...for the children of the earth

Saturday 9 February 2013

10th February 2013 New Moon in Aquarius

Hello everyone!
Hoping you all felt the upliftment of this past week as the planets did a gear shift and they’re all moving forward for the next ten days, so make the most of it.
We’re being taken to new space on top of the watery waves of emotional healing and upliftment!
Let go! Don’t give up...just surrender to the energies coming in!
At the same time we’ve got a New Moon in Aquarius, sign of the starry cosmos happening tomorrow, 10th.
The question is, where are we???:
on the water,
under the water,
over the water,
riding the waves
Tick all of the above! Whatever it takes, we’re likely to be doing it all like a pod of dolphins!
What’s happening:
We’re now riding the waves of so much water energy! For ‘water’, read emotions, read the divine feminine.
This is the line-up:
In Pisces, a water sign which rules the ocean, the collective, our connectedness to all, bigger visions and dreams
Short term influences in Pisces...
Mars: the body, the masculine gets a makeover...think of it as a wonderful holiday in, on or by the water!
Mercury: the mind, nerves get a rest too...don’t think, just float and relax in the immense waters of dreamtime
Long term influences in Pisces...
Neptune: this is home for Neptune, sweet dreams, visions, imagination, unbelievable possibilities become possible
Chiron: collective pain, suffering and wounds are healed. Painful emotions released from the body.
In Scorpio, another water sign which rules death/rebirth/deep transformation: long term influences here...
Saturn: this is all about long term restructuring of our place in the world, finding our mastery and authority
The North Node of the Moon: this is transforming us emotionally so we can find that our destiny is aligned with the earth’s destiny
All aboard, enjoying the release from the earthly world, pleased to be released
from the heaviness of these past couple of months, particularly January when we were earthbound waiting for our ship to come in.
What’s coming in:
10th February: 
A New Moon in Aquarius marking the beginning of the Chinese New Year...year of the Water Snake!
It’s all air and water, quite a relief after so much earth and fire energy! Our own personal star is calling us to lift off with our dreams!
We have 4 planets in air signs/mental energy and 5 planets in water/emotional. It’s an interesting mix that will take us backwards and forwards from the emotional depths into mental clarity.
We’ll be clearing the head and the mind of a whole lot of emotional clog. It feels reasonably painless if we remember that everything’s shifting and just keep moving with it. Let it all wash over and through you. The Aquarian water bearer is adding to the watery cleansing from the cosmos.
Planetary activity at this New Moon:
it’s the domino effect!
It seems like all the planets are in the picture, hitting and aspecting each other in what promises to be a huge change process.
This activity will be uplifting and shifting us forward in positive ways. This promises to give us a new lease of life.
10th February:   
New Moon in Aquarius at 6.20 pm AEDT at 21 degrees 43 Aquarius...
reach for the stars!
Aquarius is Latin for ‘water bearer’, which would seem in conflict with the Aquarian energy which is an air sign, a sign associated with the mind and the mental energies.
However, the ‘water’ in the Aquarius energy, is the energy of divine grace, the spiritual water which soothes and calms and releases the emotional blockages whilst at the same time taking us to a new perspective of our own personal destiny.
As the soothing waters of the divine feminine calm and heal our ‘wounds’, we are uplifted to be the shining star in our own lives. This is who we become when we access our true selves and dare to live authentically, unafraid to shine our light out into the world.
The promise of good things to come: The Star tarot card is the Aquarius card showing the symbolism of Aquarius, the water bearer, cleansing and renewing with the waters of the cosmos. This card always symbolises hope and optimism and promise of all good things to come as we release the old pains and come to the clarity of who we are. Then we can be the star of our own lives!
The Aquarian New Moon offers fresh beginnings and perspectives:   
Freedom calls...freedom of body, mind, spirit! Freedom to be you!
Dare to be different, to be you: time to fly the balloons of hopes and dreams...let ‘em go!
