...for the children of the earth

Friday 22 December 2017

22nd December 2017 Sun moves into Capricorn, Solstice, 23rd December Mercury turns direct, 23rd December, Venus moves into Capricorn


Hi everyone!
Well it’s certainly been a major wind up with major planetary downloads and gear changes this past week, month, year!
We’ve just said goodbye to the last day of Sun in Sagittarius. It's been quite a rocky solar month with so much higher consciousness on offer challenging all those old energies which have been resistant to change.

Maybe you felt it in your physical body as waves of light challenged the memory banks held in our cells, triggered by all manner of irrational fears, doubts or insecurities.

My rule of thumb is when the fears etc. are irrational and can't be pinned down to childhood or this lifetime, they're coming from some deep karmic 'wounds' that we're clearing. I speak from my experience and what works for me.

Personally, I find the heat a huge 'trigger' as irrational fears from other times and realities come to the surface. So I'm recovering from the past few days of heat as the cool change came in this morning.

The next few days promises to take us through even more as we move into the December solar gateway from Sagittarius to Capricorn.
The Solstice ‘doorway’:  Sun moving into Capricorn at 3.28 am AEDT
The Sun moves into Capricorn at 3.28 am AEDT on 22nd December. This movement of the sun marks the December Solstice. In the Southern Hemisphere it's the summer solstice and the Northern Hemisphere has the winter solstice.

We come into a seasonal/light balancing act for that day signifying the culmination, turning point of one season to another.  We’re talking Science and ancient earth traditions which acknowledge the changes in the light and the seasons.
The ancient people worked with the cosmos, the Sun, Moon and Stars acknowledging the cycles of change and working with them as seasonal messages of active, growing times and times of rest and waiting times.
And it was the ancient people who worked with the cosmos giving meaning and interpretations to the planetary bodies which we know as Astrology.  It’s not an ‘exact’ science but then science isn’t exact as new information is constantly changing our view of the nature of reality, of matter and of life on earth and ‘out there’. 
22nd December:  Sun enters Capricorn at 3.28 am AEDT
Set your sights on that mountain!
Until 20th January

It’s a new time:  Time to accept our spiritual authority on earth!
The Sun’s entry to Capricorn is a call to us to start working with our powers of manifestation on the earthly realm.  We are the dreamers, the ‘imagineers’ who through building our visions in the esoteric realm and our higher mind, are able to bring such dreams into our earthly existence.  For many years, lifetimes we’ve been working on the refinement of these skills and our faith in the process. 
Powerful time for bringing dreams to earth: 
This year is particularly powerful for bringing us into a reinforcement of our gifts for bringing dreams to earth.  This is primarily because of Saturn’s entry into Capricorn for the next 2 and a half years.  Yes, 2 and a half years, not 3 as previously stated on my updates. I just got a bit carried away with rounding up. Smile 
Saturn and the Sun:  More power, strength and support!

When the Sun enters Capricorn, Saturn will be sitting on the same degree waiting for the Sun to birth us into new solar energy.  Without doubt Saturn is our greatest friend and ally in the coming years and if we are ready, willing and trusting of this great power of Saturn, we’re in for a magical ride. 
Bringing ideas and possibilities into manifestation!
The next solar month is very much keeping us on track with bringing so many ideas and possibilities together at least mentally.  Taking time to ruminate on a possible scheme and how that will work without trying to pin it down too much is  a very worthwhile exercise.  Sometimes, when we write it down we start fixing it into a format which can be restrictive.  Doesn’t have to be so but it starts coming into physical existence when we write it down. It is a personal exercise in what works or doesn’t work for you.

Capricorn’s call to access our highest potential: 
It starts now with the Sun and Saturn in Capricorn meeting today on the solstice!
Divine alignment:  
Who are you and what is your ‘brief’ this lifetime?  
Working life and spiritual alignment...where are we?
Capricorn brings our attention to our career, working life, income and finding success in a chosen field.  We access gifts and talents to express them in the world.  We generally prefer to work at something which expands our capacities to be a successful earth being.
Getting off the treadmill:  Yet how many people in the world are working merely to access the financial return which supports them in their lives, regardless of where they are in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Judging by health, wellbeing, mental stress statistics, we have a lot of people who are ‘sick’ of the work they do, unfilled creatively and spiritually.
Capricorn calls us to our own unique mountain:  
It’s the physical manifestation and alignment with our spiritual brief!
We can only start with ourselves, addressing our ‘spiritual brief’ this lifetime, our focus for evolving from living a treadmill existence which lacks the joy of creative growth and expansion.  The spiritual ‘brief’ is what our focus is for this lifetime as a being of spiritual evolution.  The challenge is ‘marrying’ a career path and a spiritual path.  This is the beginning of a time whilst Saturn is in Capricorn when we can bring it all together.
It’s a time of divine alignment:  
Bringing work and spirit together for the restructuring of our world!
I imagine that the next couple of years many people will be feeling the pressure to jump off the treadmill of thinking and living ‘hard’ work.  Saturn is not difficult if we are prepared to access our spiritual authority and take the step by step approach.  

