...for the children of the earth

Saturday 2 December 2017

1st December 2013 Venus moves to Sagittarius,, 3rd Mercury retrograde, 4th December 2017 Full Moon in Gemini

Hi everyone!
Whew!  It’s been another big week and more on the way as the month of December continues to help us clear the decks of past limitations and karmic imprints held in the body, mind and spirit.  You may be feeling ‘how much more can I take’ for those amongst us doing deep soul work. 
Major soul cleansing across the planet:
It’s important to remind ourselves that whatever is happening, whatever we’re experiencing is our soul work this lifetime.  Whether you’re in pain or joy is irrelevant as the igniting of the purification of our soul encompasses both energies.  The soul is big energy encompassing lifetimes, myriad aspects of the self throughout time and space.
Deep integration of the higher consciousness of Sagittarius:
The Sun is in Sagittarius and our horses are keen to move forward but still being held in check for a while, renewing their energy, replenishing themselves with the nourishment of the forest shade, resting from the heat of the day.  As we rest, clear, recover we need to know that ‘the truth is setting us free’.  Sagittarius rules truth and wisdom!
Huge karmic releases: Keep letting go and hang loose!
With Saturn moving out of Sagittarius in a couple of weeks on 20th December, our horses can smell the freedom.  But...hold your horses everyone.  Wouldn’t you know it?  Mercury is turning retrograde this week until 23rd December and that will all be happening in Sagittarius.  Talk about being between a shadow and a slow lane!  Mercury going retrograde in Sagittarius is clearing a whole lot of mindsets and shifting our thinking.  We are not stuck!
We’re being kept steady for a little while longer as we recover from 2 years of Saturn in Sagittarius and readjust to Saturn moving into Capricorn.  There’s quite an energy adjustment this month which requires us to just take it easy and acclimatise to these new energies which are activating in us new directions, new desires, new visions and the urge to get moving. Hang loose, let go of the small mind control and the attachments!
1st December:  Venus moves into Sagittarius at 8.13 pm AEDT
Freeing the heart!  
The good red road calls us on!
Until  25th December
What’s been happening with Venus in Scorpio:
Venus has been undergoing a major transformation in the sign of Scorpio so if you’ve been feeling we’re uncovering deeper states of love and joy even as we dredge the bottom the ocean clearing past hurts and pains, then you’ll appreciate Venus’ shift to Sagittarius. 
Collective release of the pain and suffering of abuse energies:  
 Venus in Scorpio, Chiron in Pisces releasing wounds of sexuality!

We can thank Chiron’s trek through Pisces for the dredging of spiritual wounds and pains related to the collective and of course to us. Chiron’s been almost at a standstill as it prepares to go direct in about a week’s time.  It will still be on 24 degrees Pisces until mid January after weeks in a holding pattern.  It’s been opening up the lines of communication with Venus in Scorpio possibly bringing up much of the sexual harassment/abuse energies in the mass media and from within us.  Many of us who are working with these energies in our soul contract have been out for the count!

Mars in Libra supporting the release of deep traumas from the physical body:  
Art:  John Littleton and Kate Vogel

