...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 2 October 2019

3rd October 2019: Pluto direct. Mercury to Scorpio, 4th October Mars to Libra

Hi everyone!

We’re travelling in the light of the Libran Sun and in the energies of the New Moon in Libra.  It’s not all peace and harmony out in the world and it will take our focus and intent to stay on the path of divine love. Time to see ourselves in all our spiritual glory and light and to own our truth and desire to live in the power of love.  This is the month of reflection/s.  I see me, I see you.

Focus for Libra:  
Partnerships...reflections, rejections, projections...choose now!
Firstly, in the New Moon update I didn’t entirely join the dots on the astrological forces and went straight to the bottom line of what will be coming to our attention in this lunar month of Libra.  The New Moon is the governing energy for the whole lunar month. Partnership ‘wounds’ past, present ready for clearance for future meetings and expansion.

At the New Moon:  Chiron, a key player opening the wounds for release!
Chiron, the centaur which holds our spiritual wounds, was facing off to the New Moon.  He’s travelling in Aries long term giving us the impetus to reclaim our divinity, our ‘I am’, our higher consciousness as the true essence of who we are.

A consciousness check: 
Accepting all that we are ‘the good, the bad, the ugly and beautiful’
The call is to own our wounds, ‘fess up to those times when we stepped out of divine consciousness, divine love’.  We’re all in this pot.  Don’t kid yourself that you’ve never felt the feelings of anger, revenge, jealousy, guilt or resentment etc. We’re human, living in a muggle world of 3rd dimensional consciousness. Wounds need clearing so we can own our inner beauty, our desire to live in divine love and harmony with ourselves, our lives and with humanity and the cosmos.

Old unresolved infringements may surface in current reality
Where do I end and you begin?  How are we different?  alike?

We’re in the big mixing bowl of relationships, past, present and future so we would benefit by being aware of when we feel our personal space invaded, our integrity trampled on or our sense of entitlement or equity compromised.

Any old patterns of relating which are harmful will come up for release.

What’s been happening 
Some minor geomagnetic storms and disturbance to the magnetic field producing some beautiful auroras.  I particularly liked this image as it captured the calm, peace and harmony of the Libran energies when we can maintain the still place within the storm of change.

1st October:  Venus squaring off to Pluto at 20 degrees Libra/Capricorn...intensification of heart release and transformation!
Effective:  30th September to 2nd October

From 30th September to 2nd October:  
Moon in Scorpio...never a better time for letting go!  letting go!
Transform, transmute, just drop off the old, welcome the new.

Intense Pluto energies at the still point of his 'station'Pluto, ruler of Scorpio stationing at 20 degrees Capricorn is virtually at the stillpoint, the point of intensity as he prepares to turn direct on Thursday. Scorpio rules life, death, rebirth and transformation. It's the big let go!

Venus square Pluto
Effective 30th September to 2nd October
Adding to the intensity of focus on heart healing, transformation is Venus, ruler of our heart energy in a challenge to Pluto, a challenge to release, release, release old heart pain, loss, grief, disappointment, despair, regret...etc
Couldn't be a better time to drop the heart 'baggage' as we're in the light of the Libran lunar energies calling for heart renewal and reclamation of love,

Energies building in intensity as Mercury and Mars reach the final degree of Libra/Virgo respectively. 

3rd October:   
Pluto stations direct at 20 degrees 38 Capricorn 4.39 pm AEST...emergence!
Until 25th April 2020 Next retrograde
Pluto 20 degrees from 25th August to 10th November
Intensity of release as we emerge from the labyrinth of introspection and transformation
Pluto moves very, very slowly and is already on that ‘stationing’ still point of 20 degrees Capricorn since 25th August and won’t move on to 21 degrees until 10th November.  

This means we’re still in the holding energy of this degree making sure that our release from Pluto’s cave is slow and steady.  We are birthing new consciousness. 
Integrating new learning and understanding in our lives:  
Practice what we preach!
Once he turns direct, we’ll be integrating the new energies which have been percolating within us during these past 5 months. Pluto asks us to shed old skins and attachments so we can renew and be reborn in a new form.  ‘Integrating’ means new realisations coming into the conscious mind and bringing these realisations into our physical body and physical existence.  Practice makes perfect. Living the truth!
Practical application of the new Capricorn energies:  Releasing the tribal ‘addictions’!
Travelling as he is in Capricorn, the focus has been the tribal energies of the status quo, traditions and conditioning that hold us answerable to societal ‘rules’ and benchmarks of success and failure.  We’re in a long term makeover with respect to reviewing and releasing these ‘tribal’ energies from our psyche, our body and our lives so that we may grow and evolve consciousness ascending into our own divine truth.  Off the treadmill and cut through the red tape of karmic ties from the past.
Clearing base chakra of old patterns of ‘addiction’/attachment to old patriarchal oppression!
Once we let go of living our lives confined by societal ‘rules’ of success/failure, we can attain an exalted state of freedom to be ourselves.  This is about choosing to live in accord with divine law and justice, accessing our authority through higher principles of truth, love, harmony, freedom, justice, peace, forgiveness, wisdom, joy and prosperity. 

