...for the children of the earth

Sunday 12 December 2021

13th December 2021: Mars enters Sagittarius, 14th December: Mercury enters Capricorn

 Hi everyone!

The Sun is muted in our misty forest:  Where are we?

What a time to be on planet earth!  Our Sagittarian fire and drive is maybe feeling lost  in the misty forest of discovery as we travel the eclipse vortex of sudden change and shifting energies as our personal GPS is reconfigured with the planetary focus for evolution.


Aligning with higher consciousness!  Individually and collectively!

We’ve all been learning lessons about aligning with higher consciousness of love and unification and bringing these into our everyday lives as individuals and as a planet.  Yes, we are all individuals but our very future depends on us coming to some unified agreement as to what is the higher path for all.  That of course is the key.


The earth is changing and evolving:  Intensifying of energies due to continue!

I’m sure we’d all agree we have a way to go to come to a higher vision of a common goal but of course that won’t stop the evolution of the planet, of the earth in her re-balancing for her ongoing survival.  Mother Earth and the cosmic forces are shifting us all to align in unity. 


Winding up a huge cycle in December 2021:  Frontrunners be open and ready!

These final weeks of December are bringing us to a culminating force of the calendar year and a huge cycle of change. Of course, we’ll be starting a new cycle in 2022 with both a new calendar year and new focus for planetary direction emanating from the nodal shift to Taurus/Scorpio.


A few planetary shifts in the next few days with Mars into Sagittarius and Mercury into Capricorn.  Meanwhile, this weekend the meeting of Venus and Pluto in Capricorn is offering a change of heart which is likely to be ongoing in the coming weeks.

From 5th to 8th December:  Emerging from out of bounds...almost
From about 5th to 8th December:  Moon, Venus and Mercury out of bounds!

In the past week we've been taken into the quantum field by the Moon, Venus and Mercury travelling 'out of bounds' all at the same time.  Moon rules memories, the past whilst Venus rules our heart power and Mercury is our mind manager.  Result? Possibly confusion central as chaotic forces enacted on us to clear the old and bring in new consciousness on offer in the 'out of bounds' energies.
The Moon was in Capricorn during this time:  Ruling structure, walls, barriers
Capricorn rules structure so we can see the past couple of days in the Capricorn moon that we've been getting a restructure of heart, mind and the memory banks. 
Heart de-structure/restructure:  Moon, Venus meeting out of bounds in Capricorn
We could have been experiencing extra challenge with the Moon in Capricorn meeting Venus, then Pluto with both Moon and Venus in the no time/space continuum where past, present and future are available to our experience.  A reboot for our heart energies as we were pulled apart, inside/out, upside down.  The Moon always connects with the emotional and the unconscious, subconscious as well as the past.  You may have felt ‘out of whack’.   
Integration of new heart consciousness: Establishing emotional balance!
Both Venus and the Moon have returned from out of bounds so we now need to ease ourselves into integrating that new consciousness into our beings and allow our bodies to relax a little. 

Mercury, our mind manager, ruler of our nervous and respiratory systems is still out of bounds until 28th December.  So, mental confusion could still be the prevailing force until that time.
Out of bounds planets impact on us a little like retrogrades offering resolution of the past with new ideas and information.
This year the moon has been travelling for a few days out of bounds every couple of weeks.  Next one starts 18th December.
Increased solar activity and Moon out of bounds:  Ongoing activations for our inner reconstruction...dropping ‘ego’ defences and pretences!
Between the increased solar activity every few weeks and the Moon doing this 'space cadet' stuff every 2 weeks, no wonder so many of us are feeling a little addled, unbalanced and at times emotionally overwhelmed. 
Be in peace, harmony and balance and trust in ourselves, our choices and pathways as taking us forward in wisdom and love.

12th December:  Venus and Pluto 25 degrees Capricorn

...rebooting, re-alignment of heart power...no need for over-reach!

Exact:  12th December 3:29 am AEDT

Strong influence from 11th to 14th

Active from 8th December to 28th December.

This is a powerful aspect dominating the next week activating our heart energy with the major transformation powerful force of Pluto which is all about power! 


Capricorn activates ambition.

Venus rules love, harmony, balance and values, what we hold dearest in our hearts.

Pluto rules power, life, death and transformation.


When we bring these two together, we may feel confrontations at a heart level with what is our deepest desire.  What is not of our deepest heart desire will be challenged to be released as we choose the higher path of love.


Beginnings/reboots bring endings if necessary so as we reach for the higher expression of ourselves in our lives and the world we are likely to let go of those energies holding us hostage to old false beliefs about ourselves and our lives. Capricorn rules ambition, our success in the material world as well structure, walls and infrastructure. 


This is a guaranteed explosion of huge energy being offered to us to open our hearts and embrace ourselves, our gifts, talents, inner resources, self-worth and self-esteem.  Venus carries it all.


Take care of physical heart during this time...no stress, ego obsession as heart/heart chakras may experience an ‘opening’.  We’ve had this on and off while Venus has been out of bounds during past month or so.  Easy does it!


