...for the children of the earth

Thursday 31 October 2019

1st November 2019: Mercury retrograde, 2nd November: Venus enters Sagittarius

Hi everyone!

We’re in the Scorpio cave of spiritual hibernation, the magical discovery tour that is Scorpio. The Greeks said the first rule for spirituality is ‘Know thyself’.  This is a powerful time for this discovery process.  You want success?  Start with this.

Navel gazing time:  A powerful time for spiritual reclamation!
This cave is the inner temple of our being. What better time for us to do some reclamation of our spirits, our lost fragments than Halloween, All Hallows Eve, which celebrates the harvest in the Northern Hemisphere.  It’s a time to withdraw from the activity of the outer world and ‘hibernate’ for the Winter.

In the Southern Hemisphere. we are still working with this inner exploration in the energies of the Scorpio lunar and solar month, even though the light and warmth of Spring is taking us towards Summer.

In the traditions of Halloween: 
Communication channels are now open!
We’re in the energies of Halloween, All Hallows Eve, when the traditions of the Northern Hemisphere and the impending winter months are welcomed as the harvest is celebrated.

Originating from the pagan tradition of All Hallows Eve as a celebration of the dead, pagans regarded this as a day when the thinning of the veils between the world of the living and the dead allowed communion across these worlds. 

'Hello...is there anyone there?’
With Mercury, our communication manager on the turning point for his retrograde journey, there's an enhancement of communication channels with the other side, even if everyday communication is at an all time level of gobbledygook.

30th October to 1st November:
A reboot and realignment of heart and mind...perfect timing!
Venus and Mercury at 27 degrees Scorpio
Effective from 30th October to 1st November
Exact 31st October 9.05 am AEDT

Heart and mind playing beautiful music today as Venus and Mercury meet in the sign of transformation, resurrection and rebirth. As the heart and mind speak and sing together, the emotions are released to allow love into the mental airwaves.  Aaaah...release and relief!

Interesting that this meeting occurs right on the eve of Mercury turning retrograde. We're in a particularly powerful window of mental release as Mercury sits on his station degree until 3rd November, possibly experiencing the 'addled mind' syndrome and maybe behaving like the muddle headed wombat.

Once Mercury gets on the move again in a few days, albeit retrograde, the mental makeover will continue and the mind will be offered new clarification as we tread the Scorpio grapes to create the fine wine of a refined mind.

1st November:  Mercury retrograde at 27 degrees 38 Scorpio at 2.41 am AEDT
Until 21st November
Mercury’s sitting in a layby:  hardly moving at all!
Sitting on 27 degrees from 28th October to 3rd November
28th October to 3rd November: 
Mercury 'in retrograde station...hold steady!
Mercury, our mind manager, one of the main shakers and movers, is currently sitting in a lay-by, stopping on the side of the road resting, as he sits in his retrograde 'stationing' degree at 27 degrees Scorpio.

Not a lot happening in terms of movement, transportation, commerce as it's a marking time period of a few days.
Communication channels, confused. Yes, more confused than usual, if that's possible in the current world climate of human interaction.

Turns retrograde on 1st November 2.41 am AEDT
Mercury in Scorpio all November, retrograde from 1st to 21st November: 
A mighty mental clearance!  
Be open, willing and adaptable!

With Mercury, our mind manager in Scorpio for all November and into December, travelling in the retrograde labyrinth to boot, the focus is very clearly on getting a mental makeover, a realignment of all the clag of conditioned beliefs, attitudes, values and memories held in our mental bodies. 
Into the ‘graveyard’ of the past to rediscover some old ‘ghosts’!
Scorpio rules death, rebirth and transformation so Mercury retrograde in this sign will be offering our discovery tour as the reclamation of lost fragments, dreams, people, places, experiences and memories as a way to grow ourselves into the fullness of who we are.

Unravelling the confusion:  How long is a piece of string?
We’re travelling in the solar and lunar energy of the sign of resurrection and deliverance.  Just a few loose ends to tidy up this month as Mercury, our mind manager leads us through the mental labyrinth of his retrograde journey. 
This energy will strip , cut away whatever is tripping up our thinking and blocking our access to authenticity, truth and being truly who we are without facades and mask.
Negotiating the Mercury retrograde energy:  A challenge to harness the lower mental energies and focus!
We’re fast tracking spiritually whilst our mind is ‘off line’:  Hocus, pocus, focus!
Many trip ups during Mercury retrograde periods are often due to our minds being switched off normal operating system for these weeks as we experience fast tracking spiritual growth of our mental bodies.  We get an upgrade and the more conscious we are of this process, the less stressful it may be.  No guarantees of course.
Our mundane everyday lives can seem out of kilter as it feels like we’re off in dreamworld, like we’ve lost our grip on being in the here and now, present to our most basic everyday tasks.

Mantra during Mercury retrograde: 
‘Divine mind, divine heart, divine body, divine spirit’
Because Mercury rules the nervous and respiratory systems, communication, travel and commerce, any or all of these areas may be affected while Mercury is ‘off line’.  It requires extra attentiveness on our part to stay in focus with what we are doing, saying and how we move through the world.  Not much we can do about glitches in travel, technology, appointments etc. except double check all bookings before departure.

