...for the children of the earth

Sunday 11 November 2012

11:11 stargate and New Moon in Scorpio Solar Eclipse 14th November 2012

Hi everyone!

‘People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.’ – from Winnie the Pooh, A.A. Milne.

I’ve been reduced to Winnie the Pooh...the bright spot on the horizon in this upcoming shift from density to light.

What’s been happening:
Significance of the American election: Anything is possible!
Well, the results of the USA election proved the point that consciousness is shifting on the planet, that nothing is impossible if the intent is pure and aligned with divine will, divine destiny and with planetary growth.
‘Expert’ commentators who predicted Obama’s demise based on the economic gridlock in US, are scratching their heads in disbelief. To them, it doesn’t seem rational.

From Sydney Morning Herald, 8.11.12:
This was supposed to be the election that Republicans would have won by staying at home – Obama's re-election with the economy in such dire straits was supposedly a democratic impossibility.


Destiny calls...are we listening: Take not everyone! The ‘impossible’ is becoming possible! What is happening is bigger than politics. We are all being called to our personal truth, to fulfil our potential, to take our role in the upliftment of this planet out of darkness, into the light of higher consciousness.

It’s interesting that it seems the marginalised/forgotten sectors (women, black, hispanic, gay, unemployed/rescued workers and youth) of the US population played a big role in getting him re-elected. Yes, the storming of the Bastille is happening, with the power of the vote and the power of the voice. Social media/the internet is the voice of the people!
Lots of misinformation: The spin doctors have been having a field day this year. We’re living in a world of illusion anyway. There are many who seek to create illusions in the interest of their own power building. Use discernment in taking anything at face value. It doesn’t take long to research something on the net before sending it on as fact. False information can create fear and insecurity which we don’t need.

Positive light work needs to be the focus as we break through into this new life. Our choice lies just ahead. We need to maintain focus on where we want to be. We don’t know the details yet, because we have yet to morph into our new beings. Just keep calling in your hopes and dreams, your fulfilment, your heaven on earth...whatever words you use. And send messages of hope and positivity rather than give energy to the dark forces.

Ongoing solar activity: Not just the magnetic field, but solar winds, coronal mass ejections (CME’s) continue to impact the earth, bringing in light energy to our bodies, the earth’s body. It can impact on us in a variety of ways – sleepless nights, exhausted mornings, tiredness, wakefulness, physical discomfort etc. Everyone’s different.

For daily information on solar activity and this week’s eclipse see: http://www.spaceweather.com/

What’s coming in:
Well, what a time we’re in! So much happening energetically, but not necessarily manifesting physically! ‘I do nothing every day'!!! And yet, we’re doing so much preparation within our whole being. I hope you read Lauren Gorgo’s latest message...always right on target!  See new page 'Magical 13'.

Body, mind, spirit challenges: If you’ve been experiencing body and sleeping challenges, you’re not alone. We’re already receiving light downloads which can trigger the whole being as the light comes in, the ‘wounds’ held in the body are being released. Not always easy when there are wounds/memories/aspects within us that are resisting because of fear, because of the challenge of letting go of mindsets of ‘the old order’. We just need to keep cleansing because big downloads of light are just ahead.

Big changes ahead: There’s much change just ahead of us, starting this week, from the 11:11 stargate light download to the big New Moon Solar Eclipse energy on 14th! Following on from that, more download on 22nd, the Full Moon Lunar eclipse in Gemini on 29th taking us into the 12th-21st December energy vortex.

11th November: 11:11 stargate, an energetic portal with a download of light offering mastery

...are we up to it? Yes!

All double numbers like 11, 22, 33 etc are numbers of mastery, demanding more of us if we are ready to integrate the higher consciousness. We’re being offered a light energy of mastery, integrating the spiritual/physical, giving us the boost to break through so much resistance, resentment and anything blocking our access to love and forgiveness.

Rest and relax: Allow time and space for integration of this energy and utilise whatever processes suit you best to receive and process. Breath, water, earth energy, walk, rest, tone, sing dance...whatever. There is no single size fits all. We are all unique.

11th November: Neptune moves direct today helping us tune in to the higher spiritual dimensions...opening to the idealism of Neptune!

