It’s been quite a time as only Scorpio energies can deliver! Our pathway out of the graveyard is opening as we head towards the New Moon in Sagittarius Solar Eclipse.
Still in the eclipse vortex of change:
We’ve been travelling in the light of the New Moon in Scorpio, hurtling through the vortex of the Full Moon in Taurus lunar eclipse energies on 19th November. The eclipse cycle turns our world upside down and inside out promising only that we will be reconfigured by unexpected circumstances and experiences through this period. The lunar eclipse energies have demanded much inner realignment, undercover work for us to come to new understandings of our life, our energies, our place in the world.
‘Dead’ one minute, alive the next:
I’m still here curiosity and commitment take me on!
I don’t know how many ‘close to death’ experiences I’ve been through in the past month. Although they’ve felt of a very physical nature, I do know that I’m travelling through the Scorpio graveyard, releasing from within those ghosts of memories from other times, places and people.
Humanity releasing embedded complexes and neuroses:
There’s been huge work with humanity and the earth and those of us who are natural mediums are flat out processing energies bombarding us with the history of this earth and humanity as the emotional wellspring of the masses release complexes and neuroses from deep within their beings. The pandemic and all its impact is carrying us forward spiritually forcing every one of us to re-frame our view of the world from old fixed notions.
The persecution complex and paranoia neurosis of Scorpio: We’re ok!
I mentioned the persecution complex in my last update as a prevalent energy arising from the Scorpio energies which are likely to bring up paranoia and fear of oppression. We’ve seen the response of many on the streets releasing their emotions in a very public way. For many of us, the release has been from within the cells and DNA of our bodies, from the ancestral memories of humanity.
Right or wrong? Sagittarian zealotry and determination to prove our ‘truth’ is rife!
Unfortunately, we are all still dealing with the ‘blame’ game which has made for ugly scenarios degenerating into the old timeline of the dark ages.
The need for us to remain focussed on unification: What one vision can hold us all? Maybe love and compassion? Hearing each other?
We all want responsibility laid at the door of justice but we are all players in this big ‘judgement day’ process. Our integrity and honour, our focus on unification is necessary if we are to survive and thrive in the coming years which promise ongoing earth changes as the planetary nodes move from Gemini/Sagittarius to Taurus/Scorpio. From January 2022 the eclipse cycle will move to Taurus/Scorpio. Mother Earth will win and the cosmos has the last say.
2nd December:
Neptune direct 20 degrees 24 Pisces 12.23 am AEDT
A rainbow dream!
After a rough few months: Reclaiming our birthright to dream and create!
Emerging from the collective sorting house of the past: ‘I am me’
We’re emerging from the past six months of our dipping and diving in the retrospective labyrinth of Neptune’s discovery and exploration tour of the past. Neptune’s magical energies can bring us visions, dreams of our greatest potential as well as confusions arising from illusions and delusions emanating from the collective experience.
Out of the blurred boundary issues: Out of confusion of the collective emotions!We’ve been in the process of sorting through myriad timelines of experience finding ourselves, the truth of ourselves for this lifetime. The pandemic has served as the physical trigger for discovery and release of ourselves from the tribal energies. Our strong need for affiliation and belonging takes us from one tribe to another. It’s not easy to stand alone and be an independent thinker.
Now...time to re-envision a new future for ourselves!
Neptune is all imagination and artistry with the potential to uplift us and lead us forward with new visions of a positive and optimistic future. It may seem far off after the past year with the collective vision clouded by despair, doubt, disappointment, anger and resentment. Tribal differences emerging from deep within our collective memories have challenged us all to stay focussed on the unity of divine love.
This Symbol implies revealing issues, secrets or problems from the “Past”, so they can be dealt with. There are issues which will be “Brought to Light”. Perhaps your past catches up with you, or, people in your family or circle of friends have stories, histories, deeds, acts or personalities that need to be handled with care and tact. There is often a healing as things that have been kept ‘closeted’ lose some of their charge when they come into the light of day. Although you, or others, may be in a reasonably sympathetic position in the eyes of others, some may not like what is revealed. Bring issues to 'Light' where they can be healed, forgiven and, hopefully, forgotten. Unveiling and exposing. New, vibrant beginnings. Yesterday's darkness. Looking back to revision attitudes. Being free for new opportunities. Counselors. Grief. Failed relationships.
Lynda Hill
4th December: Total Solar Eclipse
The Astronomy
‘It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas’ (lyrics) Michael Buble
(Not all pc but hey...that’s the way things were) But wishes are wishes!
Fire in Your Heart’ Sissel and Placido Domingo with lyrics
Upcoming Dates:
15th December: Venus and Pluto meet in Capricorn
19th December: Full Moon in Gemini
20th December: Venus stations retrograde in Capricorn
21st December: Chiron turns direct in Aries
22nd December: Sun to Capricorn/Solstice
That’s all folks! Hugs all around!
I just had to use this image of the horses even though it might feel as though our horses are somewhat depleted of energy with the thorough spiritual work of the past year. Horses symbolise spiritual movement with the fire and drive and enthusiasm which is the hallmark of the Sagittarian energies. They offer wisdom through humility. We’ve all been feeling this learning experience at some stage of the past year.
Nearing the end of the end: Mars moves from Scorpio 13th December!
So grateful we’re just about out of the Scorpio graveyard of reclamation, reunion, reckoning with old grief, pain and heartache of other times and places as we came face to face with our karmic commitments to complete our missions of light power within.
I’ve really thought I wouldn’t make it over the past year, still recovering from my 6 months in hospital in 2019. Two steps, one step back and maintaining faith in my recovery through spiritual focus and dedicated commitment to the healing powers within. Big Saturn work for us all.
In writing this, I know I speak for many of you too as we all have had our particular challenges and opportunities to redress the imbalances of past consciousness in our particular brief. What a spiritual set-up! Our physical circumstances and situations are our learning place for here and now.
Love and blessings to us all as we move towards the next big doorway of release, the Full Moon in Gemini on 19th December another big galactic energy as the Sagittarian Sun will be connecting with the Galactic Centre at 26 degrees Sagittarius, opposite the Gemini Full Moon. More information...out of the blue!
from the chair...strengthening
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