...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 7 November 2018

7th November 2018 NN to Cancer, 7th Uranus enters Aries, 8th New Moon in Scorpio, 8th Jupiter enters Sagittarius


Hi everyone!

We’re in the power of the Scorpio Sun and readying to welcome the New Moon in Scorpio. Yes...more Scorpio energy bringing the alchemical transformation that is the life, death, rebirth of Scorpio.  We have been taken down to the depths and none more so than these last few weeks with this past week bringing a dramatic shift when Venus moved retrograde from Scorpio into Libra the sign of justice, peace and equity. 

The past week:  Shuffling earthbound energies through doorways!
It's been quite a week with Halloween along with the Venus/Uranus opposition squaring off to the planetary karmic nodes. The intensity has brought many of us to our knees. Some of us physically for sure but we're all in the energetic melting pot of planet earth feeling it emotionally, mentally, physically or spiritually. 
'Sliding doors' has got nothing on what's happening now!

In recovery from the shocks!
We're in the recovery ward, getting our breath and building our energies for the next shift coming this week when the planetary karmic nodes move to Cancer/Capricorn on 7th along with Uranus stationing retrograde!  Just in time for the New Moon in Scorpio on 8th along with Jupiter moving into Sagittarius for the next year. Small mercies bringing big ongoing changes.  But hey...we're still breathing!  Our spirit lives on!  And the sun shines on even in the cold of what feels like the spiritual winter.

The bigger picture:  Evolving our consciousness from survival mode to acceptance of our divine power, strength and worthiness!
It's the never ending story as resistance meets flow, dark meets light, hate meets love, ignorance meets elevated consciousness...and we're in the middle of it all!  We’re learning to allow and release resistance to divine forces of love and integration.  The divine masculine energy is evolving within from the old survival mode of fight of flight to acceptance of the divine will and divine worthiness.  We’re learning to accept our ‘divinity’!

7th November:  Uranus enters Aries Rx at 8.58 am AEDT
The crack where the light gets in & out
Until 7th January stations direct at 28 degrees Aries
6th March:  Uranus enters Taurus until July 2025
What’s been happening with Uranus in Taurus since May: 
Uranus has been travelling retrograde in Taurus since 8th August after moving into Taurus in May this year. It’s given us a taste of what’s ahead from March 2019 for the next 7 years. It’s certainly been earthy and somewhat challenging as we’ve been hit with some awakening calls in our physical lives.

Uranus in Aries until 6th March 2019:  Upgrading our ‘I am’!
Now Uranus dips back into Aries travelling retrograde assisting us to awaken our ‘I am’ divine consciousness to a new level of being. He’s been travelling this energy for years since 2011 so we’re well accustomed to being here.

The discovery of self tour:  Be open to dramatic changes in thinking and being!
Now, we’re going to find out just how much we’ve cleared, shifted and prepared the groundwork for welcoming in our own divine light, owning it and letting it shine from within. Make the most of this energy and tune in to your deepest fire, desire and self!

It’s a breakout!  Uranus has the key to freedom...beyond the stars!
Aries is ruled by Mars, our fire and drive, our masculine warrior and Uranus offers leading edge consciousness, galactic connections and inspirational new ideas and inventions emerging. Uranus in Aries is fired to get things moving that resonate with our true divine selves. In tandem with the Nodal planetary shift, we’re coming home to ourselves!

This is the uplift we’ve been building towards, expecting and trusting.  Breathe it in!

7th November: 
Planetary karmic nodes change at 1.09 pm AEDT
North Node moves to Cancer...Home is where the heart is!
South Node moves to Capricorn...Work and success is creative fulfilment!
Until May 2020
A shift in planetary direction, focus and evolution.  Bringing balance to home and work!

We continue to work with both planetary nodes even though our focus for growth is on the North Node which is Cancer for the next couple of years.  However we work with both Cancer and Capricorn as we bring the emotional watery energies of Cancer into balance with the Capricorn earth energy.

