...for the children of the earth

Sunday 11 October 2020

14th October: 2020: Mercury stations retrograde

Hi everyone!

Reaching for the stars:  Peace not war!

It’s been another somewhat challenging stretch for many of us as we reach for the stars, the moon, our hopes and dreams and a brighter future.  It’s not easy making peace not war when so much of our planet is at war with itself, nation against nation, people against people and of course the war within. 


The spiritual warrior:  The battle within

The battle within the self is surely our greatest battle and yet one that is the core of the solution.  The outer world is just a reflection of our inner one and whilst many of us have found refuge from the outer world of conflict, we are still very much in the oneness of humanity and the earth herself.


Big picture, small picture:

The power struggles continue and will continue and for those of us actively working with peace, we need to maintain our perspective of the big picture while attending to our own hearts, minds, bodies and spirits.  For us, it’s all personal maintenance work while the world crumbles.


Maintenance of infrastructure:  Working with a changing landscape

Maintenance is where so many governments and organisations fall down.  Things are set in place and supposed to continue without ongoing support which involves adjustments and change as the need arises.

Our personal maintenance team:  Adaptability, problem-solving

Well, that’s what we’re doing at the personal level...supporting our infrastructure, welcoming the new building blocks while letting go of the old. The emotions can be challenging as our attachment to what we have loved, valued or needed is brought undone, often through circumstances in the outside world. 

14th October:  Mercury retrograde at 11 degrees 40 Scorpio

How deep can we go?  Up to us!

Do you accept your mission?  Search, discover, reclaim!

We’re off on our search and rescue mission deep within, plumbing the depths, together and apart. It’s an individual mission to find lost aspects, uncover our true selves and acknowledge our inner golden power.  That’s Pluto energy...power!  We’re entering Pluto’s domain...easy does it.


Lights on, minds open...there’s ‘gold’ to be found! 

We’re already in the Scorpio cave and now we go deeper.  Our inner lights are on as all our senses become attuned to the retrograde journey, a journey of discovery to recover our mind, reconnect the missing pieces in our mental body, reclaim our shadow selves.


We’re uncovering illusions and delusions...nothing but the truth!

Our personal journey within the mind, the mental body, is likely to shine a light on our identity...who we are, who we have been, think we are now, would like to be.  Revelations of the ties that bind us to the status quo at the expense of our true selves are ready to be revealed as never before.  The breakthroughs will be in understanding and insight.


Be prepared for big surprises, big sudden breakthroughs!  

We’re being called to go into the Pluto cave!

With Pluto, ruler of Scorpio, recently turning direct, we are guaranteed some interesting discoveries and revelations.  Long buried truths will be surfacing for us personally as well as globally. This Mercury retrograde is power packed!


Mercury joins Mars in the navel gazing retrograde labyrinth:  

Our movers and shakers are on ‘retreat’, resting from the outer world of action

Mercury rules communication, the mental body, the mind and commerce.  He is our winged messenger who speeds us along. Now he, with Mars, is one of our movers and shakers which get us up and happening. 

Now Mercury ‘retires’ from the outer world of action temporarily, joining Mars in the navel gazing labyrinth of inner exploration. These two are not particularly happy being slowed down in the external world which is why we can feel irritable or blocked during their retrograde periods. 

We are only ‘blocked’ physically so we can access new information we need spiritually to take us on.  


A time of accelerated spiritual growth which will lead us out of confusion:  

Into, through and out of confusion
This is a time of accelerated spiritual growth, all happening undercover and not necessarily apparent to ourselves.  

We may be feeling more confused as we negotiate the labyrinth as we lose our minds a little they are so deep in the inner process they lose track of outside events, times, appointments, attending to everyday details.


We revisit the past spiritually and lose track of current time and place: 

Communication may become muddled, mixed messages as well as confusion with travel, delays, breakdowns, technology and commerce. Anything connected to communication, travel or commerce may be affected as Mercury gets a re-set.

Double checking times, places, communication devices, travel plans:

It’s a good idea to double-check travel times, appointments, arrangements, phone battery, traffic etc. 

The two days either side of Mercury stationing are the most impacted by these glitches. Buying/selling signing contracts on these days is not always advisable as things may fall through.

It is when Mercury goes direct that we find out just how much we have learned and new pathways open up to us. We see a way forward which was previously lost to our view.  Our mind’s unscrambled mysteries and confusion, what has kept us in the conflicted mind of duality.


