...for the children of the earth

Thursday 22 October 2020

23rd October 2020: Sun to Scorpio, 28th Mercury retrograde enters Libra, Venus enters Libra

Hi everyone!

The last rays of the Libran Sun hopefully see us floating, going with the flow as Mercury and Mars help us recover some precious knowledge from the past as well as bringing healing relief to our shattered bodies and soul.  That’s the current challenge as we balance, find a place of peace within as we deal with the somewhat jangly energies hitting us at this time. 


Not a lot of movement in our everyday world but huge growth and inner expansion on offer to raise our vibrations, expand our vision and maintain focus on our deepest desires for ourselves and the world. That’s why ‘floating’ is the way to go.


Embrace the opportunities embedded in the past:  

The ‘old’ is a rich resource

Marking time, as it seems, can drain the spirit of fire and drive, of the energy we need for new, exciting projects and directions. We are doing so much ‘old’ energy, the new can’t really come in just yet. The world is stuck on ‘idle’ as in a car idling. Embrace the opportunities emerging from the past...the stories, the pictures, the talents, the ideas, the emotions. It’s a rich minefield of opportunity for joy and celebration.


Retrograde doorways to the inner world:  

Be in stillness and listen to the messages

Our major work is clearing the dead wood, the old outdated stuff as well reclaiming old projects, interests, abilities which have been on the backburner.  We’re finding new doorways to a discovery tour of untapped gifts and talents.  The physical world may be imposing its limitations but the world of creativity, artistry, intuitive and psychic gifts is wide open.   These next few weeks are preparation time.

23rd October:  

Sun to Scorpio at 9.59 am AEDT

Into the cave of transformation!

Until 22nd November

Here it is!  Do or die! 
 We’re on the final stretch for this year! 

Major transformation is Scorpio’s priority so it’s now time to pull out all the stops and go for gold.  Most of us probably feel we’ve been doing this but there’s still a few more rivers and bridges to cross as we head towards the end of 2020 but we know we’re in the final stretch.


No holds barred Mars and Mercury retrograde:  Shedding skins intensification

Scorpio rules life, death, rebirth, transformation and major life changes.  There’s no holds barred in this next stretch of time with Mars and Mercury already transforming the mental and physical bodies as we heal the past, clear the past, recover the past.  The Scorpio solar month encompasses and extends beyond these retrograde periods.


Working with the Scorpio symbols:  All about a rise in consciousness!

Scorpio symbols go beyond the Scorpio who stings.  They include the snake which sheds its skin, the eagle who flies high in the light of higher consciousness and the phoenix who ‘dies’ and is reborn in a fiery transformation process.


 28th October:  

Mercury retrograde enters Libra at 12.33 pm AEDT

’Speak clearly’- ‘just listen’

Until 4th November:  Mercury stations direct 25.53 degrees Libra at 7.49 am AEDT

11th November:  Mercury enters Scorpio

Out of navel gazing Mercury in Scorpio retrograde:  

Restoring partnership harmony

All Mercury retrograde periods have the potential to be a mish mash of communication where we can be at cross purposes with each other. We’ve just come out of an intense period when communication has been getting a major work over, challenges to change our communication big time, feeling the need to be with ourselves, to understand ourselves. We could have thus experienced confusion in relationship communication.  


Let the heart do the talking:  Mopping up relationship fall out!

Now with Mercury going into Libra, still retrograde, we’re being pushed to address outstanding relationship issues in communication. 


Some of these issues may have been stirred up with Mercury retrograding through Scorpio.  If so, now it’s mopping up the damage time. Venus in Libra will be supporting us even as Mercury brings up old relationship issues. Venus is in the present.  Let the heart lead.


Still ‘moonwalking’ into the past:

Remember we are still ‘moonwalking’ going back in time connecting with old issues in relation to our mind, mindsets and beliefs.  

And now of course, we may well be revisiting old issues of relationships as well as the possibility of past ‘partners’ reappearing either in our dreams or in person. 

Slips, trips, falls, accidents and delays still possible:

Remain extra aware of all movement, methods of locomotion as slips, trips, falls and accidents are all too common in retrograde time, especially Mercury retrograde time when our mind tends to wander and we feel more tired than usual.

Nothing is fixed and solid during Mercury retrograde so we can’t generally count on situations remaining the same once Mercury moves direct. 


28th October:  Venus enters Libra at 12.40 pm AEDT

It's all about love

Until 22nd November

How much do you want it?  How much do want the power of love?

Venus, ruler of our heart, is ruler of Libra as well as Taurus so we get two months every year when love is on tap, available, waiting for us to choose, waiting for us to open our hearts.

And that means opening our hearts to ourselves with unconditional love, dropping all the self-judgements and criticisms. Make this number one priority in the awareness department. Stop the personal beat ups of the self. 


Love, beauty harmony and peace:  Balance, equity, justice, partnerships

In Libra time, like Taurus it’s about love, beauty and harmony but Libra has a particular focus on partnership, peace, equity and justice. Even though Libra is ruled by the heart energy, it is an air sign giving focus to the mental energy and the mind.


Bringing love to the mind is definitely on the agenda. As one of the dual signs, the key is to bring balance to our minds and hearts as well as to partnerships.

Potential for peaceful reconciliations, negotiations with partners:  

Let the power of love lead!

With Mercury retrograde also in Libra there’s potential to sort out any relationship rifts, miscommunications, misunderstandings if we allow the power of Venus, our heart to lead the conversation.


Open heart before speaking:

Mercury’s ‘in the past’ and Venus is very present  so it may become a little more muddled before things are ironed out but muddled ideas may be emanating from old relationship experiences rather from the here and now.


Golden Oldies:

‘Don’t let me be misunderstood’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ckv6-yhnIY Nina Simone for Mercury moving into Libra retrograde


‘Non, je ne regrette rien’ Edith Piaf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKPvx38D4GM Sun in Scorpio

With lyrics, English translation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRCYEkA0_q8


‘Days Like This’ Van Morrison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gNpriS959o with lyrics, for Venus in Libra


‘One More River to Cross’ Bob Weir https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rN-gVpv0IyM for the final stretch to December


‘Many Rivers to Cross’ Jimmy Cliff with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgO_H9cOyjI ...may be a few rivers to cross

‘Many Rivers to Cross’ Joe Cocker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyTzBnk3ilg



Upcoming Dates:

1st November: Full Moon in Taurus 1.49 am AEDT 8 degrees 38 Taurus

4th November Mercury direct 25 degrees 54 Libra



That’s all folks!  

Hugs all around!

We might not feel as though we’re flying but this is the spirit of the tribe of light lifting up to the great central solar sun, to the cosmos to where the impossible becomes possible, where we break through the glass ceiling of limitation and access the seemingly miraculous powers of spirit.


We’re all working with this aspiration, this desire that has been planted in us to grow, nourish and support us in this lifetime. We/our soul aspects may have had these hopes many lives for centuries on this earth always hopeful that we can break through the chains of inequity, disempowerment, struggle, pain and suffering into the love and truth that transcends all. We are on the brink of a major breakthrough.  It will be ongoing of course. This is just a beginning.


Love and blessings to us all as we ride the airwaves of change even if we feel we are thoroughly grounded at this time. We’re going into the Scorpio cave of the unknown, the mystery uncovering the potential of transformation we all hold within.



from the chair...floating




It’s all about love

Divine reunion





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