...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 21 November 2012

22nd November 2012: Sun into Sagittarius

Hi everyone! Bright-eyed and bushy tailed??? Maybe more wide/wild-eyed and woolly-tailed!!!

What’s been happening:
We’ve been taken into the cave of the Scorpio psyche, like explorers looking for the richness of experience, an undiscovered world just waiting to be revealed. It’s all inner work as we wade through Mercury retrograde energy.
11:11: Hoping that your 11:11 and eclipse experience was illuminating, recharging despite any bumps, bruises, aches and pains! We’re taking in the light...not just for us individually!

It seems some people went through 11:11 download with some physical challenges, whilst others found the 11:11 energy uplifting and quite magical with feelings of universal love.
The New Moon Eclipse: Some people experienced an electrical charge of light as an intense vibration through the body and/or a part of the body and/or chakra/s. This may have lasted from a moment to minutes/hours/days. You may have experienced it as a stimulation of your nervous system, sensitivity, like you were hardly charged!
Vibrational charge: I am aware of those, including myself, who experienced a vibrational charge within the ten or so hours preceding the eclipse. The purge is on, whether mental, emotional, physical or spiritual. There certainly has been a stirring of resistant astral energies which seemed to escalate with the Taurus Full Moon/Earth changes at that time(superstorm Sandy as well as Asia). The earth and its people are being flushed with the cleansing light, calling us lightworkers to work with release, forgiveness and resolution.

Upsurge in energy levels: Who’s driving this bus anyway???
Since the New Moon Eclipse, some may have experienced an upsurge in physical energy levels which have escalated to a manic push for activity. I found myself with typical Mercury retrograde internet connection problems, no apparent reason, so ‘unplugged’ myself from technology and took some breathing space from this escalation of energies, guided by my soul and the universe!

Mercury retrograde is assisting us to slow down, take time, review, reconsider as well as clearing our mind of the ‘dross’ as Mercury moves through Scorpio. There’s plenty happening on the inner levels and with what’s in process. The cosmos is working with us.

The eclipse vortex of change, turbulence, fluctuations: So, we’re still in the churning, changing energies of the eclipse vortex. The Full Moon Lunar eclipse in Gemini on 29th November will take us in to the second half of the vortex, the two weeks leading up to the 12/12/12 portal and the New Moon in Sagittarius on 13th.

Changes in the inner world reflecting in the outer world: We have been pitched into a change process happening on all levels of our being! Can anyone doubt the changes that are happening to us all, whether or not you’re aware of them. As our inner world transforms and morphs us into new forms, the outer physical world seems to be in a chaos which carries the universal energies of truth and justice. Just check out the news! Sacred cows are being challenged, people, organisations and governments are falling off pedestals. Nothing less than transparency for us all. No hiding or denial is possible. It’s all good as we reach for the changes. We need to maintain intent and focus on the power of the light and with that truth, love, forgiveness and compassion.

Weather: The erratic storm activity continues, at least in Australia during this past week. Wind and water cleansing and releasing for us all. It seems the erratic weather will be with us for some time
Emotionally in the whirlpool: Churned up, turned around, running ragged or just stunned and lifeless...take your pick!
We’ve been thrown into an energy that may have found you stunned into stillness or running like a madman/woman seemingly out of control. Make no mistake, these energies are seeking resolution and it is up to us to negotiate this whirlpool of energy.
The question must be for us all – who or what is driving us at this time? Frantic activity may release some energy, but not necessarily give the insights being downloaded with all the light. Take care to make time to be quiet and still.

Stillness, quiet, meditation, contemplation needed for balance: When you get into the frantic activity, stirred up by mass media, world news, anxiety about your situation, take a breath and slow everything down even for a short time, to keep you in the centre, to regain the centre of stillness required to shift perception.

We’re up, up, up...then down, down down: The energies have been changeable and fluctuating, taking us up and bringing us down, very much like riding the waves, whilst staying clear of the whirlpool of intense energy.

Manifestation enhanced: The upside of the light download has been an energising force working positively with us. Manifestation and connection is being enhanced, even if you’re not aware of the potential at this time. Watch the signs.
Mentally: Muddle-headed wombats are out and happening with Mercury retrograde in Scorpio!
Mercury retrograding in Scorpio is doing a great job of flushing out toxins and damaging belief systems from the mind.
This may account for some muddle-headed thinking which may seem more than the usual Mercury retrograde energy. We’re getting a make-over of the mind, so you may find clarity is hard to come by.

Heads and Minds: heavy ‘hangovers’ or ‘fluffy-head’ syndrome
Mercury retro in Scorpio may well be impacting on the nervous system, nerve blockages, even the head, spine. Mercury is the mind and it rules the nervous system, so put all that together and you might have ‘fluffy head’ syndrome and or ‘heavy’ head syndrome, which could manifest as a hangover, a headache building up, a buzzing or pressure in the head!

