...for the children of the earth

Thursday 26 December 2019

26th December: New Moon in Capricorn/solar eclipse, 29th Mercury to Capricorn

Hi everyone!
This image looks a little like our smoky fire filled world here in the Blue Mountains but it’s mist on Yellow Mountain in China.  I chose this image a few weeks ago before all the fires came in but it seems to capture the mood of the moment not just for us here but for the world.
How well supported are we by the status quo?
We’re in a time of ongoing confusion and chaos across the planet as the status quo is challenged with the Capricorn energies building in readiness for the New Moon on 26th December and into January.
Sorting the wheat from the chaff:   Discovering true values!
As the old values are challenged, more people are finding the bottom line of what’s important to them.  It’s a huge rethink in values as the wider forces of change bring us back to simplicity, what matters to us, our survival physically and what we need to thrive. 
Waking up to our earth: 
Uranus in Taurus is the energy waking us up to the earth and our earthly needs as well as to the love of the earth. It’s in Taurus for some years but it’s recently had an activation when big fiery Jupiter moved into Capricorn in early December expanding our consciousness with respect to our earthly needs, expanding our consciousness from ‘poverty consciousness’ into new perceptions of life on earth.
In the energy of the phoenix:  Burning karmic baggage held within the earth and humanity!
I feel that the big fiery presence of Jupiter in Capricorn linking into lightning strike Uranus in Taurus awakened the earth herself and has been releasing through the wildfires those planetary memories held in Mother Earth/Taurus and burning so much karma for us all.  Mercury in Sagittarius has been firing up all the big winds that expanded the fire energies. I wonder how the energies will change once he moves into earthy Capricorn at the end of this week.    
Every day in these past weeks I’ve been working with the light, the violet flame of freedom doing what I’ve been called to do working on the spiritual front line of the fire energy, clearing the smoke and the trapped energies emanating from the earth.  It’s looked very much like the greyness of the astral plane where lost souls and fragmented aspects remain trapped between worlds, resisting or fearful of the light.  But this big light and heat power that hit the earth has released so much from within our planet. 
My physical body is very connected to Mother Earth and her memories.  I experienced an activation of this energy about 30 years ago in a sweat lodge where I had a very deep heart connection to the earth as an organic body.  The next day someone revealed that in the sweat lodge that my heart was huge and glowing red during this experience.  I cannot ignore the messages of the universe and the experiences in my body.  My moon in Taurus sits on 13 degrees with my Spiritual North Node at 13 degrees in the 8th house of transformation.
26th December:  
New Moon 4 degrees 07 Capricorn at 4.14 pm AEDT
Wish on that star!
Annular Solar Eclipse
A New Moon, a new lunar month...and a solar eclipse bringing change to our world!
The Capricorn energies are serious, ambitious, success driven and focussed.  With the Sun and the New Moon on the same degree, they’re in tune and working together at this time, the inner and outer expressions in harmony and aligning with our focus. 
Set focus and intent based on need, desire and spirit!  Building a new paradigm!
The key for this time is really setting focus and direction and that requires knowing your intent.  Not easy when so many of us are in a fog with respect to the wider world energies.  We need to put aside considerations of the ‘market forces’ of society, the politics and the economy and decide what we want, we desire, we need. We know the backdrop and we don’t know how that will play out just yet. We’re creating a new reality, building a new paradigm and it begins now!
From little things big things grow’:   
Start small, little steps and have faith!
We need to stake our claim to our place on earth and to take small steps towards fulfilling our intentions. Of course we need to really know ourselves and our heart’s desires and with Venus in Aquarius we’re being given a big cosmic canvas and picture for the truth in our heart.  

 Idealism is tapping into our hearts..let them lead! Expand the heart all the way to the stars. Reach for the sky!

Time to make a new commitment:  It’s to time to claim our success!
Jupiter, our crusader, is on top of the Capricorn mountain showing us the new way at this New Moon in Capricorn.  This is our opportunity to choose the new paradigm of success and ease and grace in our world. 

How long have we been accepting the establishment, the status quo that success will only come from the path of struggle and the treadmill. This is the new moon to call in your pathway forward, the path where taking your authority is easy and claiming your place on your mountain of new consciousness is the fast track, despite the Capricorn slow and steady pace.

A New Moon:   Setting the intention!
Speaking the words of commitment to our pathway forward as earthlings.  Doesn’t matter what dimension, star family, light family you emanate from, resonate with, you’re here on earth at this time in this life to be a part of this huge shift in consciousness.  This is our soul work and now we’re preparing for the big new year of 2020.

Huge karmic clearance:   Intense, focussed and relentless! We’re on it!
We’ve been doing some amazing work disconnecting from the old memory banks held within the body and assisting with lost and fragmented aspects of the self and the planet come to resolution in surrendering to the light of higher consciousness. It’s been huge!

However, I’m feeling that the hardest yards are coming to an end once we move through the mid January culminating energies with the Full Moon in Cancer and an enormous Capricorn planetary field and reboot!

Solar Eclipse:  Revelations and enlightenment!  Change in our physical world!
Solar eclipses occur with a New Moon and astrologically signify a time of revelation as the New Moon moves between the Sun and Earth blocking out the Sun’s rays and casting a shadow on part of the earth.

Astrologically they signify change.  Solar eclipses bring changes in the physical which may play out for the next month to 6 months, even within the next 12 months. The next eclipse, a lunar eclipse in Cancer, the sign opposite to Capricorn, will bring things to a head which may arise at this New Moon. 

