...for the children of the earth

Monday 18 December 2017

18th December 2017 New Moon in Sagittarius, 20th Saturn moves into Capricorn

Hi everyone!
This has to be one of the busiest weeks this year.  I’m not talking about Christmas although for many it is just that.  I’m talking about the cosmos and all the planetary shifts happening in the course of one week. 
This week is always important as we have the Sun’s move to Capricorn marking the December Solstice.  Mercury retrograde is common at this time of year and a New Moon is not extraordinary.  So, what makes this one different.
Saturn is the big game changer:  Setting our sights on our mountain!
The big change this year is a New Moon sitting on the Galactic Centre and Saturn changing signs after 2 years in Sagittarius.  This indicates a change in the game plan so to speak.
Multitude of energies working together to get us into shape:
New shape!
However, there’s a multitude of energies which have been impacting us with buffeting and squeezing taking us through the new doorways and into new consciousness. We may not be fully aware of just how much change is happening until we move into 2018 with illumination coming in with the Full Moon in Cancer on 2nd January and then when Mercury moves out of shadow retrograde about 11th January.
Keeping our horses calm and steady:  Rest and know all is in hand!
At the moment, our horses are happy to rest and graze and wait for the time to set out on the road forward when Mercury stations direct after 23rd December. We’re still gathering new information as Mercury backtracks through Sagittarius.
Incoming cosmic messages:  Up to mid January!
We need to remember that this information coming in is of a galactic nature and will continue to be cosmic in quality right up to the time Mercury moves out of shadow retrograde energy when he meets once again the Galactic Centre at 26 degrees Sagittarius. 
We’re getting our mental energies aligned with higher, divine consciousness so we’ll be ready to start building the foundations of the new paradigms from next year. The mountains of higher spirituality await silently until we’re ready to move on with hearts and minds aligned in the Sagittarian cosmic consciousness.
What’s coming in:  
Too much for this update. Another one later this week.
18th December:  New Moon in Sagittarius at 26 degrees 31 Sagittarius at 5.30 pm AEDT
Think, feel and be the magic of this New Moon:  A cosmic reboot!
Transforming through ‘magical’ realities we burst through into this New Moon rebirth of cosmic proportions!  We don’t know what’s happening, where we’re going, we’re we’ve been as we come hurtling like human meteors through the time continuum. 
How we’re winding up this year and preparing for cosmic uplift:
The fabric of time and space has been ripping apart in a far more dramatic and possibly challenging time as the intensity of this year comes to a culmination, a crashing crescendo of a turning point where we hang in wonderment at the birthing of a new reality. We’re lost in space, in a cosmic wonderland!
Its’ a stellium of 5 ‘planets’ in Sagittarius:  A stairway to the stars!
The New Moon and Sun are speaking the same language on the same degree, the degree of the Galactic Centre, the centre of our Milky Way.  Our divine connection is being rebooted through our Crown Chakra/Galactic Centre, helped along by Saturn, Lord of Karma sitting on 29 degrees, the final degree of mastery in Sagittarius.
Hearts and minds called to uplift to cosmic consciousness: 
Venus, ruler of our heart and Mercury, ruler of our mind are just a few degrees away from the New Moon and Sun creating a powerful culminating turning point as the New Moon sets the tone for the next lunar month and the ongoing year. It’s a call for our hearts and minds to participate in this cosmic line up by committing to the higher road, to seeing the bigger picture and to resonating  with our divinity within our mental and emotional energies.
New Moon:  New visions, new directions, new intentions!  
Stay open and receptive and accept the wonder of the insights!
The New Moon and current planetary energies are bringing us magical messages about our pathway forward.  We need the clarity of our vision to be sufficient to take us through the next 3 years when we may be challenged even more by the naysayers as we implement new ways of being in the world.  Our maintenance of clearing consciousness will continue with a whole new level of mastery if we’re prepared to accept that new reality in our personal world. 
Are you ready to ride the magical unicorn consciousness up your own personal mountain:  
Call in the vision and prepare to build new lives!
Our Sagittarian centaurs have been shape shifting into horses and now they become the magical unicorns which are carrying us on to meet the upcoming year when we’ll be called to climb our own personal spiritual mountain of evolution.
The New Moon is offering cosmic perspective in the big picture Sagittarian energy:  Time to build the dream within!
In the New Moon image on the update we see the unicorn looking off into the distance at a magical castle atop a mountain.  This is the symbolic representation of Capricorn energy, an edifice reminiscent of past power and influence, a construction built for security and a centre of power and influence.  It sits at the top of a mountain above the clouds.  We’re being called to envision our own personal spiritual castle and mountain and to prepare ourselves to bring it into physical reality in the coming years.
Saturn, a significant player in the New Moon reboot:  
He’s leading the way calling forth our authority as spiritual beings in an earthly world!

