...for the children of the earth

Sunday 17 February 2013

19th February 2013 Sun moves into Pisces

Hi everyone!
Are you swimming, surfing, floating, boating????
all of these?
Nothing to do but go with the currents of change, hold the dream, keep the focus!
Just keep swimming!
It’s all watery, emotional and more to come with the Sun moving into Pisces this week!
In fact, it’s going to be a ‘watery’ year astrologically and spiritually. Lots of great healing and inspirational opportunities will be supporting and uplifting us.
This year, our cares and worries are being washed away. We just have to let it happen and TRUST!!!
And yes, we are in the Chinese year of the Water Snake...just to add to the impetus of change and
transformation through the watery spiritual and emotional energies. Shedding skins and masks.
The water energy easing the way for us: All that healing we’ve been doing these past few years, particularly in relation to the masculine energies within each of us and on the planet, is starting to ‘pay off’. Finally, we’re starting to feel our inner ‘snag’ (sensitive, new age man) experiencing an uplift on the waves of support from the divine feminine. The surfer at one with the waves!
To and fro between conscious and unconscious: on the sandy shore! this is the way ahead now!
Maybe you’re walking along the sandy beach, the place between the conscious and unconscious worlds. That’s pretty much where we’ll be for a while, dipping into the ‘unconscious’ dream world of the ocean waters, processing on the sandy shore, then back out into the world of physicality. Then, back to the waters for more clearing of the head!
What’s happening:    
We’re swimming in the biggest pond! I think it’s called the ocean!
It’s not a race!: Mind and body getting a watery makeover!
Mercury (the mind) and Mars (our drive and masculine energy, our physical body) are still travelling through watery Pisces until mid March when Mars moves on. These two dominating forces that drive us along mentally and physically may be wanting to treat this whole watery time as another chance to prove their winning ways in ‘racing’ along. 
However, this is no race!  There is no start or finish line!
Chill out baby!:   
The Sun in Pisces from tomorrow, is afloat and happy! ...along with 5 other planets
The ‘test’ is staying afloat, working with the watery energetic flow, knowing when to take time out alone or with others. 
The mind chatter/’monkey mind’ is brought to stillness as is the body. It may feel like lethargy, boredom. It’s actually relaxation, letting go and allowing the mind and body to receive much needed down time and to receive the insights when these two ‘forces’ are having a rest.
Mercury (our mind energy) will still be awash in the water until mid April, just before the Equinox on 20th April. Interesting timing with the Equinox marking another significant turning point for us all.
This means with the Sun moving into Pisces this week, we have 5 planets in Pisces, almost half the main planetary energies!
It’s all emotional and feeling energies as well as the potential for a vision of the higher path of ‘flow’.
Enjoy the journey: With all this water energy, there is nothing we can do except go with the flow, hold the vision, swim when you can, float when you need, hitch a road on a ‘boat’ to help you keep going. The ‘boat’ can be anything from taking time out on the sofa to allowing others/the universe to lend you a hand.
Upsurge of energy this past week: You’ve probably felt a big upsurge of energy since the New Moon in Aquarius last week. The planets have all been moving forward until 19th when Saturn starts a retrograde journey.
The Aquarian New Moon has been the overarching energy, holding our star high above our heads. All the water energies are easing the way if we let them.
Physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually: Huge letting go!
Learning to ‘think with the heart’ (Lauren Gorgo) and feeling our way forward! enjoy the experience!
Trust the sense of powerlessness that you may feel with the water energies because in fact these energies are powering our dreams in a whole new way. It’s water rather than fire which is getting us there at the moment.
It’s a whole new kind of power, one which may seem unfamiliar, but we’re ready for it!!!
 tortoise animationWhat’s coming in: slowing down and breathing space for regrouping...Saturn and then Mercury retrograde this week
We’re coming into a time when we are being called to take balance time in and out of the water, to ground our energies walking on the beach as Saturn starts a retrograde journey for the next few months. It’s still watery as Saturn in Scorpio is very much the water element with a focus on grounding the water energies into our physical lives. 
