...for the children of the earth

Tuesday 27 November 2012

29th November Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini

Hi everyone!
Well here we are barrelling along through the eclipse vortex energies towards the 12:12:12 portal.
We’re walking out of the mist, possibly trudging with weariness, heading for the light!!!
And our magical unicorn energy is travelling at full speed! We are already under the Sagittarian sun which is going to be guiding us towards the 12:12:12 energy.
I think the Sagittarian symbol of the centaur has transformed into the unicorn!
What’s been happening:
Foggy mind syndrome: Have you felt ‘lost in space’, a little disoriented, ungrounded, churned up by the resolution of emotional energies as the mindsets are released???? The fogginess of the mind and the glazed ‘tired’ eyes are being cleared as we disconnect from the matrix. Mercury retrograde in Scorpio has without doubt been impacting on us, so we will notice some lifting of confusion when Mercury stations direct this week.
Intention is the driver: It’s pure intention that’s driving us along. We decided on this consciousness shift, aligning with the 12:12:12 energy and, in deciding our readiness, the universe is responding to our willingness to divest ourselves of all those energies from time immemorial which have been held in our minds, hearts and bodies.
Nothing is stopping the ‘charge of the light brigade’ as lightworkers all over the planet surge forward, maximising their capacities for the light download!
Physically: You may have noticed the head/mind/eyes being affected as we are getting a ‘makeover’ in our heads, possibly, brains. I also feel that the fogginess/heavy head/headache/hangover feelings are coming from work being done on our third eye chakra, optic nerve and pineal gland. Ears, nose and throat are also in the picture.
The nervous system may have been affected as Mercury rules the nervous system...jumpiness, anxiety, tingling. The throat chakra also is getting some work, something that’s been going on all year. 
From Mr. Hyde to Dr. Jekyll: Also, the sleep/no sleep challenges continue. You get that feeling that you just HAVE to get out of bed in the morning, even though you’re tired and it’s just first light? Remember, we’re also doing ‘work’ overnight, bringing in light, clearing the dark energies of the psyche and the planet. Those dreams!! 
I follow my mother’s advice ‘Have a nice cup of tea’, then my advice ‘meditate’. Then I suddenly transform from Mr.Hyde to Dr. Jekyll! Now if this isn’t happening to you, be grateful that this is not your ‘brief’ at this time. I feel it’s been with me my whole life! Anyone else know ‘grumpy morning’ syndrome???
Are we coming or going: If you’re feeling activations of chakras/in the physical body as vibrations, then likely it’s a light download and clearing all at the same time! No wonder we don’t know whether we’re coming or going!!!
Remember, we are not just clearing our own bodies, but working with ancestral and planetary energies...whatever we chose to do. It’s not just about you.
Doors both ways or is it ‘sliding doors’: I remind myself of the natural law of attraction ‘like attracts like’ knowing that no energy can come ‘in’ unless we have a resonance that relates to that energy, whether this life, past life/alternative reality memories embedded in our cell memory. Yes, these energies are seeking resolution, even if they are resisting the light or if we are resisting them into our being. 
The exit/entrance door is swinging open, inviting them in or sending them on! We’re releasing some from the imprisonment in the ‘matrix’ whilst at the same time welcoming back energies resonant with our higher selves, authentic divine selves.
Earth changes: Good to see that the light energies on the earth are mitigating the impact of earth changes and cleansing. I thought we may had some disruption with the New Moon Scorpio eclipse energy, but fortunately, very little. Mars and Pluto meet around the Full Moon...trust we can hold the light on earthquakes/volcanoes and conflict in war!
Also, notice how quickly the forces of peace came to the fore in the Israel/Palestine conflict. Only a few years ago, this kind of conflict would have escalated out of control. We are progressing, even though it’s not all resolved.
27th November: Mercury turns direct at 9.48 am AEDT at 18 degrees 10 Scorpio...things are moving but not at jet speed yet!
Communication, travel and commerce arrangements and energies will start being more cooperative, although take note we are still in retrograde ‘shadow’ for a week or two, which means we’re airborne, but only in a bi-plane!
Wait for a day or two to act on Mercury direct, even if you’re ‘sweating’ on the change. The day it stations direct (27th in Oz) is the worst time to be taking action. Technology foul-ups, phone delays/confusions, banking transactions etc. will start to free up, just in time for those travelling for holidays/Christmas celebrations and Christmas shopping.
Mercury in Scorpio is still giving our minds a thorough makeover, helping us cut free from the matrix of conditioning and mindlessness!
We’re learning to shut down our minds and bring in the light to clear all the falsities in our thinking, our communication, to join hearts and minds.
The sword of truth is firmly in our hands, at the ready, to take to energies not aligned with our authentic selves. Archangel Michael is providing the umbrella of support for the earth as its inhabitants reach for the fulfilment of destiny, spiritual authority and divine love!
Hearts and minds on the same wavelength: Venus and Mercury both travelling in Scorpio until Mercury pulls away on 11th December.From December for about 10 days, Venus and Mercury will be within waving distance of each other...hearts and minds working together, readying us for the portal of 12:12:12! it’s almost as though they’re congratulating each other on their tandem work on hearts and minds! With Saturn in Scorpio, within waving distance of Venus and Mercury, expect changes we make to our hearts and minds, to be stabilising and more than likely karmically ordained.
11th December: Mercury moves into Sagittarius
              ...awake, alive, greater clarity and consciousness realised!
When Mercury moves into Sagittarius on 11th December, we’re likely to get a huge upsurge of mental excitement as we experience the reality of all that has been cleared. We’re going to start experiencing the reality of our new found wisdom and truth, now that we know how to get out of our heads and the constant thinking and overuse of the analytical at the expense of the heart.
29th November:   
Full Moon Eclipse in Gemini at 1.46 am AEDT at 6 degrees 47 Gemini
...embracing yourself with love!
Full Moons are all about emotion and the fullness of emotion. With the moon in Gemini, an air sign, a sign of the mind and intellect, we won’t feel quite as overwhelmed by the emotional waves as we would with a ‘watery’ full moon.
However...we have some other challenging aspects which add to the intensity, taking us on a path to opening hearts and minds to deep acceptance and love for ourselves.
Airy Moon and Fiery Sun oppose each other:
                 calling for balancing the mind and spirit!
Full moons are always about balancing two opposing energies, giving room for both energies to express themselves without overpowering the other. The Full Moon time is the most powerful time of the month for the feminine moon energies, shining its light on our inner workings...in this case, the Gemini mind aligned with the lunar emotions. The light of the full moon lights up our subconscious, giving us access to information hitherto hidden from us. This Full Moon puts an extra strong emphasis on the Gemini moon, as astrologically, we have what’s called a ‘finger of God’ or Yod formation directing it’s energies straight at the moon.
