...for the children of the earth

Thursday 7 October 2021

27th September 2021: Mercury direct, 6th October: New Moon in Libra, 7th October: Pluto direct, 7th October: Venus moves into Sagittarius, 11th October: Saturn direct

Hi everyone!

I haven't been active with my astro updates as I have been following my own guidance as sent out in my last update...being my own best friend and advocate.

Apologies for the length of this update as it’s my backlog of what’s happening.  Like many I’ve been going through my own crises and wondering whether I want to continue with this work.  Time will tell. 
Two pathways?  More than two pathways?
Travelling in the light of the Libran Sun brings up a time to choose as this energy is offering us a rebalancing within and without as in our place in the world.  Many have been going through a crisis of consciousness as a result of the changing landscape in the wider world. There’s been a parting of the ways for many as we make choices which have taken us away from others and our comfort zone.
Pisces Full Moon culmination, Equinox and Libran Sun setting the stage:
The Pisces Full Moon brought things to a head for everyone as the collective released the emotional backlog of humanity's underbelly of old timelines, history, memories.  Followed closely by the Sun's entry to Libra has been immense.   It's kept us focussed on the inner work of the Moon power, evolving the inner stories and working with manifesting new visions. 
Out of the comfort zone:  Into new ways of living!
It hasn’t been the most comfortable of energies with other planetary energies stirring up the warrior voices of the masses wanting to be heard, acknowledged and considered.  Anarchy is rife as people kick back against government rules and laws brought on by the pandemic. It’s been a necessary clearance of times past, history of humanity
Sun in Libra, Mercury retrograde in Libra:  
In a karmic acceleration of divine justice and equity!
The Equinox and Sun into Libra coming in so quickly after the Full Moon set the playing field for the next solar quarter up to the December Solstice.  We're in a karmic acceleration of justice and equity...divine justice as distinct from the human created justice.
27th September:  Mercury stationed retrograde 25 degrees 28 Libra at 3.10 pm AEST
Heart/mind recovery
Until 19th October

Mercury retrograde in Libra:  
Reviewing partnerships, contracts...personal and/or working partnerships
The Libran energy brings choices of the heart as Venus guides our way through this retrograde of Mercury, ruler of our mental body. The inner journey to the centre of the labyrinth of our heart is exposing the threads of old timelines carrying outdated beliefs around love, money, equity and justice.
Exposing, reviewing and releasing outdated beliefs, old timelines and unhealthy connections:
Our brief is to clear our minds and hearts by tuning in to the heart and clearing our mind of old stories from other times, places, people and dimensions.  

Unhealthy dependencies on others, individuals, groups or organisations are coming up for review, readjustment and release or not.
Choosing your timeline for divine fulfilment:
As we choose the timeline for fulfilment of our destiny we’re needing to maintain focus on that particular pathway and not be distracted by any other forces.  The freedom to choose the life we want is in our hands.  It's always been up to us to listen to our heart messages and take the step we need whatever the consequences. 
We are still in the labyrinth of discovery and change until Mercury turns direct on 19th October:
The New Moon in Libra is a perfect time to bring ourselves to realisations and closures at least within our minds and hearts as we birth a new cycle of love, balance, equity and partnership at the New Moon. 

Marking time to take action until 19th October:
Not a good time to take action until Mercury turns direct on 19th October even though the birthing of new potentials is coming into our heart and psyche at the New Moon.  Divine timing will pay off well.  We need to keep frustration, impatience and irritation at bay and hold our new vision until the right time for action.  Only we know best.
19th October: Mercury direct 10 degrees 08 Libra
6th November: Mercury enters Scorpio until 25th November


Sabian Symbol for Mercury retrograde:  

The degree of Mercury’s retrograde journey which offers up the underpinning energy for these weeks.

