...for the children of the earth

Tuesday 23 October 2018

23rd October 2018 Sun enters Scorpio, 25th Full Moon in Taurus

Hi everyone!

We come to the completion of the solar month of Libra which has been taking us through some ongoing immense changes rebalancing our energies and bringing karmic resolution to our beings. It hasn’t all felt like peace and love as swans floating in harmony as the outer world reflecting our inner changes has continued to erupt with buried tensions and inequities coming to the surface.

Sometimes you just have to hang on and let go!
With Mercury, ruler of our mental body joining retrograde Venus in Scorpio it’s been like plunging into the depths of a bottomless cave with our hearts and minds as co-explorers of what has been buried within. The past week or two I felt like Indiana Jones hanging on a rope over a pit of vipers!

The month of Libra, the year of balancing!
The Solar month of Libra seems to be a culmination for this year of balancing, regrouping, reviewing and reclamation. It’s been a slow year in the physical sense but fast tracking energetically as we worked with more than the usual number of retrograde planets plugging us into divine sources. 

We’ve been in the balancing act all year:
All of this year has been holding us in the energy of marking time, rebalancing, getting accustomed to what has to go from our lives, what has been holding us in the imbalanced state.  The Libran energies opened us up big time to revelations, shocks and insights into the changes we needed to accept, to make in order to ascend in consciousness.

This year has been a huge spiritual clearance and preparation for future pathways in the next year or two when major world changes continue to escalate.  As our family of earth continues to awaken we will be in a better position to support any who need support and guidance. Of course we’ll be still on the job spiritually as we progress with the maintenance and raising of our own consciousness. This is a planet of growth and transformation.

What’s been happening:
A bit of a rough road:  Uh oh! Another bump in the road! 
It hasn’t all been an easy road through this Libran month as inequities have been surfacing in all dimensions of our existence and being brought to the surface in our interactions with others as sensitivities are high as we’re all reclaiming lost aspects of ourselves and  bringing them into the divine light of oneness and divine love.
The rebalancing and reclamation:  We do it with mirrors!
Libra demands justice and equity calling every one of us to examine our lives both now and in the memory banks as Venus, ruler of Libra continues on her deep probing retrograde journey in Scorpio bringing up reflections and projections as we connect and interact with others. 

Feeling the reactions, letting them go and moving on:
There’s plenty of us experiencing the old 3D reactive response as we seek ways of evolving our ego and reclaiming our spiritual power in new ways.  It’s not all straightforward. We need to maintain focus on divine love, forgiveness, mercy. 

It’s all old trauma and inequities surfacing:  Return to love and light
We just need to remind ourselves that so much of this is ‘old stuff’, old feelings and emotions of disempowerment that are being transformed as we help each other find a voice. We’re transmuting heart energies of lost love and separation from our divine power.  

1st November:  Venus moves retrograde into Libra...more equity and balancing in partnerships!
Venus moves retrograde into Libra on 31st October so we’re really going to find out just how much our discovery tour of the past has brought to light. She won’t be moving out of retrograde until mid November, the same day when Mercury enters retrograde in Sagittarius.  Interesting year eh?

23rd October:  Sun enters Scorpio at 10.22 pm AEDT
Time to go, to move on, to release
Until 22nd November
Letting go, letting ‘God’:  Redemption and resurrection is on offer...accepting the light!
This is the bottom line for this year as we enter the solar month of Scorpio where our only option is to let go of everything that is not serving our growth and development spiritually and physically. The full Moon in Taurus 2 days after the Sun enters Scorpio will guarantee dramatic changes already impacting us as the Sun enters Scorpio.

Accept our divine power and rise like the phoenix!
You may groan if you’ve been doing the hard yards but it feels like the Scorpio solar month in many ways will bring a sigh of relief as we’ve been working so intensely with the Scorpio energies this past month. The Mercury/Venus in Scorpio energies working us over these past weeks have set us up for an easier ride if we’ve worked with releasing mental and emotional energies of the past.

The Sun joins Venus, Mercury and Jupiter all in Scorpio:  Let there be light!
The Sun brings light to us all and in Scorpio it can be a little like the spotlight suddenly shines on what has been hidden from view.  We’ve been so engrossed in mining for the mental and emotional ‘gold’ of alchemical transformation, expanding and elevating consciousness it may have been difficult to any kind of clarity. We’ve been in the dark of the cave!

The Sun in Scorpio brings in new clarity and release! Feel the sign of relief! 
The Scorpio Sun brings us that light of understanding and clarification around the letting go process. As we meet the Sun this week we’re taken deeper into the Scorpio transformational energies, the opportunity to release the ‘dead and dying’ of old ways of being, thinking, feeling and acting and to release whatever is holding us back from growth and expansion in our lives. 

