...for the children of the earth

Monday 6 February 2023

6th February 2023: Full Moon in Leo


Hi everyone!


Some months ago at the end of October we entered another reality beyond the everyday.  We stepped through a doorway into realities which have been shifting our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual perspectives beyond our current capacities and consciousness.


It wasn’t the doorway to Narnia but it appeared to be just another day and yet once that first step was taken to open the door of change, we were taken into a world of ongoing planetary aspects which have challenged us more than ever before. Humanity is being pushed to the limit.


Of course it’s ongoing but was intensified with the particular planetary line up during this time. The outer slower moving planets are forcing changes to global perspectives and the big picture of societal and economic impacts. The personal planets, Mars, Mercury and Venus working on personal changes.


Major makeover of our physical and mental consciousness:  Mars and Mercury in full force!

The personal planets of Mars and Mercury have been playing a significant role in bringing in challenges to us as individuals with our physical bodies, body consciousness and mental patterns of resolution of issues, conflicts and problems.  The recalibration of our physical bodies to take in, hold and live in more ‘light’ and the power of love has brought many into health problems, from minor to major taking  many of our number to their time to cross the rainbow bridge, the completion of their journey.  Divine timing, divine order. Gratitude for their work.


Running the gauntlet:  

As we have been held in their death throes of old damaging spiritual consciousness, we have been exposed to world affairs which continue to perpetuate the energy of war, conflict, competition and power plays.  As we reach to move above and beyond these damaging patterns held within our minds, bodies and hearts, it has taken every ounce of our spiritual strength and courage to keep going in faith with our divine connection and original cosmic identity.  Our hearts and spirits have been called in to work overtime to keep us here and trusting the divine journey.


Maintaining heart energy and divine focus for  a little longer:  Full Moon bringing release, resurrection!

Mars and Mercury, masculine energies of body and mind have nearly completed their intense work together with Mercury moving out of shadow retrograde on 8th February while Mars leaves retrograde on 15th March.  He has a way to go before he returns from his cosmic journey ‘out of bounds’ of the quantum field on 5th May. 


27th January:  Venus enters Pisces 1.33 pm AEDT

...heart healing and uplift

Until 20th February

Venus arrived in Pisces on 27th to help us clear and uplift old emotional energy held within the collective unconscious of humanity.  It may have felt like ‘overwhelm’ as Mars in mentally focussed Gemini, off the planet and Mercury still lost in the past were forced to hand over to Venus. 

With our feet in the ocean of Pisces, our bodies and minds were forced to release old trapped energies locked into our memory banks and succumb to the emotions.  We’ve been learning to listen to our hearts to guide us through the mental and physical minefield.


Saturn in Aquarius with Uranus in Taurus has been hitting so much in our physical constitution which has been jarring our neuralgic system and adding to the highly charged nervous energy emanating from Mars and Mercury.


Venus is guiding us to safe shores healing with the power of love and compassion for ourselves and others.  Pisces is calling us to own our cosmic mastery in love and teaching us to rise above the less evolved energies of oppression, victimhood, blame, shame, guilt and in fear.


I was unable to send out in time for Venus as I’ve been in real physical challenge all over. Trusting in my divine connection, celestial energies and my commitment to come into open water and release.


6th February:  Full Moon in Leo at 16 degrees 41 Leo at 5.28 am AEDT Release and resurrection!