Libra 26
This Symbol implies the ability, or the necessity, of being able to integrate the principle of the will (the “Eagle”) with the principle of the emotions (the “White Dove). Being able to bring these two together makes for a much stronger effect on others and the personality is strengthened and given an edge that it otherwise might not have. There may be confusion around whether to use force or love in some situations. Being firm and yet kind, being flexible and yet sure of what you’re doing or where you’re heading keeps one on an even keel. Alternation of these responses will lead to the best solution. Tempering one's will with love and bolstering up one's emotional responses with strength. Cooperation of mind, will, spirit and heart. Being strong and soft. Considering others.
Venus in Scorpio:  
The past week or so...massive transformational challenges for our heart and our ‘heart stories’!
Heart stopping moments...re-experiencing old wounds to the heart on all levels of our being:
There's been huge heart openings and challenges in the past week or so as Venus set off all manner of heart wounds, old hurts as she squared off to the Leo energies and other fixed signs of Taurus and Aquarius.  

Leo is the path of heart and rules the heart and circulation so if you've had a heart stopping moment physically or emotionally, then you've been transforming and clearing the heart. 
Death and dying to the old stories and timelines
As we choose to paint positive visions of our future, we release the dystopian images  of the future.  Time to choose. The power to choose is ours and the heart is calling us on to love!  The Equinox was a portal of change which gave us a new foundation for the way forward to the Solstice in December.  Incoming and ongoing activation of new energies based on equity and balance within and without. 
Social changes, perspectives and the shifting landscape of a world adapting to new frequencies!

Not an easy time for so many:  Circumstances and choices opening new avenues of growth!

It hasn’t been easy for so many as the challenges of endings, the death throes to old ways of living, being and co-dependencies have been closed down by the planetary/spiritual and global forces of change.  

Jobs, income and homes have gone, work contracts are concluded while loved ones have been struck down by illness or death.  Families have been kept apart by lockdowns and the costs of reconnecting across the world.  People are making ideological choices in the vaccination ‘wars’ and in doing so, are choosing new lives and directions. 
Life changing directions for millions:  Weakness of the infrastructure of support exposed!
However, the sheer number of people across the globe who are on the back foot in some way indicates the huge changes which are happening and which will continue to challenge the dominant power brokers to attend to the infrastructure of support for humanity.  We live in a world based on monetary support and without it we cannot continue. ‘The workers’ who are the basis for keeping society afloat with everyday basic needs are now revealed as our life support who cannot be ignored.
Saturn in Aquarius, Pluto in Capricorn: 
Spiritual authority and power is our challenge for rising above the chaos!
Our call is to take our spiritual authority and power  as human beings in the world and our faith in our creative power will support our growth and adaptation to whatever circumstances arise.
There are many who continue to live in a bubble of comfort and security with no apparent losses in their private world.  They have their health, economic support and a comfortable home with loved ones nearby. Many have retained their businesses and income.  They hold stability for those who are going through the changes.


6th October:  
New Moon in Libra 13 degrees 25 Libra at 10.05 pm AEDT
Time to choose!

Choose your pathway forward:  Destiny awaits! Make a wish, build the vision and...
The New Moon is always a time of birthing a new reality, a new focus and new direction. This New Moon in Libra is particularly charged by the recent watershed moment of endings and closures at the Pisces Full Moon/Equinox portal. 
The watershed ‘moment’ of current reality:  Old doors of reality are closing off!
We’re experiencing and witnessing major changes to our worlds both private and public with massive rebalancing and karmic resolution bringing all manner of ‘contracts’, agreements, partnerships and pathways to closure.  