Lunar eclipse energy:...a partial lunar penumbral eclipse...significant changes within for the next month to 6 months!
Eclipses are about change and lunar eclipses indicate inner change. Get ready to change your mind, change your direction, do an about face, be confounded by your previous short-sightedness. That is the potential of this Full Moon.
Changing your mind: Being a Gemini, I can really relate to this. A friend once challenged me about something I’d said with ‘Last week you said something quite different.’ To which I replied, ‘Since then, I found new information that changed my mind.’ This is Gemini, gathering data all the time and investigating a variety of options to make sense of it. This is what you may find at this full moon...the wake up with the eclipse...probably all in the mind and then taking time to investigate all the possibilities, turning it around and looking at it different ways. Hope you get the drift of this.
Jupiter holding hands with the Full Moon: auspicious for self-love, self-acceptance, accessing the twin flame energy!
The Tarot card for Gemini is The Lovers, reflecting the Gemini learning about self-love, acceptance of the inner twin and coming to peace with the duality of masculine/feminine.
The integration at a deep level of the inner twin, has the potential to open us up to meeting twin flames, those who are aligned with us on our spiritual path and at deep level of soul love.
Jupiter is a positive, expansive, optimistic energy which, at the Full Moon, opens us up to the realisation of who we are, a positive acceptance of who we are...‘perfect in our imperfections’!
Golden oldies for the Full Moon: to be sung to yourself...get a mirror!
‘How could anyone’ sung by Shaina Noll...just keep taking this into your heart and soul!
And an upbeat one: ‘I wanna be loved by you’ sung by Marilyn Monroe..very Gemini!
Neptune and Chiron in Pisces for a T-square with the Full Moon and Sun:  
...great potential for spiritual/physical healing!
This energy may likely bring up emotional vulnerabilities and wounds, both personal and collective. For some, it could be painful as it brings into play the necessity for bringing something to culmination in relation to self, self-love, loving connections to others including partners. This could be ‘old stuff’, so trust that whatever emerges is coming to a close...if we let it!
The ‘missing leg’ of the T-square is in Virgo, so that’s where we’ll be taking our energy for healing. Virgo is the sign of the healer and a signifier of where we give service to the world, where we are called to our ‘divine destiny’. It’s about the everyday, the practise of joy through our daily work. It’s also a place of healing physically, so I imagine this energy will certainly be activated as the emotional pains of selves/humanity are brought to the surface.
At this Full Moon: Finger of God formation...focussing energy on the Full Moon in Gemini! finding Gemini wisdom!
We have what’s called a ‘finger of god’/yod formed by three connecting planetary energies creating an isosceles triangle.
Yods bring intense energies seeking resolution through the activation point...the Gemini Full Moon.
The two base points hold planets in the energies of Scorpio and Capricorn which are in a working relationship. They are in tandem, bringing about huge changes through hearts, emotions, beliefs, the status quo, personally and globally!
Venus and Saturn in Scorpio: the deep emotional transformation and restructure of the heart...commitment to heart energy, in relationships. Could involve some ‘deep and meaningfuls’, reframing the terms of your life, your relationship/s to other/s
Mars and Pluto in Capricorn: the deep, fiery transformation of the status quo, the physical world, personally and socially...could be explosive, shifting some old false beliefs, deeply embedded values which are not ‘yours’ but threads connecting you to the conditioned matrix of belief systems
Saturn and Pluto, at the base of the Yod, are driving forces for change:
Both these planets are slower moving, so indicate long term slow changes being made to our worlds. The Yod formation at this full Moon is just one activation aligned with this Moon, but demanding action be taken through the Gemini energy.
Like a house swap: Saturn and Pluto currently ‘sign swapping’ brings fresh approach to clearing energies!
With us for the next 2 to 3 years!!!
Transformation and Restructure emotionally and physically!
Saturn and Pluto are currently in a sign swap which is like a ‘house swap’ situation. You know those TV reality shows where the family from say Botswana swaps homes with a family from England? Well, the result is huge adjustments for both families in reframing the way they live, significant survival issues in a different culture and to their interactions.
With the Saturn/Pluto ‘sign swap’: Structures/belief systems/any established systems are being challenged to change! The status quo is being disrupted!
The activation point of the yod is the Gemini Full Moon:  
Gemini mind is called to understand, interpret, COMMUNICATE, CONNECT with self/others!!!
The focus for resolution of these energies will be through the Gemini Full Moon. The Gemini mind is called into utilising its capacities to bring together lots of bits and pieces of diverse information into a simple, digestible, easily accessible form.
Gemini energy is being called to encompass, to understand the deep, transformational structural changes happening within us and in society. Gemini energy has the capacity to make sense of this and through the full moon energy is asking us to take in what’s happening and to incorporate the understanding of the emotional and physical challenges through the Gemini mind.
Gemini ‘wisdom’...variety/smorgasbord brought together as a complete ‘dish’ of simplicity:
Mediterranean mezze plate, Spanish tapas, Yum cha, ploughman’s lunch...anything with plenty of variety with small pickings!
The knickerbocker glory is perfect ‘Gemini’ fare...variety and fun!
Cocktail hour with finger food just about sums up the Gemini appetite, with lots of room for movement, connecting and chatting.
The Finger of God’s proper name is a Yod or a Double Quincunx. Probably the
best definition of this configuration was given by the astrologer Bil Tierney
(Dynamics of Aspect Analysis) wherein he describes it as
“arriving at a fork in
the road and having to proceed in one direction rather than another without
knowing where it will lead to.”
Further, it is symbolic of
“an unrecognized
abruptly gushing forth after brewing for years. More importantly, the “activation of the Yod will cause the dropping, or psychologically letting go, of
certain interests and habits in order to become involved in what is showing on
the horizon.”
If there are any malign influences
“maladjustments are prone to
surface and actively struggle in the environment.”
Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon in Gemini and Sun in Sagittarius:
The Sabian Symbol for the Sun at 7* Sagittarius is:
Cupid knocks at the door of a human heart. In the past, we have tried to make Cupid a childish god of romantic love, but in reality, he is the great God Eros, Divine Desire. It is time to open our hearts to our heart’s desire! It will lead us to our destiny. Remember Love is the first and mightiest Power in the Cosmos. Love channels the creative force of the universe and stands against the destructive powers of creation. Love connects us to each other and to the Earth.

