...for the children of the earth

Monday 8 October 2018

6th October 2018 Venus retrograde, 9th October New Moon in Libra, 10th October Mercury enters Scorpio


Hi everyone!

We’re travelling in the sign of divine justice, equity and love.  Anything which is not aligned with our divine power continues to be rooted out as Pluto is now moving forward very slowly on the same degree until the end of October.

Remember the power of the red shoes? ‘You’ve always had the power’!
Plenty of positive self talk to reclaim strength and power will serve us well.  One of my mantras as i walk is ‘Fears and doubts get out, strength and power be now!’ as i continue to clear the burdens I have taken on this lifetime with karmic completion in my sights.

Finding our power place in the Cancerian moon energy:
Pluto came out of retrograde and just after he did we were thrown into the energies of the Cancerian moon for about 3 days being called to release memories around disempowerment and possibly facing some ‘triggering’ moments from bullying energy or energies seeking to overpower.

Water, water everywhere:  Hearts opened, tears flow, rains fall!
The Cancer Moon accompanied by 4 planets in water signs brought in a flood of emotional energy, a huge tsunami in Indonesia and a few days later some welcome rain in NSW Australia showing signs of a 7 year drought possibly turning around. Fingers crossed as we keep opening our hearts!

Mercury in Libra squaring Pluto in Capricorn:  2nd to 4th October...big clearance of old mindsets, conditioning, belief systems!
During this moon in Cancer time we experienced Mercury in Libra, mind manager of our mental body squaring off to Pluto in Capricorn calling us to do some inner mental clearance of our physical bodies of any imbalances related to the power structures, beliefs and mindsets of the status quo, the establishment, the patriarchy. 
Could have impacted heads, respiratory system, nervous systems.
All happening in the personal as well as political dimension.

Art:  Eiko Ojala 

Deep heart opening, heart wrenching release of long held stories of in equity and injustice:  The story continues...
Along with the above energies we were also experiencing Venus virtually at a standstill as she approached her ‘station’, the moment when she changed direction to take us into retrograde energy.  Deep heart searching and clearance came to the fore personally and on the wider stage as we see issues of deep pain and suffering regarding equity, sexual abuse, political turmoil in the USA.  Let’s not forget that we’re in the month of Libra and issues of equity, justice, gender, balance, harmony and love are on the agenda.

6th October:  Venus stationing retrograde at 10 degrees 50 Scorpio at 5.04 am AEST
Finding gems from the past...the Venus discovery tour of lost love, power and equity
1st November enters Libra retrograde
16th November:  Turns direct in Libra at 25 degrees
3rd December:  Venus enters Scorpio direct

Wow!  Out of one cave and into another!  Let’s ‘dance in the old fashioned way’!
We’re only now just finding our power and strength with Pluto’s emergence from his retrograde journey to the centre of the earth and now Venus moves retrograde in Scorpio!
More spelunking...cave exploration of the heart with Scorpio as our chief navigator. 
Into ‘the heart of darkness’ with Venus as our guide:  
Diving deep to find our heart of gold!
We start the retrograde journey diving deep in the Scorpio cave of intimacy, sexuality, big money and power. Have no fear as we enter the cave of our heart, the deepest place in our heart.  We’re seeking our deepest desires with the expertise of the forensic investigation abilities of Scorpio.
Back to the past as memories are discovered, unravelled and reclaimed:
Retrograde planets are always a journey into the past with review, recollection, reconnection and eventual reclamation of whatever we ‘left behind’.  

It may manifest as actual physical reconnections with people, places, experiences from the past. Just know that these reconnections are a necessary step in our recovery process.  We’re recovering the fullness of our hearts without the blocks of past hurts, pains, projections from others. All the hurts are releasing.

The entry point to the labyrinth in Scorpio:  Enter the cave and open the heart!
Scorpio is the sign of life, death, rebirth and transformation and always challenges us to go deep within to transform those deeply buried emotional energies to clear and recover the fullness of our heart’s desires.
Scorpio rules intimacy, sexuality, big money and financial partnership issues which could relate a significant other or a government, big business, big corporation. Let’s not forget that in astrology, Venus rules love and money!
So, chances are there will be much sorting out, clearing out of any deeply buried emotional issues related to any or all of the above areas. 