This is the Libran Sun in full play with the balancing act of justice, equity, peace and harmony.  The end goal, point of peace and love is our key.
The New Moon in Libra:  A turning point for change, choice and life direction! 
Going above and beyond making the mundane magical!
The Moon and Sun, inner and outer energies are aligned and working together to help us make our choice of which pathway to take.  The challenge is very much about closing doors on the past as old sources of support, energetically, emotionally, economically or spiritually fall away. We’re choosing the higher path of ease and grace. 
We are evolving in consciousness whatever happens and our ‘front runners’ are pushing the barriers of possibility and going beyond the mundane into more loving ways of living and being.  Their/our work and commitment will open new channels for all.  It only takes one person to break through to make a path for others. 
Mars is sitting with the New Moon and Sun right on 13 degrees Libra:  

Our warrior fire and drive birthing new ways to equity, peace and love!
The number 13 is the number of the Goddess energy, the divine feminine.  Interesting how it was twisted in meaning to become ‘unlucky’.  

Well, the feminine heart energies are very much in the driver’s seat with Venus in Scorpio working her magic like a snake charmer.  Massive shedding of old skins old heart pain held in the physical body, cell memories and planetary/ancestral timelines which have kept us locked into oppressive forces from the past.

Mars is birthing new Libran ways of being inside and out with the power of this New Moon. 
In a world where ‘making things happen’, the old masculine recipe for success has been the standard, Mars is now experiencing the first pangs of working with the active and ‘passive’ energies in tandem with the new energy of knowing when to act and when to wait for divine timing and divine order.  This is all about being attuned to energy and working with it for manifesting hopes and dreams. We need the balance of masculine electricity and feminine magnetism and the knowledge of which energy is working for us. 
Sabian Symbol for the New Moon: Libra 14
This Symbol speaks of taking a rest when one needs to. At times, you may feel the need to take a break even though you are in the middle of a situation. To relax and recuperate will often serve to give you greater strength to complete the task at hand, also, being always on the go can be rather wearying. However, being lazy and unproductive is not the answer either. Taking a “Noon Siesta” can end up meaning taking hours and hours off work and not managing to make progress or get anywhere. Striking a balance between working too hard and not working hard enough is definitely the key. Knowing when to stop. Daydreams and fantasies. Meditation. Midday rushes. Snoozing. Hammocks. Long lunch hours. Rejuvenation and the need for it. Taking breaks.
7th October:  Pluto direct 24 degrees 19 Capricorn 5.29 am AEDT
Out of the cave into the light!
until 19th April 2022

Returning to the world with our new knowledge about our spiritual power and authority! 
Our deep navel gazing, life learning lessons around power in the world have challenged more than a few of us as this year’s planetary impacts have taken us to new places to find our Capricorn spiritual authority.  

The Capricorn energies are being forced to evolve, to step up from our reliance on working for money at the expense of health and the joy of life.  Work in the wider world has been changing dramatically by the global events, lockdowns, lost income, lost business and the meaning of success and power in the world.
What now?  Revelations continue to arise within us...Mercury retrograde assisting with our process!
It will be interesting to observe the changes in values and attitudes within ourselves and others as we emerge from the labyrinth of discovery and uncovering parts of ourselves that have been living in shadow, so busy engaging with the physical existence and striving for success that we forgot the joy of life, loving, being creative beings in our work and in our lives.
Going up!  Grab hold of your new timeline, chosen destiny and arise!
I’ve witnessed many who have already recognised the changes in their attitudes to life, money, success, public acknowledgement and being driven to being workaholics in the addiction to old work practices.  And yes, some of us are being forced to changed by circumstances.  It’s a global change!  Sure makes a difference working from home in the pj’s! 
7th October:  Venus moves into Sagittarius 10.21 pm AEDT
Our heart’s awakened!
until 5th November

