...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 6 December 2017

5th December 2017 Chiron stations/turns direct

Hi everyone!
Here we are on the good red road!  
Freeing the heart! The good red road calls us on!
'The red road is a modern, English-language concept of the right path of life, as inspired by some of the beliefs found in a variety of Native American spiritual teachings.'

The truth is setting us free!
We're all walking through this avenue of beauty of red inspiring the spirit of our fire and passion in our hearts.  As Venus travels through Sagittarius, we’re peeling off layers of false ideologies, prejudices and conditioning which we’ve absorbed from many lifetimes and been overlaid this lifetime.
Shedding the layers!  Divine love or bust!
Anything that has kept us separate from our divinity and the divinity that is within our humanity is up for clearing if we’re open and ready. The shedding of these energies which have brought up pain, heartache, exhaustion,
disappointment, grief, despair, resentment, anger, jealousy, hate etc. can be released with the support of the forces of light, love and unity.
We’re onto it everyone!  Getting ready for 2018 and beyond!
Venus in Sagittarius is the energy carrying us through to 25th December, igniting and expanding our hearts so we're fired to melt away the resistances and challenges of karmic and soul release.  Our desire for belonging and oneness is within us even as so many in the world are still jockeying for supremacy and power.
The triple whammy doorway post full moon!  Lost in the mists of time and cosmic travel!
Did you feel that huge dip in energy that came in following the Full Moon? 
We can thank the Supermoon Full Moon in Gemini energies along with Mercury, Gemini’s ruler, stationing/coming to a standstill to turn retrograde while he’s travelling out of bounds in new consciousness.
Along with the Mercury and the big expansive full moon energy taking us into space, we had Chiron coming to virtual standstill until she changes direction today.
Clearance of old mental energies and spiritual collective wounds:  Lethargy central!
The heaviness of the energy was palpable as so many of us doing this intense soul work felt the draining out of old darkness and consciousness from spiritual wounds from other times, places and people.  This was a big culminating energy which is still with us at least for a couple of days with the potential to continue the clearing through to Mercury’s turning direct on 23rd December. 
Trusting that we’ll gradually start to feel the energy lift as Chiron turns direct and moves on.  Plus, we have Mercury meeting with Saturn and then the Galactic Centre in just a couple of days.  This will give us a boost to clearing those energies from our mental bodies, minds and emotional bodies. 
Keeping the big picture focus will carry us through December:  
From the Full Moon in Gemini to the New Moon in Sagittarius!
New information continuing to expand our horizons!
Mercury will be challenging us to maintain our broad, big picture focus in the next couple of weeks until he moves direct on 23rd December, 5 days after the New Moon. 
He’s going to get a big boost of cosmic consciousness at the New Moon in Sagittarius on 18th December as the New Moon connects to the Galactic Centre, offering a cosmic reboot to our big picture Sagittarian crusader. We are being totally prepared for a whole new spread of energies coming into 2018.
The main thing is that we lose the ‘little’ plot, the small mind thinking and perceptions as Mercury treks back through big picture Sagittarius.  We’re discovering, rediscovering, renewing...whatever...the big picture, the big ‘plot’!  As long as we remain focussed on the big goal, direction, all will be well.
We are gathering the spiritual resources and knowledge within to set us up for Saturn in Capricorn for the next 3 years.  We need a sound platform of solid ideals and values on which to build the new world.
5th December:  Chiron stations/turns direct at 24 degrees 19 Chiron at 8.47 pm AEDT
Chiron has been sitting on this degree since the last week of October and will be on 24 degrees until mid January.  The Sabian Symbol for this degree says it all. 
We’ve been releasing massive amounts of old abuse energy:
I wrote about this in the last Full Moon Update and in previous updates.  The abuse energy has been clearing from the collective unconscious for some time and now in these past couple of months we’ve been seeing it come into public prominence with first the celebrities speaking out about the abuse in the mass media world, followed by the social media ‘me too’ campaign to raise consciousness about how many people have experienced this in their lifetime.
The release of these energies into mass consciousness is our release:  
The 'talking cure'! 
As this energy comes into consciousness in society, it is releasing from our cell memories of other times, places, realities.  All of us who have been carrying any scrap of this energy as part of our soul contract, our ‘brief’ to clear this lifetime, is being released from the pain, grief and feelings of fear, anger, disempowerment etc. which is held in our bodies, minds, hearts and spirits.  This is a major collective healing across the world. Chiron is ‘the talking cure’.
Mid January to March:  Our Chiron vessel is all ahead full rudder:
From mid January, Chiron moves relatively quickly towards the departure from Pisces in March.  We’re going to be winding up a whole lot of old emotional/spiritual wounds at a rapid pace.  Although Chiron returns to Pisces in early September for a final sweep of the collective unconscious, we’ll have a whole new focus from March.  See below for a little more on this.
In looking at the Sabian Symbol of Chiron’s station, just keep in mind that ‘priests’ can be those who hold positions of power and authority in society, not just the church.
The Sabian Symbol for Chiron’s ‘station:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Pisces 25
This shows seeing through those who hold important positions yet abuse trust or those who make great claims but don’t live up to them. At this time, you’re likely to find yourself leaving others behind, kicking them out, or experiencing falls from grace. Periodically, there is a need to examine moral and spiritual sincerity. It is easy to allow those who don't really belong to stay because of familiarity or habit. We can lose sight of the ideal through our rationalizing intellect, ego and emotive passion. There is a need to cleanse and purify your life, leading to better spiritual values. What side of the “Purging” are you on? Are you the one with the ‘right motives’? Who’s in charge? Things holding you back. Revealing the truth. Throwing out what doesn’t measure up. Dismissals and redundancies. Being a hot shot or not. Betrayal of trust. Cover ups.

