...for the children of the earth

Sunday 5 April 2020

31st March 2020: Mars to Aquarius, 2nd April Venus goes out of bounds, 4th Venus to Gemini, 5th Jupiter conjunct Pluto

Hi everyone!

Long time no see, speak, hear. Apologies to all of you who have emailed me to ask if I’m still posting the updates.  I really couldn’t respond as I didn’t know.  The fires in Oz since August really took their toll on me adding to the clearance process that was underway last year. My body has been challenged but my spirit is still strong.  I trust you are all tracking well too.

I won’t go further on that at this stage but just know that I am still here, safe, home is ok and feeling very protected.  I have been trying to get back to you but wasn’t sure if I had the energy to continue.  This is a long update, so please forgive me for that.  So many messages I’ve been given and just couldn’t get them out. Little bit of repetition as I’ve been posting bits on facebook.

And now? 
The collapse of the old world, the status quo, the systems, structures!
Well as expected and predicted by so many astrologers and seers, the shift of the Full Moon in Cancer Lunar Eclipse in January along with the humongous meeting, reboot, rebirth of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn has had ongoing rolling impacts on our world, the world of home, work, of the old systems, structures and the status quo. 

After that Full Moon I wrote on facebook ‘Nothing will be the same after this’ but not fully knowing how those feelings would play out for us all.

We are now travelling in the light of the Aries Sun:  
Our warrior has been brought to a standstill!
Our new astrological year has begun with our warrior of fire unmasked, naked as the day we were born.  Our world is stripping away layers of orthodoxy which have not served living in divine truth.

Spiritual disease is now manifesting physically:  
It’s time to release from our bodies!
The spiritual disease of humanity and our planet is now manifesting as a global pandemic, arousing and releasing lifetimes of buried emotion, lifetimes of panic and fear, of insecurity and doubt.  We have been brought to our knees in surrender to a bigger picture, a higher vision.  

No fighting as we embrace the power of love:  Our visions are calling us!
The urge to fight and resist is still strong in us but we won’t win this one with rebellion.  We need to flow with it, ride the waves of release that are washing through us with the light of higher consciousness and energy.

A change of mind, body and heart! 
The three 'personal' planets are all changing gear this week.
These are the three fastest moving planets which are likely to direct impact our personal lives.

30th March: Mercury
Mercury, our mind manager moved out of shadow retrograde still travelling in Pisces in open seas but still waterlogged

31st March: Mars
Mars, ruler of our physical body moved into Aquarius taking the focus from Capricorn, our physical bodies, restructuring the building blocks of the self/society

4th April: Venus
Venus enters Gemini travelling in new consciousness 'out of bounds' for a long haul until early August. An extra long haul thanks to a retrograde period, re-treading some old grapes to bring our mental energies, duality into balance and harmony.

30th March: Mercury left shadow retrograde...open sea!
Emerged at 12 degrees Pisces
Mercury in new territory: Open seas!
Mercury, ruler of our mental body and mind manager emerged from his shadow retrograde journey mostly through Pisces, the collective 'ocean of emotion' and is now in open seas taking us to new places in consciousness.

Connecting the mental to the artistic, spiritual energies:
Our minds may still feel awash and dealing with emotional overwhelm at times as the 'collective' are in the process of clearing so much emotional energy, old reactions and responses and reaching to uplift into a more evolved perspective of empowerment.

Lifting our vision, raising our vibration:
Music, messages from higher consciousness, divine connections, prayer, contemplation and meditation will assist with the resistance to going with the flow.

The ‘test’ of our new energy will come when Mercury enters Aries on 12th April:
Mercury, not entirely happy in watery Pisces is learning to 'feel' his way forward. When he moves out of Pisces into Aries, we'll really find out how far we've evolved as our old 'fighting' instincts will be put to the test.