The Full Moon on 25th October:  Lightning breakthroughs!  
Crossing the bridge of resistance to acceptance!
The Full Moon In Taurus on 25th will break through any resistance to change that is holding us back. We're feeling these energies already as the Sun moves to Scorpio today facing off to Uranus the awakener in Taurus. There's little choice here but to bridge the gap between resistance and growth.
Willingness and acceptance are vital for us to negotiate the upcoming Full Moon charge of emotional release.

25th October:  Full Moon in Taurus at 1 degree 13 Taurus at 3.45 am AEDT...shock absorbers on!

Earthy Taurus full moon with a Uranus navigator!
Prepare to absorb the shock waves of this full moon as the energies strike to the heart of our physical existence, body and to mother earth.

Releasing and grounding the old traumas, memories from the physical body:
Taurus is the most fixed of all signs with its dense earth energy so any stubbornness or resistance often needs dramatic wake up calls to shift the embedded Taurus emotional energies and memories held in our physical bodies, worlds and in Mother Earth herself.

The Full Moon flushes out memories, emotions and the past:
Our call is to ground whatever energies arise in us as there can be a feeling of overwhelm as the old emotions flood to the surface. 

It needs to be remembered that the Full Moon period, 3 days before and after the moon comes to fullness, is when illusions abound and all clarity and decisions about the here and now need to be put on hold as we experience the release.

Scorpio Sun and Venus co-pilot:  Opposite Full Moon/Uranus in Taurus!
Opposite the Full Moon/Uranus is the Scorpio Sun with Venus as co-pilot which indicates the ‘death throes’ of some old resistant energies are being released and unleashed.
Taurus is Venus ruled so any ‘hits’ to challenge us may strike to the heart and to the heart of the matter that needs release. Venus rules love and money and Taurus is the comfort zone on Mother Earth so money issues could arise, be resolved with this major transformational crossroads. Also, Taurus is a ruler of self-worth, values, talents, gifts for earning money as well as the physical body.  Take care with the physical heart during this period so no additional stress is needed.  Comfort and nurturing works well.

Mercury and Jupiter riding tandem in Scorpio:  Mental release,upgrade!
Mercury, our mind manager is riding tandem with Jupiter, both in Scorpio at 21/25 degrees respectively reinforcing the message of major, major letting go of mindsets and upgrading consciousness to more evolved energies. 

Taking care of nerves:   Breathing in light to the head, mind, lungs!
Mercury rules the respiratory and nervous systems which reinforces the message to take care of the nerves as quite possibly old ‘traumas’ are released from the nervous system, the brain and the airwaves.  If you can turn off the thought processes then this is a vital way of processing the lightning strikes coming through.

Saturn at 4 degrees Capricorn:  
Karmic release of old mindsets, memories and heart issues around security, safety
Linking in to the Taurus/Scorpio energies to open up the collective karmic energies to access the status quo, the benchmarks, laws, big business, power brokers, governments, big systems.

Saturn’s in a positive flow of energy with both the Sun/Venus and Moon/Uranus offering a huge release from the ‘box’ of karmic restrictions, limitations and the benchmarks, rules and ‘old’ order of the status quo which are not aligned with divine love, truth, justice and authority.

Time to accept our authority as divine beings of light energy with the mastery to enact the creative changes needed for our life.

Planetary nodes forming Grand Cross with Moon/Uranus and Sun/Venus:  A crossroads of planetary choice, evolution and revolution!
North Node of the Moon:  1 degree Leo
South Node of the Moon:  1 degree Aquarius

The Grand Cross with the planetary nodes indicates big karmic energies being released for all of us as the blockages to the freedom of humanity held within our planetary south Node in Aquarius are opened up to release and liberation by the powerful Taurus/Scorpio bridge Sun/Moon energies.  The South Node is our planetary Earth Star Chakra so you can imagine what will be released when triggered by Uranus reboots the Full Moon’s bag of memories. Aquarius is ruled by lightning striker Uranus.

The North Node in Leo is holding the energy of the Soul Star Chakra working with the South Node in bringing past limited thinking and blockages into the light of the Sun and soul liberation.  This is a major soul cleansing for all of us and Mother Earth. The North Node is a message for us to stay focussed on our own personal lives and consciousness without being overwhelmed by mass emotional responses, releases which are likely to exacerbate personal issues.

The Grand Cross has been created in the 4 fixed signs, the signs which offer most resistance to change and yet offer the greatest opportunity for ascension to higher consciousness. 

This Full Moon is such a major culmination with the planetary nodes at the ending of their 2 to 3 year progress through the Leo/Aquarius energies and eclipses.  So it is a more than major culmination at the planetary level of evolution as we complete this particular cycle.

