...for the children of the earth

Monday 1 October 2018

1st October 2018: Pluto stations direct

Art;  Paul Briggs
Hi everyone!

Whew!  Just whew!
What a week it has been since the Full Moon in Aries with a series of planetary after shocks emanating from the Full Moon line up and continuing to play out for the whole week.

Libran Sun calling us to peace:  So the mayhem continues to erupt!
The Sun in Libra has been shining its light on all of us and the earth herself working with us to stay focussed on that light power of balance, harmony, peace and love as the rectification of so many imbalances continued to emerge both personally and on the global stage.

Anything that is not peace and love must go!  The Libran Sale is on!
If we choose peace and maintain focus on manifesting this energy, then all that is outside of peace will surface for our attention to bring it into alignment with our intention and deepest desire. So buried and repressed emotions have been brought to the surface with an intensification this past week. 

Global ‘cleansing’ socially, politically and physically:
The flushing out of memories across the planet is palpable and nowhere more so than in the USA with the investigations related to sexual abuse by one man in power. This is just the tip of a huge iceberg which seems to be in meltdown as people across the world are growing in their power and strength, their willingness to seek truth and redress injustices and inequities.

Truth will be revealed as inconsistences and lies come to the surface:
Those in leadership positions are being challenged to be in truth as corrupt practices are revealed. Our systems are under duress just as are all systems of government, banking and finance as the pressure increases and will continue to do so.  We still have Saturn in Capricorn until early 2020 and Pluto’s like a huge mining machine digging up the dirt in his long haul transit.

Action on the ‘ring of fire’ in Indonesia: The earth releases energies along ley lines and rebalances through vortexes, power centres, chakras of earth!
Meanwhile our Earth Mother continues to rebirth and rebalance with a huge earthquake and tsunami hitting Indonesia with loss of lives, homes and the death toll expected to rise. She will continue on regardless as she ‘rolls over’ and throws off the energies that are weighing her down.  She will do this through the ley lines and vortexes which work as our human body with our chakra energy centres. 
Of course Chiron has just moved back into Pisces so huge emotional release for us and the earth and it’s all about the oceanic water.

Get ready to be plugged back into your power source: Lights on!  Pluto’s emerging!
Now we’re going to start feeling our power centre being restored as Pluto returns from his underworld exploration in the inner searching of the retrograde journey.  We’ve been digging up the treasures within which strengthen our own sense of power and place in the world.  It’s been a Capricorn journey with a physical exploration of the body which holds any energies which have been weakening our ownership of power and our entitlement to be powerful spiritual beings in our own right on this earth.

What happened with the Full Moon in Aries: Breakthrough?  Breakdown?  All’s good!

Who else had a major breakthrough as a result of the Full Moon energies?
Mind you, we’ve been in the mixing pot with Black Moon Lilith releasing huge suppressed shadow energies in us all as she connected with Mars and South Node of the Moon in Aquarius and all manner of other planetary connections from the full moon onwards.  We’ve been shifting those old planetary memories out of the darkness of the past into the north node of the moon in Leo...the light of the Sun!

Release of collective spiritual ‘wounds’ from the unconscious:  Uplift!
And now, with Chiron in Pisces, the collective healing of emotions and the uplift spiritually is bringing in the potential for release of old spiritual wounds held by us all in the unconscious. This window of opportunity takes us through to February 2019 so let the emotions out, the tears flow if needed.

Release of projections, reflections and coming home to ourselves!
I'm feeling the huge release of projections taken on from others this and other lifetimes. That's the Libran energy which puts the focus on coming to balance through owning all that we are and releasing the conditioned responses, values and attitudes taken on with family and social conditioning. We stop being reflections of others and start emanating own unique charisma...spiritual power.
I'm a work in progress!
Oh happy day...

Anyone else feeling the reclamation? 
Early stages maybe..pieces of the jigsaw falling into placeI'm putting myself back together after a shattering week, month and year. I don't know how long it will take or my next step but I do know a big piece of myself which I had unconsciously disowned, ignored and sidelined has presented to me in a major revelation.

