...for the children of the earth

Sunday 10 February 2019

10th February 2019 Mercury enters Pisces, 14th February Mars enters Taurus

Hi everyone!
Well we made it through the New Moon in Aquarius cosmic doorway for the lunar new year!  It birthed us out of the eclipse portal of the New Moon in Capricorn eclipse of 5th January and opened the doorway from earth to the cosmos.
The ascension staircase is carrying us on to a more elevated perspective as we integrate the Aquarian energies of higher consciousness bringing sudden insights and lightning strikes which carry new messages and ways of thinking outside the box.  Mercury in Aquarius has assisted as a messenger of the Aquarian airwaves.
What’s been happening:
Mercury in Aquarius:  Since 24th January...being re-wired mentally!
In particular, we’ve been getting ‘re-wired’ in our minds, our mental body as Mercury has been travelling through Aquarius since 24th January.  Mercury rules communication, the mental body and the nervous system.  Aquarius is the lightning striker which rules electricity, technology and brings higher mental consciousness. 
Jumpy, scattered nervous system?
So if the nervous system has felt jumpy and the mind scattered and unfocussed, there’s good reason astrologically to consider this energy as a prime player in shifting our perspective.  The neural pathways have been revamped with releases of old memories resistant to new ways of thinking and new concepts. It’s all about us finding our unique ‘signature’ without the societal/familial conditioning and ‘past life’ memories driving our thinking.
Interesting article on electricity in the body: 
‘How does the body make electricity and use it’
‘Everything we do is controlled and enabled by electrical signals running through our bodies.’

The week ahead:  
More lightning strikes ahead along with two planetary gear changes!
Planetary gear changes:  
Mercury and Mars both change signs this week

10th February:  Mercury moves into Pisces
Mercury moves out of mentally calibrated Aquarius into the watery emotional landscape of Pisces for an extended stay thanks to his first retrograde period for 2019. 
14th February:  Mars moves into Taurus
From 10th to 14th February:  
Fire building ready for a discharge! 
This week we have  Mars our masculine warrior of fire and drive making his way through the last degrees of Aries, his home sign, for a meeting with Uranus sitting on 29 degrees just before he moves into Taurus. 

There’s potential for explosive breakthroughs, breakdowns and volatile environments and emotions that could erupt into conflict and anger as buried emotions such as resentment, oppression, fear, grief etc are released from the physical body.

From now to 18th February:  
Completing the Chiron in Pisces journey! 
We’re completing a major stage of our healing journey in the next 10 days as Chiron sits on the final degree of Pisces at the end of his 8 year journey through the sign of the collective unconscious.  The intensity of the last degree of any sign always adds impetus to ‘completion’. The focus for this energy has been clearing the karmic emotional attachments to the collective unconscious which includes ‘past lives’/other realities, people, places and events.  It’s been as immense as the ocean because it includes everyone and everything on earth, in humanity and in earthly consciousness.
What can we do?
For Chiron in Pisces, the call is for us to keep cutting the karmic ties, dissolving the old karmic threads with the deep emotions of Pisces that emanate from the collective. If ever there was a time to release collective pain, suffering and victimhood, feelings of imprisonment or scapegoating...it’s now!
10th February:  
Mercury enters Pisces at 9.50 pm AEDT
The mind floats and dreams
An extended stay: 
6th March stations retrograde at 29 degrees Pisces
28th March goes direct at 16 degrees Pisces
Emerging from the Aquarian mental makeover:
Mercury has been travelling through Aquarius rewiring our neural pathways and nervous system with new consciousness, releasing the threads of old thinking, mindsets, beliefs, conditioning, brainwashing from the past paradigm.
Let’s sail away into the Pisces ocean of limitless possibilities!
Our mind manager is taking to the open seas of the Pisces consciousness, the limitless realm where it can seem incredibly difficult to pin down the mental energy with any clarity.  We’re floating new ideas!
Visionary dimensions unfold when we float along!
That’s because Pisces takes our mind beyond any limited ‘left brain’ thinking, polarity and asks us to expand into the broader landscape of the artistic, intuitive and higher spiritual energies of Pisces. 

