...for the children of the earth

Monday 4 February 2019

4th February 2019 Venus enters Capricorn, 5th New Moon in Aquarius/Chinese New Year,


Hi everybody!
What an experience!  Weeks of de-structure and release!
Well here it is...the Full Moon Total Lunar eclipse in Leo.  It may not seem as dramatic as many of the photos of the blood moon.  However, it seems to capture the essence of the lunar energies, the eclipse, the starry sky reminding us of the Aquarian Sun as a major player in the eclipse as well as the rocky landscape which emanates the strong earthy Capricorn presence of Saturn, Mercury, Pluto and the South Node.  We’ve been travelling in the Capricorn planetary field...big time!
Karmic resolution and release:   What a time on planet earth!
The Capricorn energies have been a powerful underpinning presence over the past weeks, setting the tone and focus at the New Moon Solar Eclipse on 5th January which catapulted us into amazing karmic releases and resolution along with the jumping and collapsing of old timelines which have driven us for so long.
Calling in our authority and power as light beings in earthly bodies!
Saturn/authority and Pluto/power are still travelling in Capricorn throughout this year closing the gap for their connection/reboot in January 2019.  Trusting that the clearance we’re putting in now will ease our journey in the year ahead.  The more we embrace this opportunity, the easier it gets. 

Fair’s fair:  Levelling the playing field!  Changing the ‘rules’ to love...that’s it!
As we awaken we change our behaviours, reactions to what has been ‘accepted’ but burdensome.  We change course and call in our entitlement to be living in passion and joy, in peace and harmony, in equity and justice. Our litmus test for ourselves and others is to ask ourselves ‘is this love, divine love’? 
4th February:  Venus enters  Capricorn at 9.29 am AEDT.
How high can your heart go?
Until 2nd March

Capricorn continues to call the tune: Lifting our hearts to the heights!
Venus now joins Saturn and Pluto in the Capricorn landscape asking us to lift our game in the realm of our heart energy. How do we do this?  Let’s not forget that Capricorn ruled by Saturn sets the theme of karmic resolution bringing our hearts into the clarity and truth of our lives here and now.
Coming into the higher heart consciousness:  Values and self worth!
As we release the rules and benchmarks set down by the Capricorn status quo of convention and tradition, we come into the truth of personal values which are governed by Venus, the planet of love, divine love. 
Capricorn is the master builder: 
Now for the foundations of divine love!
Imagine if our world was built on the power of love, the message of the spiritual masters and teachers of the highest order and authority.  Well, Capricorn is the builder and we are the instruments of building this new world based on divine love.
Venus underpins the birth of our new lunar year:
Laying the ground rules!
Venus is only in Capricorn for a few weeks but it’s interesting that she slips into this powerful sign of earthly manifestation just in time for the birth of the lunar new year with the Aquarius New Moon. That sets the tone for the next lunar month and gives us clear indicators for creating new forms and structures. 
Indicators for foundations of divine love:  Capricorn works well with rules, laws and benchmarks...set new ones for divine ‘law’ in our life
1.  Does this decision, action, idea make my heart sing? 
Make this a starting point for the next month.  The evolved heart wants to be heard.

2.  How do I value myself, my time, my energy and my authority as a being of love? 
Is your good nature being abused, devalued?  Draw a line in the sand and stop the abuse from others, organisations, employers, colleagues, relationships.

3.  Am I attracting people, situations, work which respects my loving contribution?
Is it a ‘relationship’ of equality?  We can be givers but not at the expense of giving up ourselves to the ‘law’ of others.
What’s changed? Massive clearance of our ‘building site’ has been occurring
Tentative steps in new directions
You might say ‘nothing new’ here but now we’ve cleared the building site sufficiently to start accessing esoteric foundations of strength. Of course, karmic resolution will continue with the presence of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn into 2020.  