Sabian symbols at the Full Moon:  See Lynda Hill’s Full Moon report for full planetary symbols at this Full Moon

Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon in Taurus:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Moon:  Taurus 2
This Symbol implies storms, electrical flashes and brilliance. Storms unleash all kinds of energy; there is tension and a breaking point imminent, but the cleansing deluge is held back while the power of the situation seems to take control. You may feel like you have no influence over what is being unleashed. If you can keep a cool head, the energy will dissipate and you will regain control. Brilliant flashes of insight and intuition can come with this energy and things can happen suddenly and sometimes unpredictably. Reverence for the forces of nature. Nervous reactions. Short circuits and electrical failures. Loud cracks. Flashes of insight. Bursts of energy. Hot flushes. Surges.

Uranus:  Taurus 1
This Symbol shows purity of motive and a sense of knowing where one’s going along with a quiet determination to get there. There’s an assurance that you can be fresh and vibrant and revitalized from your spiritual source. Concentrate on the direction in which you are heading and don't deviate from it. Perform your tasks with an untainted vitality and you will enrich those around you. Realize that many came before you, and you are a part of their product. There is tradition and strength behind you. Flowing energy. Refreshment. Sure sense of direction. Remaining fluid. Blood lines and ancestry. Water as a resource. Dams. Cleaning and cleansing. Baptism. Traffic.

Sun:  Scorpio 2
Image result for broken bottle of perfume/imagesThis Symbol implies something fragile and beautiful that may somehow be shattered or lost. It can also show the need to let things go and not hang onto them to the point of shattering and loss. There will be times of building up or concentrating your emotions until they are suddenly let out. There may be little that you can do about an outburst, but you may need to be careful of what you do as you sort things out. Sometimes things need to be “Broken” so that their contents can be released and fully appreciated or revealed. The smell of “Perfume” can release memories of love, longing and desire, but also anger, hurt or jealousy. Memories lingering on. Spilled emotions. Scents or aromas. Upsetting people. Shattered emotions. Chiropractors. Back surgeons. Genie let out of the bottle. Breaking glass.

‘Judge Becomes Justice (Truth, Liberty, End of Cabal)’ Video clip from Magenta Pixie

27 Minutes giving insight into the current state of planetary ascension, healing processes and insights.
Quote from above:

‘What you experience currently upon your planet is the collective triggering of global, planetary trauma. This occurs in many areas of influence but none so significant as the political stage, most especially within your United States of America.’


Golden Oldies:
‘Long, Long Journey’ Enya https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laaq6rw9eJ0 For what’s been happening

‘Stop, Look and Listen to Your Heart’ Diana Ross and Marvin Gaye with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7SwcWEReoE Full Moon

‘Green, Green Grass of Home’ Tom Jones https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytvcdSzzMds Redemption, reunion, reclamation

Upcoming Dates: 
31st October:  Mercury enters Sagittarius
1st November: Venus enters Libra retrograde

6th November:  Uranus enters Aries Rx
7th November:  North Node moves to Cancer
8th November: New Moon in Scorpio
8th November:  Jupiter enters Sagittarius

Related imageThat’s all folks!  

Hugs all around!

We get through this Full Moon even if we’re laid out by it, we’ll be ready to embrace a whole new energy coming in to support us as we finish off this year and welcome 2019. The wombat will help us to keep going, maintain faith in ourselves, our gifts and talents and help us ground any upcoming shocks to the system and to the earth.

Looking forward:  Light at the end of a long day’s journey into night!
8th November: 
New Moon in Scorpio accompanied by Jupiter’s move to Sagittarius for the next year!
The nodes move to the Cancer/Capricorn axis on 7th November for the next 2 to 3 years so most of the eclipses will be in these signs for the next 2 years.  It will bring focus on emotional and physical/financial security across the planet as we learn to bring in the more positive, optimistic energy of Jupiter in its own sign, a welcome relief after this past year of Jupiter in Scorpio and its massive expansion of inner consciousness, soul searching, death and rebirth.

However. at that New Moon in Scorpio there could be another major shift and wake up as Uranus will be squaring off to the Nodes as he moves back into Aries.  The more we release and hand over at this Full moon and in the coming weeks, the better prepared to welcome the heart opening which will occur at the New Moon on 8th November when Venus faces off to Uranus, the awakener.

Venus is still in retrograde in Scorpio taking us deep and dark to recover fragments of lost soul memories but moves retrograde into Libra on 1st November just after Mercury moves into Sagittarius so some relief from the Scorpio depths of deep emotion. 

Love and blessings to us all as we learn and integrate new ways of being, of thinking, feeling and enacting higher consciousness on planet earth.  I have no doubt that every one of us is making a difference to this immense shift in consciousness in humanity as the old consciousness of power and control is released into the light of divine love, mercy, forgiveness and compassion. Uplift is on the way so maintaining focus, faith and devotion is vital.


from the chair...accepting divine love

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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