Allow yourself to float free and easy and to take in the light energy. The greater the resistance, the more likely you will experience pain and/or discomfort with the light energies. Neptune is likely to throw up some good visions and dreams for you to build on. Stay open.

This energy will be working with the light download, uplifting our vision to the higher energy of love.

Keep bringing in the light and the love to clear any aches and pains in any of the bodies, mental, emotional, physical or astral.

From 11th: Saturn is coming into alignment with Chiron and Neptune clearing karma at this time and building to a close meeting of Saturn and Chiron on the New Moon eclipse. The possibility of earth change is likely, even before the New Moon, as we’re in clearing energy time, the 3 days before the New Moon.

Karma is being cleared for us individually and collectively with a greater intensity at this time. This will continue right up to the New Moon, continuing on throughout the next month at least. Remember when Chiron is involved, it’s likely we’ll feel some clearance in the physical body. With Saturn here, remember knees, joints, teeth could be affected.
From 11th to the 14th: The ‘dark of the moon’...a perfect time for releasing old baggage and at this time, with Saturn, Chiron and Neptune helping, great potential for releasing all the karmic burdens!

14th November:   

New Moon in Scorpio eclipse at 9.08 am AEDT at 21 degrees 57 Scorpio

...a total solar eclipse!!!
At the New Moon, the Sun and Moon team up on the same degree in the same sign. They are in agreement, masculine and feminine working together to bring about a fresh start, a new lunar month with a new perspective. And the perspective is Scorpio!
This New Moon aligned with a solar eclipse, will be a beauty! Guaranteed to get you over fear of the dark!

Scorpio rules transformation, death, renewal, regeneration as well as intimacy, sexuality, money (other people’s/joint finances), surgery.
Any and/or all of these areas could be impacted. Big healing energies are available at this New Moon. Believe in the extraordinary becoming ordinary!

Death, destruction, transformation, renewal: The Scorpio energy, the driving force of the New Moon, is guaranteeing that fresh directions will be taken as we are called to embrace a huge letting go of stale energies, transforming ourselves and our lives. For the next month, up to the new Moon in Sagittarius on 13th December, changes are likely. You mightn’t take action on them physically until after December 13th.

Scorpio is all emotion and is a fixed sign, which needs to release those dark energies within, the unresolved energies of this and many lifetimes. We are still very much in the valley of forgiveness which washes away the resentment, anger and resistance as long as we call it in.


Keep your light on in the Scorpio solar eclipse cave: 

Make a commitment at this New Moon to resolve the energetic blockages keeping you from the light. Remember, the Sun is blocked from us during the eclipse, regardless of where you live. And in the darkness of the eclipse energy, those energies existing in and familiar with the dark, are likely to arise within us.

Ignite the light within, the pure spirit of your own power and light up your whole being so that those energies holding on to regret, disappointment, resentment, anger, blame, shame, unrequited love etc. etc. can find their way into the light of a new consciousness. If you feel pain in your heart, mind, body, speak gently to these ‘memories’ which are bringing up resistance in you. It is time for them to go, to be forgiven, healed, to find love and peace.
Eclipses bring change! 
Solar eclipses bring change to our physical situation! 
Eclipse changes manifest a month to 6 months or more later.
A New Moon happening with a solar eclipse, adds and expands to the energy of the New Moon. The changes being ushered in to our lives will have a Scorpionic flavour to them. Eclipses can be dramatic in terms of change and this one being in Scorpio, expect dramatic shifts and turns in your life and in the world. If you look around, you can already see the shift in consciousness.

Think positive: Now don’t think the worst, because we are in a time of uplift in consciousness, widespread healing of the ills and pain of individuals and nations, of the earth. That is, providing we are ready and willing to choose the light and love which heals and frees.
Remember, whatever you focus on you are drawing to you, whether dark or light, negative or positive. Maintain attention on the light and an optimistic future.

From 14th to 29th November: Into the eclipse vortex! Travellers in time and space!

The eclipse takes us into a vortex of change energy for the next two weeks until the Full Moon Gemini eclipse on 29th November. It’s like we move into another reality where nothing feels certain, everything is shifting, churning, a little bit like being in Dr. Who’s Tardis. We become travellers in time and space.

