...for the children of the earth

Sunday 10 November 2019

11th November 2019: Transit of Mercury, 13th November: Full Moon Taurus, Venus out of bounds

Hi everyone!

Sun’s in Scorpio and we’re ensconced in our personal ‘caves’ of resurrection, taking time out to explore, discover and make necessary changes to our minds, bodies, hearts and spirit.  This week...it’s on!

A big week:  11/11, Mercury transit of Sun, Full Moon in Taurus!
We’re in for a big week with the light downloads on 11/11, the transit of Mercury across the Sun, a powerful meeting and a reboot of our mental energies all while Mercury is doing the retrograde mental makeover.  Confusion and chaos are likely to be challenging as we are called to harness our mental energies, focus on the light and prepare to welcome the Full Moon just two days later.

A mental reboot:  Clearing chaos and confusion!
Mercury actually meets/conjoins the Sun at 18 degrees 55 Scorpio, only a degree away from its position at the Full Moon just 2 days later. Without doubt this is a mental reboot and potentially an upgrade of energies as we are challenged to release the small mind control, to move through chaos and confusion with an ongoing focus on clarity.

Full Moon in Taurus:  Heart power and mother earth!
The Full Moon in Taurus will bring the energy for a huge release of all that has come to light on 11th/12th.  Full Moons are always emotional as they open up the subconscious, the dreams, the past, the memories to our conscious minds.  We release old buried energies and access new knowledge.

11th to 12th November:  The Transit of Mercury
Mercury crosses the solar disk
From 11 Nov., 11:36 p.m. - 12 Nov., 5:05 a.m. AEDT
Not visible in Australia

The Astrology:  
Revelations, mental clearance and reboot!
Through the chaos and confusion into the light!
The Mercury transit is likely to work a little like an eclipse as our little planetary messenger makes its way across the face of the Sun for a few hours indicating a slight blocking of the light and then after, the full sunlight shining without the little dark spot of Mercury.  Surprise!

Happening on 11/11 with potential light downloads coming in at the same time Mercury meets the Sun all while Mercury is in retrograde motion indicates potential chaos and confusion clearing to a kind of rebirth as the Mercury/Sun meeting is a reboot, a fresh start for these two energies.

Keep breathing and let any nerve inducing energies flow through and out:
Light power into the mental body with a need to process through respiratory and nervous systems as well as the heart (Sun). With the moon in Taurus tomorrow morning, we'll already be coming into the energies of the Full Moon on 13th. Just writing this up in the update....struggling to finish, dealing with my own stuff. :) It's a lot of head stuff we're clearing and realigning,

The Astronomy:  
What does Mercury transit mean?
A transit of Mercury across the Sun takes place when the planet Mercury passes directly (transits) between the Sun and a superior planet, becoming visible against (and hence obscuring a small portion of) the solar disk. During a transit, Mercury appears as a tiny black dot moving across the disk of the Sun

On Monday, Nov 11th, Mercury will pass directly in front the sun. The rare transit begins at 12:35 UT (7:35 am EST) and lasts for almost six hours. Mercury's tiny form—jet black and perfectly round—will glide slowly across the solar disk, as shown in this movie created by science-artist Larry Koehn of ShadowandSubstance.com:

People in every continent except Australia can see at least a portion of the crossing. In the USA, the best place to be is on the Atlantic coast, where the entire transit is visible. On the Pacific coast the transit will already be in progress at sunrise.
Warning! Do not stare at the sun during the transit. Mercury covers a tiny, tiny fraction of the solar disk, so the sun remains as bright as ever. Eye damage can occur.
Transits of Mercury occur only 13 times each century. The next one won't occur until Nov. 13, 2032.

THE SCALE OF MERCURY: See image left. Can you see Mercury?
What will tomorrow's transit of Mercury look like? Marek Nikodem has the answer. He watched the previous transit of Mercury (May 9, 2016) from Kcynia, Poland, and photographed the event at sunset:

11–12 November 2019 Mercury Transit:  From:  https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/transit/2019-november-11

Mercury's path in front of the Sun is almost a horizontal line. However, throughout the day, the angle from which we observe the Sun from Earth, makes it look like it passes in a curve (see animation). Exactly how it looks, varies according to your location on Earth.

Where to See the 2019 Mercury Transit
Regions seeing at least some parts of the transit: South/West Europe, South/West Asia, Africa, Much of North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Antarctica.

This Transit of Mercury will be visible—weather permitting—for at least several hours in most of the world, including the US, South America, Africa, and Europe.

This Mercury transit lasts around five and a half hours. The last one, in May 2016 lasted about seven and a half hours. In May 2095, there will be another almost as long.