Mercury goes direct on 27th November, but is still in Scorpio until 11th December. Interesting, isn’t it that this is the day before the 12/12/12 portal opening and just before the New Moon in Sagittarius on 13th. Clearly, our minds will be cleared of a large amount of dross and ‘wrong’/inauthentic thoughts and belief patterns. Probably a cleaner slate than we’ve ever had! Ready for the 12.12.12 beginnings.

Solar activity: tired, not tired, stimulated, lethargic...whatever – it can make you feel out of sorts!
This has been continuing with intermittent activity. A geomagnetic storm around 14th brought in more light energy for us to process. This solar activity has been increasing over the last year with geomagnetic storms affecting us once or twice each month. Auroras are visible when the earth’s magnetic field is stirred up. Solar activity can stir up sleeping patterns, can overstimulate, cause tiredness, lethargy. Many other symptoms may be attributed to these storms.

What’s coming in:so much, so as usual, I’ll give the shortened version!

Mars and Pluto...dynamic duo stirring up the energy from this week until 29th: ‘let’s get physical’! No, not like that!
- then again with Venus in Scorpio?
Mars moved into Capricorn on the weekend and is now heading for a meeting with Pluto by the end of the month, 27th/28th, just before the Full Moon eclipse! From now on there will be an intensification of this energy which is likely to challenge us on the physical level.

Whatever needs sorting/clearing physically, is likely to happen now with fiery Mars and intense Pluto. Issues may arise around physical security(Capricorn), material concerns as well as or in tandem with the physical body.

Physically: Mars represents the physical body and being the ruler of Aries, has a strong influence over the head. We’re already dealing with mind/head issues with Mercury retro in Scorpio, so this Mars/Pluto connection could well clear away the cobwebs!
Rage is possible: It also could bring up anger, resentment, irritation, frustration...so, what’s new!!! Just to be aware, keep coming back to the ‘golden road’ of love and forgiveness. Any emotion needs to be cleared and released safely as we keep choosing the higher path.

Outrage...laugh at it!: A very funny skit on one of our Aussie shows last week, ‘The Hamster Wheel’, satirised the news at the moment around ‘OUTRAGE’ and everyone being ‘outraged’ at, it seemed, everything!

Ascension or bust!: Unresolved issues, memories, energies held in the body...want ‘OUT’! They’re shouting ‘Let me go!’

22nd November...Sun moves into Sagittarius, Venus moves into Scorpio and it’s a 22/11 stargate of light download!

22nd November 22/11: Stargate with more light download..another power day!
This day is the midpoint between the New Moon solar eclipse on 14th and the Full Moon lunar eclipse on 29th. It’s interesting that on this day Venus moves into Scorpio, marking a new chapter of cleansing the heart, whilst the Sun’s move into Sagittarius puts the focus on higher truth and wisdom.

With the light download, remember that it may bring up blockages in your energy system. On the other hand, it could provide a huge energy boost. Judging from what’s happening since 11.11, probably a bit of both. We’re on a timeline with destiny, both personal and universal.

If you’ve made the commitment and kept intent on a life of fulfilment, peace, love and contentment, the universe won’t leave you behind. For some, it will be fast-tracking whilst for others it will be a walk in the park. Everyone has their own individual alignment with the planetary and cosmic forces.

It’s interesting that this light download is happening in alignment with Venus’s move to Scorpio and the Sun moving into Sagittarius. All beautifully arranged for us to grasp the reins of our very own ascension horse.
22nd November: Venus moves into Scorpio until 16th December at 8.50 am AEDT...cleansing and beautification of the heart!
This energy brings with it the ‘urge to merge’, to connect deeply and intimately with our own hearts and with the hearts of soul mates/twin flames. Scorpio’s desires are deep and intense, so we’ll settle for nothing but ‘the real thing’. Scorpio’s ‘all or nothing’, a boots and all energy which is relentless in its pursuit of its deepest desires.

This is a deep and meaningful energy where intimacy and the urge to merge will intensify! The purification of the heart and desires is part of this process as Scorpio strips away extraneous non-essentials that have been overlaying heart energies. Expect healing, intense exploration of relationship issues, sexual healing and intimacy.

Deep and true commitment calls: Pretence and convention must go and will be released. Expect changes in the status quo of relationships if they are long overdue, if the relationship has lost its spirit, if you’re going through the motions of relationship without joy. With Venus connecting to Saturn, there is no doubt that relationships will be deepened, transformed for the better through renewal or death/ending of the relationship.

