...for the children of the earth

Monday 20 February 2023

19th February 2023: Sun enters Pisces, 20th New Moon Pisces, Venus enters Aries


Hi everyone!


Here we are migrating birds in the final rays of the Aquarius Sun heading into new lands and consciousness from the star environments of Aquarius and the call to the higher mental energies into the vast emotional waters of the Pisces consciousness and the last month of the astrological year.

I don’t know about all of you but it has been an immensely challenging couple of months for this Gemini ruled human writing this.  Mars in Gemini is impacting all of us physically and mentally in the transformation process.  However, the planetary forces have all been incredibly demanding on us bringing us to our knees to give over the small mind thinking, to surrender old cell memories from the physical body into divine transformation. 

We’re completing the Aquarian solar and lunar months this week with the Sun already in Pisces as I write this and the New Moon arriving on 20th February.  We’re entering the last astrological month of the year, a completion time where we dive into the ancient waters of the Pisces human experience of emotions buried deep within the collective unconscious. 

Bringing in the dreams:

We're entering into dreamtime which offers spiritual mastery as we rise above the mass emotional overwhelm and victim consciousness embedded in the memory banks.



11th February:  Mercury entered Aquarius 10.22 pm AEDT

...cosmic minds awaken!

 Until 3rd March

Memories and messages from our cosmic ancestry
Mercury, ruler of our mental body, has been flying amongst the stars in the cosmic environment of Aquarius bringing into our psyche memories and messages from our cosmic ancestry.  We are being supported to bring our mental duality into a harmonising whole through the bigger picture, the experience of more evolved transformational energies.


Helping us in the Aquarian capacities to detach emotionally

This has been assisting us with the emotional energies of the memory banks being stirred up by Mars in Gemini and helping us in the Aquarian capacities to detach emotionally. This does not mean we stop feeling emotional.  Rather, it gives the capacities to step back from the emotional whirlpool being stirred up by the collective energies re-experiencing old memories of emotional overwhelm.


‘The Little Prince’:  The bigger picture mentally helps us evolve emotionally

This higher perspective mentally gives us the experience akin to ‘The Little Prince’ on his planet where he is immersed in divine love with his planet and his single flower. The cosmic picture sees our place in the evolutionary process, our role here and now and receives clear messages from our cosmic families, divine selves. 


Art:  https://www.ishalernertarotcards.com/deck/inner-child-cards


18th February: In the throes of transformation...our sea going vessels await in the dawn light for our Pisces journey to begin
Old ship, Ship, Barrels, Clouds, Sailing, Lantern, Sun, Island, Bay, Dock /  and Mobile Backgrounds HD wallpaper | Pxfuel

After a demanding day or two...why? why? and why?
1.  We're in the dark of the moon clearing old energies before the arrival of the New Moon on 20th AEDT/pm in Pisces.
2.  The Moon has been in the quantum field of no time, no space, new cosmic territory, multiple time lines and choices since 14th and for the last two to three days in the Capricorn energies/status quo/patriarchy/rules/laws/walls and structures.
3.  The intensity this time added to by Pluto sitting on 29 degrees Capricorn since 13th February and will remain until 23rd March.29 degrees adds intensity as the planet seeks to complete and wind up unfinished business, a bit like a horse heading for the stables...increasing speed and intensity!
4. Today you may have felt the 'death throes' of Pluto as the out of bounds, out of control moon met with Pluto in Capricorn before she moved into Aquarius Phew!
Below is Elias Lonsdale symbol for 29 degrees Capricorn/rounded up to 30. More info on these symbols at link below

Inside Planets, Ellias Lonsdale http://aquaorfire.net/astrology/inside_degrees/inside_degrees.html#contents

How to Grow Morning Glories - Experiential GardenerBlue morning glories growing up a tall trellis.
Heightened ability to bring the greater self into action. The towering presence of the one who knows informing each moment. A huge and formidable destiny-dedication to bring all of yourself through into this world. A steadfast, adamant quality of soul. The prenatal resolve to work out all remaining karmas and be free. Intensive focus upon soul evolution. Purpose, will. You have something to grow into throughout your life. Ancient ways, unfallen heights, seeing through. Staggered by what you have taken on. Ripening on the vine. Under massive pressure from within. The path and journey of ascension, with the body honored and the world renewed. Awakening and tapping the source for endeavors, projects, and tasks requires top-level clearance and the truest endowment of inward faculties to see them through and light up the world.