Accessing the Cancer power:  
Focus on home, nurturing, accessing ancestors, family, owning memories!
Cancer is ruled by the Moon, the divine feminine so the energy of the divine mother comes to the fore.  Cancer rules the past, memories, the subconscious, home and family as well as nurturing and the mothering energy. 

It rules our inner ‘nurturing mother’ energy, the energy we access when we ‘grow’ our inner child through the old memory banks.
Cancer brings the desire to feel our place of ‘belonging’, to find our soul tribe.

Accessing the Capricorn power:  
Focus on place in the world, accessing gifts, talents, work, success, fulfilment!
Capricorn ruled by Saturn, is representative of the patriarchal father authority, ruling systems, organisations, governments, structures and ‘authorities’ of all kinds.  It rules our personal authority in the world as well as where we will find particular success in the ‘outer world’ the world of work.  Capricorn brings ambition and commitment.

We’re growing into working with joy and dropping off the treadmill!

Capricorn brings the desire and ambition to find success in the world with our unique abilities.

Eclipses falling in Cancer or Capricorn:  
Sudden breakthroughs coming in areas as indicated above
The majority of the eclipses for the next couple of years will be in these two signs as eclipses bring dramatic changes to both our personal and planetary evolution.  The past 2 years or so we’ve been working with the nodes in the fixed signs of Leo and Aquarius and as most of the eclipses have fallen in these signs it has been quite challenging as fixed signs are resistant to change...broadly speaking. I’ll post the list of eclipses for 2019/20 in next few weeks.

Cancer and Capricorn are cardinal signs:  A positive energy for pushing through changes!
Now the nodes are in cardinal signs which are more dynamic in terms of change and readiness to make changes.  With the predominance of Pluto and Saturn still in Capricorn, we can expect movement and change to be more accessible with respect to systems, government, personal and political ideologies, mindsets and belief systems.  

We’re dropping the old consciousness around work and success in the world. Old structures will continue to fall, be destroyed so that new energies can take their place. We take the best from the past into the future. We don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Transforming traditions and the status quo:  
Upgrading and evolving consciousness in home, work!
Cancer and Capricorn both like tradition so even though they’re dynamic energies who want get moving, up and running, they need to grapple with changing things from the way they are and have been into more evolved forms of being.  So, whether it’s home or work. mothering or fathering, the chances are that these energies will be undergoing change within us and on the wider stage globally in governments, institutions.

Balancing the energies of past and future:  Changes being made here and now!
Related imageCapricorn likes tradition and the status quo and can be resistant to change because of this.  However, the Capricorn desire for success and achievement in the physical world can drive through those walls of resistance to change when the desire for achievement is greater than holding onto old ways.

Similarly Cancer relates to the past and sentimental attachments and can feel the emotional insecurities which emerge from the memory banks like haunting ghosts pulling us back to other times and places bringing in emotions which feel totally irrational. 

It’s going to be an interesting balancing act.

8th November: 
New Moon in Scorpio at  15 degrees 11 minutes Scorpio at 3.01 am AEDT...out of the cave!
The New Moon aligns with the Sun to give us a reboot and focus in the energies of Scorpio, the sign of death, rebirth and renewal.  We are birthing out of the Scorpio cave of inner transformation and bringing forth new life. 

Fresh start with a divine connection to Neptune in Pisces:  The wave we waited for!
A beautiful water trine between New Moon/Sun in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces uplifting our vision to the bigger picture, helping us to release the ‘victim’ within, all that sense of powerlessness that is being experienced by so many on the earth this past year. 

Spiritual transcendence and divine artistic impulses!
Neptune in Pisces offers spiritual transcendence and arm in arm with the New Moon in Scorpio, a significant and powerful and dynamic rebirth for our emotional, artistic and spiritual selves.  

