...for the children of the earth

Monday 16 May 2022

16th May 2022: Full Moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio

Hi everyone!

Well here we are...deep within the cosmic forces of Mother Earth taken here at the New Moon Solar Eclipse on 1st May. Our journey of exploration and desire for the safety and security of a haven in our homeland has been the driving force for huge transformation of our lives. 


We are one and we are one amongst humanity:

The outer world of the physical and mundane forces are escalating our change process acting upon us and within us as we seek the answers for our own particular and personal journey and spiritual brief this lifetime. 


The personal mission and the collective mission:  Same focus, goal!

We are all in a similar melting pot of change even though we all have our unique challenges and opportunities within this particular lifetime. We each have our own mission as well as the collective mission and our contribution to that collective evolution.


Feeling the collective heartbeat of the earth and her life forms!

As we connect to the heart of Mother Earth and feel her heartbeat, we feel the history of our world and life on earth.  It’s not always comfortable as the complexes, neuroses and miasmas of humanity surface within our physical bodies.  We’re experiencing the opportunity to upgrade our physical bodies as we reach for the powerful creative light within every one of us. 


The past week:  Out of time, out of space, out of our minds?

Mercury madness and mayhem:  What a week! 
In the quantum field of ‘no time, no space’, many timelines and held in limbo!

The White Rabbit is in panic not realising that we are in Mercury retrograde ‘station at 4 degrees and have been since 8th May and staying on that degree until 15th May, the day before the Moon comes to fullness on 16th May.


In this quantum field, our small mind is beyond controlling everyday affairs related to time and space so we can only go with the changes and try to keep our footing while the universe brings in sudden impacts from out of left field. 
Mantra:  This too shall pass

Time out!

Everything is happening, nothing is happening as we’re being thrown around mentally in the chaos of change and disruption of anything to do with time, communication, travel, appointments etc. etc. etc.

Mantra:  Handing over control to my divine consciousness


It’s all a spiritual ‘set up’ designed to help us lose our minds...our ‘old fixed minds’...and accept the makeover as essential to our attaining a divine state mentally as we evolve our mind consciousness and release the embedded threads of old outdated patterns of thinking holding us from expansion and growth.


Feeling the ‘burn’ of Mercury station and Jupiter entering Aries?

The combo of Jupiter entering Aries while Mercury ‘turned’ at the greatest point of stillness has added to feeling like a ‘head case’ as Aries rules the head and is all fire so if you’ve felt the impact with headaches, head stuff, sinuses, breathing, hot flushes and the rising temperature of fiery change, well you’re undergoing physical evolution in some form. 

16th May: Full Moon Total LUNAR Eclipse at 25 degrees 18 Scorpio at 2.14 pm AEST

Time to rise and shine!
 Clear the past and release from the Scorpio cave!
In our journey to the centre of the earth we are called to complete our inner journey of death, rebirth and transformation, to bring to completion those karmic threads, memories and connections which are out of place, out of time and out of relevance to our life here and now.
Through a huge planetary portal of change for humanity!
A very karmic Full Moon with Saturn in Aquarius squaring off to the Full Moon and Sun forming a T-square, a challenge and opportunity to complete a big cycle of change.  With the karmic planetary nodes sitting in close contact to both Sun and Moon, the message is doubly important. 
Big heart healing for all:  Processing collective wounds through heart!
ruler of Taurus and our heart is connecting with Chiron, carrier of spiritual wounds in Aries, the sign of identity, masculine principle of fiery action. With the Sun in Taurus we know that our spiritual ‘wounds’ are healing for our individual selves as well as for the earth herself.
The call to surrender to the currents of change...going with the flow!
, ruler of our physical body and masculine energy is meeting with Neptune, dream merchant in Neptune’s home sign of Pisces.  He’s learning to cleanse and heal the emotions held in the physical body and align with the higher vision of Pisces.  All while clearing the memory banks of the collective unconscious.
Mental makeover and clearance of the mental body:  
All outdated mental notions and thoughts patterns must go!
Mercury, ruler of our mental body, in retrograde motion has just started moving again and is now on 3 degrees Gemini after his holding pattern for the past week.  If the nervous system has been wobbly then trusting that we’ll start to feel a little more settled now he’s at least moving again...’backwards’.  We’re in the process of contacting new consciousness as we upgrade.  When Mercury moves to Taurus 23rd...physical installation!
Eclipses and retrograde periods bring revelations: 
Realisations and insights on offer if we are open to the search for understanding!
The retrograde journey through this eclipse period has been a powerful force for the journey to the past whether in conscious or unconscious/dream states.  Of course the Full Moon period always offers up more dream activity and with that the potential for illumination, understanding and revelation.
The eclipse is like a sliding door offering up a new vision outside our knowledge base, a gift of sudden revelation.

