...for the children of the earth

Monday 5 October 2020

29th September 2020: Saturn stations dirct, 2nd October Full Moon in Aries, Venus enters Virgo 4th October: Pluto stations direct

Hi everyone!

Where are you? Some of us are standing...just! Some of us are up and down.  Some of us are flat on our backs and some of us are out there running the daily exercise run. It doesn’t matter where we are physically.  We’re all here on earth, breathing, a part of this huge experiment to evolve ourselves and humanity. 


Karmic justice being played out in the Libran Solar month:

In the light of the Libran Sun, we hope for sweetness and light, harmony and peace and to feel calm in the knowledge that injustices are being brought to light, cleared and equity restored.  It’s a slow process and not all a pretty picture as we dig deep for karmic justice.  Currently, divine justice is in play, almost out of our hands globally but being enacted on the personal level which is where it’s all happening. It’s an inside job, clearing the physical body of earth’s karma.  We’re only working within our ‘brief’.


The purification personally of old karma of the earth!

We’re in the New Moon Virgo purification process until 17th October when we birth the New Moon in Libra. That Virgo New Moon opened a doorway, a flow of energy to the Capricorn team, the trio of planets giving us a major overhaul this year.


It’s not just about you:  This is why we’re here!

There’s a concentration of focus on the healing of the physical body, the Virgo domain. However, the personal healing is directly related to the earth herself, the Capricorn domain. Capricorn, ruled by Saturn governs the global energies of earth. 

In the Tarot, Saturn rules ‘The World’ card. Our history from other times and dimensions, from other stars and star families is within us guiding us to activate the light in our earthly existence, our earthly bodies. Bringing the light to earth and to the physical is our key...an open channel.


We’re all in the medicine bowl of world healing!

We’re all in a huge medicine bowl of healing where so many of us are releasing and processing deeply buried memories from the earth herself, from humanity. being accessed from our experiences here on earth in this and other lives.  And if you’re an old soul, you’ve got thousands of lives from which to mine the memories. Mars in Aries, retrograde, is making sure we use our spirit power, our fire to cleanse and purify our physical beings, purging old identities as only a warrior can do.


So, it is we come to Saturn and his change of direction, a sign that the karmic clearance will escalate from here.


29th September:  

Saturn stations direct at 25 degrees 20 Capricorn at 3.11 pm AEST

In the Saturn jeep halfway up a hill?  Huge karmic release as we hold steady

We're in a Saturn jeep, idling while he prepares to turn retrograde on 29th. It's an intensity 'station' making sure we're completing the New Moon Virgo purge/purifcation process of deep earth


The New Moon doorway:   Personal to Transpersonal!

The New Moon in Virgo trining the Capricorn trio, the big three, effectively opened a doorway of powerful physical healing from the personal energy of Virgo to the transpersonal energy of Capricorn, the earth itself. Many of us are processing earth’s history through our physical bodies, shamanic work of purification.

Ancient earth energies surfacing and releasing...this is our mission right now

This is ancient stuff. It's not just about you. It's what so many of us are here to accomplish, the ascension of earth and its people from the dark past, These energies are very physically focussed so it's important we don't fixate on any one strange symptom that manifests. It's the letting go, the release that matters. The intensity will gradually lessen after 29th but Saturn holds on this degree for a few more weeks yet.

Saturn in Capricorn:  A universal call for karmic resolution...globally! 

The karmic purge, purification process will ease off at the New Moon in Libra 17th October.

Saturn is Lord of Karma, ruler of the Earth and Old Father Time and he demands full attention to the process of karmic resolution. We call it good or bad karma but in fact we just need to accept where our soul has chosen to work with karma this lifetime.  Your Saturn placement in your natal chart is a good indicator. For many of us old souls, we’ve taken on karmic responsibilities for humanity and the planet at this particular time in a huge push through old density.  It’s about you and not about you.  Some part of us has to connect to the issue which is being resolved.   

Looking forward:   Revelations, insight and understanding! 

Now I get it...where I’ve been since 12th May in the retrograde labyrinth!

The Saturn wheels of time grind slowly at any time but now they’re set to give us some movement out of retrograde.  Yes, we’re now moving though shadow retrograde so it is old territory that we’re seeing through new eyes.  This is the time when we start getting some revelations of what the retrograde journey has accomplished, what we’ve learned and therefore where we’re headed from here. 