Saturn is a guiding force in this new moon energy. He is our spiritual authority, our inner guide who will be our refuge in these coming years. Saturn’s helping us across the gap between two very different worlds, from Sagittarian to Capricorn,  a leap of faith from vision to practical implementation. 
As Lord of Karma, the great teacher, the taskmaster who keeps us on our spiritual pathway, we could not have a better guide. 
Yes, the New Moon is all about Sagittarius but Saturn is just about to step out of Sagittarius, the sign of big picture, expansive vision and higher consciousness and take us into the sign of earthly manifestation, of bringing dreams and visions to earth, of contained and focussed energy. 
Saturn in Sagittarius for past 2 years:  
Ideology, philosophy, religion, spirituality, foreign countries, higher education!  The dissolution continues!
The ongoing realignment and reworking of the consciousness of the masses which was initiated during Saturn’s journey through Sagittarius will continue.
The work of examining attitudes and values within society will continue as Saturn moves into Capricorn and government, big institutions and business become the focus for Saturn’s karmic work. 
What did Saturn in Sagittarius bring into the light of karmic attention these past 2 years?  
Karmic disruption and examination of belief systems!
Churches, institutions and child abuse:
We’re seeing it within the centres of religion and in spiritual teachings which have been challenged by the bigger picture beyond ideologies which have been divisive.  

In Australia we’ve seen the royal commission investigating child abuse in institutions coming to a close this week with the restitution of respect to those who suffered at the hands of those in power.  It’s brought into question the tenets held by the churches which may have contributed to such abuse.

SSM now law: 
Similarly, the acceptance of SSM as law in Australia has challenged religions to examine their fixed stance when so many of their followers and many of their clergy are calling for more unified beliefs based on love and equity.

‘Me too’ social media campaign:  Raising consciousness about sexual harassment and abuse in workplaces and domestic situations
Saturn is travelling now in the light of Sagittarian lunar and cosmic consciousness:
Now Saturn heads out to Capricorn under the guiding lunar light of Sagittarian galactic and cosmic consciousness. 
More karmic balancing ahead! All good!

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon really captures the essence of the Sagittarius/Capricorn consciousness shift from vision into reality
Lynda Hill’s report on the New Moon in Sagittarius:
Sabian Symbol for the New Moon:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Sagittarius 27
This Symbol shows being able to project one’s visions, thoughts or ideals out into the world so that they take form and come into conscious manifestation. This is the degree of the Galactic Center and it holds an enormous charge of energy and power, something not to be taken lightly. There is a responsibility inherent in this for you to understand that your thoughts will take shape, so be careful about what you think! You may find yourself in situations where you can manipulate events into something of value and lasting integrity. Slow, painstaking work will bring rewards as things come to fruition. You are able to project shape and form onto materials to have a desired outcome. Follow your “Vision”, be creative; picture an outcome and watch it materialize! Concrete creative manifestation. The Godhead. The Mind of God. Molding shapes and forms. The Galactic Center. Evolution. The Law of Attraction. Sculptors. Visions ahead of time.