Equity and karmic justice will prevail!
Some of us are clearing these deep traumas as part of our soul work, karmic commitment and of course with connections in the cell memories from other places and times.  Scorpio rules sexuality, intimacy and with Venus in this sign being triggered by both Neptune and Chiron, the traumas and wounds have come up for clearing.  If you’ve been feeling it physically, then you might notice a real shift with Venus moving into Sagittarius.
Mars in Libra:  Karmic justice in our physical body, fire and drive!
Mars, ruler of our physical body and our masculine energy, has been travelling through Libra bringing up issues of karmic justice, equity and rebalancing which has taken us to releasing projections we hold from others, for others and the illusions which have blocked us from knowing the truth of ourselves.  As pedestals crash, our own and others, we let go of the expectations and benchmarks which kept the pedestal in place.  Masks and false identities held by us as a result of conditioning, societal and group norms are now releasing as the expansion of consciousness is accepted by more people. 
Venus in Sagittarius:  The truth is setting us free!
We’re about to experience a heartfelt joy as our heart energy moves out of the deep waters of Scorpio’s cleansing process and step into the potentials being offered up by Sagittarius.  Yes, Sagittarius wants a free reign or could we see a free ‘rein’ and urges Venus to cut free of those restrictions and limitations which have closed us off to the joy of a liberated heart consciousness. 
As the illusions, pretences and masks fall away, we access the divine truth:
Old patterns of relationships and memories of disappointment, grief, failure etc. are up for release if we are willing to be open hearted and to receive the divine consciousness which opens our hearts to the joy of living in optimism and harmony.  The world situation continues to break down the barriers to truth and can lead us to despair of humanity and the human condition.  It is with a concerted effort of mind and heart that we can be a liberating force for ourselves and for others. 
When we accept divine truth, the projections, restrictions, limitations, burdens we’ve accepted from others are released.  We take off the masks of deeply embedded conditioning which more than likely extend to past lives/other realities/ancestral memory.  We shed those energies which are not aligned with the truth of our ‘I am’ self, our divinity.  We stop thinking, feeling and acting through the filter of these memories.
3rd December:  
Mercury stations retrograde at 29 degrees 18 Sagittarius at 6.34 pm AEDT
Steady Neddy!  Hold your horses!
Until 23rd December when Mercury stations direct at 13 degrees Sagittarius
The past week of mental clearance:  Continuing as Mercury retrogrades!  On your toes!
In the past week Mercury met with Saturn on the Galactic Centre at 27 degrees Sagittarius.  When activated the Galactic Centre is a call to higher spiritual work at the crown chakra.  It’s a call to lift our game and at present, the focus is on Mercury our mental body, our mind manager and divine messenger.  Mercury will be activating/activated by the Galactic Centre through the first week of December.  Then, of course, it will come back over that point in early January. 
Easy does it:  We’re just retracing our steps clarifying mentally!
Our horses have been brought to a standstill wondering how they’ll get out of the mist that has descended.  They were travelling quite well in Sagittarius happy to be running free but they’ve slowed down as Mercury takes his third retrograde journey for the year.
Releasing old mental energies and opening to receive messages from our divinity!
We’re moving into the labyrinth of introspection just before the moon comes to fullness.  The moon is in powerful mode for 3 days before and after it reaches fullness so we have an immensely powerful time as Mercury comes to a standstill on the final degree of Sagittarius.  The last degree of a sign carries extra potency and intensity so we can expect some major release at this time.
Our personal messenger of higher consciousness is speaking: 
Are you listening?
Along with the release, new information is now flooding in as the blocks of old thinking, conditioning and projections fall away.  Mercury has been on quite a journey travelling out of bounds gathering new consciousness so we’re not sure exactly how this energy will manifest but we can trust there’s a big message coming through from Mercury our divine messenger. 
An inner journey to truth:  Divine truth be in me now!
Our labyrinth is filled with the fiery Sagittarian energy, the traveller who’s calling us to take the inner exploration to discover ourselves more fully, to reach a clearer understanding of our ‘divine calling’ at this time. 
Make no mistake. we are preparing the groundwork for the next 3 years of Saturn in Capricorn which will demand commitment, perseverance driven by the divine passion of ‘knowing’ we’re on the right track. We’re doing an intensive training program, preparation for next year!
Sorting, sifting, discarding and keeping:  The Mercury retrograde filing cabinet is open!
Everything that is not aligned with our higher consciousness must go:  Revisiting, reviewing, rewinding, re-making, releasing and reclaiming!
Always a period of time when we reconnect to the past, connections with people, places, ideas, projects, relationships and with Mercury in Sagittarius, past ‘truths’.  We are very likely to be changing our minds about what we see as our ‘truth’, what we have accepted without question.  

