...for the children of the earth

Tuesday 3 September 2019

18th August 2019: Mars entered Virgo, 21st August Venus entered Virgo, 23rd August Sun entered Virgo 29th August: Mercury entered Virgo, 30th August New Moon in Virgo,

Hi everyone!

I’m sorry I missed the past updates all about Virgo.  I just had to totally stop everything and attend to the body, the heart, the spirit and the mind.  I haven’t had a break like that since I started these updates back in 2007.  I came to a grinding halt after I’d pulled out all the stops to get the messages out for the July/eclipses. 

I’ll be around for a while ‘to pick up the pieces when somebody breaks your heart’
But, needs must and I do want to go on this lifetime and continue with this process of ascension in consciousness that’s escalating across the planet. I’ve re-committed to continue to the point of satisfaction and fulfilment with my work on the planet...whatever it takes eh?  

All this update is still very relevant:  
It’s Virgo healing power all the way!
I’m sending out  this update even thought the dates go back to 18th August with the entry of Mars into Virgo.  It’s all still very relevant as the personal planets, Mars, Venus and Mercury are all in Virgo along with the Sun.  Yes, the Moon birthed into Virgo on 30th August and that lunar energy is the governing force for the next month.  

Too much information?  Follow the headings and images...take what you need
It’s quite lengthy as it combines two updates, much of which I wrote from mid August.  Just take from what it what speaks to you as during these ascension processes it is difficult to take in a lot of words.  My bold print headings and pictures tell the bottom line so you can cut to the essence quickly. 

What’s been happening:  
It’s a Virgo house party!
Into the ‘fields of gold’!  
Mars, Venus and then the Sun moved into the sign of Virgo...purify and heal me!
We’re on the Virgo road travelling through the fields of wheat and clearing the clouds of confusion with the purification of our energies, body, heart and mind as only Virgo can do. With the Sun in Virgo, we’re now travelling through the ‘fields of gold’ with the Virgo maiden of the harvest symbolising the potential available to us all as we work with the purification process which is the hallmark of Virgo.

Cleanse and purify: The urge to purge and clear physically, spiritually!
We can find we’re obsessively cleaning and de-cluttering our physical environment, our home.  This is all fine and a manifestation of the Virgo energies motivating us in the cleansing process.  However, the core energy for Virgo is the spiritual purification of the physical body of the ‘spiritual wounds’ we carry from this, other lifetimes, ancestors, the planet.

Virgo time is healing time:
The month of Virgo is all about this physical healing and the purification of our whole being...on all levels. Virgo is the sign of the healer with a dual planetary rulership of Mercury and Chiron. We’re moving into the healing recovery ward of Virgo where we are invited to let go of any jumpiness from the recent changes swept in by the Uranus/Jupiter gear change and the Full Moon in Aquarius which might have had us jumping around like a cat on a hot tin roof. 

Now it’s to calm down and allow the  inner light to calm the nerves and carry us through even as the Virgo energies activate business and hustle, bustle.  Plenty of time to get things ‘in order’.  At this stage, it’s rest, recover and allow the possibilities to emerge.  Our nervous system is healing as Mercury, as a ruler of Virgo rules our nervous and respiratory systems.  Breathe it out!

18th August:  
Mars entered Virgo at 3.18 pm AEST...physical healing on offer!
Until 5th October

Be aware, beware the manic house cleaner!
Our masculine warrior, ruler of the physical body, fire and drive is now in the sign of the divine feminine earth energy of Virgo which may well manifest as a manic desire to clean, tidy and house clean.  

Everything in its place...but what is its place?
As we feel the fire to bring our physical environment into the essence of the Virgo energies of ‘everything in its place’ and a ‘place for everything’.
Easy does it as Virgo asks us to attend to physical healing of the body.

Virgo, as the sign of the healer:  
Our body is our guide to this month...hear it!
Virgo rules health and wellbeing and being ruled by both Mercury and Chiron gives the focus on calming the nervous system and attending to any spiritual ‘wounds’ carried within our body. Remember the physical body...it’s speaking to us.

‘Wounds’ of the Virgo energy:  ‘Never good enough’ is a core wound:
Chiron is the ‘wounded healer’...as we heal ourselves, we offer the healing power to others.  What is the ‘wound’ you are healing at this time?  We’ve been kept on track healing and releasing societal, familial and ancestral benchmarks thanks to Saturn. Pluto and the Lunar nodes trawling through Capricorn. 

