Hi everybody!
It’s a big sky and a wide landscape in the Sagittarian Sun but the open road of individual freedom for seekers of truth, understanding, wisdom, excitement, adventure, growth and expansion of consciousness has been diverted this past year with physical travel and mobility virtually at a standstill. We’ve been forced to ‘travel’ within to find our freedom, kept off the open roads and on track with the Capricorn train of collective consciousness. We’re still crossing the bridge across the valley of despair.
The year our fires were dampened, re-routed but our pilot lights burned on
This year our fires have been somewhat diminished, challenged, and overpowered by the demands of our world in a state of change, renovation with all the destructive forces acting upon our social and economic lives.
Our fire energies have constantly been re-routed in the process of burning off karma, fiery releases from the physical bodies with a view to healing the global spirit of humanity. But our pilot lights have kept our spirits alive and strengthened our commitment.
Are we willing to welcome the ignition of a new spirit?
Now as we reach the final stages of this year, we look to
the incoming Sagittarius New Moon for hope, promise, optimism and faith restored
through the breakthrough in our spiritual process. The cosmic forces have been
playing us hard all year and what have we learned, how have we grown and where
are we now.
New understanding and insight to light our fires!
These are the questions coming to a time of revelation at this New Moon Solar Eclipse right on the edge of the Solstice, the big Saturn/Jupiter meeting in Aquarius and a spiritual doorway which offers revelations in a new understanding of our place in the world and of the way ahead for us individually and globally.
What a big end to a big year, a big cycle of change is this month of December.
15th December: New Moon in Sagittarius at 3:16 am AEDT 23 Sagittarius 08 Total SOLAR Eclipse
A New Moon, a new road: A cosmic doorway to welcome a new era! Always a fresh lunar month with a new moon and this month promises so much in terms of the growth and expansion that is the Sagittarian hallmark. Jupiter, ruling Sagittarius is on the final degree of Capricorn, with Saturn, offering the blessings that come from a life lived with the willingness to accept responsibility for our lives on earth, to accept our brief of expanding consciousness through releasing our ignorance and denial of our lives, past and present.
Are we ready to embrace the abundance of Jupiter’s blessings?
The New Moon brings the Sun and Moon onto the same degree, the same page, an agreement and alignment that supports our intentions set at this time. The challenge at this new moon is throwing off any jaded attitudes towards life and humanity which were washing over and/or through us this during the past year. Time to take to the galactic highway!
Fight, flight or fear:
Taking to the streets or keeping the home fires burning...bit of both!
The world has been in a state of awakening to find and take power as individuals, as a collective in confronting and righting inequities in the world. Re-hashing the 3 dimensional manoeuvres has revealed their limitations and led to disappointment, anger, grief and resentment etc. We’ve been flat out living ‘history’, experiencing the pain of the past so we come to a new concept of power.
Yes! Wish upon a a star and believe in our cosmic power as creators!
New ways are called for and now the cosmic forces offer new perceptions, pathways and possibilities. Starting with this New Moon, a total solar eclipse within 3 degrees of the Galactic Centre! Galactic energies bring big picture perspective above and beyond 3d reality and all the argy bargy of human conflict perpetuated through the ages. Grab that star!
Communications central: New Moon, Sun and Mercury in conference...new ideas!
Mercury, our messenger, our communications manager, is in a close meeting with the New Moon/Sun, conferring with our two managing directors of the sky whilst getting information and directions from our offsider Neptune, challenging the three of them to make decisions guided by the higher consciousness of the spiritual mastery of Neptune.
Neptune offering spiritual support from ‘the backroom’!
Neptune’s been working all year to get a word in to all of us, to lift out of victimhood and move on past the addictive practices and patterns that have taken hold of many of us attempting escape from the feeling of imprisonment. Trying to evolve the ‘victim’ within into spiritual mastery has been a full time job. Well, Neptune’s being pulled out of the closet in the backroom as he squares off/challenges Mercury to take the higher perspective.Planetary Nodes activated: A universal upgrade...if we’re ready and willing!
Old knowledge born into new words for the world!
The Planetary Lunar Nodes are at 19 degrees Gemini/Sagittarius so Mercury is virtually sitting on the South Node bringing up some old ways in the communication department which may or may not serve the interests of us moving on. The Sagittarian South Node asks us to raise our consciousness using the wisdom of the past, bringing it forward through the every communication vehicle of Gemini, socially networking and mixing with the masses in bringing in some of these old ideas in new ways.
Mars still in radical, rebellious mode challenging the status quo! It’s not over yet!
Meanwhile, Mars in Aries, still recovering his shadow from the retrograde stretch may still be seeking ways to stir up trouble in ‘the office’ as he squares off to Pluto in Capricorn at this New Moon. These are old grapes he’s treading as the issues of the past year of the individual and society are perpetuated through the end of this calendar year. Mars is still evolving from 3d fighting mode to a new way of taking on the powerbrokers and giants of this world.
A total solar eclipse: Be open to revelations, releases and possibly dramatic changes!