An extended stay in Pisces:  Losing the mindsets!  Finding the flow!
Mercury’s in the sign of spirituality, artistry and transcendence for an extended stay. As we open our eyes and expand our vision, we clear collective residue which has kept us anchored in the mud of uncertainty and indecision.
Drifting and dreaming:
Mercury will be busy sending in messages from higher consciousness. Whether we receive with clarity depends on our clearance of collective mindsets and conditioning.
Be open mentally to ‘the flow’:  Music, art, dance opens the mind!
The unevolved consciousness of Pisces can take us into victim consciousness, feelings of entrapment if we allow ourselves to think that we’ve ‘lost our minds’.  That’s what we need to do to some extent as we expand our mental energy into new ways of accessing information from the limitless realm of Pisces where concepts, ideas, emotions and solutions float in the never ending realm of flowing inspiration.
14th February:  
Mars enters Taurus at 9.51 pm AEDT
Getting grounded and comfortable
Until 31st March
Bringing Mars fire and passion down to earth!
Mars is ruler of our physical body, our fire and drive, our masculine energy and now he steps into the sign of Mother Earth, ruled by Venus and plugging us into our values, self-worth and gifts and talents which have the capacity to offer financial remuneration for work in the world.
Bring love, beauty and harmony to the body, to our physical life:
Taurus asks us to connect to the beauty of the earth and to enjoy the earthly pleasures and for our Mars energy to slow down, breathe and relax, trusting the abundant flow of the earth which is always available to us all. We need to maintain our focus on our connection to the earth and its abundance. Taurus is Mother Earth and she holds us with love.
Venus rules Taurus:  
Choose for the joy of the heart!
Our physical environment, food we eat, music we hear, clothes we wear are all part of the Taurus ‘value’ system as Taurus rules self-worth, our values, our gifts and talents for earning an income.
‘Do what you love and the money will follow’ is definitely part of the Taurus ‘credo’.
Mars likes to be on the move...easy does it!  Take in the view!
There’s nothing speedy about Taurus as she likes to stop and smell the flowers so the message is to enjoy a slower pace.

Whether it’s travel, exercise, sport, physical activity of any kind be sure to tune in to the heart energy as Venus rules Taurus.  If our heart’s alight with joy, we’re in the flow of the Taurus energy.

Mars likes speed and Taurus likes a slower pace but Mercury in Pisces will help the mind go with the flow and relax...if we let it be so.
Physical body:
Mars rules the head.  Be aware of being ego drive and headstrong at the expense of the body, physical movement.  Gentle exercise and pleasure.
Taurus rules the throat and neck.  Be aware of being stubborn and wilful at the expense of divine will, divine flow. Singing will help.
Golden Oldies:

‘Try A Little Tenderness’  Otis Redding  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_n5xXYBiVY  for Mars in Taurus


‘Drifting And Dreaming’ Pat & Shirley Boone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulYGxYbjgeA for Mercury in Pisces


Upcoming Dates:
18th February:  Chiron moves into Aries
19th February:  Sun enters Pisces 
20th February:  Full Moon in Virgo
That’s all folks! Hugs all around!
We’re in the last week of Chiron in Pisces which means an intensifying of this energy as Chiron moves through the final degree/s of the sign of the collective consciousness, the great ocean of collective pain, joy, suffering and those energies which have been washing out of all of humanity over the past 8 years.
Spiritual wounds are washing clean in this final week of opportunity to release karmic ties to the collective which have been holding us in old mindsets and conditioning.  Here we are surfing the waves of the ocean in collective joy of moving as one.  That’s the higher consciousness of Pisces we’re accessing as together we release old ways of being that kept us out of the flow.
Love and blessings to us all as we take on the world from our personal zone of comfort and joy.


from the chair...on my ‘beach’

It’s all about love
Divine Reunion


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