The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 7* Gemini is:
A well with bucket and rope under the shade of majestic trees. This symbol speaks to a deep, fundamental belief in the sustaining power of life. We have made a connection to the Waters of Life, which nourish the trees to their full growth. These images call on us to release our fears about life and open ourselves to the Divine Spirit of life which will sustain us, even in death.
Scientific Information: Penumbral eclipse - Will be visible in Europe, East Africa, Asia, Australia and the Pacific.
To catch the entire event, one must be in Alaska, Hawaii, Australia, or east Asia. Observers in western Canada and the USA can also see the eclipse, with the moonset occurring sometime after mid-eclipse. Eastern Canada and the USA will miss the eclipse entirely since it begins after moonset.


Penumbral lunar eclipses explained

Although the Moon is a dark object, it can be seen in the sky most of the time because its surface reflects the Sun's rays back to Earth. A penumbral lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth moves between the Sun and Moon but the three celestial bodies do not form a perfectly straight line. The Moon then travels through the outer part of the Earth's shadow (penumbra). This means that all of the Moon's visible surface still receives some direct sunlight - but the Earth obscures parts of the Sun, as seen from the Moon
Astrology and colour: Colour oracle at astro.com http://www.astro.com/cgi/atxgen.cgi?btyp=cf&lang=e Thanks Sharon for sending this on.
New page: ‘Neptune Love’ is an extract from a book by Nicolya Christi about twin flames, soul mates and soul flames. This extract is included in the full article referring to the 11.11.11 – 13.11.12 energies. The first part of this article can be found at Stephanie Azaria’s www.thecosmicpath.com
From what I understand, the 11.11 energy portal just gone by, was a portal opening to the twin flame energy.
Upcoming Dates:
11th December: Mercury moves into Sagittarius until 31st December
12th December: 12:12:12 portal of New Consciousness
13th December: New Moon in Sagittarius
16th December: Venus into Sagittarius until 9th January 2013
That’s all for now my fellow travellers!
Love and blessings to us every one!
from the chair
taking in the light, sending out the light
It’s all about love

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