...for the children of the earth

Saturday 28 September 2019

29th September 2019: New Moon in Libra


Hi everyone!

Well we’re through the Equinox gateway and travelling under the Libran Sun with the urge for peace, harmony and love front and centre as the goal.  We could say ‘whatever it takes’ as we see changes manifesting in the political, economic sphere with the ‘house of cards’ of the old paradigm showing signs of collapse.

Did you ‘feel the serenity’?
It felt like the Equinox ushered in a new state of peace and divine grace within me as I watched divine restoration and retribution in the outer world.  Such a big doorway karmically this year.  Need to maintain the balance and peace as the wobbly world of humanity is rocked by disruption, conflict and division.

Divine justice:  Restoration and/or retribution!
Divine justice is karmic resolution in action and can manifest in what we see as positive or negative forms, living as we still are in the world of polarity consciousness.  Yes, we are working on unification but meanwhile, there’s a dominant force called mass consciousness very much holding to the black/white, good/evil spectrum.

Action Equinox:  
Divine justice will be restored to the planet!
The UN Climate Meeting on the Equinox brought to the fore the voice of Greta Thunberg, demanding action of world leaders on climate action.  Her voice and speech went viral on social and mainstream media with the old guard in attack mode, clearly with their backs to the wall. 

Two world leaders called to account by the law: 
Following on the heels of this, we see two of our world leaders being challenged by the courts of law of their respective countries.  I’m speaking of United Kingdom and United States of America.  Neither nation united at this time. Divine justice is above and beyond human law, coming as a result of the energetic forces of good karma/bad karma.  This is somewhat simplistic but captures the essence of karmic restitution/retribution.  

As individuals are called ‘to account’ in divine terms, we are likely to notice a release of ‘burdens’, responsibilities we have taken on for others.  We may have chosen to do this for our soul journey.  Whatever, makes no difference.  Just keep noticing the uplift.

From 27th to 29th:   The dark of the moon release time!  
Major karmic clearance as Saturn meets the Karmic Nodes!
This is the darkest part of the lunar month when esoterically the veil between the physical and other dimensions is thin, when we are opened to the ‘dark side of the moon’ and our own subconscious.  This is the time for release of the past lunar month, the past lunar year since September last year. 

Saturn meets Karmic South Node and opposes North Node:  
Divine destiny, truth...magnetic north, Archangel Michael!
Effective 17th September to 7th October:  
Exact on 28th September 4.21 pm AEST
Interesting that Saturn comes to meet the karmic nodes of the moon on the day before the New Moon adding a potent power for release of karmic threads, imprints, baggage, patterns and contracts.  
Saturn will meet the South Node of the Moon in Capricorn at 13 degrees 59 and will oppose the North Node in Cancer and the fixed star Sirius at 14 degrees Cancer.

Once they pass each other and move on, we meet the new moon and birth a whole new energy in Libra.  They won’t be meeting again like this for another 11 years.  Make the most of this one.  It’s a perfect spiritual set up.

28th September:  
Solar winds activating earth’s magnetic field with geomagnetic storms 

Although we’re currently in solar minimum phase, solar winds are kicking up activity in the magnetic field bringing geomagnetic storms and the accompanying auroras.

GEOMAGNETIC STORM: Earth is entering a stream of fast-movinig solar wind flowing from a large hole in the sun's atmosphere. Solar wind speeds are currently topping 700 km/s. This is causing G1-class geomagnetic storms--underway now. The storm could intensify to category G2 in the hours ahead if the pace of the solar wind quickens even more. Stay tuned!

AURORAS OVER NORWAY: "The geomagnetic storm tonight sparked bright auroras for about 4 hours non stop here in Hamarøy, Norway," reports photographer Petra Schneider. "It was the best aurora display I have ever witnessed, and I'm still in awe of nature's wonderful light show."
29th September:  
New Moon 5 degrees 20 Libra at 4.26 am AEST
Balancing in a wobbly world!
Super New Moon
The seeds of a new lunar month:  
 Choosing balance, harmony, peace within!
The beginning of the lunar month of Libra is birthing us into a whole new playing field as the Sun and Moon are on the same page, rebooting the Libran energy and drive within us offering the seeds of a new direction, new pathway, the path of divine love and a balanced heart.

Venus rules Libra and is the perfect time to choose to come to ‘wholing’ the heart.  It’s always a good time to work with the heart but the current energies are working with us when we come to peace and love in our hearts.  With the New Moon, we set the agenda for the next lunar month and come into clarity with our intentions for this powerful month of balancing and reconciliation with ourselves and our lives.

For many of us at the personal level:  Review of ‘partnerships’, reconciliation with ourselves!
Partnerships, one on one of all kinds may come into the focus for this month.  Where we have some kind of one on one connection, whether a marriage partner, lover, friend, family member or a business partnership, including employer/employee relationships.

The key to the Libran doorway to love and harmony is balance through equity and justice.
If you’re feeling angry, resentful or bitter towards any ‘other/s’ then you may well need to accept your needs and desires as relevant and to feel the self-worth to know that you’re entitled to a fair deal.  

Boundary invasion can be front and centre this month as any sense that someone is treading on your toes is intensified. 
These feelings can be about past ‘hurts’ and old ‘partnerships’.  Only we can ‘unchain our hearts’. 

On partnerships, marriage and separation:  A constantly changing landscape!
First love, passion, chemistry, sexual attraction:  
Leading to romance maybe?
This early stage of romantic relationship engages us in the joy of divine connection.  I say ‘divine’ because as we know sexual connection is a powerful connection to the ecstasy of life.  Yes, the trap can be thinking ‘is that all there is’? 