However, our unique signature has been on this at such depth that we are now ready to glimpse possibilities beyond our previous vision and mindset.  Be open for the next lunar month as we will be inundated with ideas but are they founded on divine love for ourselves and for our place in the world .
5th February:   New Moon in Aquarius at 15 degrees 45 Aquarius 8.03 am AEDT
Destiny calls!
Art:  Rassouli ‘Portal of Perception’

A New Lunar Year!  A rebirth...new month, new year!
Related image
The lunar calendar begins with this new moon in Aquarius every year.  We follow the solar calendar in much of the world but many cultures follow a lunar calendar and in Astrology it serves as a fitting reminder of the incredible power of the subconscious, the pull of the past, the ancestors, the memories, the inner magnetic energies of the feminine power when we honour the lunar calendar.
Sun and Moon in the sign of cosmic connections and divine destiny!
Image result for sun/new moon images artThe power of the sun and moon talking the same language, in agreement, working together to birth our inner and outer lives in an harmonic convergence for new directions, ways of living and consciousness.  Aquarius offers us our path of destiny, our star of hope.  What is our greatest potential this lifetime?  That’s destiny, the choice we make.
Taking to the stars: Lift off to access new hopes and dreams!
Aquarius rules hopes and dreams and is reflected in ‘the stars’  of the cosmos...hopes and dreams beyond our present vision if we’re prepared to lift our eyes to ‘the heavens’. Let’s fly to the Aquarian territory of the stars and the outer reaches of the galaxy where human problems are miraculously solved and we can access our unique identity this lifetime.
Eclipse rebirth: 
Now we find out just how much we’ve changed!
The New Moon takes us out of the eclipse vortex into new energy.  Its impact will continue to send reverberations through us all as we move through the ongoing change processes set in motion with the eclipses.  These can play out for anything from a month to 6 months after the events.

Soul connections!  Finding our cosmic community, friends, tribe!
Aquarius rules humanity, community and friends.  As we access our unique signature with the ongoing clearance of the societal conditioning, we come into our quirky self, what makes us ‘unique’.  This is a key word for Aquarius energy and time.
Activation of the planetary nodes:  Uranus awakening our divine ‘I am’ to take the cosmic path!
At this New Moon, the energies of the karmic planetary nodes are actively awakening us to our cosmic ‘home’ and family as Uranus with Mars squares off to the Cancer/Capricorn Nodes. 
Planetary South Node in Capricorn:  Saying no to the old treadmill of conditioned ‘obligations’
At the same time, Saturn and Pluto sitting on the South Node in Capricorn is giving clear direction regarding clearance of old status quo energy that is keeping us from evolving into the Cancerian cosmic family connection. 
A date with destiny:  The New Moon calls us to follow our star, to pursue our destiny!We have obligations to meet that are sacred and aligned with divine consciousness and then we have those ‘obligations’ which are enacted from conditioned responses we’ve taken on. Be aware of the difference.  When we act out of a duty to ourselves to fulfil our deepest commitments it brings us joy. 
Spiritual mastery calls us on:  Find, focus on and follow your own unique star!
When we choose to actively pursue our destiny, we accept our capacity to be spiritual masters of our lives. As we do, we align with planetary direction and evolution.  The universe supports our every step as we release the false sense of security perpetuated by the old status quo and being at the mercy of fate and the karmic wheel.
Mercury at 19 degrees Aquarius:  
A major player at the New Moon bringing messages from ‘the stars’ for the new agenda!
Since Mercury entered Aquarius on 24th January:  A rewiring of the neural pathways!
Mercury rules the mental body, the mind, nervous and respiratory systems and he’s been moving through the sign of the lightning strike awakener Aquarius which rules the neuralgic system.  Mercury rules the nervous and respiratory systems. Neural pathways allow messages to be sent from one part of the nervous system to another.
Crossed wires?  Soon the airwaves will clear starting with this New Moon!
Related imageThe neural pathways carry memories and they’ve been undergoing a re-wiring just as my house has been through January. This re-wiring will continue until 10th February so if you’ve been mentally scrambled, trust that clarity is on the way, starting with this New Moon!
Clearing the memory banks and preparing for new input!
Put that together and we can see the significant role Mercury is playing in the release of the deeply embedded ‘wounded’ memories of our ancestry, the planet and of course our lives.
New Moon and Mercury working together in Aquarius:  Discoveries!  New ideas and new directions!  Be prepared to be inspired!
Unique, individual, leading edge thinking, new ideas and cosmic consciousness are very much part of the Aquarian brief for us to access when we’re ready and open.  And now is the time with Mercury sitting so close to the New Moon in the sign of innovation. Be open and receptive to innovative solutions and pathways!
Take time to be in stillness, quiet, music, contemplation, meditation and switch off the mind:  
Find the sweet spot of ‘the empty mind’!
You don’t receive these messages when immersed in the realities of lower 3D consciousness running around to please others, the old voices of past times and realities which have kept us trapped in maintaining behaviours which do not align with the joy of our spirits. 
Chinese New Year:  Year of the Earth Pig
Birthing on the New Moon in Aquarius...Pigs WILL fly!
Year of the Dog:  It’s been a year of ‘dogged’ determination on the ‘ascension’ staircase!
We’re just coming out of the year of the dog which certainly lived up to its title with an emphasis on loyalty which brought up questions about where our loyalties lie and where we stand with loyalties to self.  The dog has been known as ‘man’s best friend’ so questions about friendship including friendship to self.  Have we become our own best friend so we can be a better friend to others?  Questions about responsibility and honesty have definitely been front and centre both personally and globally over the past year.  Include concepts of karmic ‘responsibility’ in this view.