A dramatic Full Moon in Leo opposite Aquarian Sun and squaring electric Uranus in Taurus!
The electric charges of Uranus take us through a crisis point of change as we step up to take the lightning strike with the courageous energy of the Leo Moon.
Release of the dark energies within...resurrection on offer!
Just as Aslan, the magical lion in ‘Chronicles of Narnia’ sacrificed his life for another/Edward, so we have been ‘sacrificing’ old lives and memories of other time zones in these past months.  Aslan may have been taken down/killed by the dark forces, through his sacrifice for another he is resurrected by the unknown force of ‘goodness’...what we could see as karmic justice and balance. 
Enlighten the heart from within:  Strength and courage comes from the heart!
Leo ruled by the Sun is now activating our Moon power and inner energies of ‘the path of heart’. 
In medical Astrology Leo rules the heart and circulation so we need to take care of all aspects of the heart around this Full Moon time.  We’ll continue to work with these energies for next 2 weeks.
Breathing light and love: Oxygen flow
With the physical demands being made on the respiratory/Gemini/Mercury systems we need to maintain attention to the breath work, filling nervous, neuralgic systems/brain/vertebral column with light and love. 
Love, passion, creativity, children, romance:  Leo creative power with Aquarian innovation!
Activation and re-ignition of these energies with this Full Moon giving us some new ideas beyond present thinking taking us to the stars of Aquarian innovative potential.  With Uranus squaring the Sun and Moon we are offered an amazing growth opportunity to reclaim a new joy of life through new creative ideas and childlike fun and excitement.  Stay tuned.
Sabian Symbols:
LEO 17

This Symbol shows the spirit of giving without thought of reward and the gathering of people who endeavor to bring goodness and light to the community. You probably feel the need to be with those of like mind. Take the opportunity to share in their expressions of spiritual joy and shared faith. Unified voices need to be heard, whether they are taken seriously, or rewarded, or doing it for the sense of community their togetherness can bring. Singing and lifting one’s voice can entertain and boost people’s spirits. Take a chance with others by joining in social activities that bring light and fun to everyone concerned.
Making the most out of life. Feelings of togetherness. Having a cause. Celebrations of spirit. Busking and street singing. Gatherings. Church halls. Volunteers. Generosity.
Trivializing gatherings. Being afraid to lift your voice. Fear of mixing in with others. Standing in the background. Continually doing for others without being paid.
Sabian Symbols: Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com

This shows “Protecting” one’s people or boundaries, to be a “Watchdog Standing Guard”. This can be a tiring responsibility, but one that has you feeling you belong and contribute to the safety and wellbeing of your loved ones, or perhaps those you work for. If not handled well, you may feel unsafe at times, needing to be alert to signs of trouble. This can be a good thing, but it can lead to paranoid behavior where you can’t relax. Enlisting the support of trusted and loyal supporters may help, but you probably also need some self assurance. Watch out for false feelings of intrusion or betrayal.
Guardianship. Things that protect. Being alert to invasion or trouble. Learning to relax. Locks. Alarm and security systems. Dogs. Constantly checking up. Sudden responses.
Suspicion and paranoia that rid one of joy. Being unable to let down one’s guard. Feelings of being ripped off or exposed. Fear. Jealousy. Resenting intrusion.
Sabian Symbols: Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Mars and Mercury:  Upcoming changes
7th February  Mercury leaves the Retrograde Zone at 24° Capricorn 21′
15th March Mars leaves the Retrograde Zone at 25° Gemini 37′
5th May: Mars returns from Out of Bounds



Golden Oldies:

The Resurrection of Aslan


Morning Prayer, I will surrender ~ Karen Drucker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zjamx4MtAYw


Lion King- Can You Feel The Love Tonight w/lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XqIzVj6Jtk



Upcoming Dates:

11th February:  Mercury enters Aquarius 10.22 pm AEDT Until 3rd March

19th February:  Sun enters Pisces 9.34 am AEDT

20th February: New Moon in Pisces at 1 degree 22 Pisces at 6.05 pm AEDT

20th February:  Venus enters Aries 6.55 pm AEDT



That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

We might be in the arms of the Leo Full Moon being challenged to rise up to higher consciousness but we are still in the Chinese Year of the Rabbit and if we put them together we can see that our inner rabbit, symbol of fertility or fear

works well with the symbol of the Lion and Leo. Leo life lessons offer challenges to power and how we take our power.


The Leo Full Moon opens us up to the inner power of the divine feminine, the hidden power of the courageous and loving heart and to the cosmic authority which works ‘undercover’ often unacknowledged in the history of our world.  All the titles in the world do not carry the power of love.  It’s a choice. It takes courage to love and to use cosmic consciousness of divine love in our lives. 


Love and blessings to us all as we choose to open to divine love and divine power of cosmic courage and our own divine powers of creativity lying dormant within us. 


from the chair...building divine faith



It's all about love
Divine Reunion


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