Once the connection is made, many of us want to proceed through the next doorway into the ‘commitment’ room.  Usually initiated with ‘I want to be with you forever’.  Hmmm.  We want to maintain the feeling of ecstasy and live in that feeling that we have experienced with that person.

Love and marriage:  Making the commitment to partnership
Stepping into the commitment ‘room’ we discover a whole new world of relating as we hope for ‘together, forever’ and for a while that continues as we bask in the glory of the ongoing romantic attraction, sexual joy and amazement at our good fortune and loving connection. 

And that may well happen but first we have to go through the crossroads of acceptance/rejection where a new contract of agreement is negotiated.  We come to terms with our ‘significant other’.

Discovering the differences:  Accepting? Loving?  the differences!   Challenging the differences:  Conflict?  Sorting out? 
The crossroads of change!
After the ‘honeymoon’ period of the commitment room we start recognising the differences in the partner and get the sense that we are not the same and may feel we are not aligned.  More often than not this can stem from inequities arising in the partnership and we come to a turning point, a crossroads in the relationship. 
Instead of holding the judgements and criticisms held in the mind and heart we can seek to disregard differences and go into dialogue with the partner.  This is negotiating a new way of relating. 

Final act of love:  Forgiveness
We release, return the energies of other and we bring forgiveness to ourselves for being out of ‘divine love’
Forgiveness involves forgiving ourselves for the damaging emotions and thoughts we’ve taken on as a result of the partnership.  We may well have been carrying anger and resentment from our partner, thinking this projection is of our own making.  We need discernment to sort our what is ours and what is theirs. 

Inequities can be addressed spiritually whether cutting the karmic ties which are the patterns and addictions we’ve carried from other times, places, past lives, ancestors as well as from the karmic connection with the partners.  Cutting the karmic ties doesn’t mean we lost the person this lifetime but we are freed of the overlays of stories from other times we keep acting out this lifetime.  This is just one process of may we can apply to release ourselves from ’victimhood’ and to free our hearts.

Sabian Symbol for the New Moon in Libra:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Libra 6
This Symbol is one of the few Sabian Symbols that speak directly of the idea of the ‘law of attraction’; as a person imagines, so does their outer reality take shape and bring to them what they were imagining. In your life you’ll find vivid examples of thoughts manifesting as things – other times they may happen without you really realizing it. Ideals are not only bought into the light of reality but they are put to the test. This shows the ability to be able to visualize your thoughts and feelings and it possible to project your creative ideas out into the real world. What you think will happen can happen. Confrontations with objectives. Meditations and affirmations. The need to be careful of what's wanted. Writing and being published. Designs and plans. The Secret. Builders.

Golden Oldies:
‘There’s a kind of Hush’ Herman's Hermits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBRSBgc2htI  New Moon hopes of romance

‘We’ve Only Just Begun’ The Carpenters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kPD4LtA1vo&list=RDWBRSBgc2htI&index=22  Hopes of marriage

‘How Deep Is Your Love?’ with lyrics Bee Gees https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHDMMh8UBlg&list=RDWBRSBgc2htI&index=31 romantic, marital, soul love?

‘Unchain my Heart’ Joe Cocker with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mxk2BawxT6U  Freeing our hearts from damaging partnerships

‘Tie a Yellow Ribbon’ Tony Orlando and Dawn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dggAQk5peA&list=RDWBRSBgc2htI&index=25 forgiveness the final test

Upcoming Dates:
3rd October Pluto stations direct at 20 degrees 38 Capricorn
3rd October Mercury to Scorpio
4th October:  Mars enters Libra

That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

Here we are all holding the balance and harmony within as the outer world is disrupted and disturbed by ongoing chaotic change. The balancing act is ongoing throughout life, a daily challenge to hold our energies in the power of love, peace and harmony.

Miraculous healings occurring as we clear the karmic contracts!
I keep hearing stories from some of our number of amazing healing experiences as divine balance is restored in the physical body.  Yes, I know some of us have taken a beating this year as we clear the cell memories, do the work of our karmic commitment and free ourselves of these heavy burdens so we can continue on in the world.

Opening to new directions and desires:  The heart speaks to us!
As we heal we come into a new form physically and spiritually and old desires, goals, urges may transform into a whole new brief and a new form of expression in the world.

We need to stay open to that higher consciousness guiding us to the fulfilment of our divine potential in the world this lifetime.  Between now and the end of this year, a whole new impetus may emerge from the deepest recesses of our hearts.

Pluto station coming up 3rd October:
Next big change is Pluto stationing direct on 3rd October.  He moves very, very slowly and is already on that ‘stationing’ still point of 20 degrees Capricorn since 25th August and won’t move on to 21 degrees until 10th November.  Trusting it won’t be quite so intense as Saturn’s station which carried quite a punch.

A personal note:
Apparently my last update had the lower part of the update skewed to the right side.  Sorry about that. It looked okay to me when I sent it out but then...it was right on the Equinox, the day of balance/imbalance being restored. I had a bit of laugh about this when someone gave me some feedback. I think I know what happened and trust I’ll be back in balance and harmony on the page, the email and working on it in my life.

Love and blessings to us all as we maintain equilibrium from the higher vantage point whilst experiencing and releasing the old emotional baggage of injustices and anger and grief at the way of the old world.  What’s happening out there is just triggering old memories and responses for our release and is for our own healing if we can maintain that perspective.


from the chair...monitoring balance

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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