Partnership issues from the past and present being resolved:  Is this in my own best interest?
With the Sun and now the New Moon in Libra partnership issues are front and centre and that includes the partnership with ourselves and our divine self...our higher consciousness. Whatever arises we need to come back and ask ourselves ‘is this being loving and kind to myself, to others?’
Can we reach a win/win agreement?
Venus at home in Libra from 16th November:  Love and equity!
Out of the 40 days of Venus retrograde, 33 of those days she will travelling in Libra, the sign of love, relationships, balance, equity and partnerships.  This will call us into looking deeply at the reflections and projections which present in all our interactions with others in the here and now as well as those we carry from the past.  What have we taken on from others energetically? What have we projected onto others?  Big sorting out of ‘I am me and you are you’ issues.
From 30th September to 12th October:  
The stationing degree 10 degrees Scorpio treading the grapes...a call to surrender!
When a planet ‘stations’ it brings a slow down and a virtual stoppage of the available energies for any movement as we adjust ourselves and prepare to move in the new direction whether retrograde or direct.  So, heart matters have been on hold since 30th September.
After 12th October Venus starts to pick up speed on 9 degrees for only 3 days

Sabian Symbol for Venus station:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Scorpio 11
This Symbol shows the ability, or the necessity, of helping others, being on hand when they need it and rescuing and bringing a sense of life back to people. It can show a rescuing nature; a counselor, therapist, life saver, etc. Of course, it can be that you need “Rescuing” in some way, whether it’s through counseling, getting a much needed loan, or having stress and strain lifted so that you can breathe freely again. This symbol often shows someone overpowered or overcome by their inability to cope emotionally .Often we feel like we are being suffocated, by our marriage, job, friendships, life path or the lack of these things. Know that help is at hand and soon you'll be able to breathe easily again. Resuscitation. Regaining one's breath. Being rescued. Finding life renewed. Salvation. Finding help in times of crisis. Ventilators. Oxygen. Dependence. Last minute reprieves.

9th October: New Moon in Libra 15 degrees 48 minutes Libra 
3.47 am GMT.at 2.47 pm AEDT
Art:  David Renshaw

Restoring divine justice, peace, harmony, balance and love:  Bring it on and ‘in’!

A New Moon, a new lunar month with a focus on harmony, love, balance and love which is based on equity and divine justice. The New Moon brings the focus for new directions for gender equity, within and without!

Mars in square to Venus:  ‘All we are saying is give peace a chance’
With Mars in Aquarius squaring off to Venus in Scorpio, the challenge is to come to peace with any confusion or resistance within or without regarding the masculine/feminine, male/female balance in our lives and in the world. 

It’s adding to  the impetus of the Libran energies, demanding we pay attention to any imbalances within any significant ‘partnerships’ in our lives and within our memory banks from past injustices.  Mars is our masculine energy and Venus is the feminine.

New Moon/Sun rebooting Libran consciousness:  
We are one, we are together!
At the New Moon we’re called to bring our inner consciousness and outer expression into alignment and focus on the direction for our intentions. 

We can find in the Libran energies we’re in a state of constantly weighing up one choice against another and taking forever to come to a decision.  So we need to set the intent but don’t rush as Venus will be bringing new gems to light which could well change our feelings.

Harnessing the power of our inner ‘master’ and power:  Moon square Pluto
It’s a power packed New Moon mainly because Pluto in Capricorn, our power pack is squaring off to the New Moon and Sun calling us to access our own power and authority, of taking charge of our life in a whole new way. We’re discovering our new pathway to success for ourselves and it’s outside the frame of reference of the mass consciousness, outside the current benchmarks based as they are on money, status and power. 

Waiting for the way forward to emerge is empowering:
It may just be coming to peace by being willing to sit in the ambivalence of not knowing the best way whilst we gather our thoughts and emotions and align with our true path. 

A lot of people are wanting to launch new ventures but if unsure, wait for clarity.  Also we have Mercury retrograde coming up on 17th November. If it’s something already developed that’s not at issue.

The Sabian Symbols for the New Moon and for the Venus station seem especially significant at this time after these past months of battering from the planetary shifts and changes.  Many of us do feel like we’re drowning and just keeping our heads above water and our ‘vehicle’ our boat needs rebuilding and that is our focus as we look to the future and creating new ways of living beyond mainstream thinking and mindsets. Interesting that the Sabian symbols for Venus’ station and the New Moon both refer to water energies, being rescued from drowning and a boat needing rebuilding. 

The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon/Sun in Libra:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com

Lynda's New Moon in Libra report:  

Libra 16
Image result for boat being repaired/imagesThis Symbol shows the need to rebuild parts of our lives that get swept away in difficult situations or “Storms”. Even things built on solid foundations can be swept away by the tidal wave forces of life or the emotions. You may at times feel overpowered and that you need to pick yourself up in some way. You may have to reconstruct some usually secure part of your life, but you are wiser and will in future build something stronger. Finding tools to rebuild can create brand new opportunities on every level. A great use of this degree is to find yourself in the helping role or being a counselor for others who have difficult issues to deal with in their lives. Temporary loss. Emotional repair. Insurance claims. The fragility of our world in the face of nature. Having 'nowhere to dock' one's emotions. Putting pieces back together again.