Full Moons bring turning points, a culmination and clarification of energies which were initiated at the New Moon.  The Lunar Eclipse in Cancer at the Full Moon in mid January will bring closure as these energies impact on change...inner change and emotional release.

The nature of the changes will occur in relation to the New Moon astrological energies and with a big line-up in Capricorn, a stellium of planetary energies, the focus will be on those areas ruled by Capricorn:
systems, governments, ambition, leadership in the public sphere, the status quo, tradition, the old order, the patriarchy, physical and financial security, the workplace and success in the workplace.

Astronomical Facts:
A Solar Eclipse: The Moon Eclipses the SunThe Moon's shadow is not big enough to engulf the entire planet, so the shadow is always limited to a certain area (see map illustrations below). This area changes during the course of the eclipse because the Moon and Earth are in constant motion: Earth continuously rotates around its axis while it orbits the Sun, and the Moon orbits Earth. This is why solar eclipses seem to travel from one place to another

Eclipse Information
The annular phase of this solar eclipse is visible from Saudi Arabia, Oman, southern India, and parts of Indonesia, weather permitting. In most of Asia, parts of North/East Africa, and North/West Australia, people can see a partial eclipse.

Path of the Eclipse Shadow
Regions seeing, at least, a partial eclipse: East in Europe, Much of Asia, North/West Australia, East in Africa, Pacific, Indian Ocean.

The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon and Sun:  From Lynda Hill https://sabiansymbols.com/
This degree shows the need to bring stability and calm to situations, whilst continuing to “Row” in the direction you’re meant to go. Sometimes we’re just rowing our boat and someone wants to upset it, or, they are in our environment trying to drum up trouble or antagonize others. This shows the choice: row the boat or be on the defensive. Someone may solve situations with aggression. However, at the right time, showing one’s strength can work in your favor. Aggression isn't really the answer, but, to make a show of your position and the effort you will make to defend it, will ultimately win respect. Keep rowing, and head towards your desired destination. Cooperation. Vehicles of discovery versus arguing and bickering. Some getting on with life and some not. Mobilizing forces. Group efforts. Boats, canoes, water. Traffic.

29th December:  Mercury enters Capricorn at 3.54 pm AEDT
Until 17th January
New consciousness for our physical lives:  Opening minds to some practical pathways to take us forward!
Mercury, our winged messenger, is currently travelling ‘out of bounds’ gathering new consciousness in our minds, feeding our mental body with ideas and possibilities beyond our previous vision.  He’s been in Sagittarius these past weeks firing up higher consciousness and releasing old benchmarks, memories and karma which have kept us grounded in old realities.
Fresh air into our minds, our hopes for success in our earthly lives
Mercury is the energy of air, the messenger from spirit which promises fresh ways of thinking about how to live our lives.  Coming within days of the New Moon in Capricorn, this energy delivers to us some changes which we need to make to our lives to simplify, to help us get off the treadmill thinking, treadmill living, the obligations which we no longer need to carry which have been weighing us down.
Our mountain of spiritual expansion is awaiting us as we take time to connect to new visions, new directions, an easier path to fulfilment and success, pathways that fulfil our gifts, talents, are joyful and energising.
Be open at this time to whatever flies into your minds, your psyche and into your life.  Opportunities are on the way when we open to receive without trying to control it all.  The game plan is working for us if we let it be so. 
Golden Oldies:
‘You Raise Me Up’ Josh Groban with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyEokxi2hWY  New Moon in Capricorn
‘The Big Rock Candy Mountains’ Harry McClintock https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLKdxjCpw6U  land of milk and honey, big dreams 
‘Climb Every Mountain’ Sound of Music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcWXCaXQmKI finding your dream

Upcoming Dates:
January 2020
3rd January:  Mars moves into Sagittarius
8th January:  Jupiter opposition True Node Cancer 8 degrees 26/Cap

11th January:   Full Moon in Cancer Penumbral LUNAR Eclipse 6.21 am AEDT 20 degrees 00 Cancer
11th January:  Uranus stations direct 2 degrees Taurus
13th January:  Saturn/Pluto conjunction 22 degrees 47 Capricorn
14th January:  Venus enters Pisces

17th January:  Mercury enters Aquarius
20th January:  Sun enters Aquarius

25 January:  New Moon Aquarius 8.42 am AEDT at 4 degrees 22 Aquarius
Chinese new year

That’s all folks!  Hugs all around! 

One goat, one humanity taking a leap of faith with the New Moon Solar Eclipse!  What a culmination to a huge year of karmic clearance of the earth, of our beings and of our lives on earth!
It’s not over yet, of course but it is a fitting ending and a beginning as this New Moon says ‘make or break’ as we make the decision to discard all that has been holding us back from that leap of faith.
After this, on our way to the New calendar year of 2020, Mars moving into Sagittarius on 3rd January which will boost our spiritual energies and then the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on 11th January, a big culminating time which has been talked about for years, a major shift in consciousness, a turning point for the Saturn/Pluto combo in Capricorn. 
We’ve done and are still doing heaps of groundwork, clearing planetary karma and the future looks promising in new energies starting to flow in next year.
Love and blessings to us all as we throw off those burdens of karma, ancestral and planetary memories and the responsibilities we’ve taken on as ‘obligations’ which spiritually are not obligations conducive to our growth and expansion. We’re getting back to the basics of ‘true’ obligations.  We don’t have to be ‘Johnny on the spot’ for everyone in need.  We need to take care of ourselves and choose our service work wisely.  Our spirit will guide us.


from the chair...resting

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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