...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 31 October 2018

31st October 2018 Mercury enters Sagittarius, 1st November Venus enters Libra retrograde


Hi everyone!

Well here we are at the end of October, Halloween and All Saints Day on 1st November.  Do you feel like you’ve been doing ‘Halloween’ for a good part of this year? Many of us do, as the ghosts of the past, unresolved energies from our lives, ancestors, other realities, other lives, the past and the planet have risen up like spectres waiting for acknowledgement, reclamation and release.

Our year of reclamation, rebalancing and marking time:  Freeing the ‘ghosts’
Feels like we’ve been hanging around the graveyards of planet earth for a whole stretch of this year with occasional light relief coming in to keep us going. Many of our number have passed on physically and many of us had said goodbyes to loved ones parting from each other as we’re called to take new pathways. 

Shifting consciousness to the high road: A parting of the ways!
It’s been a relentless stream of farewells to the way things have been as we have been taken out of our comfort zones of relationship, health, home, family, work, money and destabilised in order to come to a new higher consciousness of our potential.

The Leo North Node has been shining our way on planet earth guiding us to release the separation anxieties carried from the Aquarian South Node of past lives, memories, history.  We’re reframing the whole history of humanity through the power of solar love and oneness. 

We may look around and see many on earth who continue on as though nothing is happening but we do not know what is happening across the planet except people are gradually awakening to the polarity consciousness, the disparities and the inequalities that keep us from living in divine peace and love.

What’s been happening:
Mercury in Scorpio:  Moving out of the intense transformation of the mind!
It’s been an intense time mentally for most people and more so if you have a heavy dose of mental energy in your blueprint.  But as we’ve been primarily a mentally polarised planet, the Scorpio challenge to clear the mind of old mindsets, beliefs, patterns has manifested in widespread confusion.
It’s taken all of our discipline and focus to keep feeding our mental body with the light of higher consciousness trusting that all the old attachment to mental comfort zones had to be released.

From 29th to 31st October:  
A mental reboot and clearing of collective wounds held in the mental body!
Mercury’s only just been through a few connections this week meeting first with Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius and rebooting the Sagittarian consciousness.  This, followed by Mercury in Scorpio in a positive trine to Chiron in Pisces on 30th, opening and clearing the spiritual wounds we’re carrying in the collective. Quite a cleansing and preparation for Mercury’s entry to Sagittarius!

Most of this has been happening in the light of a Cancerian moon which is all emotion and brings up the past and memories.

31st October:  Mercury enters Sagittarius at 3.38 pm AEDT
Strike a light! Restoring clarity!
16th November stations retrograde 13 degrees Sagittarius
6th December stations direct 27 degrees Scorpio
Head clearing stuff!  The breakthrough...I see the light!
Mercury, ruler of our mental body enters the sign of higher consciousness, learning, divine truth, justice and expansion.  Holy Moley!  Just what we all need as we discover just how much transformation happened during Mercury’s stretch in the cave of Scorpio. 

Minds take flight:  Sagittarian light ignites our thoughts!
Pegasus our winged horse takes to the skies flying through the clouds of confusion and cobwebs of mental conflict and resolution which has been going on with Mercury in Scorpio.  We’ve been travelling in the deep watery emotional energies of Scorpio and now Mercury flies in the updraft of hot air of Sagittarius.

The alchemical transformation of our minds is now revealed!
Make no mistake about the contribution of Scorpio to this huge transformation of our mental bodies, thoughts and beliefs. We discover just how much pure alchemical transformation have been taking place as our inner Pegasus takes to the airwaves thanks to Mercury.

New ideas and possibilities emerge:  Out of the clouds!
Note changes in ideas, thinking which now emerge. Let’s not forget that Mercury is the messenger!  Mercury rules commerce so chances are we'll be considering some new ventures outside our usual thinking with Mercury out of bounds 3rd to 20th November.

Signs of uplift from the inner mental transformation:  Look up!
This planetary change signals the nature of the upcoming move of Jupiter into its home sign of Sagittarius on 8th November along with the New Moon in Scorpio. 

See the light in your mind’s eye:  Allow clarity to disperse the clouds!
For now, we’ll feel some uplift as the Sagittarian sense of fiery movement and upbeat energies releases us from the Scorpio inner cave of transformation. It’s a glimmer of light which signals the clearing pathways ahead.

Flying mentally like Pegasus:  Let your mind take flight!
Pegasus seems to capture the spirit of Mercury coming into the sign of the Centaur, Sagittarius who was half human, half horse, straddling the energies of humanity and our wild untamed selves.  This is how we’re working with integrating our wild, passionate selves in our lives in human form.

PegasusPegasus was a beautiful winged horse who sprang from the body of Medusa when she was slain by the hero Perseus, the son of Zeus and Danae. ... The only mention by the ancients of Pegasus in connection with the Muses, is the story of his having produced with his hoofs, the famous fountain Hippocrene.http://www.talesbeyondbelief.com/myth-stories/pegasus.htm 

In Greek mythology, Medusa was a monster, a Gorgon, generally described as a winged human female with living venomous snakes in place of hair. Those who gazed upon her face would turn to stone. Wikipedia
The snake is a symbol of transformation often associated with the sign of Scorpio as is the eagle.
29th October: Mercury enters shadow retrograde...some more mental tweaking to finish up the year!
Mercury enters shadow retrograde preparing for his retrograde journey
Stations retrograde on 17th November at 13 degrees Sagittarius.
Exits from retrograde December 6th at 27 degrees Scorpio
Exits from shadow retrograde at 13 degrees Sagittarius on 24th December
This means we’ll be coming back to this time, dipping back into Scorpio for a few degrees in early December. We’ll retrace our steps making sure our thoughts, ideas and constructs are clarified, on the same page in time for the end of this year.  Whew! 
3rd to 20th November:  Mercury goes out of bounds...accessing new consciousness!
Mercury does this quite often.  However the fact that he does this right at this time when he has just moved into Sagittarius adds significance as Sagittarius offers higher consciousness in terms of truth, spirituality, religion, philosophy and justice so the implication is that this is new information from ‘out there’ beyond our usual channels of understanding. 