Our heart comes back into the fire of Sagittarian optimism and hope!  We’re alive!
Our heart power emerges from the Scorpio ‘makeover’ which felt like a near death experience to many as well as a real death experience to others. Pulling out the slings and arrows of the past and disconnecting from toxic relationships with ourselves and others has been fully demanding of our attention.
Hearts activated with enthusiasm, minds still introspecting, bodies still rebalancing:
This image of Gandalph taking off on his horse is about the heart power, although we may well feel more physically activated than we have for a long time. We’re going to be ignited by hope and enthusiasm. 
Easy does it:  Feel the joy returning and envisage the future!
Just a little reminder that Mercury’s still in the soul searching energy of retrograde in Libra and Mars, our body, fire and drive is still in the balancing act of Libra. Nevertheless, our hearts will be birthing new visions and potentials which will take off when we’re ready to take physical action.  Heart, mind and body need to be on the same page.
Vision building from the heart centre:  
Optimism and hope on tap!
This is vision building time, seeing the big picture with the heart’s perspective.  Venus can access a brighter, bigger future and build new potentials within her domain.  The power of bigger love is within our reach from our emotional centre.   
11th October  Saturn direct 6 degrees 53 Aquarius
Out of the galactic labyrinth!

until 4th January 2022

Aha!  Here’s our galactic stairway to take us up and on!

Saturn gets on the move direct just a few days after Pluto emerges and just after Venus moves out of Scorpio.  This is a huge message that things are on the move, slowly and surely as only Saturn can offer. 

We come in sight of our galactic staircase again as it may have been blocked from our view for some time while Saturn was de-structuring our thinking processes and challenging us to create new structures and foundations for our thinking. 


Even though we’ve been somewhat decimated by our physical foundations in the world collapsing in one way or another, we’ve been going through the challenge to rise up and think beyond our perspectives to bigger picture Aquarian pictures of home, family, community along with hopes and dreams. 


And now, those new perspectives will be coming into focus...very gradually as is Saturn’s way.

Slow and steady is Saturn’s way as new foundations need to be solid in heart, mind, body and spirit.  Saturn with Jupiter is regarded as a ‘social’ planet, indicating social structures and belief systems.  So we’ll be witnessing the social changes and yes, political and economic aspects as well as Saturn takes on the challenges of addressing the concerns and problems of the people.  For Aquarius, group and humanitarian concerns are primary.  We are only as strong as our weakest link. 

Our collective vision of one people, one world united in the humanitarian values of group wisdom, knowledge and the power of love, compassion and care for others and our world is the foundation stone for us building a very different world. 



Lauren Gorgo:  ‘Harvest Season: fruit of thy womb’


Golden Oldies:

‘Turn, turn, turn’ The Byrds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4983sAoLdM  New Moon in Libra, Mercury retrograde in Libra


‘With love, anything is possible’ Karen Drucker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpJ5tGpsDXg Venus in Sagittarius


Upcoming Dates:

18th October  Jupiter direct at 22 degrees 20 Aquarius
19th October:  Mercury direct 10 degrees 08 Libra
21st October:  Full Moon in Aries 27 degrees 26 Aries at 1.56 am AEDT
23rd October:  Sun enters Scorpio until November



That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

Here’s our wishing tree.  Can you see your ribbon, your chosen timeline for the future or are you just about to put yours on the tree? The New Moon is challenging us to launch a new direction which will grow and develop right through to the December Solstice.  We’re still in the clearing process along with the restructuring of our lives and spirits on new foundations.  


Our wish, our new direction, new hope is probably just at the seedling stage and perhaps not resembling a clear picture of how to proceed.  Saturn turning direct offers a slow and steady turning of the wheels of change as our new selves emerge from the labyrinth and take first steps in building a new reality. 


We’ll be waiting until Mercury our mind manager emerges from retrograde on 19th October.  Until then the mental confusion chaos and balancing act in the mind will continue as Mars continues his balancing act in Libra for a little while longer.


Destiny is the chosen pathway to fulfilment and our soul journey is guiding us to that fufilment.  If you don't believe in destiny and feel at the mercy of the world, the elements in the world and all that's happening, you'll feel disempowered. 

Love and blessings to us all as we grapple with the world changes and challenges and maintain focus on our desired timeline for our future hopes and dreams!



from the chair...held by my angel


It's all about love
Divine Reunion

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