You know when you think you own all you are? And then...bingo! Here it comes again! Now letting go of the guilt, blame, shame, humiliation and loss of respect and trusting in doing so my body will 'pull itself together'!

All's well when we know we're on the road to recovery putting ourselves back together even when we're still feeling the pain of the past and letting it just wash away.

Forget 'sliding doors' and welcome to revolving doors!  
Australian shenanigans in light of the current energies!A matter of weeks ago our Australian PM got toppled in an internal party coup with no explanation from said party.

Now a matter of days ago the Manager of our National Broadcasting network got sacked by the Board of Directors with no explanation apart from 'unsuitable leadership style'.

Days after the Manager was sacked, the Chairman of above Board of Directors resigned due to evidence of political influence pressuring him about decisions for the ABC, a supposedly independent body!

And so, the plot unravels and we'll continue to see more disclosures, revelations across all sectors of society, across the world as corruption is released and those who have been oppressed, suppressed come forward with confidence and courage.

Roll on the revolution

'The times they are a'changing' Bob Dylan

1st October:    
Pluto stations direct at 18 degrees 45 Capricorn at 12.03 pm AEST...power back!
Until 24th April 2019 at 23 degrees Capricorn
Out of ‘the hall of the mountain king’!  What gems have you found?
We’re coming out of the cave of inner searching of the retrograde labyrinth!
Pluto is the miner, the Lord of transformation, life, death and rebirth who takes us to the darkness within helping us to discover of the untold treasures of our inner psyche. In Capricorn, we’re finding our Saturn authority and releasing karmic burdens, contracts and ties in particular with the old patriarchal power base.

As ruler of Scorpio, Pluto takes us deep into the transformation process:
He’s digging in the Capricorn energies to find the ‘pot of gold’ which offers success and a sense of worthiness for embracing the challenges of karmic contracts, burdens and mastery which are the hallmark of the Capricorn energy. He’s been helping us reclaim our spiritual power and remove the blocks!

Time to own and enact our power in the world:  ‘Yes!  I can do this!’
Shakiness and insecurity will release as we gently step forward.
Take heart and power on as we know that Pluto gives us plenty of time to integrate all the deep changes that have been happening within us.  Carolyn Myss says ‘everything on the planet is about power’ and we need to remind ourselves of this at every minute of every day.  Pluto is a source of immense transformational power within us offering a strength that comes from knowing who we are, owning we are and being proud, in the best possible way of who we are. Boots on and take your time...no rush!

Where am I?  Time to find our feet as the light of day hits!
Bringing our mental body into the challenge of re-aligning to a new energy!  Boots on!
When Pluto stations we find Mercury squaring off to Pluto bringing our heads and thinking into balance as we emerge into the light of day.  It might not feel like that immediately as everything might feel at a standstill as we get our bearings.  

We’ve been ‘underground’ for so long that it might feel disorienting as we exit from the Pluto labyrinth of inner journey and discovery process.

Getting our minds centred and balanced:  
Mercury our mind manager in Libra until 11th October
Make the most of it!
Mercury is not hanging around long in Libra so this next 9 days gives us the opportunity to bring our minds into balanced alignment with a new found sense of power as Pluto reveals just how much rectification has been occurring to our mindsets and imbalances in our mental bodies.
It’s all in the mind now as we harness our mental power and focus.

Pluto and ongoing player in the power stakes of rebalancing the inequities...karmic, legal, gender, political, economic, relationships!
Pluto will remain quite the active agent in our transformation these next few weeks as he’ll be squaring off to the New Moon in Libra at 16 degrees on 10th October indicating that the equity/justice gender re-balancing will continue to play a major part during this next stretch.  Let’s not forget that Saturn, ruler of Capricorn rules the old patriarchy and this energy is ongoing thanks to Black Moon Lilith/Mars/ South Node of the Moon still activating the shadow feminine energies which have been oppressed during our history of earth.