Open to new avenues for artistic expression:  ‘This is me!’ 
I have no doubt that new artistic impulses will emerge with the impetus of this New Moon as the Grand Cross plays out opening the doorways of consciousness of our Aries ‘I am’ selves.  No...not painting by numbers! lol

Jupiter linking in with the planetary nodes at the New Moon:  Planetary uplift!
Jupiter is in a flowing trine to the planetary nodes at the New Moon in his final stages of his journey through Scorpio. This may feel like a huge release of old planetary ‘burdens’ we’re carrying bringing in a positive uplift as we let it all go!

On our way to completing the last quarter of 2018:
Venus and Mercury, our heart and mind energies are now out of Scorpio so we now are on our way to completing the last quarter of this year of 2018.  It will take more than likely to end of December before we really get the picture of what’s happened. Mercury has to dip back into Scorpio

Grand Cross:  The ‘players’...Venus, Uranus, North Node, South Node 
Venus in Libra still in the retrograde labyrinth, faces off to Uranus in Aries so any issues of partnership, relationship which are confining or restricting of our true selves, our Aries I am divinity are up for examination, review, renewal or reframing in a form which assists the expression of our fiery independence. 

Uranus in Aries brings sudden unexpected insights and understandings regarding our heart felt commitments to ourselves and to significant others and our spirit on earth at this time. This fire power will be firing up our sense of personal power and igniting us with the light of our true self.  
It’s break out time!

The planetary nodes now in Cancer/Capricorn at 29 degrees are squaring
off to this Venus and Uranus opposition bringing the bigger picture of planetary evolution into the equation.  Is this for me?  for us?  for the planet? 

Where do I belong?  
My greatest joy of spiritual expression?
The Grand Cross offers greater understanding of and insight into our place in the bigger scheme of things, how we can find expression of our true selves in this new planetary landscape with the incoming focus on home/work. What new energies will come into our hearts and minds bringing some solutions to what has seemed like a huge impasse this past year? 

Home and Work:  
Issues related to these areas come forward!  Who am I?
Home, family, place of belonging will be a driving force in our insights and any decisions we make at this time. Issues of work are evolving in terms of workplace, belonging, financial and physical security and may well take us in a whole new direction with respect to the nature of work, workplace and earnings.

Getting our ducks in a row:  Are we all on board?  
Divine alignment of all our ‘sub personalities’ with our ‘I am’ self!
This is the New Moon asking us to get all our sub personalities and unresolved energies to align with our goals here and now.  The resistant forces within need to join us now in this powerful new moon as Scorpio is in charge of rebirth after the desolation, grief and despair of the past is resolved in the dissolving light of divine love.  The Sabian Symbol for Uranus now is ‘A duckpond and its brood’

Sabian Symbols for the New Moon in Scorpio:  From Lynda Hill ‘Will we have a reason to smile’

Sabian Symbol for the New Moon in Scorpio:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Scorpio 16
This Symbol shows the ability to, or the necessity of, putting on a happy face, smiling and being warm and welcoming. The fact that the “Girl’s Face is Breaking” into a smile implies that she may not always be smiling; she may not always have things to smile about. However, the act of smiling helps to draw people closer; to give people permission to get to know you. Smiling is the simple sense of inner happiness shining through. It is the expression of your ability to choose between happiness and unhappiness and then choosing to express it. Smile and see how things change, it can be infectious and lighten the mood of those around you. Drawing others. Willingness to relate. Things that make one happy. Breaking the ice. Smiling or frowning? Facial expressions. Facial feedback. Eye contact. Dental hygiene.

8th November:  Jupiter enters Sagittarius at 11.38 pm AEDT
Getting fired up!
Until November 2019
Jupiter’s home for the next year:   The Scorpio eagle takes off!
Think big, expand the mind and breathe new life into our whole being as Jupiter comes home to the sign of Sagittarius.  He’s joining Mercury, our messenger who’s raising our mental consciousness and clearing cobwebs of thinking when he turns retrograde in mid November. 

