...for the children of the earth

Tuesday 3 December 2019

3rd December 2019: Jupiter enters Capricorn

Hi everyone!

On the Sagittarian road, the sky is big and the road looks like an open invitation to just take off into the wilderness and be free of worldly concerns.  But we’re not getting away from it all at this time as the energies continue to ramp up.

A year of awakening:  Stirred and shaken...release, reprieve, resurrection
The mass consciousness is stirring the dark underbelly of the emotions of the collective unconscious is being awakened and released manifesting in all manner of ways as the emotions rise to the surface seemingly out of nowhere. 

Wild horses?  Got nothing on us humans this year!
We’re still running the gauntlet, the test of managing the emotional release through evolving and raising the emotional baggage into higher consciousness as the ‘trigger’ activated by chaotic economic, political and social situations and earth changes brings up the sense of unease, disillusionment, despair. fear and anger...all those ancient embedded emotions of the old fight or flight syndrome.

Humanity releasing the traumas of history, ancestry, the past:
It feels like there’s one ‘trauma’ and disruption after another hitting different parts of the world and sectors of humanity at different times. At the moment it’s very much in my mind and space with the bushfires still running rampant in my neighbourhood, state and nation. The earth and humanity is releasing old primal memories which have kept us locked into the past. Freedom calls!

Breathing space
The sudden chaotic events could be anywhere tomorrow and after as the forces of change are spreading the ‘traumas’ around.  For some of us, we get breathing space, whilst others are not experiencing direct ‘hits’ while others are just sitting in a war zone of one day of trauma followed by another.  Energies are coming to a turning point in mid January, the meeting of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Yes, better times ahead.

2nd December:  Jupiter's last stand!  
On 29 degrees Sagittarius...let's get this done!

Jupiter is on the last degree of Sagittarius on the brink of moving into Capricorn. He's been sitting on this degree for a few days, the degree of mastery, the degree of completion and a degree of intensity where it always feels like the planet is winding up 'business' to meet a 'deadline'.

Jupiter is big, expansive and travelling in his own sign of Sagittarius, it's all fire and fiery spirit. We've had a year of this bigger than Ben Hur energy, the energy of the crusader and the push for the freedom of truth, justice and higher consciousness. Jupiter and Saturn are what we know as the social planets, the planets that shift societal norms and consciousness. More to come. Watch this space.

Pegasus is our winged horse lifting us about the emotional maelstrom of the rising collective emotional energies surfacing on the planet, the ocean of all emotion. He calls us to rise above the untamed emotional energies of our Sagittarian centaur and to wing it home to our higher consciousness.

Dealing with my own emotions with the wildfires on my doorstep and on notice that I may need to evacuate my home. Working with engaging my higher mind and throwing off the old emotional reactions surfacing in response to the surrounding wind and fires today.

3rd December:  
Jupiter enters Capricorn at 5.20 am AEDT...how high can we go?
Until 19th December 2020
The fires have been ignited:  
Now it’s time to ground the fires into our earthly lives!
Our big positive, optimistic and expansive planet Jupiter leaves his home sign of Sagittarius and all its fiery spirit of awakening the crusader, the fire of enthusiasm, the fire of desire for truth and freedom which has been stirring crusaders of justice and seekers of truth across the planet for the past year. He’s been accessing the big picture and raising consciousness across the planet.  Now bringing it back to earth!  We are the torchbearers!

Jupiter has shifted to the top of the mountain!  Easy peasy! That's manifestation...no heavy trekking with Jupiter in Capricorn. He's come in to help his big buddy Saturn who has been doing some hard yards in his own home sign. Every step has been hard won as Saturn has been bringing up the old ways of hard work and struggle with the challenge for us to choose an easier path. 
Jupiter goes pffft! I got this Saturn!  We’ve got this Saturn!  I’ll show you the easier path!

Jupiter fired and ready to bring his hopes and dreams to earth!
Jupiter is fire energy, a lighter energy than Saturn his co-transformer of the social fabric of our society.  Saturn is earthy, a denser energy which demands we keep our feet on the ground and be meticulous in taking each and every step.
Jupiter flies in the face of Saturn’s commitment and sense of responsibility and work ethic. He’s optimistic, positive and has faith in the promise of his big picture vision. The expansion of Jupiter’s higher consciousness is being brought into reality.  
Expansion and contraction:  
Working the same landscape...harnessed energy and focussed power!
Jupiter is expansion and Saturn is contraction.  When they work like this in the same planetary energy we get a containment of Jupiter with a strong ambition to stay focussed and get to the goal!  

People with these two planets in close connection in their natal chart can demonstrate immense mastery of harnessing the visionary and expansive power and delivering the physical reality.  One example:  Roger Federer, the master!
Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn:  Lucky Jupiter is driving and Saturn is keeping our engine on track!
A force to be reckoned with, activated and harnessed as we claim our personal authority!  That’s our call!
They’ll be working together in Capricorn until March next year and then from July 2020 until December 2020 when they both step into Aquarius heralding a new age of humanitarian ideals. 