16th December: Venus enters Sagittarius at 3.21 am AEDT... a ‘rush’ of universal joy?
Until 9th January
Art: Rassouli ‘Final Entry’
Out of the dark, into the light: Our hearts are emerging from the darkness of Scorpio release, renewal and rebirth, a fitting completion for our year of karmic resolution of old pain and suffering. Welcome this release which comes just one day after we welcome the New Moon in Sagittarius, perfect timing for setting a new agenda for our heart power.
Open healed hearts drop old defences and welcome the world!
If we really got in touch with some deep desires and home truths as Venus travelled through Scorpio, we’re now in a good position to open our hearts to others, to extend ourselves in love and compassion to our fellow humans and find the common ground and to find pleasure in being in the world of people.Time to play! Are you having any fun?
The hedonistic party goer may come out to play as after this year of lockdown, we have come to a new appreciation of the value of being with others in groups and crowds. We have come to a new understanding of the need for connection and relationship in a society. For it is through relationship we learn about ourselves, others and about life. Open the doors of the heart and sing!
16th December: Chiron direct at 4 degrees 56 Aries...out of the forest, into the future
Chiron the healer has been working overtime!
Chiron has been working in tandem with Mars in Aries this year, healing the masculine warrior’s wounds. It’s been a heavy duty journey to ‘the past’ as the Capricorn team carried us along the karmic railway track. There’s been no getting off along the way as the intensity just kept ramping up throughout the year. Just a few pit stops but no disembarkation from the 2020 train.
Look to indicators of resolution of old wounds: Changes in behaviour?
Now Chiron moves direct we’ll find out just how much healing has been going on for us all. The wound of the warrior has been hurting us all for so long that we’ve almost grown accustomed to the angry acting out at the physical level as the masculine warrior hits out at everything that is hurting ‘him’.
The ‘war’ is still happening: Within and without...we’re still healing!
We’re all carrying this inner pain of war and conflict whether as the oppressor or the victim or both. We are all healing this wound in humanity so our divine masculine energy can return to the world as a master of fire power, of the physical body.
It’s been ‘physical’ and still is: We’re on a roll!
The physical embodiment of higher consciousness has been very much a part of this year’s healing journey. The challenges to the body have been intense whether people struck down with the ‘virus’ or from other means such as accidents or other illnesses. Illness is always a challenge for healing, a dis-ease that has slipped through a crack in the timeline, being healed at multiple locations in time and space.
Regenerating the physical body: A process, an experiment...a promise!
Regeneration of cells in the physical body occurs naturally. However, this year, many of us have been intensely engaged with this process with the light and the fire power, purging the body of old cells, memories, karmic contracts and connections and re-invigorating our physical vessel with the light. Non-believers may scoff at this process but there are many of us who are ‘doers’ who are willing to engage with the great experiment of creativity which is a gift of us all. We are scientists who see and live life as an experiment. Who knows how far we can go with this.
Sabian Symbol for Chiron’s station:
From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Aries 5
Golden Oldies:
‘Better times will come’ Janis Ian https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mr7rXgQwggk New Moon in Sagittarius
Lyrics: https://www.janisian.com/freedownloads/Better_Times_Will_Come-Janis_Ian-Lyrics.pdf
‘Moon River’ Audrey Hepburn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEdPe1SxitI&list=RD3Q3pKKIrWdY&index=24
for the New Moon in Sagittarius
Abba – ‘Dancing Queen’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFrGuyw1V8s&list=RDaZC_jBlwcU8&index=21 Venus in Sagittarius
‘Till the End of Time’ Della Reese https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkRt0dNjPDU for Venus in Sagittarius
‘Let’s Get Physical’ Olivia Newton John https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zwPVU92-XQ for Chiron turning direct
Upcoming Dates:
17th December: Saturn moves to Aquarius
20th December: Jupiter moves into Aquarius
Until December 2021
21st December: Mercury moves to Capricorn
21st December: Sun moves to Capricorn, The December Solstice
22nd December: Saturn conjunct Jupiter at 0 degrees 29 Aquarius
That’s all folks! Hugs all around!
Here we all are gathering around the Sagittarian bonfire of unity and celebration in expectation of renewal, new life, new ways of living and new connections with others as we tentatively come back into more contact between people. Yes, there’s many nations in the world who still have strict lockdown but there is an air of expectation in the air that new solution are emerging in relation to the global situation. Of course, my view is metaphysical so the reliance on a medical solution may yet be limited in more ways than one.
Just imagine, we are healing this world of illness and disease as we process and release the past. I am not opposed to ‘modern’ medicine but am very aware of its limitations as well as its capacities to help us.
I feel the solutions will emerge as the cosmic forces change with new knowledge, perspectives, processes and action starting with us at grassroots. We are creating all the time. It’s up to us to create a better world.
I am hoping to get the next update out to you within the next day or two. So much happening cosmically and for me physically. Will do what I can.
Love and blessings to us all as are held in divine protection by the higher forces of love, truth and divine light.
from the chair...protected, protecting
Divine reunion
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