1st November:  Venus enters Libra retrograde at 6.42 am AEDT
Heart rebalancing!
Until 16th November Mercury stations direct at 25 degrees Libra
3rd December:  Venus moves into Scorpio direct
Art: Dale Chihuly
More rebalancing of the heart energies:  Karmic resolution in the sign of justice!
A gear shift with Venus trekking back into Libra bringing focus more directly on partnership, equity and justice issues which need resolution. Retrograde periods are ‘undercover’ journeys where nothing much seems to be happening in our outer physical world but mega heaps happening within.

‘Breaking up is hard to do!’:
A year of coming together, breaking apart, coming together!
However, I know that this year many people are examining close personal partnerships of all kinds with respect to recognising inequities and injustices.  

For some it’s meant putting these partnerships on a new footing where mutual respect and love is the guiding force.  For some it’s meant a leap of faith, departure and moving into a new life which promises greater fulfilment, joy and love. These partnerships can relate to work, home, intimacy, romantce, marriage, family or friendships.

The reckoning:  
Past, present patterns owned, reconciled with a view to future pathways!
The review of our lives with respect to love and what it means to us as individuals and in partnerships has involved issues and relationships from the past, the distant past, other lives and realities along with ancestral karmic threads so the balancing act has been across dimensions and timelines beyond the here and now. 

We’re recognising the spiritual ‘themes’ of our lives with respect to love!  
What’s your ‘story’ of love up to now? 
However, the past memories have been ones which are directly impacting our lives now.  They involve embedded patterns of emotion, feeling and behaviours which are soul related and we have chosen to change this lifetime.  We may be carrying these on behalf of family, ancestors, whole cultures and/or nations.  It’s all in our blueprint so we need to know it’s not just about us.  We are the ‘healers’. It’s now time to own and reconcile if we choose divine heart power!

Bringing ourselves back to the heart centre:  Retrieving the ‘gold’ from these past weeks!  
Finding a new love within for ourselves and our lives!
This next stretch of Venus in Libra is our time to start bringing those previously fragmented parts of ourselves back together once again after Venus travelling retrograde in Scorpio since 5th October. Scorpio brings major death and rebirth spiritually and it’s been making us feel such old dark unresolved energy within whether from loss of love in whatever form.  

Maybe loss of loved ones in physical death, loss of wonderful work and career, loss of marriages, relationships but the bottom line is the loss of love for ourselves.  We’re reclaiming respect, worthiness and divine ‘entitlement’ to receive divine love and reunion.
Touchstone for success:  
How our relationships play out in this next period of time with Venus in Libra!
Our touchstone for success will be how relationships play out for us as Libra brings reflection of our disowned shadow aspects which is not all a bad press.  So often we fail to acknowledge our positive spiritual selves and what we have to offer the world.  When we accept all ourselves with love and appreciation we find soul family, resonance with special friends and twin flames.  

Our goal is resonating with our truth and living it without denials.  
It has to come down to ‘love me or leave me’.
We need people around us who believe in us, accept us boots and all and love us.  That’s all we all want.

The bottom line:  How do i feel about myself?  
It’s about acceptance, love, respect, forgiveness and mercy for ourselves.  As we heal, we heal others.

Golden Oldies:
‘Unbreakable’ Birds of Tokyo (with lyrics) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7gLPzPFMv4 Not an oldie but apt for our journey

‘Breaking up is Hard to Do’ Neil Sedaka https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWFgqnisSsk&start_radio=1&list=RDjWFgqnisSsk&t=0 Venus retrograde journey this year

‘How deep is your love’ Bee Gees https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpqqjU7u5Yc finding divine love with Venus in Libra

‘I’ll fly away’ Alison Krauss and Gillian Welch with lyrics  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0sEv6RaHz4 for Mercury in Sagittarius

Upcoming Dates: 
6th November:  North Node moves to Cancer/South Node Capricorn
6th November:  Uranus enters Aries Rx
8th November:  New Moon in Scorpio
8th November:  Jupiter enters Sagittarius

That’s all folks!
Hugs all around!

Our Sagittarian horses are standing together in the mists of time readying the minds for the move of Jupiter into Sagittarius on 8th November along with the New Moon in Scorpio.  Our minds are being activated by higher consciousness but we’re now adjusting hearts and minds to this weeks gear change of Venus and Mercury.

The retrograde challenges of this calendar year are not yet done and dusted as Venus has a way to go yet but in mid November she stations/turns direct even as Mercury/mind energy does his 3rd retrograde journey for this year.  

We can look forward to a more progressive New Year with Mars, our fire and drive moving into his own sign of Aries right on the New Year activating our fiery inner drive to get in touch with some physical energy to take us into 2019.  Next year will be more dynamic in some ways even with the focus on Capricorn/Cancer energies which will demand steady progress without quite as much intensive backwards and forwards movements.

Love and blessings to us all as we stay on track with activating divine love, truth, equity, peace and harmony in our lives even as the forces clinging to the old patriarchal inequalities seem to be rising up even stronger.  One person can make a difference and every one of us together maintaining our focus on the power of love and light is gathering force and will bring a new order of divine law based on humanity’s higher values.


from the chair...loving my ‘ghosts’

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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