...for the children of the earth

Monday 4 June 2012

Hi everyone! Let’s keep the magic happening!!
This little figure is keeping me on my toes spiritually...looking forward to ‘puttin’ on the ritz’ physically!!!!
What’s been happening?...in the wormhole of time travel...since the solar eclipse!
The solar eclipse of the 20th May catapulted us into new territory...unexpected and dramatic stillness! Did you feel as though you’d come to the end of the road, hit a wall????
Even people who are not aware of the ‘big picture’ spiritual energies are experiencing a change of heart, an emptiness, a flatness which feels a little like a death...a death of the ‘old’ lives.
We’re in the process of change, being challenged to be open to the downloading of new energies, new possibilities, new directions, preparing for the upcoming changes which are likely to be sudden, dramatic, healing and potentially ‘miraculous’!
With the dissolution of the old ways, the fears and anxieties, our being feels emptied out. There is surrender, nothing more for us to do but allow the energies of love, acceptance, compassion and forgiveness to flow through us...’thy will be done’. Our higher selves are steering us through the void into new dimensions and new ways of living. Are we willing to give over the steering wheel to that divinely guided part of ourselves?
Just to remind us all about our higher selves, this song is one that works for me...’Baby, you can sleep while I drive’, by Melissa Etheridge. I always imagine it’s my higher self singing to me...really helps to let go!!!!
’Baby, you can sleep while I drive’: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVBYYJ73MsM shows lyrics.

We’ve been scrambled, like eggs, stuck between two slices of bread, the solar and lunar eclipse!
The attachment is excellent, not too long and worth a read. I’ve highlighted significant pieces so you can do a quick scan. However, felt it necessary to put a few relevant quotes here.
See below.

From the attached ‘Beyond the Solar Eclipse’:
Let us begin with your personal new earth – for the recent solar eclipse shifted your world dramatically. Many of you want to know the fine points of this shift: Will there be more earthquakes? Will governments topple? Will friends disappear? Such questions are premature. You are shell-shocked, so allow yourself to rest a bit.
Even though you have successfully maneuvered past energy waves, this last wave, this solar eclipse, was beyond anything you have experienced. Your physical being was scrambled.

This last solar eclipse changed your cellular/DNA structure to the extent that those of you who are Lightworker advance team members are probably having difficulties focussing in your Old Age life.

Again, last weekend’s solar eclipse left you, the Lightworker advance team, shell-shocked. Wait to make major decisions until you have a clear reading from your inner-being – which might take a few days or a few weeks.
Allow yourself to move as you must. If you do not move according to your inner-being, you will note headaches, stomach discomfort, blurry visions and hundreds of other indicators that are directly related to attempting to live a false life after shifting your cellular and DNA structures.

Consciously Closing the May 20th – June 4th Eclipse Window
Since May 20th, you may have been experiencing overwhelming tiredness, headaches, hormonal problems, brain fog, dizziness, nausea, weak limbs, sweating, shivering, (or both at the same time), loss of appetite, confusion, loss of interest in what you are doing, inability to function or concentrate in your normal manner, old physical pain or weak areas temporarily re-activating, experiences of spontaneous memory recall of past events, or unexpected encounters/experiences with those from your past in dreams, memories, conversations etc. For some, an unexpected total life review may have been occurring.
What a spiritual setup! The cosmos is flowing us into a huge shift in our hearts and minds as we are reunited with ourselves, our divinity, our spirit, our destiny..it’s all happening!!!
1st June: Mercury met Venus in Gemini....heart and mind united! ‘Happy talking, talking, happy talk’ Stay tuned to your heart’s messages!
Mercury meeting Venus in a fateful meeting of mind and heart, has set us up for the Full Moon balancing act between Sun and Moon at the Full Moon on 4th June.
Mercury represents the mind and Venus the heart. Their meeting just before the Full Moon Lunar eclipse on 4th June is an auspicious opening of our hearts and minds being called into alignment and harmony with each other. Prepare to receive messages from the heart, from the heart of the world.
4th June: Full Moon in Sagittarius 9.11 pm AEST at 15 degrees Sagittarius...a partial lunar eclipse! Realisations bring understanding! Wisdom of the owl!
Full moons are about bringing something to culmination, something that’s been in the pipeline for the past two weeks since the eclipse. Expect some illumination from the subconscious, from the inner psyche, the emotional self in relation to some issue that’s been churning around since the New Moon. You mightn’t even be aware of what the issue is until the insight arrives. Just remain very open to the emotional tides washing in from ‘out there’ in the realm of big picture Sagittarian stuff (truth/wisdom/higher learning/belief systems/philosophy/religion/spirituality/mass media/publishing/foreign environments) and touching your inner core.
Sagittarius rules the ‘crusader’ energy. I have no doubt that many of us are going to start speaking out in the coming months as the Gemini/Sagittarius communication energies are activated by the eclipse energies which signify change to the status quo. Be ready to converse, explain, enlighten when called to do so. See below, the Sabian Symbol for the Sun.
Here’s a capsule summary of what’s happening at the Full Moon:
It’s a tug of war between Sun and Moon!
The Sun in Gemini opposes/challenges the Moon in Sagittarius, the masculine opposing the feminine. We are called to ‘marry’ the two energies into a common bond, allowing both of them the expression they are demanding. Balance and harmony is calling us to integrate the big picture worldly emotions with our everyday lives and the belief systems which drive us. Be assured that this Full Moon eclipse energy is asking us to drop off old, outdated dogmas which have been sabotaging our upliftment and progress.
Venus close to the Sun in Gemini calls us to reconnect to our heart and feel the love for who we truly are! Face up and ‘fess up’ to what you love and value
We are being called to reaffirm and support the emergence of our true selves aligned with our true desires and bringing forth what we really value. It’s all about the unification of our ‘twins’ within, the warring factions that hold us in conflict. The social, familial, ‘tribal’ conditioning so often pits us against our deepest desires.
Mars is in Virgo: the masculine warrior energy, challenging Sun, Moon and Venus – time to talk turkey....with LOVE, the bluebird of happiness!!!
As our warrior selves seek healing, acceptance from the mother/father energy they may challenge, irritate and bicker like the demanding child pushing us to dig deep into the bag of compassion, forgiveness and unconditional love. With Gemini/Sagittarius ruling the home fires at this time, expect words to be involved as our warriors reach for the wisdom, insights and understanding of our inner parents.
This eclipse brings a completion to the last two weeks of eclipse ‘wormhole’ energy. We’re winding up the release and physical recalibration which has been very much a characteristic of this two week release period. Keep letting go through the Full Moon period and prepare for a ‘date’ with your heart with the transit of Venus.

The Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon:
The Sabian symbol for the Sun at 15*Gemini is: Two Dutch children talking to each other, exchanging their knowledge. We need to be able to discuss our new-found perceptions and experiences with each other, in an open and child-like way. We can see our lives in a new way, understand life from different perspectives, and feel free to follow wherever our imaginations take us.
The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 15* Sagittarius is: The ground hog looking for its shadow on Ground Hog’s Day, February 2nd. February 2nd is one of the gateways of the Wheel of the Year, called Imbolc or Candlemas, when the ground hog or snake comes out of the ground to see if the Sun’s light is growing. It is a time to look to the future and anticipate future prospects. But as in the wonderful movie, Ground Hog’s Day, it will take a lot of work to release our old habits and ways of seeing the world and get on with the business of creating a good life. Coupled with the Sun’s symbol, this full Moon energizes new ways of knowing and perceiving.
6th June: Transit of Venus across the Sun...heart and soul joined in unison! The masculine energy of the Sun conjoined with the feminine Venus!
This, by all accounts, is a significant turning point in our evolution. If we’ve cleared the decks at the Full Moon, then we are well prepared to allow the tides of love to wash over and through us. Open yourself to the potential of finding fulfilment this lifetime, of fulfilling your hopes and dreams...even if you’re not clear in your mind. This is the call to let your heart lead you out of the forest of conflict and confusion.
Do you believe in love? Do you believe in the power of love? Do you believe in yourself as a divine being? Do you believe in the magic and power of love? It can move mountains of disbelief, doubt and fear. Let’s shift a few mountains in the coming months?
The picture is of the 2004 transit. The next one will be in 2117!
Where and when can you observe this phenomenon?
In Sydney Australia the transit occurs on Wednesday December 6 from 8.30 am, reaching maximum at 11.30 am, and then departing from around 2.30 pm.

In Adelaide and Darwin maximum will be at 11.01 am, and in Perth around 09.31 am.

In the USA Venus will be best seen around sunset on Tuesday June 5, and in the UK and most of Europe at sunrise on Wednesday June 6. In any case for safe viewing you will need a pair of solar glasses, or as I will be doing a solar filter atop a telescope.
Full details, times, places are listed at the following website:
5th June: Neptune turns retrograde in Pisces until 11th November...spiritual insight and enlightenment become available!
Retrograde periods are always about review and new insight into old problems. How auspicious that this retrograde period begins between the Full Moon eclipse and the Venus transit! Expect to receive answers and solutions to problems which have eluded you. In particular, your higher calling, destiny this lifetime.
It’s interesting that this retrograde period ends just a couple of days before next eclipse of the sun in November, which will be in Scorpio!!!!
Upcoming Dates:
8th June: Mercury moves into Cancer until 26th June
11th June: Jupiter moves into Gemini for 12 months...connecting globally!
With the Full Moon lunar eclipse on 4th June followed by the Transit of Venus over the Sun, we are in for a loaded week of release of the old and a welcome to love!
That’s it folks....at least for a few more days. Let’s all keep dancing!!!!
Love and blessings to all my fellow travellers...in the time machine!
from the chair
letting go...o...o....o...!!!!
It’s all about love

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