11th November
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn
'Awakening and Illumination : October 2019 to January 2020'

The 11:11 Initiations : Star Fire and Angelic Frequencies
‘in 2017 at the 11:11 Gateway, the Planet received a powerful wave of Angelic Frequencies and Light Codes from the Elohim and the Seraphim.  At this years 11:11 there will be another powerful wave of Light Initiations from the Stellar and Cosmic Councils of Light.  This will be an Initiation of Star Fire Light Codes that will rapidly raise the Frequencies on Earth to accelerate the Awakening that is taking place.

The 11:11 Portal is under the guardianship of the Pleiadians, and is on the same astrological axis as the 5:5 Gateway, that of Taurus and Scorpio, and it is associated with the awakening of the Buddha and with the spiritual energies of the Collective Awareness.

At this time, a powerful transmission of Star Fire Light Codes will be received on Earth in the form of a Light/Sound wave that will be an initiation and an activation of the newly energized New Earth Time Spiral.

This will not be received as a single wave, but as a series of waves each carrying different codes or instructions from the Divine Heart toi activate the New Earth in the consciousness of the Collective.

At this time, those who have agreed at the soul level to awaken, sill be activated by these waves and will suddenly awaken to join this rising wave of new consciousness.

Those of you who work with Light Codes and Language of Light will be empowered and guided to "translate" these "codes" for the benefit of those in your tribe and community.  You may feel guided to paint, draw, sound, sing or dance these Star Fire Codes into physical manifestation.

At this time of the 11:11, the Pleiadians will be very active in working with you to assist you to activate the Human Angelic Template and embody the Soul in Divine Love as proof of this process.  As specialists in In Human/Animal and Plant DNA on Earth, they will guide you through Light Code Activations and Collective Activations.

The Arcturians have also been commissioned to guide a multi-representational group that will work with Earth, including Lyrans, Sirians and Andromedans.  These ones will assist with their particular means of Light communication and connection.

At the 11:11 you may, therefor, feel guided to join a group or community to experience the Star Fire Light Code initiations as a group.  You may also feel drawn to channel these codes in some way and to keep a record of the information that is given to you in these codes in a journal.

The Angelic Beings, the Elohim and Seraphim, will continue to empower transmissions of the Angelic Frequencies of Light and Color to support these initiations and the Awakening process in general.’

13th November:  
Full Moon 19 degrees 52 Taurus at 12.34 am AEDT...open sesame!

We are safe in the arms of Mother Earth!
Taurus is the sign of Mother Earth, ruled by Venus and symbolised by the World Tree, the energy within us all that holds us in the arms of the earth and which is the mechanism within our energetic body which aligns us with our physical existence and life on earth. 
Image:  Tanya Torres

Keep choosing the power of love: 
Love clears the energy field!
As we anchor into the earth, we can feel the love that is the true essence of the earth.  And we can experience the memories, emotions and experiences of humanity held in the earth which can be painful, even horrific given the history of war and conflict on this planet. We keep choosing love and we’ll be okay.

It’s heart opening time:   
Open sesame is the key to open the Scorpio cave!
As we open our hearts to the power of love within, we open our beings to the heart of Mother Earth who offers us the richness and abundance of a glorious earthly life, provided for at all levels of our existence...physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.  

Unlock the heart and let in the love!  Open sesame!

Do we believe in our worthiness to receive?  How do we value ourselves?  Accepting our divine gifts and talents...our new doorway!
Taurus rules values, worthiness/self-worth, material and earthly abundance and the inner gifts and talents that arise from our heart energy and which offer potential for income derived from offering goods and services drawing upon these talents.  

The universe responds to our true heart and deepest needs and desires.  At this full moon it’s a good time to tune in to how we value ourselves and our deepest values about life and our lives.  Ask and ye shall receive!

Illumination, revelations, release, completion, turning point, things coming to a head...an old door closes and suddenly...a new door!
The Full Moon brings a sense of completion of a chapter, a lunar release of emotions from the physical body and quite possibly some of the most resistant or stubborn energies held within our physical vessel. 

Pluto playing a key role as door opener!  Unlocking the memory banks...chain breaker!
Pluto sitting at 21 degrees Capricorn is in a flowing trine to the Full Moon in Taurus guaranteeing a major release, transformation for some of the old chains of the status quo,  Pluto is the Lord of death, transformation and rebirth and as he opens that door of the memory banks in the Full Moon earth energies, he’s opening us all up to major breakthrough, breakdown which will carry us to a whole new plateau of consciousness. 

Heart opening time!  
We open our hearts to the beauty of the earth...we are freed!  Sing!
Taurus, being an earth sign, is the most fixed of all the signs so it can keep us in resistance with the process of growth as Taurus likes to go ‘the full distance’, to complete what it started. But sometimes we can overstay our time and that’s when everything implodes. It’s time to close a door and open to the new!  The new door is into the garden of joy and desire, fresh flowers and light!

