...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 9 October 2019

9th October 2019: Venus enters Scorpio


Hi everyone!

So what's happening?

Integration time after the big gear changes of the past week with two of the personal planets changing signs, presenting a new playing field for our minds and bodies, Mercury and Mars.

Adjusting to the planetary gear changes:  
Easy does it!
We're in new landscape along with Pluto stationing direct pulling out of his retrograde soul searching months of exploring and releasing old damaging tribal attachments. Whew!

Time out:  Big waves of change rolling in!
Time to breathe, rest, accustom ourselves to the new landscape and welcome changes for the better. We’re in the throes of some big energies which may feel draining, exhausting and heavy in body, heart or being.  Big karmic sigh!

Planetary forces are big, powerful and focussed on karmic release!
We’re in solar minimum and the Schumann Resonance has been relatively low compared to recent weeks so know that these energies are cosmic in origin and for us can best be tracked as astrological planetary forces impacting us.

7th October:  Mercury opposes Uranus 5 degrees Scorpio/Taurus
7th October to 8th October
Our mental body may feel confused and nerves jangled with a jumpiness that only Uranus can bring. In Taurus, we could feel a big release in the physical body that says, step back, breathe, rest and yes...relax.Taurus rules the neck and throat with a focus on empowerment through singing, toning and sound work.  I create my own sounds to clear the throat chakra.
From 6th to 8th October: 
Sun square Moon's Nodes...we are heading in the right direction...magnetic north, destiny!
It's karmic clearance time again as the light of the Libran Sun challenges us to release old karmic burdens we've taken on whether consciously or not. Karmic nodes still in Cancer/Capricorn. Cancer rules stomach, maybe digestion.
8 October Sun square Saturn:  
Light activation of karmic blocks!  Could be an ‘ouch’!
Effective from 7th to 9th October, the karmic clearance, 'judgement day' energies are adding to the karmic nodal clearance. It's on for everyone, so take it easy with ourselves and others. When karmic 'stuff' comes up, it activates old patterns of behaviour and emotional reactions.
Saturn rules joints, knees, skeleton
9th October: Mars opposes Chiron at 3 degrees Libra/Aries...old partnership ‘wounds’ being cleared and released! 
Effective 8th to 10th October
Mars, our fiery warrior is facing off to Chiron, carrier of our spiritual wounds in Aries on 9th October. With Mars in Libra it requires us to discipline ourselves and keep restoring equilibrium within if something triggers an emotional reaction to something or someone in your world. This is all about our relationship to ourselves, others and to the world.
Old spiritual wounds around who we are may surface and with Mars, the call will be to stay strong and stand our ground without dumping our sensitive ego energies onto others or into the world. Old emotional reactions are up for evolution. We're all in this so let's not pathologise it all as 'our fault', 'your fault'.  Could manifest as old grief, resentment, disappointment, despair...just anything painful!
Mars rules the head and Libra rules kidneys, so headaches, urinary tract, kidneys may be feeling the release.
Taking care of ourselves to restore balance and harmony to our beings will work well for us all as we allow old energies to just release and be freed from within,
It is all about love

9th October:  Venus enters Scorpio 4:06 a.m AEDT
...we dive into the depths of our heart!
Until 2nd December

Transformational heart healing:  Open heart surgery!
Venus, ruler of our heart, joins Mercury, our mind manager in Scorpio so we know we have a great opportunity to transform our mindsets, beliefs and our heart energy, old hurts and spiritual wounds which are buried deep within our being.  Be open, go deep, trust!

The love or the money?  How about both! 
Venus rules the heart, love and money and in Scorpio brings to light joint financial arrangements as Scorpio rules money from sources outside earned income. 

Finding our deepest joy within!
This makes life interesting as Venus calls us to ‘do what you love and the money will follow’.  Essentially, it’s about getting in touch with our deepest desires and what brings us alive in terms of our work in the world. 