We’re likely to find a new sense of personal authority as we get back onto firmer ground and start feeling safer.

On a personal note: 

You may relate to this especially if you have a strong Virgo energy in your natal chart...rest

For the past week I've felt like I've been undergoing an 'exorcism'. Fortunately I haven't been 'projectile vomiting' but seem to be manifesting enough weird physical experiences and emissions that brings home to me the extent of this mammoth 'purge'. I have Mars/the body in my 12th house/the collective just a degree above my Virgo ascendant/the body so it's big for me. It’s all been in my head, respiratory system...ears, eyes, throat, chest.

Mercury, ruler of Virgo rules the respiratory system.

The image:  Tromso Norway

We've had a bit of solar activity in the past week, disturbance and a minor geomagnetic storm.

'A CRACK IN EARTH'S MAGNETIC FIELD: You know it's a good geomagnetic storm when *everything* turns green. Sky. Water. Earth. Even the wheels of your Jeep. That's what happened last night in Tromso, Norway:


30th September:  Mars square Saturn 25 degrees 20 Capricorn...a moment in time, an opportunity to move beyond the fight

Effective from 26th September to 3rd October

This aspect coming exact just two days before the Full Moon gives a bit of a 
heads up about the nature of this Full Moon and its potential.  Yes, it’s the Mars warrior fighting aspect in full readiness for a stoush with the guv’ment, the system, the established order, the rules, the law, the status quo.  There’s a real urge with this to get up and do something...anything!

Choosing the light sword:

The crackling spirit of the rebel may be a a little dampened by the Pisces Moon on 30th but as soon as the moon hits Aries, it will feel like a call to arms. Have no fear, as we are already in the Piscean ‘past’ of the collective unconscious where a wave of grief and anger at old battles, old wars. old enemies, old failures may wash over us all and bring us to our knees for a moment. With the Full Moon growing to fullness anything could happen.


2nd October:  Full Moon in Aries 7.05 am AEST 9 degrees 08 Aries...awaken warriors of light!

Are you ready to reclaim the warrior of love?

Our male warrior is readying to fire the arrow of truth, right into the moon, not as an attack but to find his ‘mark’ to connect his weary spirit with the essence of the divine feminine. to come home to the spiritual warrior motivated by love and equity.


Are you ready to reclaim love as the source fuel for our spiritual warrior?

Our active male principle, our warrior energy, bows down to the feminine power of the moon.  He has been and still is a force to be reckoned with so the powers of the Full Moon can overwhelm, flood him with the emotion of recognition respect for self as a powerful leader of the self who can galvanise all the inner selves to action with love.

Chiron close to the Full Moon:  

Awakening the feminine warrior...it’s time!

Chiron, healer of our ‘wound’ is close to the full moon  signifying the importance of the Aries energy and the healing potential of this full moon energy for our inner warrior, our identity, our sense of self, our fire and drive. This meeting of the moon and Chiron is a reboot, a rebirth to our feminine warrior.


The Full Moon is always a major let go as the subconscious and the past release their buried secrets and of course old ‘wounds’ to the spirit.


Are you ready to reclaim your warrioress?

This Full Moon is an awakening and release of the feminine warrior energy which has been suppressed, been denied and effectively has lost its way for expression in the world. The dominant model of the warrior has been male with weapons of war and battle in his hands. We all need to find a way to recover the feminine power that is as fearless as the masculine which tempers the masculine desire for fighting, war and power mongering with the inner power of magnetic resonance. 


Finding the balance:  Aries Full Moon opposite Libran Sun

Integrating individual power and partnership!

The Aries Full Moon opposite the Sun in Libra demands we find the balance, the partnership of the masculine/feminine within and without. The masculine aspect within needs to go deep to find the feminine warrioress, the receptive principle who intuitively responds to life from the inner knowing place of right action, right time.



On the Full Moon:  The release valve for release of our fire and drive...insight, revelations and emotional release of suppressed energies

Mars in square to Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter in Capricorn:

Yes, Mars, our fearless warrior is still in square/challenge to the Capricorn trio, the status quo with a strong square to Saturn, authority.  So, we can expect some big eruption of emotion as the individual once again challenges the ‘system’, the established order.  This may be happening in the personal arena as much as on the world stage.  As spiritual warriors we are still uncovering the layers of conformity and conditioning we are carrying within us. The local and global communities are just a bigger stage for the revelations.  We are still very much in the melting pot of clearing the clutter of control whilst accepting the necessities of maintaining some established order for our societies.