Clearing the ‘memories’ held within our body:  Releasing the saboteurs within...time to go!
Now Virgo offers the opportunity to throw off these ‘voices’, memories which have been pulling us back to the old mindsets and into the matrix of the past. The Mars in Virgo energy will help us clear the energies which have sapped our physical energy, fire and drive.  

Let’s not forget that this aspect is likely to get us onto attending to diet, exercise and spiritual practices which support us physically.  Virgo, after all, is very tapped into rites and rituals.  Meditation is always advisable on a regular daily basis.  Even 5 to 10 minutes of light work in the body can change our lives.

21st August:  
Venus entered Virgo at 7.06 pm AEST...the purity of the heart..letting go of tears!
Until 15th September

How do we purify our heart?  First step...open the heart! 
Close your eyes and imagine the door of your heart chakra in the centre of your chest. We’re on a mercy mission to resurrect the power of love in our hearts as we explore and discover any arrows of pain, sorrow, grief, loss, disappointment, despair, anger, resentment or bitterness lodged in the heart. 

Second step...release ‘wounds’:  
‘Miss Marple’ investigates!

As we walk into the heart chakra we discover a cave which holds a lifetime, in fact lifetimes of memory, whether from our life/past lives/other realities/the ancestors. Maybe you see these wounds as dark patches, arrows stuck in the ‘walls’ of the cave.  Whatever arises for you is what needs removal and or healing light.

Third Step:  Bring in the light of purification, of peace...the peace angel!
White is the colour of purity and these 3 snowdrops demonstrate the power of letting the emotions flow through and over us as we acknowledge the depth of emotion held within us. 

As we visualise the brilliant light of the peace energy flow into our hearts, the arrows and wounds are released and healed.  Good to do this every day.

23rd August:  Sun entered Virgo at 8.01 pm AEST
...it’s the healing time
Until 23rd September
Time to welcome the harvest whilst nourishing the ‘crops’...self care!
The symbol for Virgo is ‘the virgin’, a pure energy symbolised as a maiden holding a sheaf of wheat, the promise of the harvest when we plant our crops and nourish them on a daily basis. 

Simplicity and daily commitment to our lives on earth as a gift!
Virgo rules our mundane everyday lives which asks us for commitment to our life on earth and as earthly beings as well as divine beings of light energy. 
Virgo calls us to strengthen our inner spirit and light: 
The Virgo maiden is epitomised as standing alone, true to herself, shining the inner light of spirit to strengthen and carry her forward on her lifelong journey. 

Time to embrace the inner light of divine strength and faith!
Virgo is represented in the Tarot as the Hermit Card who reinforces the message of life as a journey we take alone even as we connect with others. It is not about being alone or lonely.

The journey of the self to divine fulfilment:  Completion!
It is our inner light and faith which keeps us going one step at a time up the mountain of enlightenment.  

It is about completing the spiritual journey fired by the inner light of the being and the spirit of independence.

Healing and purification:  Sorting the wheat from the chaff!
It is in the constant clearing and purification process that we come to our core essence, our divinity, our true self...all through the power of letting go of the threads of the past which have undermined our access to the truth of who we are this lifetime.  

Virgo is a key energy for us uncovering the truth of our existence here and now as she offers us discernment as, like Persephone, she sorts and sifts the information that is relevant to us right now.

Adaptability within our physical bodies and lives brings major shifts and resolution:  Healing completion is on tap!  Finding a ‘good’ vibration!
Virgo is a mutable earth energy which is feminine in nature indicating that the spiritual work and focus is within us energetically as we demonstrate our adaptability to the situations.  

Virgo is the most adaptable of the earth signs which is often represented as intractable.  That’s because Virgo offers discernment with a mental energy sharpened to sort and sift the wheat from the chaff. 

This sorting process is focussed on our physical body but requires more than the usual ‘physical’ cures as we sort and sift the mental, emotional and spiritual memories held within the physical.  We’re working with vibrations, refining our physical bodies with the cleansing purification of Virgo.