Capricorn is about dedication, devotion, commitment and willingness to follow through with bringing those energies into our physical lives.  Work is not ‘hard’ if you’re feeling the full Capricorn ‘effect’, finding a personal sense of respect and fulfilment in the work you choose to do.  We only get burnout when we overdo, we stay too long in a lacklustre situation when we need some new stimulation.
23rd December:  
Mercury stations/turns direct in Sagittarius at 13 degrees at 12.51 pm AEDT
Until 22nd March 2018 Next retrograde
11th January: Mercury moves out of shadow and into Capricorn
Art:  Masood Rangrazan
Here we come out of the Mercury labyrinth of mental makeover!  Our Sagittarian horses are bringing our new thinking into our earthly realm. It might not be immediately clear what messages they’re bringing in for us. 
It’s been a galactic makeover bringing higher consciousness:
But it won’t be too long as Mercury starts moving forwards again bringing realisations as he crosses over those degrees from 13 to 26 Sagittarius where we’ve been cleaning up some thinking and mindsets.
Revamped, upgraded and renewed: 
Are you ready to open to the new?
We’ve been upgraded in the way our minds think, the galactic energies in Sagittarius helping us to come out of the mental cesspool of collective thinking which keeps us treading old grapes of mass consciousness.  We are reaching for new ways of thinking where our minds can soar with uplifting thoughts and a higher perspective.
11th January:  Out of shadow and then into Capricorn!
Mercury moves out of shadow retrograde at 29 degrees Sagittarius!
When Mercury moves out of shadow retrograde after crossing the Galactic Centre, we’re likely to feel a huge leap forward in our understanding of all the downloads/upgrades which have been occurring.  We’ll be really ready to launch ourselves back into the new world in a new form.  Mercury will then be joining Venus, the Sun and Saturn all in Capricorn. 
Mars, our fire, drive and ruler of our physical body won’t be in Capricorn until March, the day after the New Moon in Pisces and a few days before the March Equinox. Lots more happening in March but more on that later.  We’ve got plenty to work with right now and it’s all about Mercury getting it together and working with the new insights and uplifting thinking. 
25th December:  Venus enters Capricorn at 4.25 pm AEDT
’Are you having any fun?’
Until 18th January
Attaining respect for ourselves and our mastery on earth:
Now Venus enters the Capricorn ‘party’ or should I say ‘meeting’ along with the Sun and Saturn. In Astrology, Capricorn has not been known for playful childlike energy as life is serious business with the emphasis on business and success in the world.  It’s all about achievement and reaching the top of the mountain feeling the wave of self-respect and self-esteem which we feel when we achieve something of importance and value in our lives. The respect comes from within.  
Venus in Capricorn:  Commitment to our heart’s joy!  What brings you joy?
In Astrology, Venus rules money and love as the love we have for who we are, what we do and how we feel about ourselves, our values and lives and is all reflected in the money arena.  The adage ‘do what you love and the money will follow’ is very much the theme for Venus in Capricorn, a time for setting us in the right direction at a heart level.
Time to access our Saturn authority:  Wizard power!
Making the commitment to what you love!
It can relate to work. home, family, partnership, interests, travel and of course spiritual growth and enlightenment.
Capricorn is the sign that offers enormous potential for all those who seek the perfection of divine connection with love and divine reunion at the top of the spiritual peak as it helps us practise devotion and dedication.
Clarifying heart desires and setting priorities:
This next month is just the time to get the heart focussed on how you want to live on earth and setting those priorities in line with your heart energy. Maybe take some time out in the coming weeks to acknowledge your personal goal achievements this year which made you feel respect and love for yourself.  It’s been a big year across the planet and we all just kept going with faith in ourselves and commitment to our goals.  Congratulations everyone!  We made it!
Let’s reclaim Saturn’s positive image as we move into accessing the power of this planetary force:  How about making time for some fun!
It’s interesting that Venus will be in Capricorn on Christmas Day when we consider that once upon a time Saturnalia, the festival of the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere was celebrated with the spirit of joy and thanksgiving that we know now as Christmas.   What interests me is how Saturn is now perceived as such an austere energy who is really not into what we see as joyful festivities.  Maybe this is a good time to start seeing Saturn as he was once perceived as ‘a god of generation, dissolution, plenty, wealth, agriculture, periodic renewal and liberation’.
I particularly liked the concept of Saturnalia as role reversal of rich/poor, master/servant as an expression of the festival.  And...slaves released at least for one day.  How good would it be if this happened in the present day and became the best festival of the year as it was then.
From Wikipedia on Saturnalia: 
Saturnalia was an ancient Roman festival in honour of the god Saturn, held on 17 December of the Julian calendar and later expanded with festivities through to 23 December. The holiday was celebrated with a sacrifice at the Temple of Saturn, in the Roman Forum, and a public banquet, followed by private gift-giving, continual partying, and a carnival atmosphere that overturned Roman social norms: gamblingwas permitted, and masters provided table service for their slaves.[1] The poet Catullus called it "the best of days".[2] It was the Roman equivalent to the earlier Greek holiday of Kronia, which was celebrated during the Attic month of Hekatombaion in late midsummer.

