...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 8 April 2020

8th April 2020: Full Moon Libra, 11th Aprl Mercury to Aries

Art: Rassouli ‘Fusion’                                                                         

Hi everyone!  
Apologies again for lateness of this one.  But then, no time? no space?

In the light of the Aries Sun we are firing our way through April.  It’s calling on the fire within us all, our spiritual warriors of the light to put down the old swords and find new ways of creating new ways of living.

Jupiter and Pluto meeting in this last week and continuing until end of April packed a punch in the sign of the status quo Capricorn. Systems and governments are evolving in the face of challenge. Trust and observe just how much is changing including within ourselves.

Yes:  We are bringing things back into balance!
We’re in ‘the year of living dangerously’, a year of rebalancing, a year of reclaiming some semblance of peace, harmony, equity and justice on the planet. This pathway and focus has taken us into dangerous waters of change, growth and challenge. Growth comes out of chaos and just as the world has recovered from previous disasters whether of geophysical, climactic or human in origin.

Mother Earth is resting, regenerating:  So are we!
The earth is getting a rest from the billions of feet tramping over it, from the pollution of waterways, oceans, the air and the earth, recovering from our drive to create a world of expansion, growth and prosperity built upon financial and economic foundations. 

Growth comes from a balance of contraction and expansion:  
Containing and building energy, creating growth inside going into physical expression
Growth involves a balance between contraction and expansion, a still and quiet inner time of growth and then the physical manifestation.  We’re now making up for all the frantic activity with the inner rest and growth time.  This is the divine feminine energy in action as we start growing some new foundations...our focus for the 4 year.

A new kind of ‘happiness’ is growing in us:
Just like ‘Brave New World we have consumed the ‘happiness’ dished up by the powers that be, appealing to all our physical senses of comfort, luxury and indulgence.  We have been lulled to sleep by the comfort.  Nothing wrong with all of these titillations until the repercussions of waste and extravagance, of irresponsibility start manifesting as garbage, depletion of resources of all kinds.

We, as a collective, are responsible for the creation of our world:  
And now, Capricorn challenges us all to take responsibility for our role!
Suddenly people are realising what we have created.  I say ‘we’ because we have willingly consumed all that has been offered.  We wanted faster internet speeds and wider coverage so technology responds to the demands of the consumers.  Maybe not all of us wanted it but sufficient numbers demanding more and better brings a response from technology and industry. 

Are we closing the door after the horse has bolted?  I don’t believe so.  But then, I believe energetic and spiritual power is our salvation.

Jupiter meetings with Pluto in Capricorn: Today and on, on on!
My image of Jupiter, the biggest planet in our solar system, a big rainbow coloured energy embracing little Pluto, the smallest of our astrologically significant planetary energies in our solar system.

Pluto is the little miner, black as soot, digging away underground to uncover 'pieces of eight', seams of gold, our untapped powers which can manifest as latent gifts and talents of inestimable value, beyond our wildest dreams. Not talking money here although it can be translated into that commodity.

Jupiter generosity, wisdom and consciousness is on tap here when we find our inner resources and claim our true identity.

Pluto is still in an identity crisis as astronomers promote him to 'planet' and then demote him back to 'dwarf planet'. Whatever his status, he has been packing a punch since his discovery in February 1930. That, of course, is down to astrologers maintaining his position as main player on the stage and of course to his name with its powerful mythology as Lord of the Underworld.

These two energies are offering the gift of transformation and expansion as we work through the status quo, the old ways of being, thinking, feeling and living. There is only change and these changes are for the good if we believe so. All is well.

8th April: Full Moon Libra 18 degrees 44 at 12.35 pm AEST
Restoring the balance!  Supermoon!
Sun and Moon, active and passive, masculine/feminine: Restoring balance!
The Full Moon in Libra is all about balance, harmony, love, equity and justice.   Libra will be really out of sorts without the energy of peace and love and will do whatever it takes to bring these energies alive.

Going out, staying home:  We’re all in the balancing act!
All Full Moons are about balancing as the Full Moon sits opposite the Sun asking us to bring harmony and balance to our inner and outer lives.  We’re all being stretched to do this anyway this year and with present global circumstances keeping us in lockdown. 

Full Moons:  Always releasing memories holding us back!
The Moon rules the past, memories, the home, nurturing, ancestors, mothering and the ancestors.  At the full moon she is most potent and powerful as she taps into the subconscious, the buried emotions within the body, the psyche.

Libra rules partnerships:  Yes, marriage, business, friends, family members
At the Libran Full Moon we may find any outstanding ‘issues’, unresolved emotions, memories or experiences relating to partnerships will emerge.  They may come in a dream state or in re-experiencing with someone in our lives right now. 