Mercury retrograding on 23rd until 16th March in Pisces....water, water, water...water on the brain??...’slow mind’ syndrome????
This energy will be compounding the Saturn slow down, except it’s intensity is only about 3 weeks long.
It will impact any or all of the energies of: communication, travel, commerce and commercial talks/negotiations.
More on this with next week’s Full Moon in Virgo report
18th February:   
Sun moves into Pisces 11.01 pm AEDT until 20th March
...feel, allow, flow!
Like the ocean, Piscean energy has many moods and changes, so with the Sun joining the other 4 planets in this changeable, mutable sign, we are getting a strong call to connect to enhanced emotional states of being.
So what’s highlighted in this Pisces month?
Unconscious states, meditation, dreams...night and day...’listen’, envision the ideal, the ‘dream’
Intuition is stronger, if you allow yourself to feel your way...amazing guidance available for us all.
More evolved and idealistic views and images of your world/the world...open to inspiration!
Emotions are big personally and collectively...remember to ‘clear’/cleanse spiritually regularly
Connecting with others/the world emotionally...potential for love and compassion
Artistic forms: Music, art, dance and all forms of fluid expression such as lyrical writing, poetry...great cleansing and clearing through such forms...Sing!!!
You’ll probably feel a need to be in the water, bath, shower, beach, spa...whatever, as well as see and/or be near the water...pictures of water are good too!
Also, drinking more water! Maybe shedding a few tears, not labelled as sad or happy...just feeling the emotions!
Sentimental movies, songs etc. are definitely the go, unlocking emotions which will lighten things up! Get out the Disney movies....’Lassie’???
You might find yourself saying ‘I don’t know why I’m crying and/or feeling like this’. It’s just experiencing the emotional feeling side of ourselves whilst our minds and bodies are releasing their dominance of the mental and physical!
Let’s waltz! If Pisces was a dance, I feel it would be a Waltz! It’s fluid, flowing and has a rising and falling rhythm, traditionally danced with a partner which aligns with Pisces dualistic sign...two fish swimming in opposite directions! Not quite the waltz which is all about maintaining the flow by being attuned to the other.
However, dancing and singing your way through this time is highly recommended as well as the physical pursuits in water.
Living in the Pisces month: Pisces has no boundaries, limitations so excesses are possible during this time!
Pisces connects us all to each other in a big sea of unconscious energies. No wonder it’s known as the sign that rules sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll. Take care of your energies alone and with others in terms of ‘losing yourself’.
All together now!:
Here we are, a shoal of fish attuned to each other and the universal forces and currents.
We can work together, uplift our vision and reach for the heights or we can be dragged to the depths of the ocean by the darker forces of despair and disappointment.
People are being woken up and lightworkers are coming through the darkness! The ‘masses’ will be looking for higher wisdom!
Worldly change:    
People are combining forces, mentally and emotionally in mass movements for change
Notice the growth and expansion of independent groups of people uniting in a common causes for change. Social media provides the communication avenues. This has been happening for some time. Now, we’re hearing the emotional energy coming through these groups more volubly than ever. The ‘One Billion Rising’ movement is about raising consciousness through mass dancing in public places...a bit like flash dancing with a message. We’ve got the Aquarian rebellion for humanity combined with the Piscean fluid form of dance activating mass emotions.
Sudden changes in world affairs:   
These will be continuing for quite some years
...keep an open mind and maintain optimism.
Some of the negative talk I’ve noticed in the mass media, dialogue in the wider community has a tendency to say ‘nothing is going to change’. Well, this is not the case as changes are occurring on the wider stage in relation to politics, justice, peace, corrupt practices, the environment etc.
In particular, leadership changes will continue, often surprising everyone. For example, the Pope resigning this past week.
