...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 20 October 2021

18th October 2021: Jupiter direct, 19th October: Mercury direct, 21st October: Full Moon in Aries, 23rd October: Sun enters Scorpio

Hi everyone! 

It’s been another intense couple of weeks since the New Moon in Libra with big planetary gear changes continuing to impact us all challenging us to maintain balance, the Libran mantra, while we clear the decks of karmic contracts, ties, commitments and responsibilities making way for the power of divine love and destiny to enter. 


We’re in the waiting time:  Pacing ourselves as we release!

Our penguins are waiting for the Full Moon, poised in the Libran solar light.  They’re chicks waiting to discover the great ocean expanse in their own time, knowing that the development of their bodies and strength will bring them to the point of readiness to take the plunge.  That’s us!


The tension of the waiting game pushing us to transform our ways:

With the humongous tension of both Jupiter and Mercury in ‘station’, the holding energies of their turning direct, we know that we are doing major ‘undercover’ work of transformation of our minds, bodies, hearts and spirits.   We won’t know how that will manifest for a while yet. But we will soon be creating in new ways with new ideas.   


A leap of faith?  The Aries Full Moon activating a fiery release!

As we come into the light of the Aries moon, we’re really going to feel the rising of the fire within coming to release the tensions of waiting.  Full Moons are all emotion and activate memories and the subconscious which can bring forth the irrational and often explosive reactions which come out of nowhere. The Aries energies will add to the fire of suppressed energies and with the planetary line up could be explosive. The Moon has great power 3 days before and after the Moon reaches its fullness.


Emotional clearances with the opportunity to elevate our emotional bodies and our hearts to higher consciousness:

10th October: 

Venus moved out of bounds at 2 degrees 50 Sagittarius  

Until 7th December


Our hearts are being carried into new territory in the sign of Sagittarius giving us access to new consciousness and the exposure to the power of love in the higher dimensions.  As she travels out of bounds accessing new heart knowledge and taking it in, old outdated patterns and memories embedded in the heart are released.  Of course, we need to be open to the new for the old to be released.  Attitudes and values which do not support the power of love and esteem for ourselves and others will be up for change. 

18th October  
Jupiter direct at 22 degrees 20 Aquarius 4.29 pm AEDT

On our chosen timeline!

Until 29th December: Jupiter moves into Pisces until 2023

Focus on your ‘star of destiny’ hold to the timeline of prosperity consciousness!
If we believe we have a destiny, the fulfilment of our greatest potential this lifetime, here on earth for a reason, a purpose then it shall be so.  We need to hold to this faith in ourselves as spiritual beings creating a new consciousness for ourselves and thus for the planet.
Personal changes adapting to societal changes in humanity:
Jupiter is essentially an optimistic and expansive energy which will now be joining the other big ‘social’ planet Saturn who turned direct last week in Aquarius.  These two continue their journey this year bringing new structures and higher consciousness to our societies and humanity’s attitudes and values. 
Ground zero of the de-structure:  Creating new foundations of hope and optimism!
The de-structuring of our physical existence by Saturn, Lord of Karma and Time along with Jupiter’s retrograde makeover of our spirituality, higher knowledge and consciousness have been both been working with the Aquarian idealism and unification of ideals through the Aquarian vision.
The restoration of hope and optimism:  It’s a whole new game plan!
As we dropped our rose tinted spectacles about the familiar life we know, it may have felt like we lost hope and faith in humanity’s potential to rise to challenge and change. We have been reduced to the baseline of vital priorities and primary values as we have been forced to recognise what’s important for us all.
How are we going:  From now to December 2021...new potentials arising!
Now, we’re going to start seeing just how far we’ve come in the transformation of our lives and in our desire for new directions and goals arising from the needs of a changing society and world.
Easy does it:  
One step at a time as adjust to new energies and urges emerging from within!
It will be about 3 months before Jupiter gets out of shadow retrograde so it may feel a little like we’re going over old ‘stuff’ and learning as we retrace the steps of the shadow period. This is an integration period when we make sense of what’s been happening and hopefully the pieces start falling into place. Remains on 22 degrees until 7th November...easy does it!
Sabian Symbol for Jupiter turning direct:  
Setting the agenda for the new pathway
This speaks of the need to develop responses and perform above and beyond the normal expected level. Having to do what others tell you, or perform along the lines of how you’ve been trained may be fine for a while, but eventually you are likely to tire of doing the same things or not being taken seriously. Perhaps there are things you don’t want to do, but it seems your duty to perform. Look to your situation and see if you are compromising yourself or just acting out conditioned responses. Perhaps you are indeed excelling your normal level of performance, only you can tell.
Developing skills. Entertaining people. Performing for the crowd. Playing instruments, dancing, arm waving. Animal training. Fun vs. drudgery. Learning by example. Training.Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
19th October:  
Mercury direct 10 degrees 08 Libra 2.16 am 

AEDT...doing the happy dance

Until 6th November:  Mercury enters Scorpio
Mental clearances of our energy fields from other timelines and dimensions:

Adding to the Mercury retrograde journey which has been extra challenging this time around with the Saturn station demanding we attend to old timelines of karmic contracts, lessons and challenges. Mercury in Libra has been bringing focus to karmic justice and equity. The disconnection from the multitude of pathways pulling us from present time into other realities, times and places which no longer serve our best interests has occupied out attention to the fullest.