The best way to negotiate this energy is listening to your heart and your inner voice. They are your guidance systems. Remember to take care of yourself and TRUST the process. Be open to messages as well.
New Moon aligns with the North Node in Scorpio: BIG alignment for everyone with planetary shift in consciousness! Destiny calls!
The North Node in Scorpio is only a few degrees from the New Moon and the Sun, so be assured that this New Moon will align us with the greater purpose and shift us onto our path of destiny.


Saturn in Scorpio trine Chiron/Neptune in Pisces: Opening and releasing of collective wounds...clear the karma now!
At this New Moon, Saturn in Scorpio will be once again opening up the emotional wounds of the collective consciousness as it comes into an exact meeting with Chiron in Pisces! Neptune, a few degrees away from Chiron, is caught into this meeting.

Saturn is structure, construction, conservatism, patriarchy, the establishment and of course karma. We’re dropping the beliefs, the wounds of memories holding us back from fulfilment. Those clinging to established old ways will continue to be challenged. People who are not walking in integrity are being exposed, falling off pedestals, falling away from power bases. This will continue long term. 
As the old blockages fall away, we are renewed, reborn and regenerated, ready for new lives. We are walking into integrity.
Now, this is similar to the energy we experienced at the Full Moon in Taurus. This New Moon Scorpio eclipse energy, along with all the other significant aspects, is likely to throw up more earth changes...water(Pisces energy) and earth (Saturn).
It certainly has a resonance with the astrological energies when Neptune moved into Pisces ushering in the Indonesian Tsunami. Neptune is at 0 degrees Pisces and moving forward. Not trying to create fear, but awareness that earth changes are a distinct possibility. Extreme weather is here with us and we need to accept it and trust we are safe and are where we need to be.

From astrologer Philip Sedgwick posted on 5th November: http://www.philipsedgwick.com/ –referring to the New Moon on 14th (mid-week next week)
In the very near future, things are going to be going faster than you think. Mid-week next week and for the ten to twelve days to follow, Mars will pass by a series of rapidly spinning pulsars in space. Those who are focused and tuned in will be creating, manifesting and making progress faster than many perceive to be possible.

The Scientific Information – Where you can see the eclipse:
This solar eclipse will be visible in northern Australia and the South Pacific Ocean. The best place to view the total eclipse will be the city of Cairns, in Queensland, Australia, which will experience about 2 minutes of totality at about 20:38 UT, or 06:38 AEST, on November 14. The nearby town of Port Douglas will also experience the eclipse and will host a solar eclipse marathon run to coincide with the event. See our tips on viewing an eclipse.
Parts of Australia and New Zealand that will see a partial view of the eclipse include: Adelaide, Auckland, Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, Wellington

Sabian Symbol for the New Moon in Scorpio: Hunters protected by heavy clothing are shooting wild ducks
There’s many ways of looking at this symbol and its significance at this time.
Both Lynda Hill and Cathy Pagano offer insight as to interpretation. See below for links.

Personally, I feel questions arise as to who is the hunter and the hunted, who is the protected and who is the protector. The tables are turning in our world and this may well relate to the significance of these questions.
For Australians, the shock jock Alan Jones situation, may illustrate the point as his peddling of hate and anger has now been somewhat contained by the everyday people rising up in protest through the power of social media/internet. They have become ‘the hunters’, channelling their frustration/anger through peaceful means. 
The ‘tipping point’ arrived some weeks ago and will continue. I thought it interesting that the Occupy movement in New York have shifted from their ‘base camp’ to assist those who have been made homeless, helpless and hungry by the superstorm ‘Sandy’. They too have shifted from ‘hunted’ to ‘hunters’, channelling their energies into physical action for others in need.
This expression brings up echoes of Carlos Castaneda’s writings...becoming the hunter, finding the hunter. 
The morphing of individuals and groups will continue as we shapeshift into new forms.