The Sabian Symbol for Mercury's journey says it all!
The Sabian Symbol for Mercury entering and returning from his shadow journey: 
Pisces 13
This shows knowing when to stop battling in life, when to lay down one’s “Sword” and take up a higher position that reflects a more intelligent or spiritual way of being in the world. Sometimes, when reminded of the battles of the past, we are influenced towards actions that ensure peace. We are uplifted by the symbolic memory of past deeds of valor, although stings of defeat may be part of the story. You may be faced with the choice of fighting or reasoning which is confused by your lack of training or experience in the ways of “Battle”. Don’t go down with the ship. It helps to lay down one's 'sword' - not in order to surrender, but to stop the 'warring' Will power. Martial arts. Putting aside vengeance and revenge. History. Leaving stressful relationships. Trophies from the past. The Spear of Destiny. Retirement. Words as swords.
31st March: Mars leaves Capricorn
What just happened?

Our Mars Mighty Mouse had burnout!
He had picked up a lot of karmic baggage in his work of rescue and resuscitate of stranded souls. Time out!

What’s been happening to Mars since mid February:   
Mars had to give up his day job!
Mars, our brave warrior, has been trudging through the earthy sign of Capricorn activating mammoth karmic clearance of our physical bodies, our fire and drive and releasing huge memory banks of the battles and wars of past times on this earth.

Grounded, ground down. attempting to fight the good fight the old way:
For many of us, it’s been grounding in more than one respect as we grappled with our physical health and wellbeing, feeling ‘ground down’ by the demanding focus of Saturn in his own sign of Capricorn which asks for commitment, to stay ‘on task’ and to complete the release of the old so our true authority can emerge from the ‘dark ages’.

Mars has been having an overhaul, a makeover of mammoth proportions!
Mars wanted to fight the old ways and methods but the wall of resistance from the Capricorn energies, the old order, the status quo, called upon everything in us to solve our issues and problems in a whole new way. And now we’re about to find out just how much he’s grown in consciousness.  Is he now ready to be a ‘new age’ hippy in the freedom loving sign Aquarius?

31st March:  Mars entered Aquarius at 6.43 am AEDT
Our Mars is a winner!  He can do this!
Until 13th May

Mars in Aquarius?  
‘Blue skies shining on me’...a liberation with alternatives on offer!
Mars is liberated by the energies of Aquarius, the spaciousness of the cosmos as he is finally released from the confinement of Capricorn where he’s had to toe the line as well as ‘towing the line’.  Aquarius offers Mars an esoteric freedom even if he is confined at home to lockdown or quarantine.  He’s being called to find alternatives and Aquarius is just the key to it all!

Mars is now off the Capricorn treadmill...sort of, kind of...if he finds new pathways!
Mars as one of our main shakers and movers is now released from his deep physical workover of karmic imprints and burdens in the sign of Capricorn.  He desperately wants to get to the gym to do a workout, to recover his physical strength after such a depleting time of working with limitation.

However, for many, limitations are still in play which calls for new ways of working with the physical body AND with the fire and drive that peps us up and ignites our spirits.

1st April:  Mars meets with Saturn at 0 degrees Aquarius
A reboot, a rebirth, a new era!
Exact at 5.31 am AEDT Effective from 30th March to 2nd April
Here’s the adrenalin shot we need as Astroboy Mars meets Saturn, planet of structure and construction.  Now this will be interesting as our fire and drive, activated by Aquarian ‘out there’ ideas, solutions and possibilities reboots serious Saturn now going through his own rebirth in the sign of idealism, hopes and dreams. 

Saturn is the status quo, the rules, laws and regulations now in the sign of spiritual freedom for humanity and in the sign of higher mental, cosmic consciousness. Our spiritual warrior is in his element as he challenges all that has been, offering dynamic solutions and unique perspectives.

A rebirth of innovation, new groundwork, systems and structures:  
The sky’s the limit when we harness our mental energies and fly!
What will emerge from this meeting?  ‘Anything goes’ might come out of this significant activation and interaction between personal planet Mars and ‘social’ planet’ Saturn. Saturn and Jupiter are regarded as the two planets which govern ‘society’.

This is cosmic power!