All 4 suits in the Tarot are expressions of Virgo completion!
9 of swords – clearing and coming to fulfilment mentally
9 of cups – opening to receive divine fulfilment emotionally
9 of wands – accepting the inner strength, independent spirit and fortitude
9 of pentacles – accepting divine fulfilment and abundance physically

29th  August: Mercury entered Virgo at 5.47 pm AEST
Up close and personal...the details!
Until 14th September
Healing the mental body:  
Stepping into more clarity...some things have to go!
Clearing out the ‘clag’ of old thinking, mindsets and mental confusion as Mercury in Virgo seeks to organise, sort, sift, analyse and join the dots on so much information that has been sloshing around in her minds. We’re invited to release those old mindsets of past conditioning which are holding us to the past.  Time for them to go. 

Our nervous and respiratory systems may well be clearing so if you’re feeling a little shattered, clogged up in the sinuses, lungs or throat, take time to nurture and nourish the body as it goes through its paces.

Mercury has come home to Virgo:  
Our harvest mice are feeling very ‘tricky’!  
Problem solving...follows clarity!
When Mercury comes into Virgo we can dissolve into a nervous Nellie if we let the Virgo tendency to ‘worry’ about everything being ‘perfect’ take hold.  We need to really harness the mind in this powerful energy where Virgo can sort anything when she’s in full power.

Organise, categorise, analyse are Virgo strengths:  Virgo in the driver’s seat can cut to the chase!
Once we clear the mind of the damaging thoughts and hand all difficult problems over to our higher mental consciousness of Virgo when she’s in power, everything will fall into place. Trust is crucial!  Clearing the backlog first!

30th August:  ...we’re on the move!  Here we come...back on the horse again!

‘My horse! My horse! My kingdom for a horse!’ was the cry of Richard in Shakespeare’s play Richard III.

Jupiter moved from 14 degrees to 15 degrees:  We’re on the move! Here come our horses! Saddle up everyone!
Jupiter has been stationary on 14 degrees Sagittarius since mid July. This is the degree of the Great Attractor, the huge galactic anomaly with such an immense field of gravity it draws to it what seems like everything in our known world.

Now Jupiter is on the move again heading direct all the way to 3rd December when it moves into Capricorn for the next year.

Jupiter rules thighs, hips, Sciatic nerve so for all those who are recovering from hip injuries, replacements and/or blocked energies in the thighs/Sciatic nerve, we’ve got some uplift! Just forward lift would be just great.

Thighs hold memories/spiritual wounds from childhood. Worth remembering that we’ve been healing and evolving childhood consciousness as Jupiter retrograded in his own sign of Sagittarius...working well with the Cancer/Capricorn clearance of the past. Sciatic nerve is connected to 'poverty consciousness' and that means spiritual as well as material poverty consciousness...separation from our divine powers!
Shake those hips and loosen the thighs!

Next big shift forward is Saturn moving direct...rules knees/joints/skeleton on 18th September

30th August:  
New Moon 6 degrees 47 Virgo at 8.37 pm AEST...it’s a Virgo party! 
Super New Moon/Black Moon
Let’s get this done:  A new start!  
Our new doorway is open and waiting for us!
A new moon, a new lunar month and a new focus for our inner lives of the feminine energy.  That’s the message of the lunar month even as we continue to work with the Solar month of Virgo governing our outward expression in the world. 

Virgo:  Where we find our ‘divine calling...our ‘mission’ this lifetime!
The New Moon brings alignment of the Sun and Moon at the same point in time.  They’re on the same page, in agreement.  It’s an alignment of our desire to take action and our desire to be still and receive. 

Major focus on completion:  Closing old doors, opening new doorways!
A New Moon is a ‘seeding’ time but we need to get through this sorting, sifting energy this month as the Virgo energies are clearing the way for our completion this year.  9 is the number of completion and so September sees us bringing much to a close for 2019.

New Moon in Virgo:  
A packed house of planets in Virgo and a Grand Earth Trine!
Our focus is bringing in the spiritual energies to our earthly lives and the main focus is healing the physical...our body, life, work and income. Spiritually, it is about our path of service which means ‘divine calling’.  Are you shifting your focus in terms of work?

Shifting perspectives about ‘work’:  
Earning our mastery in the everyday world!
Virgo rules the mundane, our everyday work for income.  Some feel that they’re in a daily grind but Virgo asks us to shift our perception, to see our work as ‘service’ on earth.  However, we don’t have to be ground down by constant service and sacrifice at the expense of ourselves.  Virgo is about finding the kind of daily ‘work’ whether or not paid or voluntary which aligns and supports our ‘mission’ this lifetime.