True love, intimacy and passionate connection: Passion, intimacy and purposeful connection are the order of the day! People will stop settling for second rate, second best relationships which have gone past their use-by dates. Doesn’t mean the relationship has to end altogether as under this influence, connections may be restored, renewed, revitalised. However, if you have completed ‘your work’ together this lifetime. then trust that it’s time to part ways.

This will also apply to any relationship where love is important, whether with partners, friends, family, work, home...anything which is not resonating with LOVE will be challenged to change/be changed or to disappear completely. There’ll be a parting of the ways!

Venus moves into Scorpio and meets Neptune in Pisces in a positive flowing trine: Deep desire meets highest spiritual expression of the heart!

Three dimensional passion transforms to divine passion if we open ourselves to these elevated energies. Chiron (the wound) is not too far off from Neptune, so I imagine the healing of our hearts will be set in motion as Venus comes to a meeting with Chiron within a couple of days (around 25th/26th), at the same time Venus connects with Saturn.(See above)

Healing hearts: There’s no doubt that Venus, along with Neptune and Chiron, is providing us with the opportunity to heal heartbreak, disillusion, despair, grief, loss, guilt, blame, shame...etc. etc. Any long held blockage in the heart has the capacity to experience a huge healing and resolution of long held wounds. Saturn’s in there to help too.

Venus joins Saturn in Scorpio, 26th : karmic cleansing of the heart! Clear the ghosts of the past, cut the karmic ties!
We’re clearing the decks of unrequited love, disappointment, disillusionment, dissatisfaction, discontentment, misalignment around LOVE before the Gemini full Moon eclipse on 29th! All those broken hearts coming out of the darkness of other realities/past lives for healing with love.

Make room for the new love!: Gemini is all about self-love and acceptance, alignment with higher love calling us into a higher expression of love for our selves, our twin selves and eventually taking us to connection with twin flames. Saturn calls us to take our authority, practise our mastery of love in its higher expression.
Remember this New Moon in Gemini picture?:
The transit of Venus in Gemini this year, the mid year New Moon Solar eclipse in Gemini on 21st May and a second New Moon in Gemini on 21st June, make Gemini a significant player this year. Jupiter in Gemini adds to the positivity of this energy. We find Jupiter holding hands with the Gemini Full Moon lunar eclipse on 29th this month! Aaaah! sweet love! We’re doing the groundwork to welcome in this Full Moon energy.

22nd November: Sun moves into Sagittarius at 12.20 pm AEDT...motivated to move, travel, change and seek adventure!
This movement of the Sun from Scorpio is likely to alleviate some of the swirling, chaotic Scorpio energy which has been with us for the past month. Sagittarius energy is lighter, looking for light-hearted fun and adventure. Sagittarius is shake off the Scorpio depths and move on! Tra-la-la-la-la!

The urge to get moving will be powerful. Sagittarius is fiery and likes to be on the move. It’s the inveterate traveller, bag packed, passport at the ready, looking for new adventures, experiences and people.

Hold your horses: Not so fast though – Mercury is holding the reins. With Mercury retrograde until next week, the physical travel is likely to be somewhat curbed. Armchair travel is the order of the day for the time being. After 11th December, when Mercury joins the Sun in Sagittarius, travel will be back on the agenda. This augurs well for those who will be visiting sacred sites between 12.12.12 to 21.12.12.

Finding divine truth: Make no mistake about this energy. It’s not just about physical travel and connecting with the world. There’s a deep driving force within to connect, to explore and to discover answers to the deep philosophical and spiritual questions. This requires connecting to the world, its people and places. We’re looking for higher truth within us and within our place in the world. Sagittarius wants to communicate...with everyone in the world!

Nothing’s fixed: Our wings will feel a little clipped until Mercury turns direct on 27th and even then, things will feel sluggish for a few days. We’re still in the powerful change process of the eclipse energy. Nothing’s fixed, so best not to push the barriers to try to pin things down, to make things concrete. How many more metaphors can I utilise??? You get the message.

The Ascension road beckons beyond the crossroads: Which path are you choosing?
At this time, there’s a parting of the ways. Those who choose to focus on the ‘darkness’, the negativity, the negative forces etc. whether within them or in the world, are choosing to stay on the 3rd dimensional path and to continue working with these energies until some such time as they wish to move on.

For those of us who keep focussing on the light, on ‘heaven on earth’, on positive images of the future, maintaining the faith that we can continue on earth in a life filled with peace, love, joy and fulfilment...we’re moving down the 5th dimensional path. Faith is the final test of the spiritual warrior. It’s a step beyond hope. At this time, more than ever, we are being called onwards to that step of absolute faith, no doubt, no fear, no second guessing.

