...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Hi everyone!
Are you ready to ride the rainbow of abundance that has been building during these last few days of the Leo Sun?
The final days of this period may have been intense, testing us in our inner resolve to shine, to be ourselves, to believe in our entitlement to be supported by the universe, to believe in the abundance of the universe.
Have you been throwing off the doubts, fears, uncertainties?
reaffirming your readiness to receive?
allowing those personal entitlements to be delivered into your hands?
Are you allowing the universe to bring you what is yours?
The next month is calling us down the pathway of faith in ourselves and the universe.
23rd August:
Sun moves into Virgo at 3.07 am AEST
...time to ground our energies, to rest on the earth and allow the unfoldment!
What’s been happening: The Sun’s movement from Leo into Virgo marks the closing of the Lion’s stargate, the passage of the Sun through Leo. For the past month it’s all been about fire and passion energy and accessing our Leo selves, the inner child essence.
If you feel that it hasn’t quite as fun-filled as you would have liked, remember we’re still renewing and regenerating our physical bodies through the emotional/psychological/spiritual cleansing process.
Only last weekend we moved out of the Cancerian Lunar month into the Leo New Moon energy. The Cancerian lunar month kept us in the emotional melting pot of the past, of memories relived, of home and family from childhood as well as resolving emotional issues from your present situation.
The Virgo Sun focusses us on the physical, our body and environment, on healthy living for supporting our bodies through the process of change. Virgo is the sign of the healer and calls us to give service in whatever form is appropriate for us. At present, we are working on the recalibration of our bodies and Virgo will be assisting us in this process so that we can be more fully present in our bodies.
Healing and Service: So many of us have been doing this, consciously working on the healing processes for ourselves and for the earth. Many have been doing this without consciousness of their contribution. But they are doing it. Many are waking to the discontent with life and enacting ways of bringing themselves to contentment and fulfilment. The desire for a happy and fulfilled life on this earth is filling the hearts of people across the world...the world wide communication channels are open and expanding as we hear/read about each others situations. The compassion is rising and growing.
Messages of guidance/resolution of wounds: Virgo is ruled by Mercury (communication) and Chiron (the wounded healer) so both these energies offer resolution of long-held wounds, patterns of this and other lifetimes we have brought in to heal. Be open to the messages and insights. Answers are coming!
Practical assistance with a clear mind: The Virgo energy is here to assist us in bringing hopes and dreams into a workable, practical form...bringing dreams into reality. We’re looking at workable solutions for all manner of problems and dilemmas, both personally and globally. Virgo is methodical, patient, ready to pull chaotic thoughts together.
It’s a no nonsense, commonsense way of thinking which can release fears about poverty consciousness, health, security as it calls to take practical steps to redress problems in our lives.
Don’t worry, be happy: Virgo can become a worrier if allowed, so be aware of keeping this energy at bay, affirming that ‘all is well’, affirming your own capacity to take care of yourself, your situation and the practical everyday affairs of your life.
24th August:
Mars moves into Scorpio AT 1.24 am AEST until 7th October.
..ready for some powerful healing energies????
In the not too distant past, before Pluto was discovered, Mars was a ruler of Scorpio as well as Aries. So, in some ways, it’s back in home territory, driving us along the path to fulfilling our desires. Suddenly, we find our masculine energy is allowed to have it’s head.
For most of this year Mars has been restrained, holding us back in so many ways. Our masculine energies have been tempered like steel, our inner fighting instincts constrained, brought into a civilising relationship with our inner intuitive feminine energies.
The past few weeks, Mars has been in Libra, testing the way we have come into balanced relationship with our inner selves. The proof of all these months of ‘healing the warrior’, is now ready to be tested as Mars fires up in the transformational sign of Scorpio. It’s not just ‘do or die’...it’s ‘do AND die’!!!
Be ready to make your move: Mars is all fire, driving individualism and personal desire. It’s the masculine ego wanting action, and wanting it now! Trust your higher self to assist you to walk the higher path with your Mars ego energy...you’re safe.
Trust the new you: Mars will be meeting the higher energies of Neptune for the week from 24th. Neptune, is like a big brother, a mentor of evolved consciousness guiding your Mars self to take the right path/make the right decisions for your best interests.
Healing powers: Scorpio carries an incredible healing energy, an alchemy which carries the promise of seemingly miraculous recoveries from ill-health. Aligned as it will be with the Virgo Sun and the powers of the Supercluster Shapley, we are destined for some powerful assistance for clearing the body. Don’t be surprised at heat coming up in the body.
From around 27th August into first week of September:   
Jupiter in Gemini opposes/challenges ‘the Great Attractor’
(picture – The Great Attractor)
The Great Attractor is a galactic point at 14 degrees Sagittarius which is a mystery to both scientists and astrologers, a huge force exerting a gravitational pull on galaxies, drawing them into its force field. It is not a black hole.
Philip Sedgwick seems to be the most authoritative astrological ‘voice’ on this anomaly of the cosmos. Whilst there is some complexity within the attached article, it’s worth scanning down to read about some events in the world which he uses as explanation of the influence of the Great Attractor.
The bottom line for us: the door opens, the cosmos emits a burst of energy...we walk wide-eyed and open-hearted into a new space
So, how could the opposition of Jupiter to the Great Attractor impact on us from the end of August for about 8-10 days?
Jupiter is all about expansion, growth and generally positive energy when harnessed with respect. Jupiter can become overblown and cause a ‘blowout’ if allowed to expand without focus and awareness. 
Fuelled by the energy and power of the Great Attractor, this period of time sees a door of opportunity open up to us. Be open to what presents, remain optimistic, listen to your inner voice, the beat of your heart and step over the threshold.
From 24th August:
Shapley 8 Supercluster and Mars
...firing us up with the energy, drive and focus
...be open to receive and utilise this powerful boost.
He also talks of Shapley 8, a Supercluster behind the Great Attractor, which also exerts a huge gravitational pull and...
bottom line...is likely to be sourcing us with extra drive and determination when Mars moves into Scorpio on 24th.
Shapley 8 is at 2 degrees Scorpio.
On August 27, a day either side: Jupiter opposes the Great Attractor whilst Mars aligns with Shapley 8.
Bottom line: A powerhouse of potential energetically where we can draw on our manifesting abilities, self-belief and magical powers to propel us forward in a leap of faith. The impact will relate to your personal desires and ambitions as well as your connection to the intrinsic largesse of the universe.
New Page:  ‘More Than Mars in Scorpio ~ 15 August 2012’ comes from -  www.philipsedgwick.com
I have highlighted some significant points which may further illuminate my translation/interpretation of Philip’s work.
What is the ‘Great Attractor’? More information...
Scientifically: 1. A short simply written response from an astrophysicist... http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/ask_astro/answers/990924a2.html
Astrologically: from Phillip Sedgwick http://www.philipsedgwick.com/Galactic/GreatAttractor.htm
Upcoming Dates:
31st August: North Node of Moon moves into Scorpio
31st August: Full Moon in Pisces
2nd September: Mercury moves into Virgo until 16th September
8th September: Venus moves into Leo until 3rd October
That’s it for this week,
Love and blessings, as always,
from the chair, looking to the cosmos

It’s all about love

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