Sabian Symbols: 

This Symbol implies being able to, or having to, be in “New Territory”. Once a new place has been found, there is the need to acclimatize, adjust quickly and settle in. This new territory can be in a physical, emotional or spiritual framework. Whichever, you need to feel at home in an inner and outer sense. You may feel a creeping sense of unease if you find it hard to relax in the new environment or that the rug may be pulled from under your feet. You may also be someone who moves often in life, sometimes before you were able to get a sense of belonging or having friends. However, there is likely to be a pioneering or venturing spirit.
Settling in. Walk-ins. Concerns with territory. Immigration. Tents. Shelter. Cohabitation. Setting up camp. Squatters. Respecting boundaries. Reservations. Migration. Renting.
Moving into or invading people’s territory. Putting up with things when one should move. Barging in. Having to compromise living space. Arriving unannounced.
This Symbol speaks of being able to use one’s voice, words, songs, poetry and culture to sway the minds and hearts of others. One can sway others to achieve a desire result. There is no guarantee of total success, but you must act if you want any chance of succeeding and you need to put your heart and soul into the performance. The worst that could be damaged is a little ego, so think positively and play your role with enthusiasm and passion. Music can lift the spirits and words of poetry and love can be healing.
Shared feelings, love or passion may result.
Being in tune with another. Soul mates, or passing fancies? Having your voice heard. Knowing how to deliver a message in order to influence others to make decisions.
Not believing messages being given. Insincere charades. Feelings of not being listened to. Spinning tales to get a response. Making things up to get a response.
Sabian Symbols: Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com


On Sunday, May 15th, the full Moon will pass through the shadow of Earth, producing a total lunar eclipse. This NASA animation shows how the Moon will turn red for almost 85 minutes:The eclipse will be widely visible from the Americas on May 15th; and Africa and Europe on May 16th: visibility map.https://www.spaceweather.com/

The total phase of this Blood Moon total lunar eclipse will be visible from across North and South America, plus parts of Europe and Africa.https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/lunar/2022-may-16



17th May until 21st May: 

Moon goes Out of Bounds

Mad as rabbits and/or over the moon?

Until 21st May
From 9 degrees Sagittarius to 7 degrees Aquarius

Who’s running this show anyway?  
Destiny is having full play in current energies, escalating with every new arrival

Heads up for this one as it will come in with the flush and aftermath of the Full Moon energies which could add to the sense on instability and any chaotic forces.  With Mercury in retrograde in Gemini, communication may well be confused and commercial dealings could be a little muddled.  A lot of stuff happening all at the same time.

The trickiest time is once again when the moon moves into Capricorn in the later days of this week from about 19th to 21st depending on time zone. Capricorn is very much concerned with maintaining the status quo, physical and financial security and with Saturn as ruler, all structures, systems, organisations and karmic connections. With Merc retrograde...back to old connections for completion, conclusion in these next 2 weeks of finishing the Taurus/Scorpio eclipse lunar business. 


Phoenix Moment: beyond the fallen realms
Lauren Gorgo



Golden Oldies:

Reach Out (I'll Be There) (1967
 Four Tops https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EaflX0MWRo


Hallelujah K.D. Lang 2010 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--FrDSx-21k


In my life -- Judy Collins -- Live 1966 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13uK6uRrhPk&list=RDEMOTyn0y_t9Qpryi--9NejlA&index=9 



Upcoming Dates:

21st May: Sun enters Gemini
23rd May: Mercury retrograde enters Taurus
25th May: Mars enters Aries 
29th May: Venus enters Taurus
30th May: New Moon in Gemini at 9 degrees 03 Gemini at 9.30 pm AEST



That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!


How are all our rabbits looking for new territory, new ‘homeland’ ways of being and living?  Are we all present and correct? lol Errr...maybe not as we’re travelling in the Mercury retrograde airbus of remembrance and reclamation all while experiencing the big emotional release from the depths of our being.


We’re in confusing times which demand that we stay focussed, keep reminding ourselves of the goal, the dream, the objective...whatever you want to call it. Our Watership Down rabbits are all lined up standing between the past decimation of their homes and the future possibility of a new home of safety and nourishment.


The rabbit as an animal totem can bring a message of fear or fertility which seems a fitting picture of the Scorpio/Taurus balance with which we are all engaged. As we continue to choose the Taurus Mother Earth fertility as our way of evolution, we immediately experience any old memories of lack, trauma, panic, cruelty, pain and suffering which Scorpio can transform for us in the alchemical process of turning base metal into gold.


Pluto, Scorpio’s ruler is in a very harmonious trine to the Taurus Sun at this Full Moon and Pluto rules underground, mining and golden abundance from within the earth, from within us. Dig deep everyone and we’ll find our own buried treasure.


Love and blessings to us all as we roll with the energies and trust the cosmic forces to help us hold our balance and footing no matter what comes our way in this period of unexpected surprises.  So we keep painting the pictures of ‘the best is yet to come’!




from the chair...learning nonchalance

Deep underground, cooking up a storm of goodness
It's all about love
Divine Reunion

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