So what’s ahead in 2018 to 2019 for Chiron:  Masculine warrior healing and makeover for us all!
After 6 years in Pisces, Chiron will move on to Aries in April for just a few months.  The focus for healing spiritually will shift from the unconscious collective of Pisces into the fire sign of Aries, the sign of the masculine warrior energy and our ‘I am’ presence.  We’ll have a taste of what’s to come before Chiron moves back into Pisces from 25th September to end of 2018 and into 2019. It moves very slowly so it will only move one or two degrees back into Pisces before it returns to Aries in 2019. 

In February 2019 Chiron moves to Aries until 2026.  The focus will be placed on healing our masculine warrior energy which we all carry within us as well as our sense of personal identity, whether the mask or the essence of our spiritual ‘I am’ self.

6th December:  
Mercury retrograde meets Saturn at 28 degrees 23 Sagittarius 11.05 pm AEDT...more karmic release!
Effective from 5th to 8th December
Upgrading our mental energies:  A reboot for our divine mind!
Uh oh!  Here we go again!  Another reboot of our mental operating system with more karmic clearance!  Are we ready for take off?  Not yet!
This karmic release and upgrade has the potential to take us forward in consciousness as Mercury travels deeper into the retrograde labyrinth, all the while travelling out of bounds.  Be open to new visions, new ideas and keep letting the old karmic imprints fall away.

8th December:  Mercury returns from out of bounds at 27 degrees 31 Sagittarius
You might feel a bit wobbly when Mercury returns from his journey into the cosmos.  This is the last day of Mars in Libra which is all about balance and equilibrium clearing up karmic imbalances and bringing divine justice so it’s a bit of a double barrelled energy around choosing peace, harmony balance and equilibrium as we come back to feeling more grounded mentally.  Just keep the mind open, aware and  focussed as needed.
Mercury retrograde meets and crosses the Galactic Centre ...more Crown Chakra uplift, spiritual uplift! 
Here we all are gathering at the black hole at the centre of our Milky Way Galaxy connecting with each other esoterically in the sign of expansion.

We’re in a huge communication network of Mercury energy gathering from each other in our unconscious, meditative, contemplative or dream state. 

The day after this Mars enters Scorpio bringing transformational change to our masculine fire, drive and physical bodies.  Deep emotional healing will become available to us.  More on this next weekend.

Golden oldies:
‘Only believe’ Elvis Presley  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQTCcLzrFiI for faith and courage

Upcoming Dates:
9th December:  Mars enters Scorpio
18th December:  New Moon in Sagittarius
20th December:  Saturn enters Capricorn
22nd December:  Sun enters Capricorn/December Solstice
23rd December:  Mercury stations/turns direct in Sagittarius
25th December:  Venus enters Capricorn
Hugs all around!
We’re ‘ottering’ on in love and unity or aspiring to love and unity even as we face the ‘demons’ in the world, in our hearts, minds, bodies or spirits.
The intent is all that matters and it seems more of us are coming on board the ‘good ship lollipop’, choosing unity over separation.  Our ‘band’ can only grow as people make the choice. 
Love and blessings to us all ‘on the good red road’, on the ‘good ship lollipop’.  Choose your metaphor and know we are building in the strength of truth, unity and love.  May the force be with us all.

from the chair...letting go, go, go
It’s all about love
Divine Reunion
We are one

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