...for the children of the earth

Sunday 24 June 2012

Hi everyone!
We’re on the rainbow road to unification and harmony!!! We’re on a new stretch of roadway, the scenery’s changed even if you don’t know it!
We’re through the second New Moon in Gemini, the mid year solstice and now the Sun’s in Cancer. Cancer rules home, family and is aligned to the divine mother.
Like Dorothy we’re headed home to our own personal Kansas!
Hoping you all felt a positive shift in energies as we moved out of the eclipse vortex of the past four weeks. It feels like fear shifting from us, from the world.
What’s going to come out of this change period is yet to manifest in mind, heart and our physical existence.
24th June 7.00 PM AEST: Uranus and Pluto square off to each other...the fiery individual challenges the power base of the status quo, ‘the establishment’.
This energy has been building and intensifying over the past couple of weeks. You may have felt it at the personal level with inner challenges and fighting with yourself, within personal relationships as well as experiencing the transpersonal, global challenges.
This energy is with us until about 10th July. However, it comes exact on 24th June when things will come to a head.
On the transpersonal/global level: We had this influence last year and it’s not going away as it comes and goes until 2015. Last year we saw it manifesting in the London riots. The ‘occupy’ movement is likely to raise its head again. This is a big picture energy where radical individualism rises up and challenges the conservatism of our world. Whatever happens is likely to happen unexpectedly and quickly.
Uranus, the wild eccentric punk....in Aries sign of the individualist, the warrior
Uranus rules the unexpected, lightning strike changes, leading edge innovative thinking.
Pluto, the Goth...Lord of the Underworld...in Capricorn, sign of the establishment, status quo, systems, governments, bureaucracies, old order
Pluto rules deeply embedded energies in the collective psyche as well as the earth.
Pluto rules big money, stockmarkets, big money players/billionaires.
Pluto rules deep transformation, death, rebirth.
Yes, political sparring is very likely...old order vs new order
Yes, economic systems and belief systems are being challenged
Yes, war, conflict and violence are in the picture here as the possible expression of this energy
Yes, earth activity is possible as Pluto rules all energies within the earth...mining, oil, submerged emotions
Yes, bureaucracies, governments, stockmarkets, big business and big money movers are challenging and being challenged
On the personal level...breaking down/breaking through: We’ve heard so much about shifting consciousness. These two slow moving planets challenging each other are the kind of dramatic energies that have the capacity to bring about huge changes and shifts in consciousness across the collective, waking people up and changing their thinking seemingly instantly. The transpersonal/global energies are impacting on and changing our lives and the way we live them.
On the personal level, it promises breakdowns and thus breakthroughs into new ways of operating! The Tower card in the Tarot says it all...the collapse of consciousness which is preventing growth and expansion. It doesn’t have to be disastrous. It can be just like falling in love!
How are you likely to change?
Is it safe to come out of that burrow???
When the boxing match is on you need to be aware of the fight or flight syndrome! Rabbits know all about facing danger – frozen in fear or running to safety!
Us humans tend to the reptilian mind behaviours of rabbit behaviour or fighting!
Well the current connection between Uranus and Pluto will likely challenge and shift our previous programmed behaviour with respect to challenge. Old patterns and behaviours have the potential to just fall away with dramatic suddenness.
If you’re stuck in fighting mode, it’s possible you might hang up the gloves!
If you tend to run away, you might find yourself standing your ground, taking your power! This is not fighting!
If you get frozen with fear, the fears may just melt away as the illusions are exposed and love is embraced!
Taking our power: So how do we manage ourselves in these challenging energies? Do we join the fight, take flight??
Or maybe we’ve learnt to stand our ground and defend without aggression.
The challenge is keeping an open heart to ourselves, others and the world whilst holding our spiritual essences, truth and power.
From Elsa Elsa astrologer: Uranus and Pluto in hard aspect will bring intense (Pluto) upheaval (Uranus) which is not always negative. Here's an example of what I mean:
Sudden, unexpected (Uranus) endings (Pluto). This could be as drastic as a death, but it may also bring the end to your personal poverty of whatever kind.
You may be liberated (Uranus) from oppressive pathology (Pluto in Capricorn), which leaves you unexpectedly and suddenly (Uranus) empowered (Pluto).
The commonality here is that this stuff is jarring, but sometimes that's what it takes. If you do suffer a loss this week, ask yourself how the loss (Pluto) has freed you (Uranus) because I bet you'll be able to identify something.
The next time we feel this challenge will be in September this year.

This is what we’ve been waiting for...some significant movement FORWARD!!!
You’re likely to notice a big shift from hereon, as after months of retrograding planets we now have the planets which drive us along and help us get our projects grounded, moving forward!!!

25th June: Saturn direct in Libra 22 degrees 6.00 pm AEST..we finally start to see the benefits of all our inner work and our new foundations!