From the depths to the heights!   Out of the cave and into the sky!
The Scorpio eagle is asking us to fly high and see the big picture...the whole canvas...as he meets with the Sagittarian energy of expanded consciousness...the flying horse!

Societal and personal changes ahead:  Getting to the ‘truth’!
Jupiter is home for the next year and will colour so much of our societal landscape as well as our personal fire and drive to get to the truth of our lives within the broader landscape of society. 

Our quest ‘What is the truth?’:  Focussing on divine truth! 
Truth is a personal construct filtered through the lens of our experiences and memories so it’s sometimes challenging to reach divine truth!  Divine truth emerges from divine ‘law and justice’ and divine energies are beyond human law.  In the next year, divine truth and divine law will come to the fore.

Crusaders awake:  
Divine consciousness is calling us on to the open road of divine freedom and expansion!
Jupiter is the sign of the crusader for truth and justice so the next year looks interesting in terms of getting to the truth of our lives bringing in ‘divine truth’ and living that truth.

Prepare to expand consciousness in relation to our perception of life and spirituality!
Jupiter rules higher consciousness, education, teaching, publishing, spirituality, philosophy and religion so it is likely that these are the areas of wider society that will come into the picture in the wider landscape of society as well as within our own personal consciousness and construct. 

‘The truth sets you free’:  Take the road of the spiritual ‘warrior’, the seeker of divine truth! 
A quote emanating from Jesus Christ in the bible which has come to mean the psychological examination of the self, the clearing of those inner deceptions, the ‘lies’ we tell ourselves, the false masks we maintain as a result of taking on and living according to social, familial conditioning and benchmarks.

Masks off and commitment to discover within the joy of being our true selves!
When we take to the pathway of illumination towards enlightenment we take on the brief to strip away the falseness within that we all carry. We become seekers of divine  truth and acceptance of our deep desire for spiritual love and divine reunion. Jupiter in 

Sagittarius is opening us up to hope, optimism and the joy of self discovery and love.

Celia Fenn’s message for 11.11.11:  ‘11/11/11 The Colours of Love’

Lauren Gorgo October Message:  ‘Acquisition: the establishment of permanence’

Golden Oldies:
‘When I hear the Waves’ Eric Bibb https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hik6CnbyHmE New Moon in Scorpio trine Neptune
‘When I hear the winds breaking on the shore I wash my soul in the sand 
When I see the sunrise for ever more, I lay my burden down’

‘Who I was born to Be’ Susan Boyle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGedAHHE2k4 Jupiter in Sagittarius

For all the energies within this update

Upcoming Dates: 
15th November: Mars enters Pisces
16th November:  Venus direct in Libra
17th November:  Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius

22nd November:  Sun moves into Sagittarius
23rd November:  Full Moon in Gemini
25th November:  Neptune stations direct in Pisces

That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!  We are family and this next year we’re gathering with soul family on earth!

Can you imagine your life fulfilled by an abundance of emotional, mental, spiritual and physical fulfilment?  That’s the ‘goal’ of the new earth!  To live and celebrate life on earth and to be the embodiment of our divinity. We all have varying desires as humans but essentially we all want that joy of life on earth and the fulfilment that comes from living the creative life.  When we stop ‘creating’ we die inside.

I’m working with the evolution of my being to heal my physical vessel as I believe we have the energetic power of love and light which requires acceptance by every aspect, memory within us in order for us to manifest our desires.  So for me it’s ‘divine reunion or bust’ on my evolutionary road.  However, I believe that we are all working consciously or not learning to embody our divinity.  It may not seem that way as the duality seems to be increasing but eventually it will swing back to centre.  Eventually.

This is quite a lengthy update so if it’s too much info to take in, just read the headings and look at the pictures.  Apologies for repetition in this one.  Been very much on the back foot physically this past week.

Love and blessings to us all as we travel ‘the good red road’ to living in a more elevated loving consciousness on earth! 

from the chair...releasing the fears


It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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