Grand Earth Trine:  It’s all earth...let’s get physical!
With Uranus our awakener sitting in Taurus and Saturn/Pluto in Capricorn, Mother Earth is awakening us to our new direction, our new lives, accessing our divine authority, power and higher mental energies with ideas just flowing in for the next month.

Be open right through this lunar month until the next New Moon in Libra on 29th September which will open us up to setting things in motion for the final quarter of this calendar year, readying us to launch in new directions with new platforms for our work in the world.

Sabian Symbol for the New Moon in Virgo:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Virgo 7
This Symbol shows being in a group, or a “Harem”. A “Harem” is a symbol of women being, living and working together. Sharing with others, whether women or men, in an atmosphere of trust and belonging can bring rewards of all kinds to your life. There may be a feeling of being dominated or part of a group where you have to compete for whatever small benefits may be available. Perhaps you are not taken seriously enough. There is a need to use your charm and appealing aspects of your nature to succeed and to stand out from the crowd and claim a special place for yourself. Just ensure that you’re not losing out by feeling just one of many. Waiting to be given the gift of being 'chosen'. Women's groups. Working together and sharing women's rituals or stories. Rising above jealousy, arrogance and passion.

Sabian symbol for Venus at the New Moon in Virgo:
Virgo 12
This Symbol implies the issue of ‘unveiling’ oneself in some way, and you, or someone else, can no longer hide behind a pretense or hide your light. You’re likely to be faced with the moment of moving into a new life and a new sense of identity. Perhaps there’s the feeling that you, or somebody, is not quite ready to give themselves completely to a relationship or situation, but they do not really have much choice. If one doesn't go willingly, they'll probably be pushed forward - finally taking the plunge. There can be an unveiling of one's true identity which can lead to some surprising realizations. No excuses and no pretence. Breaking down walls that keep people from relating. Secret motives revealed. Unveiling and exposing. Desire for privacy. Vows. Psychic abilities.

Golden Oldies:
‘The Tale of Mrs Tittlemouse’ Beatrix Potter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJEwMjjuYh8 for the planets moving into Virgo

‘Hippy hippy Shake’ The Swinging Blue Jeans https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqCuruudpRs for Jupiter getting moving off ‘station’

‘Step inside love’ Cilla Black https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RC2MRz_YT10  for Venus in Virgo...entry to the heart

‘Physical’ Olivia Newton John https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zwPVU92-XQ  for Mars in Virgo

‘I can see Clearly Now’  Jimmy Cliff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSuB4t3q_dA   for Mercury in Virgo

‘9 to 5’ Dolly Parton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQCAlfie1R8 for everyday work, path of service, finding divine calling

Upcoming Dates:
14th September:  Full Moon 21 degrees 05 Pisces at 2.32 pm AEST
14th September:  Mercury enters Libra
15th September:  Venus enters Libra
18th September:  Saturn stations direct at 13 degrees 55 Capricorn

That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

Here we are all hanging out together in the good company of spiritual nourishment when travelling with like minded others.  We’re getting up close and personal as the world spins into increasing chaos and disillusionment with the old order as the powers that rule the world slip into greater polarity, disharmony and confusion.  They believe they’re keeping it together, but it is evident that their role is one of destruction of the old ways even as they continue to claim that they’re ‘saving their world, nation, people’.

We need to maintain our devotion and diligence to the path of love, oneness and unity.  All the past masters of knowledge and wisdom gave us the information and new teachers of the old ways keep reframing these messages to reach those who are unaware or need a ‘reboot’, a top up, a reminder.

It seems that more of our numbers are passing over to the other dimensions as their soul calls them on whilst others are considering their options, making decisions to go on as they experience the psychic deaths of old aspects of the identity, the past. It feels like our bodies are dying even as they are being reborn every minute of every day as long as we choose to stay the distance.  I don’t believe we can leave until our soul says ‘it’s enough’.  Even then, we can still choose.

Love and blessings to us all my dear friends and fellow travellers, fellow ‘mice’.  I feel such love for us all as we maintain and hold the despair, disappointment, fear, anxiety of the masses and of course within us as well as we process and purify the memories of earth held within our cell memories, within our karmic contracts this lifetime. 

I really needed to stop and consider my own choices and options at this time, feeling the overwhelm of futility and despair.  But it was probably just the stockmarkets plunging driven by fear and anticipation of loss.  lol


from the chair...hanging on, letting go

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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