...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 23 October 2019

24th October 2019: Sun enters Scorpio

Hi everyone!

Emerging from the last light of the solar month of Libra, it all may feel like we’re still travelling in some confusion after the release valve was pulled on the emotions at the Aries Full Moon.
Mopping up after the Aries Full Moon revelations:  Integrating!
We’re certainly in the mopping up stages of the Libran month which offers the rebalancing and equity we need to come to peace and harmony.  The Libran energies often cause more disruption in relationships and in society as the push to be valued, loved and acknowledged is strong and urgent. 
Revelations may have been painful:  A necessary heart opening for growth!
The Aries Full Moon had quite a sting in the tail with Mercury and Venus both in Scorpio, bringing up deep long held emotions from the memory banks, activated by the Aries rocket fire.  Communication may have been explosive with heart felt words expressed and experienced.  We need to trust that whatever emotions were released was necessary as soul contracts kicked in and kicked up a storm for our learning and growth.
It’s been a month of protest and challenge in the public sphere:  Personal review and reclamation has mirrored public calls for justice and equity!
The protest energies ramped up in the public sphere and may well have done in the private sphere as old energies were cleared from our beings and our lives. 

With Jupiter in flow with that full moon, chances are new consciousness arrived and brought in the offer of an upgrade.  We may be still making sense of the new information that emerged at that time. If it’s been painful, the Scorpio psychic surgeon will be assisting us to uncover the truth of our experiences.  More understanding ahead.
What’s been happening in the solar month of Libra:  The 'accountant is in'!  
The reconciliation...coming to resolution with ‘terms and conditions’! 
Partnerships:  Balancing the books, the accounts, the contracts, the agreements, coming to agreements...or not.
The solar month of Libra, the time when any 'partnership' issues are ironed out, cleared out. cleared out. Well, that's the opportunity. That's the premise of Libran month when we can negotiate, re-negotiate, renew and/or complete contracts, including sacred contracts.

What sacred contracts have kicked in this past month?Sacred contacts are made at soul level with everyone within our immediate circle, family, close connections with everyone we meet this lifetime. We come together to sort through our problems, issues, complexes, neuroses, unresolved memories so when triggers kick in the old wounds, we now that the contract is 'in play'.

We're working together to clear any old memories, issues, spiritual wounds and to reconnect through love. Sometimes it means we've completed our work together this lifetime. Sometimes we clear the memories and move back into loving connection. Libra is always an interesting time to say the least.

We’re still in the lunar month of Libra until the New Moon in Scorpio activates on 28th October. Ongoing resolution.

To know more about soul contracts:  ‘Sacred Contracts’ Carolyn Myss
24th October:  Sun enters Scorpio at 4.20 am AEDT
Resurrection!  Enter the sacred cave!
Until 23rd November
Time to go deep...get the spiritual magnifying glass!
As we enter the solar month of Scorpio we’re invited to explore the depths of our emotions and clear out all those buried emotions that do not serve our pathway forward.  We’ve got plenty of material which surfaced during the month of Libra and which will give our forensic Scorpio investigator something to explore. 

Going deep into the inner cave of discovery:  
It’s a gold   mine!
It’s a soul searching time which many of us resist as we are so activated to be busy and physically active in the world. The solar power has been running our lives for so long, it’s an adjustment to connect to the inner life, the darkness where we grow spiritually.  It takes time and discipline.  Scorpio asks for nothing less.  It’s do and ‘die’.
Growth:  The cycle of living, dying, being reborn...every day!
To live in the fullness of life, we need to ‘die’ every day to those voices and feelings which hold our spirit in check.  Life is all about letting go, dying to the old and being reborn to the new. 
Without ‘newness’, we become bored, listless, disinterested, depressed and stuck in the darkness of despair.  It’s our choice to strip away the old to be born anew as we discover, uncover the truth.
Sub personalities, past lives revelation, reclamation and release:
Regeneration, transmutation and renewal!
All those old masks of personality attachment, old identities to which we are attached which are holding us back from growth and expansion are up for clearance as Scorpio is relentless in taking us through the discovery process.  

These aspects may be buried so deeply in us that we are unaware of their existence until something triggers their release. 