Art:  Dale Chihuly

20th December:  Saturn enters Capricorn at 3.48 pm AEDT
Power and authority!
Until  21st March 2020
Saturn comes home to his sign of Capricorn:
Saturn’s really going to feel his power in his own sign after travelling through Sagittarius for the past 2 years, not the most comfortable place for any of us as our Sagittarian fire just couldn’t get going. We had too much clearing to do for us to even know where we were going!  Our goal was purification and alignment. Saturn is about constriction and confinement and being task oriented whereas Sagittarius is all about expansion and movement.
We’re being asked to take the high road yet stay grounded:  Be the goat!
Saturn keeps us on track spiritually to help us attain evolution of consciousness as an earth being.  He looks for practical results in the earthly realm, the manifestation of mastery of our physical reality.
Are you willing to accept your spiritual/earthly authority?
Spiritual mastery of our physical world is on offer in these next 3 years as we accept Saturn in Capricorn’s guidance. It will require us to be clear and focussed on our goal/s, to be dedicated, to persevere and committed to our own success as human beings on earth.
Success, respect, reputation and acclaim in the wider world:
Capricorn is all about success which is presently translated in our consumer, career and money oriented world as being successful financially and acknowledged for power and influence. What does success mean for you?
Career initiatives which resonate with personal authority:  ‘Ambition’ is not a dirty word!  
Let’s put our own personal stamp on it and reclaim it!
Capricorn is earth centred and asks us to step up to the top of the mountain.  This is an energy of ambition which has been translated by mass consciousness as claiming power even at the expense of other people.  Ambition is not a ‘dirty’ word.  We can now access our dearest ambitions to be at the top of ‘our’ game and to excel as spiritual beings living an earthly existence if we’re prepared to be attuned to our unique gifts and talents.
Pacing ourselves:  Demonstrating mastery of the energies through maintaining focus and commitment!  Align with your magnetic north!
People fall by the wayside when they lost sight of the goal and fail to maintain the passion and conviction that the goal can be achieved. Sometimes that’s because the goal is not entirely in alignment with the heart, mind and divine spirit and ‘mission’.  When we are in divine alignment we know we’re on track and there is no doubt or fear.  It’s simple to maintain as we are burning with the clarity of the inner fire which is contained rather than firing off in all manner of directions.
Clarifying and refining the goal:  
Saturn’s reward of self-satisfaction and the joy of building our inner strength is waiting!
Saturn will be rewarding all who follow his guidance, finding our spiritual authority on earth.  The drive for money, success fame and accolades is of lesser significance when we know we’re engaged in some activity which is creative, growth oriented and which showcases our particular gifts and talents as a powerful contribution to the collective prosperity. 
Global focus for the next 3 years:  Construction and deconstruction
Capricorn rules tradition, the establishment, government, institutions, organisations, big business, patriarchy, old age, financial security.  These are just a few of the areas which will come into the public arena in the next 3 years.  There will be more of a push to hold to tradition and established ways, to keep the status quo intact. 
Saturn is the builder and wants to keep constructing systems and organisations based on established principles of economic and social management.  However, the planetary forces promise a shake up of the status quo.
More on this later. 
The ascension process up to this point in time:
We’ve been so busy engaged in clearing memories from other times, people, realities we haven’t been ready to see the bigger picture for ourselves because it’s been too clouded with social/familial conditioning, taking on projections from others, bringing ancestral and past lives/other realities into resolution.  Of course there’s more clearing.  That, to me, is the ascension process. Finding, releasing, owning lost ‘fragments’ we’ve chosen to work with karmically in this life.
From Stephanie Azaria:  Cosmic Consciousness Daily 17th December
We are in the middle of the most important turning point we have ever known. If you stand on the Light Bridge and watch it happen from the observer's perspective, it is very clearly a multidimensional event. We are at the grandest turning point that can possible take place in this dimension, the turning back toward the Light from our 12,000 year fall into darkness. We are also at the watershed moment of a turning tide that is affecting every single level of our life here on Earth as well. And the shift is occurring in every nook and cranny in between those two happenings.

Ed Tamplin’s overview of Saturn moving into Capricorn:
Golden Oldies:
‘Stairway to the Stars’ Johnny Mathis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMtVETZvios for New Moon in Sagittarius
‘Higher Ground’ John Denver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wN7CpcZPjO0 for Saturn in Capricorn
With lyrics
‘Step by Step’ Whitney Houston https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UM3eIf4LEFA for Saturn in Capricorn
‘The Yellow Brick Road’ Elton John with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7_P1YCgj3w for Saturn in Capricorn
‘You’ll never Walk Alone’ Elvis Presley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mN8oN8I3lrk for faith, strength, courage
Upcoming Dates:
22nd December:  Sun enters Capricorn/December Solstice at 3.28 am AEDT
23rd December:  Mercury stations/turns direct in Sagittarius
25th December:  Venus enters Capricorn
2nd January:  Full Moon in Cancer
3rd January:  Uranus stations/turns direct in Aries
Hugs all around!
We’re riding the cosmic waves on our own very special magic carpet and the view’s getting better every day.  As we maintain our intent for divine alignment, harmony and balance we increasingly access the sense of our own spiritual power and authority and open ourselves to accept the rewards of feeing deeply content within ourselves.
We’re needing to have this deep self-esteem in place as we move into next year’s energies.  Yes, there’s always more to go but we’ve completed so much particularly this year that our mastery of living as a spiritual being in a physical body is starting to take hold.  

We will always need to re-balance and take time out to rest, regenerate and connect to the unseen forces but for many of us we’ll be on a more even footing from next year even as the world gets more wobbly.  We’ll be building the new ‘platform’, a spiritual raft which offers others safe haven, understanding, growth and most of all love and acceptance.
I will do a separate posting on Sun’s move to Capricorn and changes for Mercury and Venus as there’s just too much information to put on this update. It’s all happening!  
Love and blessings to us all as we ride the Sagittarian cosmic carpet getting the bigger picture and new vision.  There’s plenty of building time ahead!
from the chair with the stars
It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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