Sabian Symbol for meeting of Venus and Saturn

This Symbol shows skipping lightly over the surface of life, dancing and playing. You may feel emotionally light and almost mischievous. The worries of life and the deeper parts of your feelings are ignored as you effortlessly flit over the surface of any troubles. Whilst this is, essentially, a beautiful symbol of a joy, harmony and a ‘lightness of being’, there may be an element of feeling cut off from your body, or reality. This can lead to a sense of alienation or difficulty in knowing where to land or evading problems by ignoring them or rising above them.
Effervescent spirits. Dancing in a carefree manner. Water and fun. Peter Pan attitudes. Celebrations of the natural world. Waterfalls. Mist. Nymphs, fairies. Subtle energies.
Sabian Symbols: Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com


13th December:  Mars enters Sagittarius 8:52 pm AEDT

...fire, drive, enthusiasm restored!

Until 24th January

Out of the Scorpio graveyard:  The sense of a rebirth!
Here come our trusty steeds out of cloudy sky, emerging from the Scorpio graveyard of transformation.  Our fire and drive has been subdued by the Plutonic energies of the Scorpio journey activating and releasing old memories from our physical bodies and bringing us to a renewed life force and fiery energy.
Fired up and ready to go...but where?  Revelations to come!
Mars is our active agent, our masculine principle of get up and go, now awakened to the full force of fiery activation in the sign of Sagittarius where enthusiasm and optimism are the guiding forces for change. 
Enjoy the feeling of more energy and fire in the engine!
Make the most of these new feelings and desire but trust that all the possibilities and potentials opening up assisted by Mercury out of bounds in Capricorn may need some tweaking and review when Venus turns retrograde in Capricorn on 19th December
Experience the release and joy of the fires ignited:
The next 6 weeks we can open to trusting the feel of this fire of hope being restored in our lives. Mars rules the physical body so the expectation would be we’ll feel a release of the weight of emotions of past weeks.
Just a heads up concerning other planetary forces which could dampen our enthusiasm a little in the coming weeks.  In particular, Venus turning retrograde from 20th December to 29th January may make us stop and review our values regarding our place in the material world, with respect to our working lives  and in terms of our current connection to the status quo. Also, Jupiter entering the big emotional ocean of Pisces on 29th December will arouse more watery energies which could overwhelm or be put to good use with artistic and creative expressions.
14th December:  Mercury enters Capricorn 4:51 am AEDT

...grounding ideas...new foundations

Until 3rd January

Some ideas activating our commercial hopes with new structures!

Mercury is one of our shifters and movers with Mars and his entry into Capricorn will be activating our mental energies, ideas with respect to commerce and place in the status quo, the material world of Capricorn.  Capricorn is the driving force that guides us to find success in the public sphere, in the working world and in terms of the worldly benchmarks of status and authority which have come to be equated with financial wealth. 


New ideas galore turning the status quo upside down!

This transit could really get the mental energies up and happening with all manner of new ideas as Mercury continues his out of bounds journey until the end of December. That means new consciousness is available to us with the promise of moving outside the established path of our own lives and of societal expectations.


Commercial kick start for new ventures:

Mercury rules commerce, the trader, salesperson, advertising guru with the tricky words that grab the eye and open the mind.  For that reason, these next 2 weeks offer an opportunity to bring some new ideas into business potentials providing we are tuning to our heart’s desires and can manage Mars over the top bigger than Ben Hur expansion in Sagittarius. Bigger isn’t necessarily better even though Mars may disagree. Allow the expansive vision and still a step at a time.


The thing will be to access new vision/s without trying to do too much in the one hit.  Chances are we’ll be having changes of heart on and off right through to the end of January.  The planetary field is bringing in a new spiritual game plan which promises changes to the societal and economic perspective of humanity.

We need to work within societal changes and needs if we are to bring find success and fulfilment.


Golden Oldies:

‘Climb Every Mountain’ Sound of Music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKuqySkqhHw Mercury in Capricorn


‘Back in the saddle again’ Gene Autry with Lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=un4S8awXrn8 Mars in Sagittarius 



Upcoming Dates:

19th December:  Full Moon in Gemini 27 degrees 29 Gemini 3.35 pm AEDT
20th December: Venus retrograde 26 degrees 29 Capricorn until 29 January 2022
21st December:  Chiron direct 8 degrees 26 Aries
22nd December:  Sun moves to Capricorn Solstice
Until 22nd January


That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!


Our Sagittarian horses are feeling the fiery uplift but are still taking time to rest, recover, readjust and re-energise after such a punishing year of energetic change.  There is no rush, even though we may feel the urge to race out to ‘make things happen’. 


We have been learning that we do not control our world in a very personal way so we can work with the higher consciousness of allowing manifestation of our desires to emerge from within our heart/mind connection and creative magnetic spirit.  Great stillness has been required for us all to observe and honour this inner creative force of pure energy.


We’re still travelling within the eclipse vortex of sudden shifts and turns heading towards the solar eclipse at the Full Moon in Gemini on 19th December. That will be a huge release point, turning point for our emotions, ideas and for gaining insights about our way forward.  Gemini is the ideas energy. Be open to the new.


Love and blessings to us all as we continue to nurture ourselves, listening to the inner voice of our higher consciousness and evolved self as we release the old ‘need to control’ ego energies within us.   




from the chair...flying mentally


It's all about love
Divine Reunion


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