If you’re dog tired of course it’s not just about ‘year of the dog’ but our inner ‘dog’ kept us on track one step at a time.
Year of the Pig: 
Let’s get down and dirty...yes, I know the general meaning...but...pigs in mud?
Astrologically we have an earthy year ahead with Saturn and Pluto still treading the Capricorn mountain of ambition and success in our earthly world but the potential for karmic release and uplift from ‘treadmill’ thinking and old ‘soapies’ is present if we can access the pig energy and feel the joy of life on earth.  As we do, we take to the skies!
Qualities of the Pig:  Qualities being called to the fore in all of us this year!
Sincere, tolerant, hard-working, honest, optimistic
More on Chinese New Year:
‘According to the chinese astrology , 2019 is a great year to make money, and a good year to invest! 2019 is going to be full of joy, a year of friendship and love for all the zodiac signs; an auspicious year because the Pig attracts success in all the spheres of life.’
Sabian Symbol for New Moon in Aquarius:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Aquarius 16
This shows organizing things, running a business, attending to paperwork or generally being very much in charge. A “Big-Businessman” is someone who isn’t afraid to make decisions, take calculated risks, or work often and long for the rewards it brings. It is a fairly big job to organize a business or group and keeping tabs on all that’s going. Being professional and organized brings rewards. However, it can mean putting limits on your personal life. This can result in alienation - particularly if you have to stay behind or say no to outings. Are you living the way that is best for your future, your relationships and physical well being? Decision making. Management. Being in charge and in control. Calling the shots. Being responsible. Delegating. Economic rationalism. Sorting paperwork. Desks, computers.

Golden Oldies:
‘Age of Aquarius’ 5th Dimension https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjxSCAalsBE Okay, maybe not ‘the age’ yet but it’s another step!
‘I want to sing in Opera’ Miss Piggy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bTjBrZc7C8 for following our Aquarian star!
‘Starts with Love’ Johnny Diaz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUxpLfiMRZg for Venus in Capricorn
Upcoming Dates:
10th February Mercury into Pisces
14th February:  Mars into Taurus

18th February:  Chiron moves into Aries
19th February:  Sun enters Pisces 
20th February:  Full Moon in Virgo
That’s all folks!  Hugs all around! 2019...yes...pigs DO fly!  We’re taking ourselves out to the cosmos and back!

As we birth the lunar new year in Aquarius, we welcome the Chinese New Year of the Pig, a year which promises major changes to our world, our earth and her body along with the economic, social and political ‘structures’ created by humanity.  However, our tribe of ‘lightworkers’ conscientiously clearing our old benchmarks and conditioning, are the ones who can push through the collective wall of ignorance.

We’re setting it in motion with the extraordinary ideas emanating from our own unique signature this lifetime built on the foundation of the higher mind, progressing with the clearing of detrimental memory blocks and build on a solid foundation of pure higher heart consciousness. 

Let divine love lift our delightful ‘piggie’ selves to the skies in joy and celebration of divine reunion.  

Love and blessings to us all as we find our new way in the world in this new month, new year and new exciting directions.


from the chair  freeing the fears, finding the joy


It’s all about love
Divine reunion  

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