The Scorpio Sun with Mercury, the messenger on his shoulder:  Messages coming in!
Old doors closing!  The Taurus Full Moon brings in release every year, a release which can help us clear the old energies, realign and move on.  The Scorpio Sun opposite the full moon, is the forensic investigator helping us to get clarity and let go of ‘dead wood’ in our psyche, emotions and spirit. Mercury opposite the full moon will be activating messages from the sub conscious, buried memories with significant information for the deep transformation of our physical lives. 

New doorways!  Thanks Mercury!
Mercury has been delivering new information on 11th/12th with his transit of the Sun. Now, he’s a major player at the Full Moon sitting so close to the Scorpio Sun, just 2 degrees away at 17 degrees Scorpio, so we can guarantee that a new doorway is being offered, even if we can’t quite see the pathway ahead. 

Mercury still in retrograde motion:  
More tweaking of ideas and changing thoughts to come!
Mercury is still in retrograde motion until 21st November, so more tweaking of thoughts and ideas will come out of this full moon.  Mercury is the ruler of our mental body, nervous and respiratory systems so chances are we’ll be processing and clearing some of these outdated stuck energies through breath work, calming the nervous systems. 

When I put this together with the message from Celia Fenn, this makes sense as downloads more often than not come through the nervous system. 

This is a time to welcome the abundance on offer from the Taurus Full Moon, to release any resistance to divine will and divine alignment and allow the universe to see into our hearts and minds and clear old burdens and conflicts. 
We have new pathways to take and new talents to accept and activate.

Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
The Full Moon: 
Taurus 20
This Symbol implies a sense of moving forward quickly, possibly without feeling grounded or anchored to the realities of what’s going on around you. You may feel driven forward, almost out of your control, but you run the risk of either going past things too quickly, or tiring as you try to resist the push forward. Let superficial excitements affect you and then be prepared to go back and sort out details later. This is a wonderful degree, but you may need to slow down and take notice of what’s going on and not be so eager to escape. Fleeting opportunities or inspiration. Feeling things 'in the wind'. Changes in the weather. Thinking on your feet. Going full tilt towards things in the future. Messages in clouds.
The Sun: 
Scorpio 20
This Symbol shows the ability or the need to be able to draw aside confusions or obstructions that impede your path or stop you from realizing where you could be or go. You, either alone or with others, may feel the need to venture down new “Pathways” or investigate new possibilities, but you will have to muster faith and overcome fear to enter these new realms, these “Sacred” places. You will require both courage and inquisitive desire. Venturing down these paths make it clear that your sphere of operation and action will become vastly enlarged with the new perspective that opens for you. Mysteries revealed. Feminine mysteries. Invitations to the unknown. Drawing the curtains or blinds. Woman’s reproductive systems. Open Sesame. Sexual issues. Following through.

14th November:  
Venus out of bounds in Sagittarius...new consciousness for the heart
Until 13th December
Image result for heart in the stars/images
Venus is travelling in new territory and in the sign of the great explorer, Sagittarius.  We’re likely to be experiencing some heart expansion, heart opening experiences in this next month. 

This is a cosmic energy which indicates something of a dimension beyond our previous experience and in Sagittarius, it will offer new learning and the accessing of a higher consciousness of truth, justice and learning, world connections.

Sagittarius rules foreign places, travel and education as well as philosophy, religion and spirituality so any or all of these arenas may be highlighted in our discovery tour through the stars. Watch for heart ignition and keep an open mind as to how that may be highlighted. 

Golden Oldies:
‘So Much Magnificence’ Miten & Deva Premal   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGz8lvdOG_g&list=RD1OGjZST8aRc&index=23

‘The Mother Inside’ Deva Premal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwCI6a-HW00

‘What a Wonderful World’ Louis Armstrong https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWzrABouyeE

‘Can You Feel the Love Tonight’ Elton John https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjgWWjkNbhU

Upcoming Dates:
21st November:  Mercury stations direct at 11 degrees 35 Scorpio
23rd November:  Sun moves to Sagittarius

26th November:  Venus enters Capricorn
27th November:  New Moon 4 degrees 03 Sagittarius at 2.35 am AEDT
27th November:  Neptune stations direct at 15 degrees 56 Pisces  

That’s all folks!  
Hugs all around! 

We’re together reaching for new consciousness, divine truth, knowledge and love as we divest ourselves of old energies, the chains of the status quo that have kept us from expansion and growth into higher consciousness.
Mercury stations/turns direct on 21st November followed by the Sun moving to Sagittarius on 23rd November.  From that time, we’ll be getting some idea where we’re heading after this big doorway of change.  

From now to the New Moon in Sagittarius on 27th November. we’ll be tweaking our ideas and thoughts and gathering new heart consciousness as Venus explores new avenues of knowledge for us to integrate. 

So, minds and hearts continue to get a makeover for the next stretch of time.

Love and blessings to us all as we enter this big week of upgrade and transformation as we walk on with courage and faith that all is well, no matter what happens.  Not easy in today’s world where the challenges and crises keep rolling in.

from the chair...hugging my inner bear

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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