Caroline Myss quote: The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is...
The Sabian Symbols for the Mercury retrograde journey:  
From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
The starting degree for Mercury retrograde:  Sets the tone and energy for the next 3 weeks...into the comfort cave!
This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to feel at ease and in charge of your home, territory or domain. You may have been searching for where you belong or where your “Domain” is. Although you may at times be off looking for this, feeling alien and alone won’t work; there's a need to feel accepted, welcomed and loved. There may be the feeling of wanting to be a dominant leader or having a doting populace. As long as egos are in control, this can be a fabulous experience of 'returning home', a nice, and calm and spiritual place to be. Also, this degree can show a world of one’s own creation or imagination – which can be fabulously rewarding although it can also be rather ungrounded in reality. Imaginary worlds. Finding a place to fit in and feel comfortable. Feeling in charge and in demand. Returning home. Taking command of your life. Fairies, nature spirits. Elves.
The degree when Mercury stations direct:  Retreading our steps to exit from the cave!  Full exit at 7th December...on our way again!
This Symbol implies the ability to mix with people from all over the world, to talk in different kinds of languages or travel in the circles of the elite. There’s probably an issue about being invited to the ‘right’ functions or that you’re sure of being on the list of those who gather to make decisions or call the shots. Enjoying social situations can be rewarding on many levels, however, the conditions may sometimes be caged in rather strict protocol and rules of behavior that you and others have to adhere to. Look at yourself and observe whether you are being your natural self or putting on a show for others. This can imply social climbing and political strategies. Political game-playing. Manners and protocol. Who knows who and what it's worth. Being able to speak everyone's language. Issues of being invited. Etiquette. Dressing up.

2nd  November:  
Venus enters Sagittarius at 7.24 am AEDT...uplift and expansion!
Until 26th November

Are you ready to let your heart take flight?
Our hearts are released from the deep emotional waters of the Scorpio transformation into the welcoming arms of Sagittarius where we can really find out how much we’ve learned, changed, released, renewed and transformed at a heart level. 

Hearts are fired...releasing the fears and doubts!
Every astrology sign carries its particular medicine of transformation so the process is ongoing.  However, our hearts move out of the depths of the search for intimacy within and without, from plunging deeply into the emotional waters of Scorpio and shift into the fiery energies of Sagittarius. 

Our great believer is asking us to release our ‘wild child’ from within!
Are we ready to ride the flames of higher consciousness and burn away the dross of the shadow side of Sagittarius so we can access the ‘wild child’ within.  Sagittarius is the sign of temperance, tempering the fire and water, the unevolved consciousness of the primal centaur and accessing the lighter side of truth, justice, new learning and expansion of our consciousness into new realms of existence.  Our hearts are being called to fly on the currents of warm air.

Igniting our hearts with higher consciousness and spiritual expansion:  Discovering our heart’s delight!
Are you ready to believe in your innate joy, playfulness and fun side as we accept all we are.  It’s time to fly into some new realms of adventure and discovery.  Many of us have taken a beating from others, accepted a beating from ourselves of being ‘too big for our boots’ as we sought expansion of our hopes and dreams, gifts and talents.  It’s time to let go of the excuses, the ‘sorries’, the guilt. the blame, the shame of stepping out of line and to embrace the notion that our divine heart is carrying us on, uplifting us into new realms and joy!

Golden Oldies:
Sleeping Beauty | Once Upon A Dream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCCxnuLlS18

only believe -- elvis presley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQTCcLzrFiI

Roy Orbison - You’ll Never Walk Alone (Lyric Video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_sk3EQPX1U

Peggy Lee -- Is That All There Is? 1969 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCRZZC-DH7M

The lyrics of this existentialist song are written from the point of view of a person who is disillusioned with events in life that are supposedly unique experiences.

Upcoming Dates:
11th November:  Transit of Mercury
13th November:  Full Moon 19 degrees 52 Taurus at 12.34 am AEDT
13th November:  Venus out of bounds
: Enters 13 Nov 2019 6:49:28 pm (EST +5:00)
Leaves 13 Dec 2019 4:29:26 am (EST +5:00)

That’s all folks!   Hugs all around!

We have a Scorpio bear leading the way on our pilgrimage for the next stretch of this incredible year’s journey of challenge, change and opportunity.  It’s been one amazing year which has stretched many of us to the limits.

It’s not over yet.  We just need to remember our focus:
Know thyself
Accept the self, the good, bad, ugly and beautiful...know the trip wires of the psyche, the complexes
Discover your unique gifts, talents
Claim your current passion, the fire of spirit to carry you the full distance
Discover where your unique gifts are needed in the world...where there’s a missing ‘piece’
Believe in yourself and back yourself, even when you have to take a step back

There lies plenty of material there for this month of Scorpio and for Mercury retrograde in Scorpio and for Venus in Sagittarius firing up the spirit of higher consciousness in the heart.

Love and blessings to us all as we head towards the Full Moon in Taurus on 13th November when Venus goes out of bounds, bringing new consciousness to our heart energies.  We also have the 11/11 portal of change and the transit of Mercury on that day just to add to the revelatory nature of this month.  Here we go!


from the chair...with my bear and my heart

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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