A resolution, conclusion, culmination, coming to a head!
At the Full Moon there may well be a re-run of a re-run as the moon rules memories buried in the subconscious.  Just see it as a time of resolution and coming to peace with ourselves and the situation. More than likely an old story coming to conclusion...an ending!

Physical body:  The purge continues!
There’s a huge purging occurring in our physical bodies and some of us are feeling it more than others as we clear the memories of ancient times, places and lost fragments from our memory banks.

The meeting of Jupiter and Pluto which is still impacting us for a little while, was intense in this past week with many are affected. Possibly an intensification of pain, restriction in hips, thighs, organs of elimination, genitals, joints, skeleton, knees with the heart being called to process through the power of love. We can put this down to Saturn/Venus rebooting.  It’s all karma and some of us have chosen to do a lot this lifetime as soul work.  Keeping going, keeping faith and keeping focussed is our key.  We can do this.

Sun in Aries:  All fired up with nowhere to go?  
Birthing our spiritual warrior of the light!
With the Sun in Aries, there’s a huge need to process the fire and drive in the physical body as without the release of tensions, Aries can be explosive.  Some form of exercise or movement is important during this time, no matter where we are physically or how confined.  We can work out how to do it, a way to suit us.

Working with the spiritual warrior to restore balance and harmony within and without:
We are in a major purification process for humanity and the earth herself.  There's never been a better time to restore balance between the need to act and the need to be still between the masculine 'make it happen' energy and the feminine 'allowing' our inner magnetism to draw to us that which we need.
Harnessing our ‘fighting’ spirit to bring change:
The Aries Moon is stirring up rebellion and the masculine warrior fighting spirit of old to resist the powerful edicts of government.  A new way is calling us and asking us to access our 'spiritual' powers to bring about the changes we need.  The more we embrace our energetic powers, the greater potential for change, for ourselves and others.  
Unique new ways are on offer: At this Full Moon, Mars, our Aries warrior is in a challenging square to Uranus in Taurus stimulating the warrior to act, but being in the sign of Aquarius, it’s a new and more evolved expression of that warrior energy. Unique solutions are on offer if we can maintain focus and intent on the higher pathway.  Head to head combat will just not work any more as the polarisation of the duality begins to dissolve the borders. .
Holding the balance and harmony for ourselves and others:
Libra is about partnerships, with ourselves, our significant others mates, lovers, friends and family.  Many of us are holding the balance within ourselves, our homes, families, communities, nations and for the world. We can be an energetic linchpin of calm and stability as the world spins and releases the old stuff.
Art:  Rassouli ‘Fire of Love’

Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon
From Lynda Hill www.sabianstmbols.com

The Moon Libra 19
This Symbol implies that you may feel you have been wronged or something has been taken from you. Often, there is no real way of finding who or what is the cause. It often happens that the feelings of loss or being taken advantage of are mostly in your own mind, making it difficult to trust or even to know how to trust. Make sure that there is no undermining of faith by indulging in suspicions that are ungrounded in reality. You could spend time searching for perpetrators, but a better solution is probably to get on with your life. However, do take precautions so you're not easily taken advantage of. Things will most probably come to light when they are meant to. Mental attitudes that sabotage, restrict or control. Counseling others to help improve their lives. Alert to intrusion or paranoid? The need for light. Spying. Ambushes. Psychology.

The Sun Aries 19
This Symbol shows that you can use your imagination to lift your level of understanding into other, perhaps higher, realms. By elevating ourselves above the everyday world we can transcend worry and strife. There is a clear message here that you can lift yourself above negative situations and by doing so, you can attain a calmer, more creative and spiritual life. With expanded awareness you can have an elevated perspective that reveals greater truths. However, be a little careful not to lose your self in the longing for escape or the exotic. You probably have to come back down to the earthly plane every now and then. Vehicles of transcendence. Elevated views. Transcending problems. Astral travel. Carpets and rugs that are special. Meditation. Levitation. Escapes through fantasy or film.

11th April:  
Mercury enters Aries at 2.48 pm AEST
In quest of ‘the truth’...inner truth!
Until 28th April
‘The truth will set you free’: A quote from the Bible
‘Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free’ Christ Jesus John 8: 32
Millions of people have interpreted this message in a million ways all with their own perspective, drawing on their beliefs, experiences and knowledge of life and study.

The spiritual warrior seeks the truth within!
As a seeker of spiritual truth I align with the focus of finding the truth of who I am and my commitment in the world is to assist others wherever possible to find their ‘truth’, the truth of who they are. When we live our truth, we come into our spiritual power and authority. 

What does it mean for each of us? 
It’s personal and it translates to the global!
With Mercury, our mind manager in the sign of our fiery masculine warrior, there can be a tendency to go all out to take on the good fight with communication channels.
Considering the present evolutionary shift, there’s a challenge to consider how and why we take on the world in the old ways of the status quo, of ‘us and them’, black/white, good/bad.

