...for the children of the earth

Friday 23 September 2022

23rd September 2022: Sun enters Libra, Mercury Rx into Virgo


Hi everyone!  Coming through the mists of time...there is a rainbow!


I am writing this message with a heavy heart being profoundly affected by Queen Elizabeth’s death and the resultant release of the deeply buried spiritual wounds from humanity.  Whether it be grief, pain, disappointment, suffering, anger and resentment, the emotional fall out from her death has been her final gift to us all. 


Long held wounds have been opened and it’s up to us all as individuals to work with the healing of our own particular pain.  What has shocked me and awakened me is the palpable power of the voice of so many journalists driven by the need for a ‘story’ and a very masculine oriented push to control the narrative regarding the British Monarchy, the Empire and colonisation of the world.


So many feeling the emergence of their own particular unresolved memories, neuroses and complexes regarding their personal history and connection to world history. I have been observing the emergence of a deep resentment in many against those who are in positions of power and privilege, wealth and ‘silver spoon’ legacies.  Especially evident in the opinion pieces by journalists. 


Spiritually it’s a level playing field:  We’re called to work with who we are 

It is my belief that we are born into the families which will best assist our evolution in consciousness and that every one of us has a unique mission to accomplish this lifetime.  That includes those financially wealthy and powerful.


We are individuals, not institutions, families, governments or monarchies:  We are responsible for our own deeds, words, emotions and thoughts. 

For those in powerful public positions the burden is great for them to exhibit a high standard of ethics, morality and service to humanity.  The acknowledgement of the Queen’s contribution to unifying people with love and respect was evident by the response to her death across the world.  She completed her mission and now it’s up to us to do likewise.  If our base is resentment, anger and desire to put down others then we need to think again as we are trapped in earth’s history of power and its acquisition. We are being held by the patriarchal energies of 3d hierarchy.  Spiritual evolution is beyond this limited view of the world.  


23rd September:  Sun enters Libra 11.04 AM AEST  

The Equinox...balance within, without!

Open hearts to the power of Libra!
Choose peace, harmony and balance!

The day when there is balance between dark/light, day/night as the Sun turns and change direction. Can we change our direction to align with the power of Venus, the planet of love, of the heart?  This is a perfect time.


Divine timing, divine order:  Ongoing clearing mentally and physically

We’ve been travelling through the Virgo solar month which brings a focus on physical healing old spiritual wounds held in the body.  The retrograde planets have greatly assisted as we worked with the nervous system, the mind and the digestive system helping us process so much happening within and without in the wider world. As Mercury ruler of Virgo is entering Virgo today, we may still be experiencing some of these challenges. Monitor what we ‘take in’ with


Libra rules peace, harmony, balance, equity and love through partnerships!

Libra can be a fierce advocate for peace as Libra will even wage war in the name of peace.  This is an ongoing theme for our world.  How do we find peace when there is injustice and inequity?


We all have a part to play in the peace process:  Start with the self! 

Only we know what we can do but every one of us needs to take time to hold the peace within us even when we feel rage, resentment or disappointment. As we keep coming back to peace and divine love within we grow this energy for all and that energy emanates out into the world.


23rd September: Mercury Rx enters Virgo 10.04 PM AEST

...sorting and sifting words and thoughts

Until 11th October enters Libra

2nd October:  Stations direct at 24 degrees Libra

Healing time for our mental body, mind and thoughts 

Mercury is still retrograde along with 5 other planets so not surprising we have been working so much with ‘old stuff’, unresolved, unhealed issues from the past.  Mercury has been in Libra which challenged us to clear up thoughts related to imbalances in our minds, hearts and in our relationships of all kinds.  No wonder so many felt old issues arising around their relationship with the Queen, the Monarchy and their history.  Of course the Queen is not the Monarchy but a servant of the Monarchy. Many have failed to recognise this.


Mercury retrograde in Virgo:  Clearing old false beliefs, ideas, memories from within our body

Mercury, ruler of our mental body,  rules communication and commerce.  Virgo rules our digestive system so we’re still working with taking in new information informed by the past and needing to digest it mentally, emotionally and physically.


Many voices within and without:  Maintain awareness on intake and keep focus on Libran love as the goal!

Virgo has an analytical gift for examination of ideas and information which can become destructive if it turns these critical faculties into damaging criticism of the self and of others. Maintain awareness of this happening especially in the current negative climate of the collective consciousness.


Examine motives for speaking and saying the words we choose:  What are we offering with our communication?

The tendency of opinions posted on social and mass media has been an opportunity to offload emotional baggage on the world without the gift of assisting people to process any emotions or thoughts which may arise from this. Not everyone can afford a therapist and if that is the case we need to be our own therapists. However, we can stop and consider our words before we speak.


Article from astrologer Oscar Cainer:

A Cosmic Boomerang
Is the return of Jupiter, planet of Kings a glorious portent for Charles's reign?
Plus, a detailed look at what the Cosmic Boomerang means for your star sign.A double rainbow over Buckingham Palace, another at Windsor Castle. A brilliant shaft of light illuminating Edinburgh's Royal Mile. A meteor coursing through the Scottish night sky.
The Queen's death and the journey of her coffin have been marked with celestial events that many interpret as having deeper meaning. Next week brings another heavenly occasion, as the slow-moving giants of the solar system align in an arc of light, creating a Cosmic Boomerang. This rare astrological event, starting on Wednesday, involves Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus in retrograde, where they appear to move backwards.
Not only does it resemble the aboriginal hunting weapon, but the planets exert a boomeranglike effect, bringing up situations that seem all too recognisable from our recent past. We're experiencing a moment of pause as the boomerang prepares to start its return journey. With the death of Elizabeth II, there is a sense that we must come together to support institutional changes that will benefit everyone.

Read full article and horoscopes here: https://www.cainer.com/features/cosmicboomerang.html 



Golden Oldies:

Kirtana ~ Purnamadah, Purnamidam with lyrics in English



"Ramana's Song" by Kirtana ~ (....turn toward the Self... ")https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNGTHgixo7o&list=RDMM&index=8 


Cat Stevens - Peace Train (Peace Train lyrics on screen)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkTQri3a4Gg



Upcoming Dates:

26th September:  New Moon in Libra 2 degrees 49 Libra  at 7.54 am AEST

29th September:  Venus enters Libra 3.49 AM AEST


2nd October:  Daylight savings begins AEDT

2nd October:  Mercury stations direct 24 degrees 12 Virgo 8:07 pm AEDT



That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!


Love and blessings to us all as we focus on the rainbows, hope and optimism
while putting aside resentment and anger, disappointment and disillusionment. Queen Elizabeth maintained that focus in all her public life and her general disposition.  She was a public figure and we know her well by her actions and behaviours to all that she met. 


We need to reaffirm our focus on the positive and let go of the negative ‘what’s wrong with this world’ perception.  It’s time to clear the old animosities from our psyche and trust divine timing and divine order that all will happen for the better when enough people lift their consciousness.  If we keep giving our power away to the hidden forces which control money and economic influence then we are denying our spiritual power as divine beings building love, equity and justice within our being.


Power to the people!  Change the narrative, change the world!

As we change the agenda of the dominant narrative, we change ourselves and we change the world.  We take over the focus of the narrative of disempowerment.  We all have a role to play and it is unique to our particular history, gifts, talents and inheritance.  Let’s all hold the power of love!



from the chair...opening to divine love


It's all about love
Divine Reunion

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