Easy does it: 
Mercury will be moving slowly and still in old pathways for a few weeks
Okay, we might feel like we’re off and running but we need to take a breath, pull back for just a few more days till Mercury gets in his stride with getting things moving and gets through the Full Moon in Aries which might blow a few cobwebs out of the way and blow in a few new ideas. It’s a few weeks before he comes out of shadow and finds new clarity.
Continuing to clear mental confusion...integration of the new knowledge!
The intensity of confusion and possibly nervous exhaustion intensifies when he comes to his turning point, an experience that will continue for a few more days as he gradually moves forward, but still going over old territory integrating the knowledge and understanding of the retrograde period.
With Mercury starting to move direct we’re likely to gradually start feeling the uplift from our ongoing commitment to the higher mind energy of peace and harmony. The inner mental conflict of this period will start lifting. New vision, new eyes and new perspectives bringing in new ideas.
Sabian Symbol for Mercury stationing direct:  
Setting the agenda for the new pathway for Mercury 
This Symbol speaks of the ability, or the necessity, of looking at people as humans and not through the lens of something learned from books. It’s as though the aspects of the rational mind and the intuition require a different kind of focus. Seeing people for who they really are leads to better and kinder relationships, as does dropping judgmental opinions or relying on science or complicated codes of thought for answers. You may need to interrupt your rational mind to realize your intuitive ideas. At times you may feel like the “Professor” and at other times “The Student”. Having the eyes to see each other in the true light of day is the goal.
Different perceptions for different situations. Seeing that others get the message. Glasses and lenses. Observing others. Giving advice. Teachers. The ability to ‘read others’.Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
21st October:  
Full Moon in Aries 27 degrees 26 Aries at 1.56 am AEDT...the leap!

Sun in Libra Full Moon in Aries;  Reflections, projections revealed...endings!
The Sun in Libra, sign of partnership is opposite the Full Moon in Aries, the sign of the masculine warrior fire and drive and sign of our ‘I am’ divine self.  Aries can manifest as all ego power concerned with identity and the self forgetting all else but personal desire.  The Full Moon brings things to an ending, a completion, a culmination of the past 2 weeks, the past year!
Aries offers the fire of rocket fuel to fire us up to get moving
...but where?  and when?  No rush...just feel the spirit fired and be open!
We need this ego energy to get things started and fire our rocket of desire.  We are gradually learning to evolve our Aries energies from war and conflict, overpowering others to a more balanced perspective of the world and our place in it. Co-operation and harmony are needed for our survival, expansion and growth.  That’s the call of the Libran Sun of partnership and equity, harmony and balance.
With big Jupiter in Aquarius in a harmonious trine to Mars and the Sun in Libra, we are guaranteed a bigger picture of our place in humanity if we open our hearts, minds and spirits to higher consciousness.
Mars close to Sun...getting a reboot in peace...a fresh start hopefully!
Mars is getting a rebirth of consciousness in the light of the Libran Sun even though he may be yearning to be in the light of the Aries Full Moon, his homeland.
He’s called to support the bridge of the opposing forces of the Sun and Moon bringing peace to his warrior self and feeling the feminine presence of the Moon in the sign of identity and the self.  The upgrading of our masculine energies is palpable.  Reminder:  Mars rules head and the body. Time out Mars till the  New Moon in Scorpio.
Be aware of the explosive energies at this Full Moon:  From within or without!
The Full Moon in Aries, Mars sign, with Jupiter and Mercury just on their turning degree will offer a huge ending, completion and hopefully a mammoth release of pent up energies which is safe to ourselves and others.  Potentially blowing our stack with Pluto squaring off to the Full Moon and Sun opposition.  Pluto erupts energies from within the status quo, personally and globally.  May need to do some bomb defusing.  We can do this!
Pluto playing devil’s advocate or angel’s blessing! It’s a knockout!
Pluto in Capricorn is like a sitting time bomb within the status quo of our lives and in the transpersonal dimensions of governments and economies.  Pluto is God of the Underworld, Life, death and rebirth.  In Astrology Pluto rules big money and in Capricorn that means stockmarkets all major monetary institutions. 