Saturn (Latin: Saturnus pronounced [saˈtʊr.nʊs]) is a god in ancient Roman religion, and a character in myth as a god of generation, dissolution, plenty, wealth, agriculture, periodic renewal and liberation. In later developments, he also came to be a god of time. His reign was depicted as a Golden Age of plenty and peace. The Temple of Saturn in the Roman Forum housed the state treasury. In December, he was celebrated at what is perhaps the most famous of the Roman festivals, the Saturnalia, a time of feasting, role reversals, free speech, gift-giving and revelry. Saturn the planet and Saturday are both named after the god.

More information, pictures on Saturnalia:
Golden Oldies:
‘From a Distance’ Christmas version Bette Midler https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_xGcJdKCf4 for one earth, many stars
‘The Good Life’ Tony Bennett https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0x3i4zvwN60 for aspirations
‘Rags to Riches’ Tony Bennett https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkefgSvI9io reframing ‘wealth’ in Capricorn
‘Are you Having any Fun?’ Flanagan and Allen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UB_RFcpRXoE  Sun and Venus in Capricorn
Sing for next 2 1/2 years for Saturn in Capricorn!
‘Are you having any Fun’ Flanagan and Allen lyrics:
Hey fellow with a million smackers
And nervous indigestion
Rich fellow, eats milk and crackers
I'll ask you one question
You silly so and so
With all your dough
Are you havin' any fun?
What y'gettin' out o' livin'?
What good is what you've got
If you're not havin' any fun?
Are you havin' any laughs?
Are you gettin' any lovin'?
If other people do,
So can you, have a little fun
After the honey's in the cone
Little bees go out and play
Even the old gray mare down home
Has got to have hay, hey!
You better have some fun
You ain't gonna live forever
Before you're old and gray, feel okay
Have your little fun, son!
Have your little fun!
Why do you work and slave and save?
Life is full of ifs and buts
You know the squirrels save and save
And what have they got, nuts!
Better have a little fun
You ain't gonna live forever
Before you're old and gray, still okay
Have your little fun, son!
Have your little fun!
Are you havin' any fun?
Lauren Gorgo’s 5D report:  Solstice:  birth of diamond consciousness
Upcoming Dates:
2nd January: Full Moon in Cancer
3rd January:  Uranus stations/turns direct
Hugs all around!
We’re all reaching and dreaming and wishing and hoping for a better world, a better life, more joy, love and fulfilment and we’re all doing it in our own particular way, accessing our unique energy and dreams.  There are many paths to enlightenment yet the spiritual goal is the same for us all. 
Once again, congratulations to us all for this past year’s commitment to living more fully in love for ourselves, others and of course our beautiful planet.  Every one of us makes a difference and we must never forget that.  The consciousness shift is expanding exponentially with more ahead for us all. 
Love and blessings my dear fellow travellers!  Such respect for us all as human beings on earth at this time.  We are united in the power of love and the desire to bring the expression of that love across the world.  Whatever it takes.
from the chair
...travelling the airwaves

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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