...for the children of the earth

Tuesday 8 September 2020

6th September 2020: Mercury enters Libra, Venus enters Leo

Hi everyone!


Here’s the Kumano Kodo pilgrims path in Japan. It could be any path, but it’s the path of the seekers. That’s us.  Seekers of truth, wisdom and love, we continue on this year in the absolute challenge to trust all and surrender to our personal process within the collective spiritual goal, the quest for ascension.


What’s in your brief in the quest for truth?

The quest continues. For many, it’s out on the streets, across social media demanding truth from our political leaders.  For others it’s the internal process of working within finding the true spiritual power of ourselves.  Some of us are working across both spheres.  Our soul knows what we need and our call to service.


The focus for truth and insight is the key rather than the area of activity.  It all works together and if our motives are pure and derived from higher consciousness, then we cannot fall short of our aspirations.  


Virgo time: Purifying motives

The Virgo Sun calls for purity and that includes purity of motive, that our motives are aligned with spirit and the purity of consciousness.  We all have our role to play and none of us can speak for others.  We can only speak for ourselves. How willing are we to find the truth within and to speak that truth?  It’s up to us.



6th September:   

Mercury enters Libra at 5.46 am AEST...let’s talk peace and equity

Until 27th September

‘All we are saying, is give peace a chance’:  

This could easily bring out the fighting spirit...justice!

Mercury, ruler of our mind, enters the sign of peace, harmony, equity and justice.  We tend to think that Libra is all peace and love but Libra is a sign that finds all those places which are out of harmony, out of peace and love and will do everything to bring things back into balance.  There’s a fierce determination in Libra to rectify the inequities and will not be fobbed off with excuses.  


‘I see you, I see me’:  The mirror game...reflections and projections!

Where do I end and you begin may be the cry of the sign of Pisces but in Libra, the relationship ‘muddle’ can be put down to the mirroring and reflection that occurs in relationships of all kinds.  With Mercury here we can often find people speaking words which reflect our innermost unspoken thoughts.  Sometimes, this can be exceedingly uncomfortable if they bring in a home truth. It can feel like they are reading our minds.


Finding peace:  

Choosing to opt out of duality/polarity.... a whole new perspective on life

Negotiation and compromise require a readiness to give way, for each party to get a ‘win’.  Sometimes this isn’t possible when one or both sides is unwilling to give an inch.  It’s a bit like that in the global picture at present with the resistance movement and the establishment.  Do we back off?  How do we come to equity? Right or wrong? True or false?  These are the issues we’re all grappling with this year.


For Libra:  The goal is balance...how we maintain balance is the key

Mercury as our communicator, ruler of our mental body, can really get us into a bind when he hits the dual signs and especially Libra where the goal is balance. The urge to press our beliefs, values on others is strong if we feel we hold the key to balance. However, that can take us out of peace and harmony.


Being the observer...of ourselves, others and the situation:

But, essentially, not taking sides and being the observer holds us in peace.

That doesn’t mean we can’t have our say.  But if we truly desire peace, we won’t get rattled by the words, ideas or beliefs of others.  We reach a point where ‘it doesn’t really matter’ becomes the guiding force. We speak if necessary and then let it go.  


Let’s talk:  Partnerships of all kinds are in the spotlight so any deep and meaningful discussions can potentially put partnerships on a new level

Libra rules partnerships and marriage.  They can be partnerships of all kinds which are close and committed ranging from marriage to business to close  friends, family members.  It can also relate to our working life and partnership with an employer. 


Business partnerships, commercial contracts:  

Potential for harmonious agreements?

With Mercury ruler of commerce in this sign, business discussions and negotiations may be the focus with buying/selling, purchasing of goods which relate to beauty, love, harmony to the fore.  Could be home, health and beauty or anything which brings joy to the heart. 


Romance and commitment?

Remember, Libra is ruled by Venus, our heart.  Libra is concerned with ‘commitment’ in relationships where Leo is interested in ‘romance’.  Of course they can go together and with Venus moving into Leo, that could well be a new arena for many of us.


6th September:   

Venus enters Leo at 5.21 pm AEST

...’sweet dreams are made of this’

Until 2nd October

Wow!  Do we need this sweetness right now or what!

Venus, ruler of the heart moves into the Sun ruled sign of Leo where love and romance are the order of the day. There’s an incredible lightness of the energy with Venus in Leo...light and fluffy fun!


Time to access some heartfelt desires!

Whatever turns on our joy of life is waiting for us.  Maybe we’ve already found our joy of life but hey...this is an extra dollop of cream on top. Yes, we can have our cake, eat it too with that extra dollop of joy!


Where’s your inner child? 

Let’s have a chat and listen to them!

Leo activates the child energy within us, the creative spirit of fun and play.  With so much of the world in a state of individual suppression and economic recession it’s not surprising that mental and emotional depression is affecting many people.  We’re needing to clear the clouds for ourselves. 


Love and romance:  Hearts open to the lighter side of life!

The overarching energies of global change and heaviness may be weighing us down but the personal planets are asking us to tune in to love. romance, harmony and peace.  It’s up to us if we choose to do battle in these next few weeks but if we do we may be throwing away an  opportunity for some lightness of being.


Mars stationing/slowing down in Aries:  

Transforming and tempering our fire and drive...let in the love and passion of Leo

Mars in Aries, our fire and drive may feel a little depleted in energy as he comes to station, preparing to turn retrograde on the 10th.  This may work in our favour as the urge to do battle may be softened and love could just slip in the door. Hugs and kisses are the go as Mars is gentled but still very much alive with his fiery drive. It’s just taking a different form for a while. He could be looking out of soft mushy love filled eyes.



Golden Oldies:

‘Both Sides Now’ Judy Collins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQOuxByR5VI&list=RDKaIJb2tjKjc&index=2 for Mercury in Libra


‘Deep Peace’ Bill Douglas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEmvQqg_EpQ for Mercury in Libra


‘Dancing Queen’ Abba https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFrGuyw1V8s  for Venus in Leo



‘Kiss me honey, honey’ Shirley Bassey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HonwOvvCMk Venus in Leo


‘Are you having any fun?’ Flanagan and Allen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UB_RFcpRXoE&list=RDUB_RFcpRXoE&start_radio=1&t=49 Venus in Leo



Upcoming Dates:

10th September:  Mars retrograde 28 degrees Aries at 8.22 am AEST

13th September:  Jupiter direct in Capricorn

17th September:  New Moon in Virgo 9.00 pm AEST 25 degrees 01 Virgo



That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!


Looks like a celebration’s on hand.  We made it through the Pisces Full Moon, hopefully with ease and grace, floating on the waves of changes.  And now we’re on our way to the New Moon in Virgo when we can start planting the seeds of physical action. 


Jupiter stationing direct in Capricorn on 13th will start lifting spirits even as we tread some old grapes with Mars retrograde.  Hopefully, with current trends, it won’t be sour grapes. Jupiter will be on his final run through Capricorn all systems go until he departs Capricorn for Aquarius on 19th December.  He’ll be meeting in a powerful union with Saturn on 22nd December as Saturn


Love and blessings to us all as we celebrate being alive, still breathing and enjoying whatever joys of life are present to us. At the same time. let’s actively seek some new possibilities for accessing more joy.   




from the chair...resting






  It’s all about love

Divine reunion



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