In Australia, for some years, people have been signing petitions to have the indigenous people acknowledged in the Constitution. One week, we’re signing petitions then suddenly...the first step has been taken this week in parliament.
Just keep in mind at all times ‘the impossible is becoming possible’ and that’s in the personal as well in the transpersonal/global spheres.
Slow sign -19th February: Saturn stations retrograde at 11 degrees Scorpio 32 at 4.02 am AEDT until 7th July...transforming beliefs, owning your authority!
Generally when Saturn retrogrades, it means a period of slower progress, review, regrouping, reviewing in terms of getting things together in your life. However, it doesn’t mean things come to a standstill.
It’s all about giving us time to consider our progress to make sure the life we’re building is built on solid foundations and will ensure on success in the longer term.
Saturn the builder:   
Saturn wants us to ‘build’ and manifest our authority in our worldly physical existences. Saturn wants us to go to the ‘top of the class’ in our own personal school of learning. Saturn wants success for us and demands our persistence, perseverance and absolute faith and focus. Nothing less than dedication and devotion. 
Saturn is about not giving up...surrendering to your greatest potential without wavering from the focus. Do some ‘tacking’ (yachting, changing direction with the wind) when necessary but keep the focus of your direction.
Are you ready to back yourself, no second guessing???? Go to the top of Saturn’s ‘class’. Considered, ‘tuned in’ decision making, willingness to make changes as you go along, will take you forward!
Marianne Williamson’s famous quote is worth remembering in these next few months of Saturn’s retrograde journey:
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
A more positively felt retrograde period:  
Value for time and energy!
In particular, this retrograde period gets off to a good start as it forms positive links with Pluto (personal power/ruler of Scorpio...Saturn is in Scorpio) and Mars (our driving masculine force and energy). 
So, it possibly won’t feel as restrictive because we’ll be getting some answers, solving problems, discovering unconscious issues etc. that have held us back in the past.
Your foundation and vehicle must be sound and solid and ‘fit’ you: 
Are you in the best ‘boat’ to take you where you need to go?
This will be a time of checking in to make sure your foundation is sound and aligned with who you are, your authority (Saturn).
Who am I?: ‘Building’ blocks are values, attitudes, philosophy, beliefs (both unconscious and conscious). Get acquainted with what’s ‘driving’ your dream. Align your craft and direction with your own personal Sun...that’s who you are!
Course direction may need review:   
Check your personal compass, wind direction and weather periodically
There may be times during this period, when you’ll feel the need to reassess your direction. It’s like checking in with what truly aligns with what you desire and what you want to manifest. You will be ensuring that your course of action is aligned with your success in the world.
Saturn will turn direct on 7th July along with auspicious energies: Something positive for July, opening up immense potentials!
When Saturn goes direct there will be a Grand Water Trine through July. Big potential for healing, spiritual and emotional growth and expansion. If you’ve been clearing your energies and going with the flow, amazing possibilities will open up.
Golden oldie: ‘Anywhere is...’ by Enya http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCPAw4mSvCY has lyrics.
Some years ago I played Enya for my mother, an excellent pianist with a great sense of music.
When I asked her what she thought of it, she said, ‘Well, it doesn’t seem to get anywhere does it.’
Well, that’s about the size of it isn’t it...that’s the ocean...formless, never ending and yet rhythmic in its own way.
Upcoming Dates:
23rd February: Mercury turns retrograde until 16th March
26th February: Full Moon in Virgo
26th February: Venus moves into Pisces
Apology with date in last update:  
Spring Equinox is in March, not February as listed.
I inadvertently listed the Spring/Autumn Equinox as happening in February instead of March. It’s always in March aligned with the entry of the Sun into Aries.
That’s it for now everyone!
As always, love and blessings to my fellow travellers...on the ocean waves, being carried to the shore or maybe walking along the shore!
from the ‘chair’, drifting and dreaming
It’s all about love

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