Pluto on 18 degrees:  From 31st August to 31st October...dead slow!  Easy does it...step by step!
He’s a very slow mover at any time as he takes years to move through a sign.  However, he’s holding to that degree as he approaches or leaves his ‘station’/turning point.  After 31st October he’s on 19 degrees for the next 6 weeks till mid December and gradually increasing his movement through the degrees from then on.

Here’s the Sabian Symbol for Pluto’s station:  On this degree from 31st August to 31st October
Capricorn 19
This Symbol shows having to “Carry” heavy loads, to shoulder responsibilities, do chores and jobs and help others, sometimes because there’s no one else who can or will do it. Often, the “Child” gets these responsibilities because they are the one who others know is going to take it seriously, completing the task, taking care of details. You may feel that you have been burdened with responsibilities beyond normal expectations and possibly beyond your capability. Despite being keen and enthusiastic, you must be careful not to try to take on too much, or do too much, or too quickly. Like a child, you need to play, be creative and rest. Growing up too fast. Weighed down with responsibilities. Taking on things above and beyond. Being the one who pays. Acting the grownup. Doing everything. Broad shoulders.

From Lynda Hill:  www.sabiansymbols.com

Lauren Gorgo’s latest message:  ‘Alpha & Omega: the beginning and the end’
Opening paragraphs:
We are completing a month of epic endings, finalizing wayward aspects of our past selves in order to qualify for the vibrant new beginnings we’ve painstakingly gestated during the last 9 months of this incredible, yet deeply challenging year of the Mystical Merger/Alchemical Marriage.
Each of us in our way, and based on our own timeline, have been moving thru…facing, feeling, healing…THE wound (and all subsequent wounding) that has prevented us from actualizing our full potential in the physical world.  In many cases we have transmuted-transformed-transcended this root karmic dynamic, but now…and all the way thru to the next equinox in March 2019…it is time to integrate that transcension into the our physical lives thru the ultimate synthesis.

Golden Oldies:
‘In the Hall of the Mountain King’ Edvard Grieg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r__Dk4oWGJQ with film animation

The story of Peer Gynt and the Hall of the Mountain King https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnLWa3ij0pk

‘With a Little bit o’ Luck’ Stanley Holloway, ‘My Fair Lady’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jfkaf70SYM from the inner ‘gold mine’

‘Heigh Ho’ Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HI0x0KYChq4 for return from our expedition

Upcoming Dates: 
6th October:  Venus retrograde in Scorpio
9th October:  New Moon in Libra
10th October:  Mercury enters Scorpio

23rd October:  Sun enters Scorpio
25th October:  Full Moon in Taurus

That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!
We’re emerging from the deep mining experience of Pluto in retrograde and now adjusting our eyes to the light and allowing our minds and bodies to find their balance. Remember, Pluto’s a very slow mover but we should feel some difference as we accustom to the new info which is coming in and a new sense of self.  We just have to own it, trust it and move forward with it.  At least we are moving forward and out into the world.

Venus slowing and tuning us to our hearts:
At the same time, the presence of Venus slowing right down to begin her retrograde journey on 6th September is giving us time to adjust our heart power and offer ourselves some loving kindness as she prepares to enter the Scorpio cave. She’s sitting on 10 degrees Scorpio and she’ll be there for 12 days during her ‘station’ calling our hearts to be still in the experience of transformative love. So much Scorpio focus this year with Jupiter in Scorpio. Pluto of course, is Scorpio’s ruler and now Venus retrograde in Scorpio.

Love and blessings to us all as we keep singing ‘Heigh Ho’ along with the Seven Dwarfs as they come home from their work in the mine. With a little bit of luck we’ll be blessed by Pluto and by our own willingness to our devotion to finding and reclaiming our spirit. our ‘lost’ and/or unclaimed pieces of self.


from the chair...checking my discoveries

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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