Consider truth as a personal construct:  
What is true for you is not true for me
Truth is a personal construct, a truth arrived at from personal perceptions along with those embedded patterns of conditioning we all carry from childhood, from the ancestors, from other times, experiences and people.

Communication:  Mercury as ruler of this energy puts focus on messages, insights!
Sound, sight, language, speaking, listening,
As Mercury is an energy of the mind we tend to think about communication as a mental energy, utilising the neural pathways of the brain. We tend to think communication is just speaking and listening with hopefully understanding to follow.

Can we now think of communication as ‘vibration’?  
Let’s go beyond the words and sense the vibration of ourselves and others
I have difficulty learning through youtube videos as I either go astral travelling or feel irritation at the vibration of the speaker. I rarely look at videos sent to me by others. My preferred learning and expressing is through the written word. That’s me.  I can still feel the vibration of the ‘voice’ but sound can be more jarring for me. My musical heritage and training is very much part of this sensibility.  What is it for you? 

What tone are you emitting?  What can you hear in others?  
An experiment in listening to ourselves and others...the tone says it all!
I invite you to listen to your voice when it is stressed, calm. relaxed, speaking from the higher consciousness, from the child, the parent, the partner, the teacher from school days.  

Awareness of the sounds we make can help us evolve our consciousness, calm our stressed self and when the time is right speak in the right tone of voice to others. We can do this by listening to others speak.  Listen to a few politicians for detecting tone. This is beyond accents, social cultural backgrounds.  This is about ‘tone’.        

Mercury completing his extended stay in Pisces, the last house in the zodiac, the place where we can be victims or spiritual masters
I’m wondering if we’re going to start getting a huge clearance of the emotions of the collective unconscious when Mercury moves out of watery Pisces.
I won’t predict because nothing is set in stone.  However, Mercury rules the respiratory system and Pisces is the collective, the victim being called to rise out of victimhood and oppression into the light of a new day...right on the Easter weekend...resurrection?

Maybe the beginning of our resurrection if enough of us hold the energies sufficiently to tip the balance.  Maybe, could be...the beginning of the end?
Golden Oldies:
‘What a Wonderful World Louis Armstrong’  New visions of better times https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-T6aaRV9HY  Full Moon

‘Happy Talk’ South Pacific https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXgmQDFhPjo  Mercury in Aries

‘Sound of Silence’ Simon and Garfunkel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAEppFUWLfc  Mercury in Aries

‘Let there be Peace on Earth’ Vince Gill https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86_4BesaOVc  for the Full Moon/Sun in Aries

Upcoming Dates:
20th April:  Sun enters Taurus

23rd April:  New Moon Taurus 12.25 pm AEST 3 degrees 24
26th April:  Pluto retrograde at 24 degrees 29 Capricorn

28th April:  Mercury enters Taurus

That’s all folks! 

Hugs all around...from a distance!

Been doing a bit of social distancing on social media with so many diving into dystopian futures reminiscent of 'Brave New World' and '1984'. Both books painted different pictures of power and control by centralised government.

Margaret Atwood gives a great rundown on both perspectives and how they have played out in the world since their publication.

''Everybody is happy now'
A world of genetically modified babies, boundless consumption, casual sex and drugs ... How does Aldous Huxley's vision of a totalitarian future stand up 75 years after Brave New World was first published, asks Margaret Atwood

We go where we need to go to become enlightened and awakened. What I find disconcerting is how so many are in panic mode, shouting to others to 'wake up' and recognise the modes of power and control utilised by the power brokers since the beginning of time.

I may be a timetraveller and a space cadet but the bottom line is I am very practical in our earthy world and always feel the question beyond waking people, many of whom are already well awake, must be guidance on 'the next step' in our reality.

What can one person do? It's a personal choice for everyone to suit their talents, interests, desires and commitment. At this stage of my life I now work with energy...that's my commitment. For others, they may take to the streets, write letters, go to the parliamentary power brokers, seats of government. We each find our own path, our own calling.

When we awaken ourselves and others to higher consciousness, the responsibility then is to enact it on earth, to help others find their next step. This is empowering for ourselves and for others. Otherwise, it just becomes more hot air with no action.

I hear you shouting in distress. However, we can only look to the bigger picture, recognise the dark and the light as our world and choose our pathway to support and guide others to become enlightened, strengthened and to take their divine power in the world. This is what is working for us.

Love and blessings to us all as we maintain the balance as best we can and try to calm the frightened child, the past life memories in panic and fear and hold to the power of love, a more universal expression beyond the understanding of most in the world.


from the chair...maintaining balance

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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