Pluto is squaring off to/challenging the fiery Full Moon in Aries  and the Libran Sun.  The Full Moon in Aries is volatile at any time with Aries ‘shoot first, ask questions later’ style stirred up with the Full Moon’s propensity for emotional overwhelm from the eruption of memory banks in the psyche.
Sabian Symbols:
The Full Moon: 
Aries 28
This Symbol shows a sense of being an observer or a spectator, sometimes more than being a participant. You may have an inner critic that analyses things. In fact you might feel as though you, or someone else, have failed and left something wanting. But how much is this because too much was expected in the first place? The ‘Audience’ sometimes only remembers the last performance, so get up and try again. Be aware that you may be your own ‘audience’. Do you feel that things have or haven’t lived up to expectations? Are you missing out through negative projections? Perhaps your need to feel satisfied, to perform or be fulfilled should be more realistic. Adjustment of expectations. Living through the responses of others. Battling to get a spot. Responses to creative activities. Relying on feedback. Being a spectator. The need to inspire.
The Sun: 
Libra 28
This Symbol shows help, encouragement and assistance coming when one is most in need of it. There can be an inclination to depression with this degree, but it seems that, particularly if faith is employed, there is always some redeeming event or someone helpful turns up and the “Gloom” is dispersed and the light returns to one’s life; there is a realization that things are getting better. It will dawn on you that you are being helped in some way; 'Angels' come to aid those who need them. Don't be afraid to ask for assistance. Have hope, faith, trust and work on changing your attitude and watch hope return. Realizing you are not alone. Awareness of spiritual help. Angels, friends, helpers. Changes in the weather. Salvation versus depression. Counselors. People who lend a hand.


Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com


23rd October:  Sun enters Scorpio 3.51 pm AEDT...moving on from retrograde into Scorpio’s cave

Until 22nd December

Here comes the Scorpio undertaker to carry out the ‘dead’

The Scorpio Sun seals the deal on the year arriving towards the end of our calendar year and signalling endings and tying off loose threads, lost lives and spiritual fragments that need resolution.


Uh no!  Oh yes...on the final steps for this year’s clearance:

It’s not over...yet.  And sure we have ‘miles to go before we sleep’ as Robert Frost proclaimed in his famous poem.  The ‘road less travelled’ continues as the Scorpio Sun shines its light into the darkest recesses of our inner caves to clear any residue or debris hanging out in the shadows.


The goal is transformation, transmutation with ‘death’ and rebirth foremost!

Scorpio brings deep change to every aspect of our being uncovering and digging up the inner ‘gold’ the Plutonic treasure within our cell memories and within body, mind and spirit.  No wonder Scorpio rules surgery! 


Are you ready to shed the skins and rise to the heights?

The snake is just one of Scorpio’s symbols of transformation representing the shedding of skins.  And thus the eagle can fly high!



Deep desires emerging from within the Scorpio cave:

After the solar Libran energy with the focus on balance, equity and partnership Scorpio switches our focus to scrutiny of our deepest desires and yearning for intimacy and intimate connection with others. 


This is not just about sexuality as it goes beyond that connection to something much deeper within us. This is about the yearning to connect our spirit to soul energies. However, Scorpio rules sexuality and intimacy so both may come up for examination under our Scorpio microscope.  We’re getting to the core of any issues in these areas.


Transformation through soul connection will bring immense healing on all levels.


Golden Oldies:

Would You Like to Swing on a Star with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyHJ6drXXBY Jupiter direct


When You Wish Upon A Star - sung by Jiminy Cricket (Cliff Edwards)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKh6XxYbbIc


Bridge Of Light - P!nk Lyrics [FULL VERSION]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBUe9PXNnqU  Full Moon in Aries, Jupiter, Mercury

Happy Feet 2 - Bridge of Light  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBUe9PXNnqU


Upcoming Dates:

31st October:  Mars enters Scorpio

5th November: New Moon in Scorpio 12 degrees 30 Scorpio 8.14 am AEDT
5th November:  Venus enters Capricorn until 2022
6th November:  Mercury enters Scorpio until 25th November


That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

Not exactly feeling like taking this leap of faith as I am just exhausted from the past weeks, barely functional and the Jupiter//Mercury combo station has finished me off. Nevertheless I am making an attempt to get something out to you all as I know I am not alone in this completion phase.


Trusting our entry into Scorpio territory with the solar energy with Mars and the New Moon and Mercury following suit, we will be well and truly done and dusted with the death and dying processes demanded of us this year. 


Meanwhile, we’ll start getting some clarity and hopefully some more fire and drive into our spirits if not the bodies.  The urge to close the eyes, shut out the world and rest, sleep, drift and dream is huge!


Take care everyone as will I.  

Love and blessings to us all as we practise ‘happy feet’ even if just in our minds, hearts and spirits. 



from the chair...leap of faith mentally


It's all about love
Divine Reunion

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