They don’t come to a close meeting until mid December 2020 but they are working in the same landscape with a focussed brief on social change and the major shift and uplift in consciousness from the status quo.
Getting the bigger picture:  It’s our world and welcome to a new view!
Jupiter is a big picture energy, expansive, optimistic, positive and ready to back himself all the way even if his visions may seem delusional to others.  Yes, he will feel more grounded in Capricorn but it’s not all hard work as his inspiration can fire our flagging energies after 2 years of hard yakka karmic clearing with the Saturn and Pluto combo demanding nothing less than deep and abiding commitment. 
Get to the top of the mountain...your own special lookout:  
Jupiter can take us there instantly...teleportation!
Once we start seeing this bigger picture of the world from our perspective, it will be time to get Saturn on board and start building some new foundations for that vision.  With Saturn in Aquarius from late March, we’ll have a few months of establishing new systems and structures which support more humanitarian values.
Building the new paradigm of consciousness:  
Crossing the bridge and defying the troll within and without!  
 Into the ‘garden of Eden’!
Jupiter moves into earthy Capricorn, the sign of systems, governments, bureaucracies, organisations of material and monetary power and influence on the planet. Jupiter will be shifting consciousness about the status quo,  the current paradigm for success within our world which has been built upon material and financial success as the benchmark for establishing high status and acceptance by society.  
A new paradigm for life: 
Time for solutions from within us and across the spectrum of society!
It’s difficult to find the higher values of spirituality and spiritual teachings in a world where greed and power as ‘power over’ is the driving force.  We’re now more attached to material ownership than to the higher ideals of love, shared wealth, equity and unity.  

Saturn and Pluto are already ensconced in the energies of Capricorn giving us the deconstruction through seemingly destructive acts, actions and changes across the societal, economic and political landscapes.  It’s time to return to love and unity.

The crusader of justice and the seeker of truth is transformed:  Practical realities!
With Jupiter now joining these two in the sign of the status quo and the system, it is clear that the social structures, conditioning and game plan of the old order are up for change in a very practical way bringing inspiration to earth. 

First, on a personal note, we’ll be calling in that inspiration into our lives, finding a new place in a new world.

Where is the love?  
Opening hearts to big Jupiter as a tour operator for this next year’s discoveries!
So we rise and rise!
Jupiter will now be elevating and expanding our awareness of higher knowledge and consciousness in a whole new way, offering ideas and solutions to the expansive idealism of the rebellious crusader.  In Capricorn, we’ll be called to ground new thinking into the systems and structures of society. This is practical problem solving coming into being over the next year.

Finding new places in the new paradigm as it comes to light!
Our crusader, our spiritual warrior will be bringing in a new order of thinking which is earthy and practical, founded on what brings us alive, what expands our hearts and minds.   Watch the world unfold and continue to unravel and look to the gaps where you can find the opportunities where others can only see challenges.  That’s activating your unique vision and gifts. Onto that personal mountain and survey the view!

Golden Oldies:

‘The Lonely Goatherd’ Julie Andrews with lyrics  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iIk5ZY_9Ss  

Charmian Carr, Heather Menzies, Nicholas Hammond, Duane Chase, Angela Cartwright, Debbie Turner, Kym Karath


‘The Sound of Music’ Video clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmmOJx_Hxto


‘Love is a Many Splendored Thing’ Andy Williams lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVqVNmI8X3E 


Upcoming Dates:
7th December:  Mercury moves out of shadow retrograde
9th December:  Mercury moves into Sagittarius
12th December:  Full Moon 19 degrees 52 Gemini at 4.12 pm AEDT
13th December:  Chiron stations direct at 0 degrees Aries

20th December:  Venus enters Aquarius
22nd December:  Sun enters Capricorn/Solstice
22nd December:  Mercury out of bounds:

That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

We’re all in this together as we step onto the collective mountain top of Capricorn.  With Jupiter and Saturn the two big ‘social’ planets both in Capricorn and Pluto, Lord of Transformation in this sign for the long haul, the message of Capricorn is strong and an increasing force in the next year.

Free-range goats...aaah!

Clinging together on a strong rock or being free-range goats liberated from the fears and doubts of the past?  It’s our choice although we might find ourselves swinging from one to the other over the next year as we free ourselves from old patterns.

Love and blessings to us all as we hold together in spirit, the spirit of higher consciousness and yes...idealism, which has been taking quite beating these past years.  There’s not a lot to cling to in hope in these times but we are beholden to do exactly that, to acknowledge the state of the planet and the world and to look for, uncover and celebrate those threads of the positive expression of humanity and its higher consciousness. 

These threads of positive action manifesting in the world are the nourishment we need to feed our hopes and dreams and to acknowledge the progress that is being made, albeit even as small steps. After all, with Saturn in his home sign of Capricorn it’s slow and steady building blocks of new structures of thought and being...one step at a time.

Saturn in 2020:
Take heart in knowing that Saturn will be dipping into Aquarius from late March 2020 to 1st July 2020 before he re-enters Capricorn to finish his journey when he re-enters Aquarius in 18th December 2020 within a day or two of Jupiter entering Aquarius. This will raise energies and offer some cosmic uplift, ‘Age of Aquarius’ visions and social change.


from the chair...welcoming the mountain top

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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