...for the children of the earth

Wednesday, 9 November 2022

8th November 2022: Full Moon in Taurus Total Lunar Eclipse

Hi everyone! 
We’re travelling in the transformational energies of the Scorpio Sun which challenges us to transmute the old and bring in the new.  It’s do or die, do and die time which demands all or nothing from each of us in our commitment and dedication to transform our lives for the better.
In the Scorpio graveyard of life, death, rebirth:  Transform, evolve and grow!
Maybe ‘the better’ seems a long way off at this time as the world seems to keep falling apart with the support systems and structures of humanity and the very earth herself.  We are being forced to let go of ‘the past’ in more ways than we can even imagine. 
We are all ‘bodyworkers’:  Evolution of our physical world comes from within each of us
Mars, ruler of our body and the masculine, is in a deep and profound journey to the past as he is now retrograde in Gemini until March in 2023. He’s negotiating the dual carriageway of the mind, a mental minefield of the past and our personal and planetary history.  We’re evolving our masculine consciousness as we revisit the memory banks held within our mental/Gemini and physical bodies.
The power of pain as our guide to resurrection of our divine cosmic power!
Pain is a cry for attention and for focussing our healing power in transforming and transmuting the pain with the power of love dissolving resistance from the memory banks. If we are truly committed to our process, we will explore every possibility and choice from within our magic bag of healing tricks.  As we reclaim our divine powers the sky’s the limit!
Full Moons impact on us within 2 or 3 days either side of the moon's fullness
We've been in the throes of the planetary energies enlivening the upcoming Full Moon in Taurus Total Lunar Eclipse tonight AEDT.
Full Moons impact on us within 2 or 3 days either side of the moon's fullness so many of us are feeling the discomfort of what needs attention.  Yes, it's very physically focussed but the base line, the curing power is love, self worth, personal values and our acceptance of divine abundance on all levels as our divine entitlement. If it's hurting, more love and faith in the power of love. 
A personal note:  Healing power and process
I've been out of posting my info for a few weeks since the New Moon in Libra which catapulted us onto the super galactic highway.I'm hunkered down doing major body work, consciousness raising in my physical vessel, negotiating myriad timelines from myriad realities and choosing each step of the way to keep 'going for the gold', the illumination of every aspect of my being with light, divine love and divine truth. 
I'm working with the transformation of the dense matter of the physical, addressing the emotional, mental and spiritual energies which are arising from other times and places of lesser consciousness.  Pain has been the guide for my progress and the power of love has been my power source for continuing on this life path.  Being a bit of a ‘mad’ scientist at heart helps me on my way. Life’s an experiment.
I invite all of you to think of physical 'illness' or disease as 'healing', the opportunity for healing through upgrading the constitution.  The chance for regeneration and renewal, fast tracking 'undercover work' is on tap for those of us who choose to keep lifting our game and our divine game plan. 



8th November 2022:  Full Moon in Taurus at 16 degrees 01 Taurus at 10.02 pm AEDT 
Total Lunar Eclipse

Mother Earth and Grandmother Moon hold us in their arms
as the power of love floods humanity and the planet in the transformative energies of the Scorpio Sun keeping close company with Mercury, mind power and Venus, heart power.  Minds and hearts are being awakened by awakening agent Uranus to accept the major evolutionary process as they align with the planetary karmic lunar nodes at 13 degrees Taurus/Scorpio.
An evolutionary wake-up call!
The Taurus Moon sitting on the same degrees as awakening agent Uranus, next to the North Node of the Moon we are guaranteed an opening of our higher mind/Uranus to the vision of the power of love in our material, physical beings and world.  Abundance is on offer.  What’s the deal? The Nodal influence offers huge release of karmic burdens, contacts!
Releasing the pain from the mental and emotional memory banks:
The Scorpio Sun, Mercury and Venus say give up the past and reach for the rebirth in our lives and the earth. The Scorpio Sun, Mercury and Venus say give up the past and reach for the rebirth in our lives and the earth.
Choose divine love, reunion and prosperity consciousness.

The Taurus world tree holds us with the power of Mother love. 
All we need to do is give over, give up old thinking, emotional patterns and the karmic burdens we carry from the past.  The Moon always takes us to the past to resolve unfinished business with the Taurus Moon/North Node offering the prospect of prosperity consciousness.   Can we accept that the earth is our mother and offers us all the power of divine love and support in our earthly physical existence? 
Adaptability is the key to our ongoing survival and spiritual growth and expansion.
We are in a huge evolutionary process in our physical world impacting our bodies, physical support systems and structures in our personal and planetary existence.  
The earth is changing and is carrying us on new pathways to living in harmony with the earth and the cosmos.  There is no stopping now. 