Aquarius rules freedom, rebellion, the higher ideal of love and free thinking, free wheeling. Access yourself in all its eccentricities, its uniqueness. Time to fly those dreams and let the balloons go!
Connect with your ideals: Venus in Aquarius opens us up to the love of humanity...what can I do in my life???
At this New Moon we have 3 planets in Aquarius...Sun, Moon and Venus, so the Aquarian call of the New Moon in accessing our ideals, and connecting with community to work together is empowered by the Venus energy of love.
Join with ‘your’ community and humanitarian ideals: The community could be anything from your local geographical community to interest groups, soul community and without doubt the world wide web.
Speak up about the world and connect with others around the world: Venus in Aquarius connecting positively/trining Jupiter in Gemini
Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, rules electricity and technology. With Venus in Aquarius, we’re being given a real sense of connectedness with humanity through technology. Because Aquarius has a capacity to remain detached from the emotional muddiness that can pull us back to the past, Venus is in a powerful position for us to elevate our desires into a more idealistic mode.
Expansion, opportunity and the surprise element all lumped together: freedom calls us to break out of old patterns and mob mentality
Uranus in Aries and Jupiter in Gemini in a positive sextile
There’s a big surprise energy around this New Moon with Uranus, planet of surprise and the unexpected coming into play with Jupiter.
There’s also strong likelihood that the ‘surprise/s’ are likely to be associated with communication, through technology/mass media/internet/social media and could well be heart opening, heart stopping but in the end, a positive outcome in terms of clearing the air.
It’s all a wake-up call. Jump the fence and take hold of the future possibilities...they’re coming in.
Keeping our heads above water...
while we transform our heart energy! 
Come on everyone, just keep swimming!
Venus in Aquarius is in challenge to Saturn and in turn Pluto
Drop the old beliefs, behaviours and structures which have been holding your heart hostage. Venus in Aquarius will help us do this by keeping our heads above water, as we transform the way we handle emotions at the same time as releasing some deep emotional energy. This time it feels safe as we can be more objective regardless of what is happening to us and/or around us.
Now this ‘restructuring’/transformation, may well occur within communications as we are ‘triggered’ to drop old feelings/reactions. Remember we have a surprise element happening with our hearts. So, while the surprise element is there, we’ll be able to get the distance on the emotions and regain a clear head.
Trust that all is well and necessary heart healing is happening.
We’ll build a stairway to the stars! 
Destiny calls us to awaken and take steps on our new pathways!
New Moon/Sun squaring North Node in Scorpio/South Node in Taurus at 21 degrees
The New Moon is always about a new beginning for the next lunar month. And the direction we are being urged to take this New Moon is very much aligned with planetary evolution as the New Moon/Sun are challenged by the Nodes of the Moon.
The more we align our destiny with planetary destiny, the more likely we are to move forward into fulfilment of our potential.
This planetary arrangement forms what we call a T-square, a big challenge and of course an opportunity to align our desires and ideals with the planetary forces for change. A key to accessing the power of a T-square is to find ‘the missing leg’ of the T-square.
Leo, the missing leg of the T-square: Activate your dearest desires and the joy of living!
Get in touch with who you are, your creativity, your passionate self that is child-like, your playfulness and the romance of life. Leo is about desire so remember if something fires you up with JOY, then follow this joy.
This joyful energy is activating us in our deepest longings and through this, bringing in messages from that innocent child within us.
Water, water everywhere: ‘Sky of blue and sea of green’...get on board for the yellow submarine party!
It’s all emotional but we won’t be drowning. We’ll be all aboard the yellow submarine in a great big party for humanity.
At the time of this New Moon we have 5 planets plus the North Node of the Moon all in water signs! This is all emotional energy which would probably drown us in a sea of emotions, if it weren’t for the Aquarian Sun, Moon and Venus.
Notice how we are being drawn together in the sea of humanity, gathering with like-minded others, sorting out who’s on board our submarine. It’s like an adventure holiday.
‘So we sailed on to the sun, till we found the sea of green and we lived beneath the waves, in our yellow submarine’.
