...for the children of the earth

Monday 18 June 2012

Hi everyone! We’re still very much with the butterfly energy of Gemini, at least in terms of the lunar month as unusually we have a second new moon in Gemini on 20th June.

How’s your heart since the transit of Venus? Hopefully opening up to the possibilities of the divine mind that has been coming in with the Gemini energies.

Uranus square Pluto: coming and going like the Cheshire cat! Radicals vs Conservatives!

The ongoing movement towards the exact Uranus square/challenge Pluto on the 24th June is making everyone a little twitchy with the radicals and conservatives getting ready for a standoff. 
However the testiness of this aspect has been somewhat mitigated by the Venus energy which continues to send out a healing glow of love, forgiveness and compassion.

This loving energy still has the potential to bring up the resistance to peaceful resolution. It’s a bit like lancing a boil and releasing all the congealed, suppressed emotions.

The political/financial situation in Greece is a typical expression of how these extremes have been operating. From the news today, it seems that the conservative order has won the election with a commitment to stay in the European union. However, with the Uranus square Pluto coming and going from now into 2015, we’re likely to see ongoing manifestations of this energy. After this meeting on the 24th, the next one is in September.

Posting more info on this before 24th.

The dark of the Moon...3 days before the New Moon comes in: Let it go, let it go, let it go!!!! We’re in this energy now! Free your inner butterfly!

We’re in the throes of the releasing process for the end of the past lunar month (since 20th May). This is the darkest time of the lunar month where we release the old and plant the seeds ready for sprouting in the new moon energy. The dark of the moon energy, often an internal, introverted energy has been intensified by being in the throes of the final days of the eclipse vortex.

Coming to the end of the eclipse tunnel: The recalibration and eclipse reconstitution is coming to a close! Out of the blender with the New Moon’s arrival

During the eclipse tunnel, our whole being has been pulled apart and reconstituted into a new form. We’ve been in the blender...wonder what kind of cake will we be???

The manifestation of these changes has yet to be discovered as we move into the New Moon energy this week. Such changes are likely to continue manifesting through the next few months until the eclipses in Gemini and Scorpio in November.

I wonder if I’m going to become a chocolate cake??? Heaven on earth...yes!!!

20th June: New Moon in Gemini 1.01 am AEST at 29 degrees Gemini...get ready for a beginning and an ending all at once! Unification is nigh!

The Moon aligns with the Sun in this final degree of Gemini...guaranteed to pack a punch as is so often when planets are in the last degree of a sign. It’s like a giant full stop...or better still a giant exclamation mark finishing off with a flourish.

It’s ironic that this is a New Moon, so a new energy coming in, but still the Gemini focus on communication for the next lunar month until the next New Moon in Cancer on 19th July. And of course, we’re still on the case of reunification with our inner ‘twin’. Yes, it’s masculine/feminine but also black/white, right/wrong...all opposites.

We’ve still got Venus and Jupiter in Gemini too, so we need to remember for the next month:

Gemini rules communication, words, social interaction.

Venus rules love, beauty, peace and harmony.

Jupiter rules expansion, global connections, optimism, mass media, publishing.

Put them together and we have the rainbow connection!

Let’s make the rainbow connection: The focus is on making connections, communicating with peace, love, harmony and beauty. The pot of gold is bringing together our own unique voices unified in the common cause of light and love to this planet. Finding the common threads between us is drawing the world together in a common cause...very much the theme for Jupiter energy.

It’s about reunification, the Gemini energy, reuniting the lovers within and who knows, the lovers ‘without’. The potential for connecting with soul mates, soul family and twin flames is very much with us in these next 6 months.

The Rainbow Connection with Kermit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRvhRhWWE44

‘Someday we'll find it
The Rainbow Connection
The lovers, the dreamers and me’

The words for this song say it all! The Tarot Card is ‘The Lovers’, the breaking of the chains of co-dependency/slavery and the reunification with our lost twin within. As within, so without...watch for the changes in your life!

The Sabian symbols for this New Moon are especially relevant for what I have written above.

Sabian symbol for the New Moon:

The Sabian symbol for the Sun and Moon at 29*Gemini is: The first mockingbird of Spring. This symbol shows us how to communicate harmoniously with others. Like the mockingjay in the movie, The Hunger Games, mockingbirds mimic what they hear. Their songs are the most beautiful and diverse in nature. This new Moon, find your own sacred song and sing out your talents for all to see and hear. And remember that we all contribute to each other’s understanding of life. Everyone has a truth to share. Make sure you’re listening so you can incorporate others’ vision into your own.

The new Moon in Gemini occurs on the 19th June in the United States and the 20th June in Australia. The Sabian Symbol is one of using, or finding, ones voice. What is it that you want to say? What announcements do you have to make? What revolutions do you have to reveal? What have you been wanting to speak or write about, but have been reticent (or afraid) to lift up your voice? It seems that now is the time to find that voice; to strike those chords and get the message out. The Symbol is Gemini 29: The First Mockingbird Of Spring Sings From The Tree Top. From my book, The Sabian Oracle: 360 Degrees Of Wisdom:

20th June: Mars moves out of retrograde shadow in Virgo...a downhill run for the final weeks of Mars in Virgo!!!
We’ve been working with Mars in Virgo for an unusually extended period since early November 2011! Mars retrograded from late January until mid April...4 months of delay in forward movement! Now we’re crossing over old territory when we find ourselves on the 20th, back to where we were in January!!! We’ve only got 13 days of Mars in Virgo after all these months healing the masculine energies, recalibrating the physical body.
The two weeks after the 20th, we’ll really find how far we’ve come...anything could happen! With the timing of Mars coming out of shadow, it lines up beautifully with the New Moon and the solstice the next day. It’s a power packed combination!

21st June: Sun moves into Cancer 9.09 am AEST – Winter solstice/Summer solstice...a turning point for the better
The solstice is a significant turning point for our year, traditionally regarded as a magical time when the veil between the worlds is parted, a time when we can access other realities and gain insights and understanding beyond that which is usually available to us. It’s a good day to switch off, meditate, contemplate, dream.
The Sun in Cancer marks the beginning of a new solar month and a new focus in our outer world...a focus on home, family, ancestors. Cancerian energy also brings in all the emotions associated with the past, memory, childhood. It’s ruled by the Moon, so the focus can also be on the mother, mothering energy. It is the sign of the Divine Mother offering us emotional security, comfort and nurturing. Call on this energy in the coming month to support and nourish you. Find the mother within, whether male or female.
Working with the lunar Gemini energy calls us to communicate, connect in nurturing loving ways whether with birth family or soul family.
Dates to shift us forward:
Step by step, little by little we’re starting to wind up our machines to really shift gears!
Already happened on 12th June – Jupiter moved into Gemini
20th June – Mars moves out of retrograde shadow
25th June - Saturn moves direct in Libra
28th June – Venus moves direct in Gemini
3rd July – Mars moves into Libra
However, another delay in July:
15th July – Mercury retrogrades for 3 weeks until 8th August
Upcoming Dates:
24th June: Uranus and Pluto square off to each other on same degree!
25th June: Saturn direct in Libra
27th June: Mercury moves into Leo until 1st September
28th June: Venus moves direct in Gemini
Love and blessings to all my fellow travellers, out of the wormhole into the rainbow!
from the chair
ready for Winter in the nurturing Cancer energy!
My laptop is primed and ready for the rainbow connection!
It’s all about love

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