Let go the control, let the balloons go: We’re letting go the control of ‘our balloons’ of dreams into the winds of the universal forces, allowing them to be swept along by divine timing, divine order, divine justice and our own divine faith in the fulfilment of our greatest potential this lifetime.

Golden oldie for Sun into Sagittarius: ‘On the road again’ with Willie Nelson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TD_pSeNelU

Ascension Road...‘Like a band of gypsies we go down the highway. We’re the best of friends.’ – lyrics from above song.

Neptune and Sun in challenge/opportunity...higher heart calls us into higher ideals! Be your highest truth! Open to the dreams!

Neptune’s a big player this week lifting hearts to the big picture! Uplift your mind, heart and eyes to the divine possibilities!

When the Sun Moves into Sagittarius, it comes into a square/challenge with Neptune, the higher heart. The Sagittarian Sun is calling us to the higher ideal of divine truth and spirituality, calling us into personal authenticity, to be who we are! And with Neptune here, it’s uplifting our vision into the highest expression of ourselves in the world.

What’s ahead for 12.12.12 to 21.12.12:
I include two channellings as new pages. You can read three significant extracts from these messages below (my highlighting):

From: Patricia Cota-Robles – ‘Hold On Here We Go!’ – 12 November 2012
Extract 1: On December 12, 2012, 12:12:12, our Mother God—the Holy Spirit, and the Feminine Aspects of Deity throughout all Creation, will breathe into the Earth’s Crystal Grid System the highest frequencies of God’s Transfiguring Divine Love that Life on this planet is capable of withstanding. Due to the monumental influxes of Light that have occurred over the past several decades, and especially since the Dawn of the New Millennium, this will be the greatest influx of Divine Love Humanity has ever experienced.

For over 500 years, December 12th has been celebrated in Mexico and throughout Central and South America as the Feast Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe. For millions of people this aspect of Mother Mary has symbolized the return of the Divine Feminine, our Mother God. On 12-12-12, our Mother God, and Her exponents representing the Divine Feminine throughout all Creation, will cocreate a Forcefield of Divine Love that will envelop every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth, and all of the spaces in-between the particles and waves of Life. This forcefield will reinforce a multidimensional and multifaceted Womb of Divine Love and a Birth Canal of Divine Love that will assure Earth’s safe passage up the Spiral of Evolution, and the Birth of the New Earth in the Realms of Cause.
Extract 2: The events of 12-12-2012 will be the final steps of preparation leading up to the December Solstice and the Birth of the New Earth on 12-21-2012. These two dates reverberate with the master number 11, 1+2+1+2+2+0+1+2=11 and 1+2+2+1+2+0+1+2=11, the numerical frequency of the transformation of the physical into the Divine. Isn’t God fun?

Photograph of giant crystals; picture of a giant gypsum crystal cave; crystals in the Naica Mine Chihuahua, Mexico. From: ‘2013 - Year One of the New Earth’ – Lord Metatron - channeler James Tyberonn
Extract 3: The New Firmament Begins in 2013
The completion of the Crystalline Grid on the 12-12-12 will spawn the formation of the New Firmament. The New Firmament is vitally important to the Ascension of humanity and is indeed an extension of the completed grid.
Certain points on your planet have the rare energetics that enable them to be connecting points. Newgrange is one of these, Easter island is another . Both are multi-faceted, multi-dimensional grid points. Both are octahedronal Portals that transcend dimensions and time. Both are being connected directly to the apexial points of the stellated double penta dodecahedron of the 144
-Crystalline Grid.

These are being fashioned to connect directly to the New Firmament which begins spontaneous early formation after the completion of the 12-12-12 and rebirthing (rebooting) of December 21, 2012. It is important to note that the ascending processes of the Ascension occurs on the 12-12-12.

The 12-12-12 allows for the Crystalline energy to manifest into the New Earth. It allows for the new DNA of the planet to network within the Crystalline Field, connect to the New Grid and meld with the 'Human Grid'.

This all occurs at 12:12 on the 12-12-12. A rebooting then takes place, and allows for the 'birth of the New Earth' to take place on December 21, 2012.

Then begins the new work.

Picture: Giant Crystal Cave discovered at the Naica Mine of Chihuahua, Mexico
Upcoming Dates:
27th November: Mercury turns direct in Scorpio
28th November: Mars conjuncts Pluto
29th November: Full Moon Eclipse in Gemini at 1.46 am AEST at 7 degrees Gemini

That’s it folks! The reactions and responses to the incoming energies are highly individual, yet some common themes prevail.

Happy Thanksgiving to all those who celebrate this festival! Gratitude – let’s all keep celebrating our bounty!I love the sentiment of this festival.

Love and blessings to my fellow pilgrims! ...’Like a band of gypsies we go down the highway We're the best of friends’!

from the chair

   calling in heaven on earth

It’s all about love

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