...for the children of the earth

Monday 6 August 2012

Hi everyone! I’m dancing on the spot...not exactly up to Zumba...yet!
Hoping you’re all feeling the release after the Aquarian Full Moon on 2nd. It felt like the heaviness of the previous couple of weeks was starting to lift off. Minor ailments, digestive upsets, headaches, breathing problems, and other blockages in the body have signalled the healing/recalibration going on. It comes in waves as we shift towards the end of 2012.
The planetary work continues and demands that we remain attentive to our energy flows, bringing in light whenever/wherever it’s needed...personally/globally. So many astral energies are seeking the light and yet many of them having difficulty embracing/entering the light. Sometimes we need to put our headlights on low beam.
We’re still dying!: If you’ve been feeling somewhat lacklustre at the moment, remind yourself that many of the old energies are dying/leaving. What once gave us a buzz, has lost its attraction. Of course, this has been happening for some time. However, I feel it’s extra strong at this time.
The Olympics: If you’re Australian, into sport and wondering what’s happening to Australia with these games??? It’s my feeling that we’re going through an identity shift as a nation. Pluto, ruling death/rebirth/transformation, is sitting right on Saturn (structure/restructure)which in turn is close to the Sun(identity in the world) in the Australian chart. It’s death and restructure around who we are as a nation. The whole process is ongoing, not just confined to the Olympics.
Pluto will sitting on the Australian Sun around 26th January 2013, Australia Day. It moves on then comes back again in July. Something’s dying and something new is being born into this energy. It’s a long term process. Australians are getting an intense ‘makeover’!
7th August: Venus moves into Cancer until 7th September at 11.43 pm AEST...healing heart and sense of belonging!
This is a warm, fuzzy energy which is with us for about 4 weeks. We want to feel loved, safe and at home with ourselves, our families, our memories and with our emotions!
During this period of time, Venus will be opening up positive connections with the higher heart, the artistic and intuitive faculties. This connection, from 7th for the next week, has the potential to put us in touch with soul families, spiritual ‘families’, members of our birth family who are spiritually connected to us. There will be a real urge to nurture/be nurtured by like-minded/hearted others.
Potential healing: Venus will also be connecting positively with Chiron (the wound we carry) in Pisces (the wounds of the collective). The wounds often need to be opened up in order for full healing to happen. It will be emotional in nature...all happening in water signs, governing emotion. Any tears that arise will be shed in the bittersweet energies of pain/joy. 
Reunions, reclamations and forgiveness: Reconnections with the past will likely play a role, whether in the physical, psychic(dream state/meditations) or by communication media. Mercury going direct will assist in this communication networking. It’s highly likely that reconnections will bring healing, resolution of old pains and heartaches.
You may find yourselves rediscovering ‘lost’ loves...not just old ‘flames’, but people, places of value, who have come back to reconnect. It’s all good and part of the current process of resolution and putting the past to rest. Embrace these opportunities to experience love, forgiveness and compassion for yourself as much as for others.
8th August: Mercury goes direct at 1 degree Leo at 3.40 pm AEST...this will be a relief! Mercury is movement and it’s forward!

If you’ve been going through irritations, glitches, breakdowns...in technology, communications, mechanical goods, cars, transport etc. then you’re not alone. I can’t remember a Mercury retrograde period touching so many people I know – particularly in relation to technology, cars, mechanical instruments. I can only feel that this a response to the ‘dying’ energies of the old order, the status quo. All we can do is embrace new technology, new systems, new identities, new opportunities as they present to us.
Remember that Mercury is still in slower mode for a week or two after the 8th, so remain patient. However air mail is definitely faster than land or sea!
Mercury rules communication of all kinds, travel and commerce so all these areas will get a boost. It’s all systems moving again.
With Mercury still in Leo, the focus is on creativity, children, inner child, romance and having some light hearted fun.
8th August: Lion’s stargate, Sirius rising, opening a portal of energy, a potential for evolving consciousness...
This ‘stargate’/portal opens every year on 8th August, the middle of Leo solar month. 
What’s different this year is the energy of 2012, a five year of change, change, change and a culminating turning point in human evolution. How much will change is up to us and our willingness to seek new ways of living and being and actually put them into practice on this earth.
However, the cosmic forces are working with us on so many levels as planets connect and interact. Yes, we’ve had these energies e.g Uranus square Pluto, happening over and over again, each time shifting us to new ways of thinking, feeling and acting. Each time these shifts happen there is the potential for elevation of consciousness, to become more loving, compassionate and forgiving and to act in accord with these energies.
What’s happening on 8.8.12?: There’s a download of energy from the Sirius connection, extra love and light to help us move forward. High vibration energy like this has the potential to clear old, unresolved energies in our whole being, body/mind/spirit.
How can these energies impact on us?: As you know, when big energies like this come into us, we can feel pain and/or joy. Light energy brings dense energies in the cell memory to the surface and we can experience this as pain – physical, emotional, psychological. Depends on what we’re working with as an individual. However, it also has the capacity to bring intense joy, love and release.
This energy has the potential to elevate and shift our consciousness as it offers deep karmic cleansing. Be open to receive these energies.
If pain arises...we all know...let it go, keep letting go, breathing out, breathing in light...whatever it takes eh??? Then feel the joy of release.
I’m not anticipating pain with this energy, but do know from experience that high energy opens up any wounds that are ready to heal and this can be painful.
In light of the Venus energy happening (see above), this is a possibility.
New page: ‘8:8 Solar Lion Stargate’
carries more information
(bold highlights are from me)
I include a few relevant quotes from the article:
The star Sirius rises every midsummer this rising is associated with new thought, new light, and new beginnings
On August 8, Solar power will move into material form. Birthing a level of light that even the blind will be able to see. Uniting the two hemispheres of the brain in a cosmic fusion. So powerful is this solar vibration we will have but one choice as it enters our energy field. The choice is to just allow it to pass through us like a solar wind, not holding on to any part of it.
The 8:8 STARGATE VIBRATION is symbolic of the human DNA kept separate purposefully.
Upcoming Dates:
18th August: New Moon in Leo
23rd August: Sun moves into Virgo
24th August: Mars moves into Scorpio
That’s it for now,
As always, love and blessings to my fellow travellers,
from the chair
...wishing on a star!
It’s all about love

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