From Lynda Hill on the Sabian Symbols for the new Moon:
From Jungian psychologist/astrologer Cathy Pagano: The Sabian symbol for the Sun and Moon at 22* Scorpio is: Hunters shooting wild ducks. This image speaks to humanity’s inherent aggressive instincts. We are still hunters. But instead of turning our aggression on others, these instincts are used to feed the group. p://www.wisdom-of-astrology.com/astrostarsarticles/the-cosmic-story-scorpio-solar-eclipse-2012

14th November: Mercury moves into Scorpio at 6.42 pm AEDT until 11th December...cleansing and purifying minds, thoughts and words!
Scorpio is making sure we’re thoroughly cleansed and transformed, particularly in relation to minds, thoughts and words. The spin doctors are in the spin cycle being finished off! We’ve all got a spin doctor inside of us, living out our own soapie reruns of this and past lives...unrequited love, poverty, destitution, power mongering, insecurity. We’ve got it all, just some ‘stories’ are a particular brief this lifetime. Can we step out of our own soap opera???

From 14th until about 16th/17th: Mercury moves into a meeting with the North Node in Scorpio, our collective spiritual direction.
Expect messages and guidance about your alignment with planetary evolution. Allow time and space to be still and receive these ‘drops of inspiration’ as they fall into your psyche. You need to close off your mind and thinking activity and be in the empty space. Be like ‘Pooh’ – do nothing!

Fly high like the eagle and see the bigger spiritual picture:    
Where are you on this earth at this time???
This is a big shift in collective consciousness, guaranteed to drop off whatever hasn’t gone and to open the minds of the collective to the higher dimensions.
Don’t try to pin anything down to who, what, where, when in relation to yourself and your life. Not time yet. We are gathering ‘data’, taking in, receiving and allowing it all to wash around inside.
Mercury continues its retrograde journey until 27th November.


15th November:   
Chiron moves direct in Pisces...Pisces vision and idealism lifts us out of the pain of suffering...

we experience how far we’ve come! 
Ride the wave...let it take you to the shore!
A significant shift in direction the day after the eclipse so expect a big engulfing healing energy to come in and elevate us emotionally as wounds dissolve in the Pisces ocean. Be open to feeling the emotions as they are released from cell memory, from all our bodies. 
Chiron is big healing energy, so bring it alive inside you and allow this energy to wash you clean of all those wounded emotions. A good time for cleansing with water!
17th November: Mars moves into Capricorn at 1.36 pm AEDT until 26th December...fiery spirit meets earth and gets things moving!
This is great energy for dislodging those old belief systems/dogmas which just won’t let go. There’s nothing wrong with traditions which support our spiritual growth but with Capricorn there’s a tendency to stick with the conservatism at the expense of movement.

Capricorn wants to move but is often held back by the restrictions and limitations imposed by its ruler Saturn. Capricorn wants to be sure and secure through slow, steady growth.

Mars is leaping forward, the young firebrand who is raring to go at the expense of common sense and rationality. Movement is Mars greatest desire. Mars wants to make things happen and fast! Mars wants the easiest and fastest route to success.

Grounding the passion and fire: The little picture says it all with Mars represented by the little purple elephant bounding joyfully and effortlessly over the hurdles...action for the pure joy of it. Our little brown ground animal is like the Capricorn energy, happily putting one foot in front of the other, remaining very grounded. They’re working as a team, the Capricorn energy helping to ground all that fire and action. Capricorn will persist and has the staying power to support Mars impetuous and impatient energy, getting the passion to ground into physical reality.

Building the platform for our 2013 launch:   
I really see this energy as a testament to where we’ll be during the change process as each clearance/light download will help us lay the practical foundations for our new platform for life. This grounding energy coming in right after all the emotional energy of the previous 6 days (since 16th), is going to help us come back to earth a little, to be more practical.
Yes, we are still in the eclipse vortex, so don’t try to do too much.

Ground all the light energy into your body, your life, your hopes and dreams. There’ll be further influxes of light, particularly on 22/11, another master number day.

Upcoming Dates:
22nd November: Venus moves into Scorpio until 16th December
22nd November: Sun moves into Sagittarius

That’s it for now folks!
I hope we don’t have too many challenges with the body, but I’d rather mention this as a possibility, going from experience, rather than say nothing. 

I can imagine a time when light downloads will be like drinking in a delicious fruit cocktail! Maybe not too far away!!!

Love and blessings for us all travelling with our lights on, negotiating the dark Scorpio energies! Happy times!!!

from the chair
...all is well

It’s all about love

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