19th February:  Sun enters Pisces 9.34 am AEDT

...dreaming in the future

Until 21st March

Dream on little dreamers:  Filling our souls with the spiritual sources of Pisces.
The enormous energies of the ocean of Pisces is calling us to connect to the inner emotional wellsprings which support our visions, dreams, imagination and artistic expression and communication channels. Any fluid forms of artistic expression will benefit from Pisces influence as it offers inspiration. 


Music, dance, poetry, lyric writing, painting bring forth the subliminal messages from our spirits into the world where they ‘speak’ to the hearts, minds and spirits of others.  It’s the language of ‘’spirit’.


Time stands still:  Time out from the masses and renew, regenerate, release and strengthen!

We’re beyond the everyday world of the rational mind, can travel anywhere as long as we allow ourselves ‘dreamtime’.  It’s our escape hatch from the world of a troubled and challenged humanity and earth as the the structures and systems within us personally, socially, geologically and globally continue to break up with dysfunction.

It’s all in the letting go:  Dreaming in the future, letting go of the past

From now for the next 4 weeks we’re releasing the past 12 months and all those unevolved energies from the Pisces memory banks of ancient times, the victim consciousness, oppression, repression, depression, old illnesses and diseases, slave karmic imprints as well as delusions, illusions which are not based on cosmic vision.


20th February: New Moon in Pisces at 1 degree 22 Pisces at 6.05 pm AEDT

...birthing time 

Bringing in the new, clearing the decks of the old:

It’s time to birth the final month of the lunar year, bringing in new dreams as we clear the decks of our emotional bodies of past limitations we carry in our physical beings. 

The ancient Pisces ship carries humanity through the annals of history as we wind up so much of our outstanding unfinished spiritual business.


Planetary turning points from this new moon:  Venus, Saturn completing journeys

The New Moon sets the agenda for the month with Venus on the final degree of Pisces clearing old collective issues of the heart and emotions of humanity held within us all. She moves into Aries within hours of the birth of the New Moon fired by the divine holy spirit. 


Saturn is sitting close to the New Moon at 28 degrees Aquarius:   Big karmic energy

The New Moon offers us an insight into our Aquarian cosmic authority and a completion period before he moves into Pisces 8th March just after the Full Moon in Virgo on 7th March.  This is a societal shift impacting us all. 


Next two weeks preparation for Full Moon in Virgo...and on to the New Year, the Equinox, Sun in Aries...resurrection!

Make the most of claiming Aquarian birthright and star of destiny ,hopes and dreams in the next couple of weeks.  Full Moon in Virgo will highlight our ‘divine calling’ and if we have the divine faith in our cosmic citizenship we’ll be well prepared to be open to new perspectives and directions.


Big planetary changes this month:  

Going with the flow and releasing...balancing the Pisces fish

The two fish of Pisces swim in opposite directions reminding us that we are balancing the conscious and the unconscious and integrating the knowledge of when to be go within for the answers and solutions and when to move out into the world.

The emotional clearance of this next month will be huge with some big planetary changes which add to the Pisces experience as we head to the Equinox, doorway to a new dimensional shift.


Physical body makeover still on the go:

We are still very much working with the physical body consciousness and the mental body ruled by Gemini, as Mars/the body/the fire/the masculine continues his out of bounds journey in Gemini...the mental dual carriageway until 5th May.  He will be out of shadow retrograde and into new energy from 5th March.