Mind and body cleansed emotionally:
Mars and Mercury travelling together in Pisces...within kissing distance of Chiron and Neptune
We’re healing emotions breaking down barriers in the mind and body which have been keeping us from the experience of JOY!
We’re a band of brothers/sisters, healing the masculine psyche, mind and body in the emotional waters of the collective unconscious. All the defence mechanisms are being washed away. If you feel emotional, it’s not likely to be a debilitating down on your knees kind of emotion. More likely, it will rise up and be washed away fairly quickly...providing you let it!
Mars/Mercury/Chiron/Neptune energies in Pisces squaring/challenging Jupiter in Gemini:   
Big, big, big...big waves, emotions, cleansing, upliftment!
All these water/emotional energies are being expanded, enlarged into tsunami proportions by Jupiter who is creating the biggest wave of change, connecting us to others on the emotional dimension, through the collective unconscious, in a huge ‘talkfest’ of shared experiences, of the commonality of humanity’s experiences.
This whole energy is hugely therapeutic, taking us into some depth and sweeping away so much mental chatter. If you’re not actively participating in the talkfest, remember that this can all be happening through reading, viewing and yes...dreaming, meditation.
These energies have been with us over the past week, building into the New Moon energy, so you may already have had some cleansing mentally and emotionally. Remember, whatever we are doing, we are cleansing the cell memories and replacing them with the upgraded energies of new ways of thinking, feeling, responding and acting.
After the New Moon, Mercury pulls away from Mars but reconnects with Mars briefly, at the end of the month when Mercury retrogrades.
The Sabian Symbol interpretation by Cathy Pagano is very much a reflection of what’s happening in the astrological energies at this time.
Sabian symbol from Cathy Pagano at:   
The Sabian symbol for this New Moon at 22* Aquarius is: A rug is placed on the floor of a nursery to allow children to play in comfort and warmth. This is a beautiful symbol for the protection and security we will find on our path to greater consciousness and community. We can see it happening all over the world. People are coming together to fight injustice, to creatively respond to our collective issues, to help each other move forward with our individual plans and to volunteer our services where they are needed. When we step forward with the confidence bestowed by our sure knowledge that we will be sustained and protected, anything is possible. Let your light shine out and it will attract others who are also full of light. Together we can set the world ablaze with love, truth and wisdom!
Golden oldie for the New Moon in Aquarius: ‘Flying for me’ John Denver http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyFcgYn4Lxw
This was written for the crew of the Challenger space mission which was destroyed in 1986.
’Well I guess that you probably know by now
I was one who wanted to fly
I wanted to ride on that arrow of fire right up into heaven
And I wanted to go for every man
Every child, every mother of children
I wanted to carry the dreams of all people right up to the stars’
10th February:   
Chinese New Year, Year of the Water Snake
Happy New Year everyone!
We’ve just come through year of the Water Dragon and didn’t if feel like it in Australia with the country alight through the Summer! Dragons are fire but with the water energy of the black water dragon, it’s been a huge year of healing (fire and water).
I’m not knowledgeable on Chinese astrology. But I do know the snake is a symbol of transformation and skins being shed across many cultures and traditions.
In traditional astrology, this year certainly promises that kind of transformation for us all.
I’m including the link below which gives a very brief overview of the Year of the Snake with forecasts for individual signs.
2013 Chinese Horoscope from Jessica Adams: http://thehoopla.com.au/2013-chinese-horoscope/
Upcoming Dates:
18th February: Sun moves into Pisces, the Autumn/Spring Equinox
19th February: Saturn turns retrograde in Scorpio until 7th July
23rd February: Mercury turns retrograde until 16th March
26th February: Full Moon in Virgo at 7.26 am AEDT at 7 degrees Virgo
26th February: Venus moves into Pisces 
New page: 'Transference Completion' from Lauren Gorgo
That’s it folks, for now
Love and blessings, take the leap of faith, dive in and trust that you’re right on track!
from the chair
...swinging from my star
It’s all about love

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