If you’ve been feeling wobbly on your feet over the past week, it could well be a manifestation of the Libran call for balance as well as the need to work with the base chakra.  Bring in the light. 

Pluto retrogrades every year for about 5 months so we’re always somewhere in the melting pot of change and transformation as he moves through each year.
Sabian Symbol for Pluto’s station:  Capricorn 21 A RELAY RACE
Interesting that Pluto’s been sitting on this Sabian Symbol since 25th August. 
This is what I wrote in previous updates about the world climate strike led by the young people  The relay baton has been handed on to them and this is what they’re called to do at this time.  Those who are taking action are a small percentage of that generation, but of sufficient number to make an impact. There is no value in blame, shame, guilt or fear around the past whether or not we as individuals or ‘generations’ took action or not.  It is what it is and now we see some of this current generation, not all by any means, but some of them step forward to play their role at this time. No time for regrets for anyone. It’s energy that could be better utilised in moving into the future.  What can we do now?
Sabian Symbol for Pluto’s station: From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Capricorn 21 A RELAY RACE
This Symbol shows working together in a cooperative venture, to know when to go and when to stop, when to take the baton and when to pass it on, and how to pace yourself so you can stay in the “Relay Race”. Each person has to contribute as best they can; some run fast, some have their own talents, some trip you up and cause you to falter. Working together, you can figure out who will help win the race and who won’t. Sometimes, victory seems achievable, but you are likely to be a member of a team, with your own special task to perform. You may not be the one who crosses the finish line, but you may, eventually, share in the group effort. Just watch for when it’s your turn and when it isn’t. Shared endeavor. Knowing when to pass on responsibilities. Having to wait your turn. Inheritances. The power of surrender. Taking turns. Split second timing. Coordination

3rd October:  Mercury enters Scorpio 6.14 PM AEST
...mental makeover! 
Until 9th December
1st to 21st November:  Mercury retrograde 27 to 11 degrees Scorpio
Get a light!  Into the cave of discovery and enlightenment! 
Mercury into Scorpio is sure to help us sort through the maze of mindsets, thoughts and memories to clear the mental body of old programming and beliefs which have have been controlling our lives to our detriment.

Seeking the gold seam of enlightenment... deep within the psyche!
We’re underground, travelling within for the next couple of months as Mercury enters the sign of deep transformation and rebirth until 3rd December.  He’s in for the long haul as during this time he gets a retrograde makeover in November.

Scorpio rules underground, mines and deep soul searching and investigation, offering the alchemical energies of ‘lead into gold’. Deep within us is our personal gold mine, our mind of gold!

Be open to changing your mind, your thinking, your mindsets, your beliefs!
Mercury rules the mental body, communication, travel and commerce so this time around anything could happen within these areas of our lives.  Scorpio is a fixed sign in water, so deep emotions may surface even as we work with Mercury, our mind manager. 

More time out for mental rest:  
Our mental body is being rewired, renewed, rebooted!
Because Scorpio is a slower moving energy, Mercury will be in ‘go slow’ mode allowing for the shifts and turns in the inner cave of our mind and the healing recalibration of our nervous and respiratory systems.  New neural pathways and renewal of neurons in the mental body may be a part of this next stretch.  The need to rest the mind may well be evident as we receive downloads of new ideas, pathways and possibilities coming to the fore.  Remember that many of us are preparing for a new ‘platform’ for our spiritual work from January 2020.

28th October:  Looking ahead in the crystal ball!  
A kickstart to Mercury at the New Moon in Scorpio
With Uranus in Taurus facing off to this New Moon at 4 degrees Scorpio, Mercury will be carried along by this transformational New Moon even though he’ll be in the later degrees of Scorpio at that time.  More happening at that New Moon with Saturn/Pluto running mates squaring off to warrior Mars in Libra!  These New Moon energies are likely to shift everyone out of the comfort zone as Mercury takes the role of front runner at that time. 

Hang on to your hats, unless you need a new one!
We’ll be deep in the process of getting a new ‘brain’ head, thinking cap at the time of the New Moon in Scorpio.  Heads are clearing and heads will roll in November. Clearing the way for big changes in December/January.  Stay tuned, maintain calm and balance as we open to receive so much new mental energy to help us on our way.  There’s only one way after this...up, up, up!