10th October:  Mercury enters Scorpio at 11.40 am AEDT
Now for the golden ‘mind’!
Until 31st October
Mercury makeover:  Clearing and transmuting the ‘clag’!
The Scorpio experience continues to expand its influence with Mercury joining Venus and of course Jupiter in the Scorpio mine which may feel like a minefield!

Stripping away of masks, false thinking and beliefs:  Losing ‘faces’!
With the mind and heart getting the Scorpio makeover it may feel like more stripping away of masks and false identities held within our emotions and thinking.  

Any false pride, ignorance, deeply embedded notions which are not aligned with our personal ‘I am’ self will come up for scrutiny,

Clearing the cobwebs of confused thinking:  Clarity restoring!
Mercury as ruler of our mental body, our mind manager and head of communication networks is now presented with the opportunity to clear the cobwebs of the mind which have kept us clouded in the ignorance of past beliefs, conditioned thinking and ‘brainwashing’ from other times.

New information coming to light:   Insights and aha moments!
Mercury rules commerce as well as communication, travel and education so these are the areas which are being plunged into the phoenix energies of Scorpio as we re-think, revamp and reconsider our options and best possibilities based on new information coming to light.

Water, water everywhere:  5 planets in water signs
The ‘ocean of emotion’ within and without!
Water, water everywhere as Mercury joins the other 4 planets which are setting the tone for emotional focus and consciousness in this past week or two.

Now we have 5 planets in water signs which can feel like floating, flooding or overwhelm depending on your current focus for cleansing and purifying the emotions in the physical body.

Are you floating, walking on water, riding the waves or just keeping your head above water? Big emotional energies at this time which may feel like overwhelm unless we take time to feel, letting them flow through us and relax.

In Scorpio:
's big energies continuing to shift consciousness from the depths of our emotional being
Venus about to start her retrograde journey next week and holding us in the Scorpio energy till 1st November. Big clearance and healing with Venus taking us deep into our 'heart of darkness' to clear out shadow memories.
Mercury bringing our mental energies to a period of forensic examination and deep exploration of the psyche.

In Pisces:
as ruler of Pisces there for the long haul bringing emotions to higher spiritual consciousness and divinity
Chiron just moved back into Pisces and bringing big healing energy to emotions held within the physical body. Old spiritual 'wounds'/memories may feel opened up like a can of worms.  See them, feel them, love them and leave them.

Important planetary connections from New Moon in Libra on 9th October to 23rd October when Sun moves into Scorpio
From 6th to 13th:  Mars in Aquarius squaring Venus in Scorpio...masculine mind awakened, uplifted, feminine emotions revealed from deep within the ‘cave’
From 10th to 12th:  Mercury in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus...mental wake-up.  Get out the shock absorbers!
From 14th to 18th:  Mercury meets Venus in Scorpio...reboot of mind/heart transformation

Golden Oldies:
‘Dance in the Old Fashioned Way’ Charles Aznavour https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHrDEuW-dAg for Venus retrograde

for reclamation of the divine feminine within us all

‘Heart of Gold’ Neil Young https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LC3naFQ-MU&list=RD_LC3naFQ-MU&start_radio=1&t=26 for Venus retrograde with lyrics
better sound track than the one above

for the New Moon in Libra and Mercury in Scorpio

‘Both Sides Now’ Joni Mitchell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcrEqIpi6sg It’s her song!

Upcoming Dates: 
23rd October:  Sun enters Scorpio
25th October:  Full Moon in Taurus

That’s all folks!
Hugs all around!
We’ve all got wet feet and some of us might feel out of our depth but our flamingo family are calling us to safe shores and standing with us as we seek embody the essence of unconditional love...the ‘impossible’ dream? Nothing like aiming for the impossible!

Plenty for us to work with integrating and shifting as a flow on from the Libran New Moon and with Venus offering us some forgotten gems from the past even if some painful realisations as old pains are released from the inner wounds. Venus and Mercury, heart and mind working together in Scorpio is promising for some major releases ‘deaths’ of old energy in the coming weeks. 

We get a little break from the planetary shifts and changes for a little while now until the Sun moves into Scorpio.  We may consider it as breathing space as we rebalance and readjust to so much that has been happening.  We’ll be quite busy integrating and attuning to Venus, Mercury and the Libran energy.

Love and blessings to us all as go on with our commitment and dedication to bringing in new consciousness on all levels of our being.  I have no doubt that it is the dedication of every one of us in our own lives that is bringing major shifts in consciousness.  It may seem impossible at present as ‘the Empire strikes back’ with a strength and power that seems impossible to counter.  We have the power and the tipping points will keep coming.


from the chair...barely standing


It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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