...for the children of the earth

Saturday 18 August 2012

Hi everyone! How’s your inner child??? 
being rocked by Mother Moon?

The past week: We’ve been clearing the decks...old resistance has been dropping away!...finally!
A welcome New Moon arrives on 18th, after a week of shifts and turns, manifestations of karmic balance, the resolution of imbalances, personally and globally.
Trusting that your little inner child ‘rode’ the dark of the moon challenges which rolled in from Wednesday 15th.

The planetary shifts were powerful and insistent, challenging us to ‘take action’, verbally/physically and internally with those demanding voices of past experience and old belief systems. We were called to validate ourselves and heal our hearts, release karmic burdens.
Hopefully, our spiritual warriors have risen readying to the call to be fully in truth, readying to take authority of ourselves and bring that authority and mastery into the world. Hopefully,you’ve experienced a deep heart healing around sense of self, self-esteem and confidence.

The colour for the past week – the violet flame of freedom, which releases and transmutes the old stuck energies. The freedom flame is washing over this planet and releasing so much for us all.
With the clearance of these days leading up to the New Moon, I imagine that at the New Moon on 18th we can all join in singing ‘Feelin’ Good’...or something appropriate for your generation/musical preferences. Whatever gives you the sense that you are in new territory.

Golden Oldie for the New Moon: ‘Feelin’ Good’, Nina Simone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfJRX-8SXOs

18th August: New Moon in Leo 1.54 AM AEST 25 degrees 08 Leo...’it’s a new dawn, a new day’
It’s a New Moon week and the New Moon is in Leo which rules, among other things, children. How’s your little inner child travelling? Do you check in with him/her regularly? The purity of the child can inspire and guide us to new creative possibilities if we listen.
Leo also rules creativity, romance...lighthearted, stimulating FUN! Remember that word????
The Sun is the ruler of Leo, and represents our masculine self in the world. It’s energy is all about personal expression, creativity and our ‘divine’ child, the purest essence of inner child. Yes, the Sun is the outer expression of our ego, something we need to evolve if we are going to be ourselves in the world. Remember, let your soul, higher self take the lead and the ego can strut it’s stuff in the best possible way.

Creativity calls...can you hear the beating, the voice of your heart and are you ready to walk to the beat of your own drum????

Inner self aligns with outer expression: Now, with a new Moon in Leo we’re being called to bring forth the inner, possibly untapped, unexpressed creativity and find the platform for expressing it in the world. At the new Moon, the Sun and Moon are united at the same degree in Leo. Leo is about the lion energy, inner strength and courage and heartfelt expressions of love. 

Take heart, take courage: Remember the lion in ‘The Wizard of Oz’ wanted a heart for courage.
Trust yourself to shine: When we draw on the inner Leo energy, we shine from within rather than overpower and burn others with a bloated ego. We need our ego to take us forward and the energies at this New Moon are assisting us in getting the balance right, so we take authority without being overbearing.

Ongoing planetary activity from last week impacting on us at the New Moon:
Mars and Saturn in Libra in tune with the New Moon in Leo: grounding the fire in the belly, the passion in the heart!
........taking your authority! laying the building blocks for your new direction, your rediscovered self!
This is a great combination and support for us taking on some of those creative projects and ideas which have been frothing around in the back of the mind. These projects/ideas are ones which excite you, which are directly related to your heart’s desires. Leo rules heart energy so this new moon has the potential to bring your heart to life, to reinvigorate it, and along with Mars fire and Saturn commitment, give you the sense that this heart-filled dream has a real possibility of fulfilment on the physical level.

Venus, Uranus and Pluto continue their challenging T-square: clearing the heart and mind...receiving the insights!
This has been happening especially this past week, as the dross of the deep past is cleared from the heart and mind. Uranus is the new broom that sweeps away the out-dated ‘old order’, the parts of us that have gone past their ‘use-by’ date!
Uranus brings surprises, unexpected change, shocks (not necessarily nasty) which get us moving, get us to grow into new forms. It opens up our higher mind...guiding us to the high road!

Mercury in Leo is also in the picture working with Uranus in Aries: heartfelt communication being awakened to take action! Speak up honestly!
Time to speak up...from the heart! Be true to yourself! Overblown prideful energy drops away when we speak from the heart because people hear the truth of who we are.

Show your true colours, be who you are, feel the freedom: draw on your inner strength, courage and self-confidence as you prepare to stand up and be counted for who you are and what is important to you. Be all the colours of the rainbow...whole and a complete ‘package’ of YOU!
Another Golden Oldie: Eva Cassidy ‘True Colours’...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SIX-Qp6v4k

Sabian Symbol for the New Moon:
What an appropriate symbol for this New Moon!
Sabian Symbol for the New Moon:
25-26 deg Leo

After The Heavy Storm, A Rainbow

The Sabian Symbol for the Sun and Moon at 26* Leo is: As light breaks through the clouds, a perfect rainbow forms. This image promises that once we have weathered the storm (last month’s Cancer New Moon: A violent storm in a canyon filled with expensive homes) we will find the promise of a deep connection between heaven and earth. With the knowledge that Spirit is all around us in the material world, we can begin to live out of our own spiritual essence, no matter what our culture expects or demands of us. We can choose from all the rainbow colors of possibilities our spirit has to offer. We discover our true Worth – not in terms of patriarchy’s sole reliance on money, but in terms of our inner gold.

The colour for the next week...next lunar month: Yellow!...how’d you guess!
Daffodils for the Southern Hemisphere...end of Winter/beginning of Spring

Autumn yellows for the Northern Hemisphere...end of Summer, beginning of Autumn

A couple of quotes which align with the Leo energy and particularly in line with these New Moon Energies:

From Maya Angelou:  Courage is the most important of all virtues, because without courage you can't practise any other virtue consistenly.  You can practise any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage.
From Gore Vidal: Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say and not giving a damn.

Upcoming Dates:
23rd August: Sun moves into Virgo
24th August: Mars moves into Scorpio

All for this week,
Love and blessings to everyone on the yellow brick road with the courageous lion and fellow pilgrims!

We got our magical red shoes last week...now the courage, the heart, the mind and then home to Kansas!

from the chair, with a bear for ‘little bea'...she knows!

It’s all about love

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