Exploring the heart for hidden desires and talents:
Scorpio rules mining which suggests that as we prepare to dig deep within our hearts and explore in the hidden depths those treasures of untapped or undiscovered talents.  

Our heart holds the secrets to experiencing a depth of emotion and the transformation into joy and passion. It’s up to us and our deep hunger for experiencing the fullness of life and all it has to offer.

Depth, intimacy and partnerships:  
Accessing heightened states of intimacy...the spirituality of exalted states of ecstasy!

Scorpio is about intimacy and deep emotions and connections so as we choose depth and truth within we find ourselves and divine connections to others. How much do you want to experience this? If you're not 'hungry' for evolution and expansion of consciousness,  this may well emerge in the coming weeks. 
Venus in Scorpio will be activating our desire for deep and meaningful connections with significant others, not just intimate/romantic partners.  All comers will be scrutinised in terms of their potential for a powerful connection.

Intimacy is depth of connection:
There is a tendency to think that intimacy is purely an expression of sexuality and Scorpio encourages us to take that pathway.  After all, this is Scorpio’s domain.  Just don’t forget that we can have ‘intimate’ friendships and connections which offer a depth of relating beyond social chat. 

Choosing the high road, even when we get side tracked!
Many of us are taking the high road and choosing to take that higher road every day as we move through the solar and lunar month of Libra which is bringing partnership issues into the open for resolution. These may be partnerships from the past...this life/past lives. 

Maintaining balance in a wobbly world:
In choosing respect for ourselves, kindness to ourselves and the path of love, we are in better shape to be offering this to others. As we resolve inner conflicts, we come to resolution with others.  We’re balancing on a wobbly old world with ongoing chaos shaking us up on a daily basis.  We keep choosing calm and balance and hold steady for all.

This week we are releasing a whole lot of 'past the use date' energy even before we get to the Full Moon in Aries which promises to be a beauty! Trusting that won't result in getting a 'shiner'/black eye as long as we keep choosing peace and harmony within. 

11th October:  Mercury enters shadow retrograde at 11 degrees Scorpio
Mercury turns retrograde on 1st November until 21st November and will be returning to this point of 11 degrees at that time.  He leaves shadow retrograde on 7th December. This is just to say we will be returning to this degree so covering these energies again after 21st October.  

Golden Oldies:
‘Adrift on the Sea of Tranquillity’ Riley Lee  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8GjW0eRmDI

‘Come and Let me Look in Your Eyes’ John Denver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiNDKVLj7Hs

Upcoming Dates:
14th October:  Full Moon in Aries

24th October:  Sun enters Scorpio
28th October:  New Moon 4 degrees 25 Scorpio at 2.38 pm AEDT

That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!
Here we are diving deep to find the buried ‘treasure’ within...Scorpio brief!

We’re on the way to the Full Moon in fiery Aries on 14th October which promises some major releases of old emotional baggage and memories which have been weighing us down as the Libran Sun faces off to the Full Moon in Libra squaring off to Pluto in Capricorn. 

Upcoming full moon:
It’s about ‘me’, our divine ‘I am’ and our relationships, past, present and future with Pluto in Capricorn bringing up standards, benchmarks and conditioning which have kept us plodding on at the bidding of ‘others’ including the ‘voices’ in our head from the past. 

This is just a heads up to prepare for the release.  We’re already in it with Mercury and Venus both in the sign of Scorpio...death, dying, rebirth and transformation.  Every day we clear now is readying us for a new burst of fire and life force with this full moon.

Love and blessings to us all as we plumb the depths of our hearts and minds going bravely ‘where no one has been before’, or so it seems. We’re diving in search of the buried treasure within each one of us.  Going deep is the only way to go. I’m in so deep now I can barely stay awake to finish this update.

Thanks for your emails and messages.  I’ll get to them when I can be released from the bodily demands and awake from my big rest and recovery mission.


from the chair...diving with my alter ego
..one of them lol

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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