Retrograde until 4th November: Mercury direct 25.23 degrees Libra

11th November:  Mercury re-enters Scorpio until 2nd December

The Sabian Symbol for Mercury’s retrograde journey may give some indication of the focus for this cave journey of search and rescue.  This one seems to reinforce the theme of uncovering, revealing our true nature, of taking off the masks and pretences that we maintain in a formal social milieu. Once again, we’re dealing with the social benchmarks of protocol which often block the full expression of who we are.  More identity revelations.


Sabian Symbol for Mercury stationing retrograde:    From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com

Scorpio 12

This Symbol implies the ability to mix with people from all over the world, to talk in different kinds of languages or travel in the circles of the elite. There’s probably an issue about being invited to the ‘right’ functions or that you’re sure of being on the list of those who gather to make decisions or call the shots. Enjoying social situations can be rewarding on many levels, however, the conditions may sometimes be caged in rather strict protocol and rules of behavior that you and others have to adhere to. Look at yourself and observe whether you are being your natural self or putting on a show for others. This can imply social climbing and political strategies. Political game-playing. Manners and protocol. Who knows who and what it's worth. Being able to speak everyone's language. Issues of being invited. Etiquette. Dressing up.
On a personal note
8th October:  My good news

My left arm is now officially ready to be used once again.  I broke it on 29th May and had the operation on 29th June. Just over 3 months of healing.  And now, I can get to work with the legs, damaged hip and knee being carried along for the journey. I haven’t walked since May 29.

After my first spin on a walking frame I took off up the hallway, striding it out, no pain in the hip, no hesitation...15 metres. I was like a teenager let loose on the freeway. I've got a way to go yet.  Hopefully not as far as I've come. I need to learn 3 point turns and cornering.

Mars is still retrograde until 13th November travelling in my 8th house of transformation, so trusting the body makeover on all levels, emotional, physical, mental and spiritual.
In gratitude
Have you been doing the Saturn deconstruction/reconstruction 2020 balancing act?  Returning from the Saturn Safari!

I’m sending this out to everyone as I know so many people across the planet have been having challenges with bones and the skeleton over the past 2 years and into this year.  Legs, arms, hips, knees are the big ones, although some have been dealing with vertebral challenges.  I’m trusting that the bones and skeleton will continue to be repaired, healed medically, physically and spiritually as we approach the end of this year, even though many of us will be working with these energies into the future.
I have faith in the power of love and light and continue to work with this miraculous energy with ongoing commitment to our own healing power.  Love to all of you who are doing hard yards, metres with respect to the body. All the personal planets are working with us now, Mars/body, Venus/heart and Mercury/mind.  Come November hopefully we’ll get some sense of relief.
As an astrologer, I’m putting much down to Saturn in his own sign of Capricorn from December 2017 to December 2020.  Saturn rules joints, skeleton, knees.



From Celia Fenn:  Archangel Michael

Posted on 9 October 2020

The Flight of the Phoenix, The Golden Bridge and the 11/11 Portal: Accelerated Ascension energies in October and November.

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn,



Golden Oldies:

‘My Darling Clementine’ Connie Francis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsEo6915HLE


‘Heigh Ho’ Seven Dwarfs ‘Snow White’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HI0x0KYChq4






Upcoming Dates:

17th October:  New Moon in Libra


23rd October:  Sun to Scorpio


28th October:  Mercury Rx enters Libra

28th October:  Venus enters Libra

Until 22nd November


That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!


It doesn’t look like hugging territory as we enter the underground territory of Pluto but in this search and rescue mission we need team work, hugging each other spiritually as we clamber through dark waters, over rocks, through crevasses to find our own personal ‘seam of gold’, the undiscovered mysteries of our life, other lives, our psyche, the embedded memories of the ancestors.


The New Moon in Libra coming up on 17th marks the closing of the Virgo lunar month with all the purification and purging coming to an end at this time.  We still have Venus in Virgo but the overall theme will move from purification to divine justice, equity, finding the middle ground and yes, peace, harmony and love. It will have its own challenges of course.  However we are very much still in the energy of 2020, the year of balance and balancing. No wonder so many people have been thrown off balance and broken legs and arms.


Love and blessings to us all as we go deeper into the cave of our inner mind, exploring and discovering some of our diamond facets, undiscovered, lost shadows which are seeking union and re-union for us to go on and expand our spiritual work in the world.  We’re getting ready for big stuff in 2021.  We will be ready.



from the chair...anticipating







 It’s all about love

Divine reunion



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