2nd April:  Venus goes out of bounds....whooo! 
Our heart takes off into new spheres!
Until 2nd June From 28 degrees Taurus to 14 degrees Gemini
Venus sets out to explore the cosmos:  New messages and insights for our hearts!
Venus departs on a new exploratory journey in the final degrees of Taurus, travelling through the constellation of the Pleiades. Get ready for a heart opening experience for the next few weeks!

‘That’s the power of love’  The challenge/opportunity ahead is open hearts, choosing love!
Venus is ruler of our heart so this journey promises to be an expansion of the heart and our heart consciousness into new ways of experiencing love, our emotional essence and accessing our values, our relationships with ourselves and others.

The global lockdown is intensifying emotions and buried tensions, unspoken words:
It’s interesting that this journey into unknown, unexplored territory is happening just as the world is in lockdown, so many confined to home and coming face to face with partners, family members in what feels to many like a ‘sweat lodge’ experience of purification and cleansing of old ways of relating.

Communication doors will open as hearts open...time to ‘fess up and release the road blocks!
Yes, it will bring up the buried tensions and maybe, just maybe, people will start communicating from the heart.  Wait until after 4th April for when Venus enters Gemini, the sign of ‘The Lovers’ Tarot Card, the twins of balance of the masculine/feminine.

Unification is on offer:  Open hearts, open minds and let’s see what happens!  
Good surprises straight ahead!
Venus moves into Gemini for an extended stay until early August as she will be treading some old grapes ‘of wrath’?  or love?  when she enters her retrograde journey on 13th May until 25th June.  The focus will be on balance within, and balance and equity without, balancing the active masculine energies with the stillness of the feminine. This is a huge inner change of heart which will manifest once Venus moves direct.

Why a cat?  I see cats as feminine energy and dogs as masculine.  Our Venus cat is off! But of course she isn’t on the move physically.  This is an esoteric journey. 

4th April:  Venus enters Gemini at 4.10 am AEST
Together at last!  Unification!
Until 7th August
Extended period as Venus goes retrograde 13th May to 25th June
Art:  Duy Huynh 'One Step at a Time'

It’s crunch time, hopefully without the ‘crunch’!  
Time to heal the duality, the polarity!
With Venus entering Gemini it’s time to reunite our conflicted hearts and minds as Venus, ruler of our heart enters the sign ruled by Mercury, manager of our mind. In karmic astrology, Venus has been seen to be the ruler of Gemini, a perspective which takes on a whole new meaning.  With other planetary aspects of this year, the karmic clearance and evolutionary upgrade continues.
From 13th May to 25th June:  
Venus retrograde
...gathering lost fragments of the past!
The extended period of Venus in Gemini indicates we’re in a for a period of alignment of heart and mind, a coming together within our hearts of all those conflicted memories and aspects from other times and places.

Saturn and Jupiter turn retrograde along with Venus, mid May:
With Saturn and Jupiter, the two ‘social’ planets both turning retrograde in the same week, we can guess that Venus’ retrograde journey will be very much linked in to social changes, relationship rebalancing and ongoing system changes, expansion of consciousness in governments and systems.

Heart activations by Venus leading to new passions, desires, gifts, talents:
As more people seek new work, ways of living we may well see more people plugging into what ‘turns them on’ and uncovers latent talents.  The ‘lockdown’ is already doing this.  More to come.

A burgeoning of new ideas, creativity leading to innovative solutions to old problems
With Saturn now in Aquarius, we’ve got new and innovative changes in the structure of a society gradually emerging and grappling with humanitarian concerns and values. It’s Saturn, so gradual. Societal change is a slow process as we don’t need any further dramatic implosions which damage beyond repair. Jupiter still in Capricorn is the expansion of consciousness within systems etc.

5th April:  Jupiter conjunct Pluto 24 degrees 53 Capricorn
Pluto power with magical Jupiter!  
Effective from 27th March to 16th April
Exact 5th April 12.44 PM AEST

The beginning of the end of a 13 year major cycle of change: 
The meetings of Jupiter and Pluto in 2020 are a significant aspect happening this year.  Three meetings, April, June, November 

December 2007:  Their last meeting!
The last time they met was in December 2007 in the sign of Sagittarius.  This may have marked a major turning point for you in your life. This year offers a similar shift in energy which will play out over the whole year as the two of them meet again in June and in December.  After that last meeting in December, the changes will really start to kick in.