Time to rebalance our world:  The spirit carries us on and fuels us!
The dominance of our attention on the physical at the expense of the spiritual has become increasingly evident as the economic and social structures and systems of our world continue to fall short of meeting the demands of the evolutionary process. We’re all needing to access new life skills deriving from spirit within.
More and more people are realising the need for nourishing the spirit:  Light power!
The exhaustion of humanity dealing with physical challenges of all kinds has brought us to the growing realisation of many that the physical being needs spiritual fuel to not just keep going but to go above and beyond perceived limitations.  Divine will powers us to carry on.
The comfort zone of predictability becomes a treadmill of spiritual exhaustion.

Sabian Symbols: Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
The Full Moon:  TAURUS 17
This Symbol shows a battle between the forces of good and the forces of evil. Although we all have our own ideas of right and wrong, this Symbol shows a desire to go head-to-head in an attempt to bring light and love to situations that seem dark or foreboding. Often, there is a struggle between one’s practical needs and the underlying reasons for having those needs. You may find yourself sometimes caught up in what you are trying to achieve and have lost sight of why. There’s often corruption around, but the endeavor to bring ‘enlightenment’ to people often meets with severe resistance. Witness the stranglehold the media has on information.
‘Might’ versus ‘light’. Arguments over ideals. The Spear of Destiny. Arguments. The Inquisition. The Crusades. The pen being mightier than the sword. The media. Wars.
Controlling with rational force rather than inner enlightenment. The interests of big business vs. those of the individual. Propaganda. Struggles that overtake.
Sabian Symbols: Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
The Sun:  SCORPIO 17
This shows the ability, or the need, to be totally self-sufficient and responsible for one’s life. Often, there’s the issue of single parenthood, or the sense of having to raise yourself without too much input from others, or, coming from a broken family where someone had to take on the role of both mother and father. It can show someone that doesn’t require assistance for even the most complicated tasks, or you feel you can’t ask; perhaps there’s no one to ask or you feel that others couldn’t do anything as well as you. We are all blessed with individual qualities and it is the combination with other individuals that creates greater balance and depth.
The Immaculate Conception. Doing everything. Realistic or unrealistic independence. Single parenthood. Adoption. Facing the world feeling whole. Single living. Spiritual experiences.
Uncompromising feminism or chauvinism. Feeling responsible for everything. Having no support. Grown up before one’s time. Abandonment. Custody battles.
Sabian Symbols: Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Total Lunar Eclipse

The second total lunar eclipse of 2022 is visible from Asia, Australia, North America, parts of northern and eastern Europe, and most of South America.The Earth's umbra will completely cloak the Moon's surface, turning it red, for just about 85 minutes during 2022's last total lunar eclipse.
Regions seeing, at least, some parts of the eclipse:
North/East Europe, Asia, Australia, North America, Much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica.
7–8 November 2022 Total Lunar Eclipse (Blood Moon)



Golden Oldies:

'High Hopes’ Frank Sinatra with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7jH4nwnHqk


‘What a Wonderful World’ Louis Armstrong with lyrics’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBrd_3VMC3c


‘How could anyone ever tell you that you’re anything less than beautiful’   Shaina Noll https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqCSynvh4hU 



Upcoming Dates:

16th November Venus enters Sagittarius 5:08 pm AEDT

17th November Mercury enters Sagittarius 7:42 pm AEDT


22nd November Sun enters Sagittarius 7:20 pm AEDT

24th November:  New Moon in Sagittarius at 1 degree 38 Sagittarius at 9.57 am AEDT

24th November: Jupiter Stationary Direct 28 degrees 48 Pisces 



That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!


Scenery Flower Field And Moon wallpaper by LadyGaga | RevelWallpapers.netHere we all are growing on the earth like this beautiful flower field under the Full Moon. Through the quantum lens of existence we are as one with the organic body of the earth herself intermingling atoms and molecules with every aspect of the earth and all life upon it.
No wonder we all feel her joy and her pain.  Some of us more than others as every one of us is unique and experiences life on earth through our bodies in various ways.  What was once called ‘the sensitive’ we know now as ‘the medium’, the go-between who travels inter-dimensionally through time and space experiencing energetically times past and potential futures. Such experience requires insight and knowledge in assisting lost fragments of reality to return to the light of oneness. 
More and more people across the earth are awakening to the messages from higher consciousness.  I just have to see the mass of messages being sent around social media and through email which are saying what I’m saying.  

Many new people are feeling the urge to tell the world about the power of love.  A good sign.  I have wondered about my continuation of the updates and whether they are needed.  However, I will continue until such time as I am told to stop.
Meanwhile, we have quite a powerful period of change right up to March 2023 when the game plan changes.


Love and blessings to all as we continue on in dedication to and faith in the power of love and light.  May we have the strong, courage and commitment to continue this ‘road less travelled’.  I think it’s getting a little more ‘traffic’ going our way.  I hope and trust that this is so.




from the chair...the canary in the Scorpio mine


It's all about love
Divine Reunion


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