4th October:  
Mars enters Libra 2.21 PM AEST
...return to peace, calm and equilibrium!
Until 19th November
Mars the old way:  ‘My way or the highway!’ 
Mars is our masculine fire warrior energy and in the annals of history he’s taken the fighting stance to overpower anyone or anything that stands in his way. It’s the way we’ve all operated with our Mars energy as we were so often fighting for our survival and the only way to survive was ‘kill or be killed’.  This is the old paradigm we’re gradually replacing in our consciousness.

Claiming and building our masculine warrior of spiritual fire:  The high road!
We need our Mars warrior energy coming into peace, harmony and balance.  And now’s the time when we can work with this energy as Mars enters the sign of justice, equity and balance. 

How do we come to that energy without giving away our power?  That’s the trick. We need to keep choosing the higher road even when we fall back at times. 
We all do.  That’s the nature of human life, backwards and forwards as we choose to change the old ways and patterns.

Staying focussed on the personal:  
Collective power comes from personal peace!
At this time our priority is coming to peace and harmony within ourselves and releasing ourselves from the past history of defeat, failure, bitterness and regret.
We can’t afford to carry judgements and criticisms about ourselves or others to the point of allowing them to dig in and take hold of us.  Feel it and let it go every time.

Every one of us makes a difference as we build our inner consciousness and focus and send out our energies like a drop in the ocean of collective consciousness. It’s all energetic work and the power resides within us as we gather in strength and create our new world of unity consciousness.  We’ve got this if we hold to our faith in the process and the practice of walking the talk with daily devotion and commitment. 
We’re being tested at all levels.  We cannot fail!

Cosmic Mother: release from the underworld:  
From Lauren Gorgo for October
First three paragraphs:
'September certainly did not disappoint as the powerhouse month of death & birth it always is…it may have scored anywhere on the spectrum from brutal to bliss (likely both)…but with the equinox behind us, zero-point achieved, Saturn now direct, and Pluto stationing direct this week (10/2), we are building toward an incredible power surge a quantum shift into our True standing as LOVE (GOD).

Pluto & Saturn (in Capricorn) mean business and they are now marching directly toward each other, gathering momentum for their BIG meeting which won’t be until January 2020…however, October is showing as the kickoff to these huge transformational shifts. On a personal level, think back to April when these seeds where planted…the place in our lives where we were faced with THE “persecution wound”…where we experienced a major death.

Now, after five months of being fully present to the crippling suppression of our soul, Pluto & Saturn want to escort us out of the crucifixion story and into the resurrection…out of the Piscean Age and into the Aquarian Age…out of the “lessons and into the blessings”…out of the karma and into the dharma. The last 3 months of the year are ushering us (personally and collectively) into the new paradigm at the ground level while bolstering us with the strength needed to call back our authority and reclaim our sovereignty…to tear down the old structures of our lives and build anew.'

Golden Oldies:
‘Non Je ne regrette rien’ Edith Piaf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzy2wZSg5ZM  Releasing regrets Libran lunar month theme
In English ‘No Regrets’ Randy Crawford &  Joe Sample https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viHzEMtUewY

‘Clementine’ Bing Crosby https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eg3vX6CmjIk  Mercury in Scorpio

‘All we are saying is give peace a chance’ John Lennon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gn9upYqYsrw Mars in Libra 

‘The Times are a changing’  Bob Dylan with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqvUz0HrNKY  Pluto turning direct...it’s on!

Upcoming Dates:
9th October:  Venus enters Scorpio
14th October:  Full Moon 20 degrees 14 Aries at 8.07 am AEDT

24th October:  Sun enters Scorpio
28th October:  New Moon 4 degrees 25 Scorpio at 2.38 pm AEDT

That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!
We’re clustered together like these glass sculptures, fragile and beautiful learning to love and admire ourselves and each other despite the hate, anger, resentment and game playing happening in the wider world of politics, economics playing out the old energies of power, influence, winning and losing. 

Meanwhile, we’re focussed on everyone being a winner, sorting out our own troubled history within and throwing out those energies which are keeping us puddling about in the dark forces which oppose divine unity, equity, love and forgiveness.

Heading now towards the big Full Moon in Aries on 14th October which promises us challenge as the Moon and Sun square off to Pluto/Saturn in Capricorn.  Need to keep focus on the Cancerian nurturance, mothering energies to take us through this one.

A change of heart on the way as Venus will be joining Mercury in Scorpio even as Mars might throw a tantrum as he tries to break out of the Libran demand for peace, equity and love.  Just old stuff coming up for release.

Love and blessings to us all as we start stepping into the first taste of the watery emotional depths of the Scorpio energies even as Pluto, ruler of Scorpio, is released from his labyrinthine search and discovery deep within us all. Should be an interesting week and maybe a little explosive as the cork on the bottle of suppressed emotions is released.  A pop?  A blast?  A gentle release? Soul choice, our choice.


from the chair...choosing sweet love

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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