A global shift in energies:  Big Jupiter meets little Pluto!
When planets meet/conjoin they give birth to a new cycle, a birth of a new era.  When it involves the slower moving planets, it is especially significant across the world.

Currently in the birth canal...stay open and tuned:  Letting go, letting in!
These two planets have been sitting together on 24 degrees since 29th March moving towards a close and exact meeting on 5th April and will be holding on that degree for a few more days. It’s a slow birthing process as the impact of their meeting flows on to mid April.

The status quo:  Transforming and expanding in consciousness!
Pluto is life, death, rebirth and major transformation and Jupiter is expansion, positivity as well as the pursuer of truth, justice, higher learning, education, spirituality, philosophy, religion.  Can you see how Jupiter has been stirring up the Capricorn status quo? 

Jupiter meeting Pluto:  
Kickstarting an amazing journey of adventure and discovery!
His meeting with Pluto promises an amazing ride ahead as we uncover, reveal and transform our power and authority within as creative ‘magical’ beings who, in making the best of circumstances, can actually turn the tide of suffering, tragedy and pain into joyful reunion. 

We’re in this for the long haul until November this year but I have no doubt the revelations will be flowing and inundating us with amazing creative possibilities for rebuilding and restructuring our world.  Our foundation will be the ethics and values we hold and the way we come together with soul tribes, communities and partners to survive, thrive and welcome new ways of living.

3 major meetings this year:
4th April:  24 degrees Capricorn
30th June:  22 degrees Capricorn
12th November:  24 degrees Capricorn

Jupiter Pluto Conjunctions Of 2020:  Jessica Adams...great summary

Golden Oldies:
‘United we stand’ Brotherhood of Man https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgOaQWaqty0

‘One Love’ Bob Marley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdB-8eLEW8g  with lyrics

‘Love will keep us together’ Captain and Tennille https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QNEf9oGw8o

One world, one heart, one people’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzDgr4BUAss

Upcoming Dates:
8th April:   Full Moon Libra 12.35 pm AEST 18 degrees 44
12th April:  Mercury enters Aries

That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

Physically our cats may be in lockdown but esoterically we’re travelling fast in this huge evolutionary year.  The focus is still very much on the physical world, our bodies, systems, governments, money and the balancing process of work and home. We’re healing!

In the ‘year of living dangerously’...the year of balance!
We’ve been working on this field for the past 2 years and we’re now in ‘the year of living dangerously’ as we see the dismantling of all that has held our world in place in terms of values, attitudes and actual behaviours and practices.  There’s more to go.

The change happening, the tipping point for our spiritual work!
It’s up to us where we focus our attention to create the world we desire for ourselves and humanity.  The shift happening now has been created by so many of us, even though we didn’t know how it would manifest, we’ve been wishing and praying for change to bring humanity back to balance and equity and for the earth to be restored to her beauty. It’s all rolling out around the globe.

The new focus:  
Optimism, hope, vision and faith in our spiritual energetic powers!
This year, we’re working on the tipping point for positive thinking, optimism, divine love, truth and wisdom to start manifesting for more people, nations, cultures, religions and governments.  Without doubt the masses are awakening thanks to our efforts over the past years.  I urge you to consider what role you are playing as an energetic being. Change comes from energetic focus beginning with thoughts, emotions, resonance and vibration.

Love and blessings to us all as we hold the balance in our discomfort, fear, anger, anxiety, worry and grief.  This is our point of return, the place of peace and harmony as the world around crumbles.  Are we adding to the fear, releasing the fear, comforting the bewildered, offering a new vision, activating a new mission in our lives as we align with our divinity?  What’s our brief?  It’s up to us to find how we’re contributing to the creation of a world of divine freedom and abundance, the beginning of a new era.


from the chair...locked in but not shut down...boot camp for one!

PS:  I don’t know if I will be continuing with the updates this year.  Depends on my health.  This one is a trial run for me.

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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