Transformative forces bringing innovative ideas to challenge the comfort zone:

Mercury in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus, 4/9 degrees

Potential for explosive forces to erupt in communication, upsetting the status quo, transforming communication channels.  Look to commerce and business partnerships as well as intimate partnerships where this may play out. However, the opportunity for sudden innovative changes through communication and commerce.


A saving grace:  Mars fire tempered by Venus in Leo

Venus in Leo trine Mars in Aries:

Venus in Leo opens the door to our masculine warrior tempering the desire for action and asking him to accept the power of love as the way of the warrior.  Her presence in this full moon chart reinforces the message of the feminine warrior of light, of love awakening and joining with the masculine as the new force for change on this planet.


Physical body:  Mars is ruler of the physical body and the head



Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon in Aries:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com


The Full Moon:  Aries 11

This Symbol shows that it's time to take charge, to expand your base of operations and to show that you have the integrity and the necessary energy to get things done. It's also about bringing a sense of order and discipline into your life - physically, spiritually or emotionally. Find your sense of inner power and make it work for you and don't let others lord it over you. Be in control of your own destiny and individuality. Show that you can be given a position of responsibility and get things done. Developing willpower. Receiving recognition. Discipline of thoughts, emotions and actions. Being in charge of your own life. The democratic process. Being voted in. Being head-honcho.
The Sun:  Libra 11

This Symbol speaks of the ability, or the necessity, of looking at people as humans and not through the lens of something learned from books. It’s as though the aspects of the rational mind and the intuition require a different kind of focus. Seeing people for who they really are leads to better and kinder relationships, as does dropping judgmental opinions or relying on science or complicated codes of thought for answers. You may need to interrupt your rational mind to realize your intuitive ideas. At times you may feel like the “Professor” and at other times “The Student”. Having the eyes to see each other in the true light of day is the goal. Different perceptions for different situations. Seeing that others get the message. Glasses and lenses. Observing others. Giving advice. Teachers. The ability to ‘read others’.



3rd October:  Venus enters Virgo at 6.47 am AEST

It’s time!  It’s good to be me!

Until 28th October

Heart healing time:  Clearing the heart clutter of ‘patches’

The purification process continues with the focus on our heart energy.  Virgo offers us the energy to clear and clarify, to restore the pure essence of our true self as we recognise the forces within which are resistant to love, pure love.


Embracing minimalism of the heart:  

Down to our core essence!

With the modern emphasis on minimalism, we seem to have concentrated so much energy on our physical environment while our inner being languishes for lack of love? joy? finding our true self, self-love and our true desires. Venus in Virgo opens our heart to our true ‘calling’ where love has no bounds.


Self-love purifies and empowers:  

The unfortunate need to be ‘acceptable’.

In a world driven by fashion, advertising, benchmarks of acceptance in society, we’ve become used to the dictates outside of us as a means of finding love, admiration and respect. It’s time to get real. 


Pruning the financial outlays:  Finding the simple joys!

Venus rules both love and money in Astrology so this one’s especially significant at this time when the economic situation is tight for many and when certain aspects of our lives may need to be pruned for the sake of a simpler, more relaxed life. The clarification of what needs to go and what stays will come through during this time if we remain intent on our goal to live in simple joy.


2020:  A change agent year awakening and preparing us for a new future...simple is beautiful

We’re living in a world that’s become so used to luxury as the norm it’s difficult to think we could live on less but this is the way of the future, immediate and long term.  The earth has spoken and cannot sustain us as it has done. This year is the change agent waking up the world to live differently. It’s giving us time to adjust and realign if we get the message.



5th October:   

Pluto stations direct at 12.32 am AEST at 22 degrees 29 Capricorn

Time to go out?


Rebirth time:  Out of the cave!

It’s time for Pluto to emerge from his labyrinthine cave beneath the Capricorn mountain.  Every year he spends about 6 months in retrograde movement giving us all plenty of time to learn, integrate, transform, let go of what holds us back in our growth process.


