...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 16 November 2022

16th November Venus enters Sagittarius 17th November Mercury enters Sagittarius


Hi everyone!


In the garden of death, rebirth and transformation travelling through the solar and lunar months of Scorpio and laid open to the vagaries of the eclipse vortex throwing up all manner of surprise elements assisting us in the change process. 


Nothing predictable at this time!

We’re called to stay open to the unique possibilities, opportunities and allow any sudden shocks to the system to release locked in energies within our being.  It’s a rock and roll time as in any eclipse period, particularly so in Scorpio energies.


Resistance to change brings extreme experiences to push us on!

Letting go of the old patterns of thinking, feeling, living and being is never easy with any resistance to change pushed to the limits and extreme experiences to awaken us to the power of our own cosmic being as a creative force in the world.


Mercury and Venus hand in hand in Scorpio:  Completion of their Scorpio journey!

Our minds and hearts, Mercury and Venus, are in the final degrees of Scorpio pushing us to transform old thinking and old damaging memories held within our hearts and mental bodies.


Reminder that the day or so before these planets move as they sit on the final degree of Scorpio, the energies intensify with a push to complete unfinished business before they move into Sagittarius. 


10th to 15th November:  To the Moon and beyond and back!  To add to the timelessness of the past week...Moon has been out of bounds
The Moon was out of bounds in the past week which can bring up some wobbly emotional energy from our 'history'/memory banks, especially at this time in the Scorpio graveyard of death, rebirth and transformation. 
The intensity of Scorpio is full on at present as we continue in the solar and lunar months of Scorpio, in the unpredictable and chaotic change challenges of the eclipse vortex and with Mercury, our mind manager and Venus, ruler of our heart travelling hand in hand
Liberation is on tap as we negotiate the timelines of past, present and future while the Moon is in the driver's seat.  Moon returned from out of bounds on 15th November late morning AEDT at 7 degrees Leo. 
This train is bound for glory!  Believe and it is so.


16th November: Venus enters Sagittarius 5.08 pm AEDT

...free the heart and expand the love!

Until 10th December 

‘We’ve got to get out of this place...if it’s the last thing we ever do’

Our hearts are released from the Scorpio cave where we’ve been uncovering our divine essence of love and deep desire which has been buried by life’s challenging experiences as a human being. We’ve been digging deep into the psyche and the soul of our being recovering lost fragments split off in traumatic times which wounded our heart.


What now we may ask?  What’s next? Time to stretch and grow!

Sagittarius is the crusader for freedom and justice, the bold adventurer who with ruler Jupiter demands we go beyond the ‘safety’ zone of comfort.  It’s time to explore the potentials and parameters of expanding the heart power beyond it’s previous modus operandi.


Explore, expand, discover and adventure into new realms: It’s time!

You want excitement, the joy of discovery of new aspects within and new hopes and desires previously buried under the weight of conformity and tradition, under the weight of spiritual burdens from the past?


Our fiery optimism awakens and returns!  Really?

Well this is the invitation if we make the most of the next few weeks of Venus in upbeat Sagittarius before it moves into serious earthy Capricorn on 10th December.  This is ‘make hay while the sun shines’ energy to rebuild our fiery spirit and restore enthusiasm.  Yes!  We can do this for ourselves and for those pinned down by earthly challenges.


17th November: Mercury enters Sagittarius 7.42 pm AEDT...free the mind and fly!

Until 7th December

Out of the Scorpio cocoon into the light of day!

Our minds and mental processes are released from the Scorpio cocoon of transformation having undergone a most intense unravelling of our mental energies and the minefields of the memory banks which have held us back from liberation into divine love.


Time to enlighten our minds, thinking and feel the freedom of the mind!

Our commitment to uncover and root out the naysaying voices of the inner saboteurs is rewarded as we are released from our inner cave work.

We need to stay focussed on this new freedom so we don’t slip back into old thought patterns of negative thinking and traumatic threads from the past.


Building our spiritual vision and fire as foundation for Mercury in Capricorn retrograde:

Mercury will be turning retrograde at the end of December at 24 degrees Capricorn which will be taking us over some old steps until 18th January so we need to make the most of Mercury in Sagittarius until 7th December to set the new ‘dream’ agenda of hopes and to reinforce our mental energies and focus to take us through Mercury in serious Capricorn when the earthy concerns and interests are to the fore. Building our spirit and spiritual resolve will offer a foundation to take us through December, January 2023.


Golden Oldies:

Morning Prayer, I will surrender ~ Karen Drucker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zjamx4MtAYw


Already Home, Already Free ~ Kirtana https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOw89VRAnJU



Upcoming Dates:

22nd November: Sun enters Sagittarius 7:20 pm AEDT

24th November:  New Moon in Sagittarius at 1 degree 38 Sagittarius at 9.57 am AEDT

24th November: Jupiter Stationary Direct at 28 degrees 48 Pisces  



That’s all folks!  Hugs all around! Freeing the butterflies within!


My update on Venus and Mercury moving into Sagittarius may seem on the optimistic side considering world affairs and the crumbling of the old systems and the earth along with so many people’s lives being challenged to stay on an even keel and hopeful that ‘this too shall pass’. 


However, the mind and heart energy in Sagittarius promises an uplift of hope and optimism after our journey into the cave of our psyche and heart.  Our willingness to seek solutions to human problems with a divine perspective is our guarantee that positive change will keep coming through. Our focus is our compass for success providing we align with the higher consciousness of evolution.


We’re still travelling the eclipse tunnel of sudden and dramatic change until we come initially to the New Moon in Sagittarius next week which releases us from the lunar month of Scorpio and its ‘brief’ to change and grow, to live fully and die to the old ways, the old selves. This upcoming New Moon is at 1 degree Sagittarius right at the very beginning of Sagittarius, an auspicious message offering a New Moon beginning doubly so.


Love and blessings to us all as we continue to release the transformed butterflies from the karmic briefcase of our lives, past present and future, of the ancestors, humanity and the earth herself. Time to accept prosperity for one, for all as our divine gift. 




from the chair...anticipating renewal


It's all about love
Divine Reunion 

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