Scorpio rebirth
We rise as the phoenix!
Feel, acknowledge, accept all that we are: 
We feel an emotion, get a new thought or insight and wonder at ourselves and who we are.  Once we acknowledge these aspects, we start to become whole, to be all we are without shame, blame, guilt or despair because ‘perfection’ is a construct that in our interpretation can undermine who we are.  We seek to purify and choose love at the same time accepting that ‘perfection’ is attaining a state of spiritual mastery, owning all we are, accepting all in the light of divine love.
Life on planet earth:  It’s not a Coca Cola ad! 
It’s the balance of day and night, outer and inner, active and passive
Scorpio takes us into the darkness of our soul, our psyche, our heart and asks for nothing less than full blown facing the demons within, owning all that we are and working with those energies.  Life is a composite of dark and light, agony and ecstasy.  When we avoid the agony, we deny the ecstasy and vice versa.

The ‘language’ of spirit:  Symbols!  
Venus and Mercury still in Scorpio offer messages from the heart and mind, symbolically!
Beyond words we find the symbols that cross all spoken languages...music, art, nature, the environment...everywhere!
With Mercury and Venus, mind and heart energy both still in Scorpio, we are given the green light on uncovering the mental and/or emotional blocks which keep us from the full transformational experience of Scorpio.  

We’ve been working with these energies for a few weeks now and Mercury is in Scorpio for quite a few more weeks as he starts his retrograde journey on 1st November, Halloween for Northern Hemisphere. Communication channels are wide open if we’re ready to observe, reflect and hear what the universe is presenting to us.

Scorpio rules:
Big money, money from sources other than income such as taxes, insurance  as well as partnership finances, sexuality and intimacy.  So any of these areas come into the spotlight for the next month.  With Mercury, ruler of commerce in Scorpio, there’s an extra spotlight in this area.

Last month, the day when Pluto(big money) stationed direct in Capricorn (organisations, business, government) and Mercury (commerce) moved into Scorpio(big money)  the stockmarket crashed.  We can’t always predict these events as not entirely accurate but I thought it was interesting.  That day, things were shifting with the planetary line up relevant to the stockmarket and commerce, big money.  I didn’t check the day it happened in August.  Just keep an eye on these financial shifts this month.  More on this with the next update on Mercury turning retrograde.

Medical Astrology:
Scorpio rules sexual organs and genitals as well as to some extent organs of elimination

Golden Oldies:
‘Secret Love’ Doris Day from ‘Calamity Jane’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KniqM8GOHc0\ Revelations

‘Cheek to Cheek’ Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdS5uRgu_TA&list=RDHaA3YZ6QdJU&index=5 Intimacy

‘Money Makes the World Go Round’ Liza Minnelli ‘Cabaret’ lyrics  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdS5uRgu_TA&list=RDHaA3YZ6QdJU&index=5 

Upcoming Dates:
28th October:  New Moon in Scorpio
1st November:  Mercury retrograde at 27 degrees 38 Scorpio
2nd  November:  Venus enters Sagittarius

That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

Here we all are, peace doves flying so fast spiritually, even if we feel nothing’s happening in our lives, we’re all still travelling together esoterically, one heart, mind and spirit.  If we haven’t gained the understanding of this past solar month of Libra and the activation and resolution of karmic contracts, then trust that the New Moon in Scorpio coming on 28th will start the process of bringing clarity.  Will probably take the best part of the month of November with Mercury retrograde in Scorpio giving us some backtracking, big clearance and mental makeover.

Fortunately Venus will be moving into Sagittarius early November which will bring some heart expanding consciousness, understanding and learning ‘what’s it all about’.  I can only trust that the Scorpio energy will clear the decks for a lot of us after this challenging month of Libra when equity, justice, love and harmony seemed to be often out of reach.  Much resolution has been occurring so trust, accept and surrender to divine power, strength, love, freedom and abundance.   

Love and blessings to us all as we reclaim our unique selves, our unique signature and our unique mission as we strip down to our essence.  We are brave beyond measure as we explore these dark passages of the Scorpio mine, knowing full well that our personal treasure is unfolding. 

from the chair...flying through the darkness

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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