Pluto’s deep transformational forces: 

A global and individual transformation...ongoing

Pluto as Lord of Death teaches us about the cycles of life, birth, rebirth and death. Sitting on the outer edge of our galaxy, his impact on us whilst personal, is a transpersonal energy informing generational changes and societal forces. Pluto is in Capricorn from 2008 to 2023.  But the past two years he has travelled with Saturn, a lethal combination for major change of our governments, structures, laws, benchmarks,economies. 


Societal transformation, death and rebirth impacting our personal lives:

Travelling with the two big social planets, Jupiter and Saturn this year in the sign of Capricorn has added huge impetus to the societal and structural changes on this planet.  The global transformation has had an overwhelming impact on our personal lives.  We’re being forced to change our ways. 


Gradual release from the leg ropes of the Capricorn team: 

This is not rapid movement but hopefully an easier flow of energy

His movement direct just a week after Saturn turns direct carries a powerful message about a gradual release for us all from the deep Capricorn retrograde undertow which has kept us all in the navel gazing karmic clearance mode for so long.


Questions of power and authority have been the focus for the retrograde journey:  

Our miners are coming home

It’s been a slog in the Pluto mine, digging for the golden light of divine power, grappling with the powers that rule the outer world.  The world’s been in lockdown and our personal Saturn authority and Pluto power have both been in the same mode. It’s been difficult to access power and authority when the political forces are playing such a powerful role in control of the people.


The general exhaustion is a symptom of our labours, trying to find our power spot, building our power sources within so we can exude a whole new kind of energy outside of the government control. Experiencing limitations this year has put us in touch with so much in our memory banks, the earth’s memory banks.  We’ve been ‘mining’ like never before. Pluto would be proud of us!






Golden Oldies:

‘Turn, turn, turn’ The Byrds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKP4cfU28vM lyrics for Saturn, Pluto


‘I am, I said’ Neil Diamond https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxDyXK93o6g&fbclid=IwAR0zORYzuO4qGG3iTpneEm5Gr6V6TW1iKUw8D4XEpt3uWa2kg4QBO2wA72g Full Moon in Aries


‘I Want to Know what Love Is’ Foreigner https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3Pr1_v7hsw Venus in Virgo


‘Perhaps Love’ John Denver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-5bMO4nMuk Venus in Virgo



Upcoming Dates:

14th October:  Mercury retro 11 degrees 40 Scorpio

Until 3rd November

17th  October:  New Moon in Libra 23 degrees 53 Libra


23rd October:  Sun to Scorpio

28th October:  Mercury Rx enters Libra

28th October:  Venus enters Libra

Until 22nd November


That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

We’re up to our knees in it, hanging together on a sandbank, holding each other in the strength of the flock, wearing our pink feathered coats, the colour of unconditional love.  We’re trusting the change of seasons, times, energies and our own part we’re playing in creating our present world.


What a year!  What a time in the history of this earth!

And we’re here, deep in it, deep in the process as change agents for the evolution of consciousness.

We’ve travelled throughout time, lifetimes on earth as old souls, returning in love for the earth, returning in love for the process of evolving consciousness for human life on this planet. The karmic wheel has brought us here over and over again in the process of deep spiritual learning, of learning to live in a 3d consciousness with embedded memories of higher consciousness holding us in the light of divine love and pure faith. 


We’ve lived in other dimensions and we’ve conveniently put these memories deep into our psyche, to be accessed when the time is right.  And yes, for many of us the time is now although many of us have been aware of other times and places for many years now. This is the year of great awakening. The universal forces of consciousness from beyond our earthly knowledge and experience are with us working with us, holding us when we’re in the pit of despair, futility, riled with anger, resentment, blame, shame or guilt, burdened by sorrow or pain.  These emotions arising from our history as humans, are the emotions we’re evolving as we release and keep choosing love, peace and joy.


The story of ET touched so many of us so deeply opening up the wound of separation from our light families, star families of separation from the purity of love in a life on earth.  But we are reclaiming our inner ETs, our other dimensional consciousness.


Love and blessings to us all as we continue to commit to this huge ‘dream’ of love, oneness, unity.  Sorry this posting is late.  I am still in hospital and the network provider isn't working well at all. 




from the chair...resting





It’s all about love

Divine reunion






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