...for the children of the earth

Tuesday 22 September 2020

22nd September 2020: Sun enters Libra The Equinox, 27th September: Mercury to Scorpio

Hi everyone!

I don’t know about the rest of you but that was quite a new moon week setting the focus and agenda for the next lunar month.  At the same time we’ve been moving through the last week of the solar Virgo month, an interesting juxtaposition of old and new, capturing us in the cross currents of letting in and letting go. Life. 


The past week of intense physical healing:

The past week in the final rays of the Virgo Sun, you may have been feeling the heaviness of the deep healing earth energies ploughing our bodies, digging deep into the cell memories, flushing out all manner of ‘illness’, spiritual wounds and genetic coding which can be the undermining force of our good health and spiritual truth. 


Breathwork is valuable at this time:  Relaxing allows regenerating

The Virgo energies are more subtle than the other earth signs working on the nervous system, communication channels often uncovering unrecognised sources of misalignment. Higher energies are downloaded through the nervous system throughout the body.


Were you grounded by the New Moon for a few days?

The New Moon with accompanying planet aspects packed a gentle punch and may have knocked a few of us off our feet for a day or two. They ushered in the potential for release from physical weak spots, lifelong ailments from childhood maybe which freshened up in order to be released.  The message is to take things easily this month as the body assimilates, integrates new cellular structures whilst releasing the old. The focus is physical.

Libran brief for balance and equity:  

Focussing on physical body, karmic resolution

The Libran Sun calling for balance, will work well with these ongoing Virgo energies of healing and transmutation as our intent to be in truth this lifetime will perpetuate the purification process. I am not going into processes here that you can activate. However, all processes utilise one or more of the elements, earth, water, fire or earth. It is your call to use what is right for you at this time.


Virgo is earth ruled and Libra is air


22nd September:  

Sun enters Libra at 11.30 pm AEST, 

The Equinox...holding the centre point

Until 23rd October

A solar turning point:  
An esoteric doorway of peace, harmony, equilibrium

We arrive at one of the four major solar turning points of the year which mark the change of seasons, a turning point in our yearly cycle, the final quarter for 2020.

The balancing time:  

 Setting the tone of the solar month of Libra

The September Equinox is welcomed when the Sun enters the sign of Libra which is all about balance, as is the equinox. It’s a day when the length of day and night is virtually equal as the Sun crosses the Equator. We’re always working with balancing, re-balancing but the Libran time brings this to the fore for our attention.


Reflection on our state of balance:  Readjustment...karmic balance

It’s a time for us to pause, reflect and consider the state of our being, our lives in terms of ‘balance’ as we manoeuvre through such a year of ongoing turbulence. It’s been more than a ‘slippery slope’ for many with the challenges of the earthly life continuing to manifest across the globe.


The purification process clearing karmic threads, contracts: The re-set

We need to remember we’re still in the purifying light of the Virgo lunar energies which may throw up ongoing moments, days of physical ‘dis-ease’, strange ailments surfacing for reconciliation with the truth of our here and now, what we have chosen this lifetime.


2020, ‘balancing the books’, a reckoning: 

It’s Libra time...a spiritual audit!

In many ways we have been re-covering old ground in this year of 2020 with so much emphasis on karmic resolution, revisiting other times, places and buried memories.  The whole year has involved an intense re-balancing of our spiritual history, our ‘stories’ which promises continuation until December.  For now, the audit. No judgments, just consequences. 

  Divine justice will be done!  Trust!


The spiritual audit:  

 Breathing space, stepping back, getting the big picture...walking with cat like aplomb and confidence!

We don’t need to do checks and balances unless that’s your way of handling this time. The spiritual auditor will let you know in words, deeds, ideas, insights and feelings how we’re going with the whole process. Hopefully, we’ll start feeling a sigh of relief as we grasp just how much we have accomplished these past months.


Boosting the power of the audit:  Jupiter and Saturn moving direct from 29th September

With these two planets moving direct from 29th September,  the bigger picture is going to start coming through of just how our karmic ‘books’ and accounts are shaping up.  It’s not going to be a sudden breakthrough but will feel like the karmic undertow is releasing its grip on us. Pluto will be joining them on 4th October and the Capricorn team will be on their way again. A brighter spot ahead.


Libra and our partnerships:  

We’re  still navel gazing but potential for new commercial partnerships may emerge

Libra rules love and partnerships which covers the partnership with ourselves.  Increasingly this year, we’ve been forced to look at ourselves, to dig deep for the loving partner within as we become increasingly isolated socially.  This is why so much of my updates have been focussed on the self-discovery process.


However, life and love continues unabated by global change.  We all seek love within and without, to see the best part of ourselves reflected in the people close to us, restoring faith in ourselves as loving human beings.  Libra month always throws up the reflections, pleasant and unpleasant.


27th September:  Mercury to Scorpio at 5.40 pm AEST

Discovering buried truths of the psyche!

Until 28th October when Mercury Rx enters Libra

Uncovering the secrets of the mind:

Get the thinking hat on?  Maybe more like the feely/touchy hat of Scorpio with the miner’s lamp as we enter the cave of discovery, in search of buried secrets within our minds and mental bodies.

It’s been a disorienting and confusing year for everyone where it’s been almost impossible to trust previously stable situations to hold, a constantly changing landscape. Changing the world and consciousness demands full attention to the moment so the turbulence is minimised, balance is restored.


Unravelling our inner mysteries and finding new desires...surprise, surprise!

Mercury in Scorpio doesn’t guarantee we’ll find all the answers we need but it will offer insights and understanding beyond our present perspective. Revelations and realisations about ourselves, discoveries of new desires or unrecognised desires will bring possibilities in changing our current course and direction in life.

Unravelling mysteries and new promise:  

Continues through to December

This unravelling will gain emphasis when Mercury goes retrograde on 14th October at 11 degrees Scorpio.  Clearly this retrograde journey of Mercury is especially significant this year at this time. He’ll be completing the Scorpio journey from 11th November to 2nd December.


Transformation of commercial potential:  Small steps first

Mercury rules commerce so I imagine there will be some new activity starting to manifest as the Capricorn planets get into forward gear.  Nothing major until Pluto, ruler of money institutions and big money shifts into forward gear on 4th October.  Keep eyes open for small hints which promise new directions for commercial enterprises.  Will be tied into governments, big organisations and systems.  Things will start to stir financially.



Golden Oldies:

‘Both Sides Now’ Joni Mitchell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcrEqIpi6sg for Sun in Libra


‘Windmills of your Mind’ Dusty Springfield https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0ZljYnObOI for Mercury in Scorpio





Upcoming Dates:

29th September:  Saturn stations direct

2nd October:  Full Moon in Aries 7.05 am AEST 9 degrees 08 Aries

2nd October:  Venus enters Virgo

4th October:   Pluto stations direct



That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!


Through the Equinox doorway followed by Mercury, turned private investigator leading us into the Scorpio cave of discovery with the promise of another big week as Saturn and Pluto both station direct in Capricorn.  Whew!  The wheels of change and time are starting to grind, even as we hold our balance as best we can.


The Libran sun invites us to embrace the beauty of life on earth, to bring peace to our hearts and minds and to keep choosing to hold to the centre of the wheel, to the midpoint of duality.  Yes, we want equity and justice but we also need to maintain equity and equilibrium within our own being.  Holding a steady course we can withstand the crises of ongoing change and disruption in the world.  Are we adding to the turmoil or healing it?



Love and blessings fellow travellers holding together with the essence of our divine mission, the elevation of consciousness for ourselves and the world.



from the chair...holding in place



 It’s all about love

Divine reunion


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