It’s time to start building on the foundations of projects, possibilities which have been held in abeyance. It’s time for outer progress in the physical world. It’s time to step up and take your authority!!!

While Saturn’s been retrograde since early February, we’ve been in a holding pattern, developing, building. reworking ideas and potential. This isn’t just about the working world, it could apply to your identity, family, relationships, health. We’ve been back at the drawing board, refining and polishing whatever has been the focus. Saturn makes sure all the foundations are solid and reliable.

We need Saturn moving forward for manifesting in the physical realm. Saturn leads us to often challenging learning at a soul level which eventually takes us to taking our authority in the world and the expression of our essence, our authentic self. That’s Saturn’s brief.

What’s my strength?: The question is for us to recognise our field of expertise and mastery at this time. What have you been mastering during these past months? What has been your greatest challenge and greatest area of learning?

Take a bow: Saturn teaches us that by respecting ourselves we take our authority and find respect in the world. We honour our unique strengths and knowledge and share them with the wider world. If we assume arrogance, be sure Saturn will teach us the lesson of humility...the hallmark of mastery!!!

This mastery energy will really tie in with the Venus energy regarding passion (see below). Expertise and passion...how can we go wrong!

For up to a week before and after this date, Saturn’s energy is especially intense and strong. You might experience this as physical or mental heaviness or sluggishness. You might find you have to "get real" with some responsibilities, or make some difficult decisions. This can be a turning point in long-term projects and plans that you've been developing over the last 5 months or so. Or, you may start to deal differently with old limitations, either finding ways to move beyond them or finding ways to make peace with them. If you’re dealing with closure or endings in some area of your life, this could be a time when you can finally start to let go and move forward.

26th June: Mercury moves into Leo 12.20 pm AEST until 1st September...happy, happy day! Fun and games! Passion ignites the mind!

Leo rules fun, romance, creativity and children. It’s ruled by the Sun, which represents who we are in the outer world...our physical manifestation, how we present to others. Leo is fire energy, so prepared to have your mind and heart fired with creative possibilities.

What’s been happening: We’ve had Mercury in Cancer which has been giving a focus to communicating about emotions, getting in touch with emotions and with interactions with and focus on family, childhood, memories, mother energy. Sometimes, with Cancer energy, it can feel like you’re drowning in emotions and the past. So, it’s a welcome relief to get a reprieve when Mercury moves into Leo.

Leo is also about entertaiment, show business, the lighter side of love...romance! All that tapdancing we did through the eclipse period is going to pay off!

We’re ready to join the chorus line of life!!!

28th June: Venus moves direct in Gemini 7 degrees at 11.06 am AEST...refreshed and renewed out of the retrograde carwash!!! Passion returns!

We’ve been in the Venus retrograde carwash since 1st June, cleansing, purifying, polishing, releasing all the grime around our heart energy. We’ve been re-evaluating, reviewing, getting in touch with the truth o.f our heart and what we truly desire, as well as our unique and particular talents and abilities.

The grime comes off and the heart can ‘see’ clearly. Venus rules love, harmony, beauty, personal and physical resources including talents as well as values and...money!

Venus encapsulates the saying ‘do what you love and the money will follow’. Of course, we need to hold the energies of self-belief, faith in our ‘truth’ and fulfilment and rock like faith about our entitlement to an abundant life...our needs being fulfilled whether physically, emotionally or spiritually.

Have we reached a new clarity about who we are now and what we really can contribute to the world and to our own wellbeing? Have you been enlightened about the nature of your unique gifts and talents and what’s important for you to sustain love and wellbeing in your life?

Passion pays off: You can have all the ideas in the world but without the emotional energy to drive them, they fall by the wayside. The emotional energy comes from what excites us and that comes from the heart.

The heart doesn’t lie! You can drive yourself to stay on the treadmill of beliefs that hold you back from accessing ease and grace, the path of heart...or you can start tuning into the heart and building dreams that come from from your true self. It mightn’t happen overnight. It’s a process that requires holding the vision and moving step to step towards it as we clear aspects from our past conditioning and memory.

Golden oldie: ‘I can see clearly now, the rain has gone’ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1MjRp0ys5I

I can see clearly now, the rain is gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day.

I think I can make it now, the pain is gone
All of the bad feelings have disappeared
Here is the rainbow I’ve been prayin’ for
It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day.

Look all around, there’s nothin but blue skies
Look straight ahead, nothin but blue skies

Upcoming Dates:

4th July: Full Moon in Capricorn

4th July: Mars moves into Libra...hallelujah!!!

That’s it folks for the time being...life is looking up...things are on the move! When Mars moves out of Virgo on 4th July, we’ve got another shift forward!!!

’Somewhere there is sunshine, somewhere there is day,

Somewhere there is Morningtown, many miles away.’

As always, love and blessings to my fellow pilgrims on the rainbow railway track!

from the chair

...these are heartwarming times

It’s all about love!


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