Sabian symbol for the New Moon: 

This shows being able to sense when to move and when to stop, to be out in the world or “Hiding” away. There can be a heightened sense of awareness or alertness, and, possibly, an ability to hear or perceive subtle things in the environment. There may be aggression in the air with you probably one of the smaller players. You may feel threatened which can come from out of the blue. Not watching the news or avoiding negative stories can be one way of “Hiding”. To be cautious is wise, but hiding can lead to missed opportunities for nourishment. Be wary of being bullied or “holed-up”.
Tactics to ensure survival. Vigilance. The media spreading fear and loathing. Security systems. Limit or restrict movement. Creative solutions. Refuges. Hunters. Guns.
Bullied. Those ‘out there’ having more power than they deserve. Fear. Not wanting to socialize. Not speaking up for fear of being shot down. The NRL. Paranoia.
Sabian Symbols: Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com


20th February:  Venus enters Aries 6.55 pm AEDT

...igniting hearts with ‘I am’ divine fire!

Until 17th March

Our ‘get out of jail’ card for the heart!   The divine feminine is activated by the power of the holy spirit!
Aries is our ‘I am’ identity, the pure spirit of our deepest desires and passion and when Venus moves into Aries, our hearts are awakened big time to our ‘true’ desires beyond collective imprints of conditioning or memory banks in the body.


Lead on Venus!   Our guide for this month and our ‘scout’ taking us to the Equinox!

Guaranteed to offer a powerful energy for negotiating the waters of the Solar and Lunar Month of Pisces. This heart energy of fire can be called on to lead us through and overwhelming emotional energies of Pisces time.

Firing up the heart energy with deepest desires:  

Supporting reclamation of our cosmic identity and passion!

Venus will be supporting all the other work of the planets as we tread through this month helping us feel ‘alive’ with the fuel of fiery spirit as our bodies come through the recalibration, our minds come into greater harmony, balance and oneness and we close the door on the karmic cosmic commitments of Saturn in Aquarius. 


Golden Oldies:

Dark Night of the Soul by Loreena McKennitt (with lyrics)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzHeT-Go4Zg 

The Resurrection of Aslan - Chronicles of Narnia - Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ax4S_rJrDVI


"The Water is Wide" Orla Fallon LYRICS  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPycSDqEOvM 



Upcoming Dates:

3rd March:  Mercury enters Pisces 9:52 am AEDT

7th March:  Full Moon in Virgo    16 Vir 40' 11:40 pm AEDT

8th March:  Saturn enters Pisces 12:35 am AEDT

Until May 24, 2025

15th March:  Mars leaves the Retrograde Zone at 25° Gemini 37′



That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

We take to the Pisces ocean working with the dual energies of Pisces, balancing the inner and outer selves as we embrace ancient energies of the Akashic records held by the whales.  They’re not of Pisces as fish but they belong in the immensity of the ocean.


The Akashic records hold the history of the cosmos, earth, humanity and all dimensions and offer us a bigger perspective of our place in the scheme of life here and in ‘the past’ and ‘future’.


Our inbuilt sonar abilities guide us through the waters of the coming month as we open to our ancient embedded gifts and talents held within our beings, minds, bodies, hearts and spirits.  This is soul energy on a mission focussed on completion of our spiritual destiny. 


Love and blessings to us all as we travel together yet apart, unique to ourselves and yet united in our passion for evolution of all to the power of love and unity. 




from the chair...breathing in new life


It's all about love
Divine Reunion
A personal note:  Apologies about the late posting for this update and not replying to emails as I have been really pushed physically these past months to the point that I didn’t think I could get through all these doorways and challenges.  I haven’t got back on my feet fully since I was in hospital a couple of years ago.  This past month I nearly threw in the towel but something happened inside of me and I reclaimed by spiritual power, strength, courage and faith in my divinity to take me on ‘to the end of the road’, completion to my satisfaction.  I write this in the knowledge that many of you are also feeling the overwhelm and despair.  So here I am.  I am re-engaged and hopeful for the next month/s and year that we are making more progress than it may seem and the power of love and light will carry us on to fulfilment of our divine potential.  Love to you all xxx

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