This Symbol shows someone who is young or inexperienced but is more possessed of greatness than might at first be apparent. Like the woman nursing this child, being able to recognize brilliance, truth and beauty in others, or in your own self, can bring many rewards. There is often the sense that someone’s an ‘old soul’, even though they’re young in years or experience, ahead of their time or have talents beyond the norm. Dane Rudhyar said of this degree: 'The promise to all men that God may take birth within their souls.' Good nourishment and care will nourish this great potential. Nurturing innocence and the selfless rewards it can bring. Reincarnation. Unique and special talents recognized. Indigo children. Monks and the Dalai Lama. Knowledge.

Sun: Capricorn 12
This degree shows the ability to observe things that other people would miss. You can be an example to others for understanding the wonders of nature, weaving together issues to form a story, to “Lecture”, to inform others. Often, there’s a special talent around natural and alternative issues and it may be your job to show the way or to teach about nature or medicine or herbs, etc. Too much weigh has been given to the artificial needs of society and it’s time to redress the balance. Practical applications of knowledge can help people better understand. Revealing the truth can lead to wonder and awe, but also disbelief, it depends on how it’s delivered. Observing and translating so others may enjoy. Green politics. Natural remedies. Science and its rewards and drawbacks. Whistle blowers. Conspiracy theories. Workshops.
3rd January:  
Uranus stations/turns direct in Aries at 24 degrees 34 Aries
Wake up everyone! 
A kickstart for the new year:  Ideas, options, fire and drive!
How’s this for a kickstart to the new calendar year, coming in on the heels of the Full Moon in Cancer! We’ve been waking up across the planet but this next 5 months of Uranus travelling through Aries before a step into Taurus for a few months is a clear message about being awakened to new potentials which can now be planted in the energies of the Capricorn earth power. It’s been 2 steps forward, one step back for so long that it’s felt like an exercise in futility to exert any energy except on healing our life force. We needed to get some clarity and let go of some red herrings.
Our fire, drive and new ideas returning:  
Be open and always with Uranus, expect the unexpected!
If ever there was a time to make some decisions, some commitments and resolve to follow through, these energies this week are lining up for us all to do just that. We will want to act on this energy as Aries fires up the engines but the ‘acting’ may be in the preparation, research, expansion of what new and exciting possibilities are coming forward.
New solutions to old problems start to come forward:  
More clarity and excitement building after 11th January!
Uranus is all about leading edge, innovation and change and he’s had us jumping about now for quite a few years in response to his wake up calls. we are now in a position this year to set things in motion.  The Capricorn energies are backing us all the way.
Uranus firing us from the Full moon onwards:
Uranus is a player in the planetary shifts this week coming in after the moon comes to fullness.  One minute we’re bathed in the emotional healing waters of the Grand Full Moon trine and a couple of days later we’re being fired with new energy and a release from spiritual wounds that have been resistant to change.  It’s like we’re being blasted out of collective pain and suffering.  This may well be a foretaste of what’s to come in March/April when Chiron moves from Pisces to Aries. More on this later.
An amazing week for this New Year of 2018! 
Divine healing, fiery clearing and a reboot of consciousness to the big picture!
5th to 9th January: 
Uranus in Aries in a positive trine connection to Mercury...Wow!
24 degrees Aries/Sagittarius
Sudden insights and divine messages from higher consciousness and the universe as we open our minds to the new game plan of our lives.  It may be just an inkling, a little chink of light of understanding, a new beginning.  Keep an open mind without trying to pin anything down just yet.  Make mental plans, explore possible blueprints, enjoy the moment of excitement that comes with a mental breakthrough.
Chiron on 24 degrees is in the fiery breakthrough energy of Uranus!
It’s a cosmic set up!
With Chiron still sitting on 24 degrees until mid January, we’ve got a big opening here for the collective unconscious and a emotional/spiritual clearing of so much for us as individuals finding our new feet, new voice and new direction.  What a set up!
7th to 9th January: 
Mars and Jupiter a divine meeting and reboot of body, fire and drive!
These two planets enter the new year in close connection in Scorpio taking us through the Full Moon in Cancer and meeting up 7th to 9th January. Mars is being transformed and accessing the big picture as Jupiter leads him through this first week.
Higher consciousness activates the healing process of the physical body!
It’s healing for our fire, drive and physical body.  Be open to the healing energies of Scorpio clearing up a whole stack of buried energies and transmuting them with the help of Jupiter’s fire.  And Jupiter loves fireworks and bonfires!  Burn, baby burn!
Golden Oldies:
‘What the World Needs Now” Dionne Warwick https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cW8Alo_5uI
‘Let it Be’ The Beatles with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFmV46BMqiQ  Cancer Full Moon, divine mother/family

Upcoming Dates:
Coming up next week and in the next update:
9th January:  Sun, Pluto, Venus meet at 19 degrees Capricorn
11th January:  Mercury comes out of shadow retrograde at 29 degrees Sagittarius and moves into Capricorn
11th January:  Mercury comes out of shadow retrograde at 29 degrees Sagittarius
11th January:  Mercury enters Capricorn
17th January 2018 1.17 pm AEDT New Moon in Capricorn 26 degrees 54 Capricorn
18th January:  Venus enters Aquarius
19th January:   Sun enters Aquarius
Hugs all around! We’re on a roll of the wave, of the dice, of the cosmos! 
And we are as one even as we are unique!  Amazing!
The tone of 2018 is one of establishing stability and new foundations, building connections with others and demonstrating spiritual mastery in the physical realm. It’s never been any different from the beginning of time. 
But now, many hindrances and blockages to our growth have been and will continue to be cleared away as our resolution to fulfil our potential as spiritual beings in a physical body keeps us on track and grows us into new ways of living.
Love and blessings my comrades, friends and partners across the world as we increasingly come together in the year ahead to hold new energy, build new energy both energetically and physically.  It’s our time to set the mood, set the tone, set the example through our strength and courage in showing our own vulnerability, accepting our own frailties and fragilities as well as our strengths and the truth of who we are.
We are all learning to walk the path of humility with a confidence that we are humans and we are a part of the melting pot of humanity.
There is no room for gurus, people on pedestals, dependencies or interdependencies which keep us confined by feelings of inferiority or worthlessness.  We’re breaking down the benchmarks and burning the rule books which have held us in the matrix of confinement.  The passion of the spiritual warrior who seeks family and connection through the power of love is the only principle which carries us forward. 
from the chair...laughing again!
It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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