Of course with Saturn in Sagittarius these past years, we’ve been re-examining these embedded ideologies, philosophies for some time.  Mercury teamed up with Saturn the past week and again next week, the message is a double whammy.  Are we sure about the truth that we’re living?  Do we need to close the door of some misperception which doesn’t align with the truth of who we are?
From 3rd December to 7th December:  Beyond our wildest dreams?
Reclaiming, renewing, discovering some fantastic ideas!
Mercury returns from out of bounds on 7th December just after he goes retrograde on 3rd December so we’ll have a few days  where he’s in the labyrinth of the recovery and review process as well as beyond our current thinking.  It will be an interesting few days to say the least.
Allow the ‘fantastic’ to come in and allow it to grow in the imagination until 23rd December:
Make the most of these first few days of Mercury in retrograde as extraordinary information becomes available to us.  In the light of the incoming Gemini Full Moon which is communication central for Mercury, we are being given access to consciousness exceeding our present thinking.  If it’s fantastic, just allow ourselves to ruminate on it and feel the pleasure of a wonderful new dream and vision which can be worked over during Mercury’s retrograde journey until 23rd December.
4th December:  
Full Moon in Gemini at  11 degrees 40 Gemini at 2.46 am AEDT
We’re flying!
Off to Neverland!  If you can imagine it, you can manifest it!
With the Full Moon in Gemini opposing the Sun in Sagittarius and squaring off to Neptune we have the elements of the airy mind, fiery spirit and watery vision taking us to new levels of consciousness.  
Mercury, ruler of Gemini is our trickster, our divine messenger:
Peter Pan takes us to new places!
This is a visionary Full Moon with messages coming through our communication agent, Mercury as well as our visionary agent, Neptune and our Sagittarian fiery agent of truth and wisdom putting us in touch with the fire of the crusader.
Into the waters of cosmic consciousness!  Neptune!
Neptune in Pisces is in an exact square to the Full Moon and Sun at this time forming what is called a T-square.  Neptune’s a big player at this time calling us to relax into the cosmic waters of higher consciousness. 
We have the opportunity to access a divine energy if we are willing to rise to the occasion and catch a divine vehicle of imagination.
Accessing the divine mind:  Raising our emotional consciousness!
Full moons are all emotional which can be a little confusing when in the sign of mental energy, Gemini. However, this full moon will bring emotions to the surface which can be experienced by our divine mind and our higher spiritual consciousness with some help from Neptune who offers the higher perspective.
Completion, fulfilment:  What’s coming to a head bringing an ending to some aspect of life?  The unification of our Gemini mind?
With so much higher spiritual energy available at this Full Moon along with our Mercury messenger clearing away old cobwebs, we have an immense opportunity to bring some spiritual challenge to a turning point. 

Being a Gemini Full Moon, we’re looking at the potential for unification of the duality of the mind, the Gemini energy which is ruled by the twins, the masculine active principle and the feminine passive principle.  When we harmonise these two inner aspects of our minds, there is no doubt.  Only clarity exists in the unified mind!  The sword of truth signifies the cutting away of extraneous and conflicting mind energies bringing us into peace and harmony mentally. 
Big healing energies with this Full Moon:  Culmination and turning point of a healing crisis?
The Full Moon completion may or may not be playing out in your physical existence...health/healing, relationships, work/commerce, connection to the world, communication, divine calling. Virgo, with the rulers of Mercury/Chiron is a key player in the full moon line up and when Virgo’s involved, we know it’s a healing time and it is likely to involve our physical world.
Breathe it all out!
Mercury, as ruler of the respiratory system, is a call for ‘breath work’ during this Full Moon energy and as he stations retrograde.  You may have already found a shortness of breath this past week when he connected with Saturn on the Galactic Centre.  Utilising breathing processes, including toning, chanting and singing,  which clear the old energies out of the body will be beneficial at this time.
Virgo is the missing leg of the T-square: Where we can optimise the challenges/opportunities at this time!
The missing ‘leg’ of the T-square is in Virgo, sign of the healer and also a Mercury/Chiron ruled sign which is all about the purification and coming to wholeness which will bring us more cleansing energies into our physical bodies.  This is an opportunistic Full Moon line up if we have the faith to step into new realities...at least in our minds, hearts and spirits.
Healing focus for the body:  
Before, during and after the Full Moon in Gemini...potential for big healing release and culmination of some of these areas!
Mercury and Gemini rule the respiratory system, breathing, lungs and nervous system as well as arms and legs.  You may have noticed challenges to the breathing system, feeling breathless, out of breath during these past weeks with Mercury travelling in out of bounds consciousness.  Even if you haven’t been challenged by this, you may have felt to utilise more breathing techniques to help clear blocked energies in the system. 
‘Heads, shoulders, knees and toes’:   
Mercury in Sagittarius has put the emphasis on Sagittarian ruled areas of the body, the hips and thighs so you may have felt odd aches and pains in these areas whether in the meridians or with Saturn in Sagittarius, the knees, joints, bones, teeth.  Saturn rules these areas.  Mars rules the head and Pisces rules the feet.
Saturn in Sagittarius has brought us to our knees in surrendering attachments to old ideologies and mindsets we’ve taken on from others, society, family, relationships, past lives/other realities.
It’s a Super full moon:  It looks bigger when it’s closer to the earth
A Supermoon can be a Full or New Moon.
A Super Full Moon looks around 12% to 14% bigger than its counterpart, the Micromoon.

Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon: From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Full Moon:  Gemini 12
This Symbol shows the need to be given respect and taken seriously. At times you find that you can’t put up with the way you’re treated, the pressure builds up and suddenly, and probably from out of nowhere, a torrent of emotion comes out. If you're being spoken badly to or treated with little respect, make a stand - don't put up with it. It's tiring to be treated like a 'Slave' or dutiful underling. Everyone should have equal rights. Spread your wings of freedom and seek to improve things by being frank and honest. You may win, but you can never truly lose if you act with integrity and honesty. Rising above conditioning and limitations. Standing up for one's self. Demanding better treatment. Not being afraid to speak your mind. Equal rights and discrimination.

This Symbol shows being able to proclaim one’s feelings, beliefs, love of country or political opinions, without feeling they are likely to be criticized, shot down or dismissed. Our highest ideals can be expressed proudly, like “A Flag” and as an expression of spiritual purity - “The Eagle” at “Dawn”. You may find that you are regularly moved to burst forth with your ideas, giving voice to what you think and feel. However, some may not like the message or what you have to say, how you say it or where you say it. However, issues that are really worthwhile and 'centered' will be seen by many and heard in the clear light of day. Declared idealism. Trumpeting ideals. National pride. Peak experiences. Issues of patriotism. Flags. Political displays. Nobility and pride. National anthems. Pomp and ceremony.
Golden Oldies:
‘I Want to Live’ John Denver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EONVnK7JlU4 For Full Moon hopes and dreams
‘Hands’ Jewel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rGlqV79xFA  for the Full Moon in Gemini balance
With lyrics
‘True Colours’ Cindi Lauper  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFiz-j66X74 for the Full moon in Gemini
‘Something Tells Me’ Cilla Black https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHGSLRmlYY4 for Venus in Sagittarius
‘Heads, shoulders, knees and toes’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4eueDYPTIg for Saturn, Mars in Libra and Chiron/Neptune in Pisces
Upcoming Dates: 
5th December:  Chiron stations/turns direct at 24 degrees 19 Chiron at
9th December:  Mars enters Scorpio
18th December:  New Moon in Sagittarius
20th December:  Saturn enters Capricorn
22nd December:  Sun enters Capricorn/December Solstice
23rd December:  Mercury stations/turns direct in Sagittarius
25th December:  Venus enters Capricorn
Hugs all around!
We’re all off and away into the Gemini Full Moon energy guided by our Mercury messenger, tour guide Peter Pan. He’s taking us to new vistas and perceptions which excite our imagination and re-ignite our enthusiasm for potentials which are coming forward. 
We’re being offered a smorgasbord of possibilities and all we have to do is enjoy the display and get in touch with what’s aligned with our hearts, divine minds and our higher consciousness.  Keeping an open mind is the way to go at this time as we explore the options in our minds and imagination, expanding on ideas within our being without trying to ground them into physical existence. 
After the New Moon in Sagittarius on 18th December we’ll have a better idea of where we’re going although until Saturn moves into Capricorn on 20th December and Mercury goes direct on 23rd December, we won’t be in a good position to be starting something new. 
There is so much more happening at this Full Moon time which could not be included here.  I think this epistle is quite enough for the most significant messages of the time.  Trusting I’ll get an update out for Chiron stationing direct and Mars retrograde in the next few days.  I’ve been dealing with some major soul work in my physical body which has taken quite a bit out of me.  Feeling on the mend the last day or two as these energies shift out of me.  We need to take good care of ourselves with such big energies hitting so many of us during this time. 
Love and blessings to us all as we fly into new realms finding the jewels of consciousness which will provide our new foundation for 2018. 
from the chair...being carried away by Mercury/Peter Pan

It’s all about love
Divine Reunion

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